Valentines Front Porch Welcome Sign and Door Hanger Heart Wreath

Jan 15, 2021 14:00 · 3407 words · 16 minute read

love is in the air or at least on our front porch we just made these two front porch signs a door hanger and a leaner and we’ll show you how we did it right now what is up welcome back do you like to do a building or make it we do too we have a new video each week this week we’re still in the middle of a craft room makeover yeah yeah and it’s cold outside so we’re gonna turn up the heat outside with a little bit of romance it’s just valentine’s front porch decor really yeah so if you’ve been following us a while you know we love to fill up our front porch with fun things and now that we’re past the holidays i will say when i drive by because i technically have to drive by and turn around to park out front it looks naked we’re missing some things out there i still have my little lanterns out there but and not even our welcome to our home we usually put that out still inside so it is really looking naked so this week we’re gonna make some fun things i’m not sure people will know it’s our house where you live are you the house with all that stuff on the front porch the delivery guy probably drives by several times night he doesn’t know it’s like we’re incognito we’re running low-key right now low-key but we’re gonna change that we’re gonna heat things up right right we’ve got ourselves a new front door wreath we’re gonna make today and a leaning front porch sign that’s going to say love on it so i think we’ve got a couple things to really spruce it up a bit and i bought that i think the front porch leaner answers a couple of questions people were asking for smaller ones and i think this one fits that and i did buy a few little um like ornament accents so i could put our lanterns that are the hearts so i think they’re going to look really cute out there too so yeah it’s gonna look good when we’re done all right project number one we’re making a heart wreath so this is for our front door you gotta have something on that front door and we actually saw this at michael’s it was scrawny yes so they keep teeny tiny nobody would have seen that well i think it was like a 12 incher something like 12 inches i want to go like at least 18 inches yes it’s gotta be at least 18 inches gotta make a statement right put it on your door so we’re gonna kind of replicate what they’ve done but make it a little bit bigger and more bodiciouser to work step one we’re gonna gather all of our supplies super short list quarter inch mdf enough to go through the pasture because we want it 18 inches and then some paints oh paint brushes glue oh and glue that’s it it’s easy ribbon oh and ribbon maybe you should do it again mdf glue paint paint brushes and ribbon and ribbon that’s it step two we’re gonna make all of our cuts we’re just gonna take this quarter inch mdf over the glow forge and cut it out using the pass-through yes and we’ll make the svgs available in our store so that you can use whatever tool you have the cameo the cricut or an x-carve we try and make these versatile so you can use the tools at your disposal of course garrett loves his glowforge that’s what we’re gonna make ours out of today and we’ll make this available in our store so you can go purchase it already cut oh yeah yeah i’ll throw them out there for you let’s jump into glowforge we’re going to create new upload file my heart wreath now what i did is i set this up so that everything’s vertical and knowing that the pass-through will start at the bottom of the image that’s where i put the the base of the wreath the big part the part that actually needs to pass through so let’s go ahead and make this a little smaller ctrl a to select all move it up okay let’s select thick draft board because i’m going to use quarter inch mdf cut cut this one’s a score score i’m just using proof grade proof grade cuts for the quarter inch thick draft board let’s make the magic happen so this actually looks like what we’re trying to do bam look at that all right looks great everything lines up ready to go i’m gonna go load a board and then print this thing i guess i got to turn it on on motor board and then print this thing that’s what i love about this you can do your designs and stuff online and when you’re ready to print turn it on step three oh now we paint good job probably could have jumped over the table to catch that yeah i almost did so everything’s cut out oh you wanna try to hold it up um i could try yeah see all right we’ll see how far you can go before it all slides layers on layers on layers it’s like three layers but it looks cool now we’re just gonna paint you know we use that country chic paint because it’s a one coat it’s our favorite paint so here we’re gonna start with our backer just it’s a nice foundation for each of the hearts paint the whole thing i think you’re just going to paint the edges really maybe because then we’re going to glue these on do i have to paint those at all maybe you don’t even have to paint them i don’t think you do i wouldn’t even paint them no we do have to paint like these big hearts start with the hearts red we’re gonna do these red yep we’re gonna so there’s a three layer heart a three layer heart here the base layer is gonna be red we’re going to do that in this bright red this devotion and then the middle layer is going to be in white and we’re going to do that in our crinoline and then the top layer is going to be red again it’s just a red and white it’s a little hey i only got eyes for you this is romantic because i don’t even think you got eyes i feel like i’m going to scratch a cornea yeah kind of thinking those points are digging into his face you don’t heal from that at my age all right well let’s get started you want to do you want to do the white ones and i’ll do the red ones yeah sounds good now the key to painting this is to swipe towards the outside edge inside out so if you paint over one of these score marks just like i did all you gotta do is take your picker tool and just drag it down the score mark pull that paint right back out don’t let it get too dry and don’t do it two way you got to find that happy medium you know that was very explanatory got a little paint on some of my edges i want it to look crisp so i’m coming in with a little black paint marker now yours look oh yeah dude of course mine look good of course they do i don’t know paint hold up oh wow look at all this ooh who did that paint john that’s horrible stop oh wow what happened there paintbrush get away from you little specks of paint over the side wait one more i saw this one whoa you just dropped that in the bucket of paint that one looks like it was on my finger okay now we’re gonna take our little base which already has the outline set for you and we’re gonna glue each of our red hearts out oh my gosh yeah my bad step four now we’re gonna glue it down what was i thinking okay continue so now these hearts are already here we know exactly where to put our big hearts i’m just gonna add a dab of glue and assemble it oh yeah wait that one does get painted hold on do we have any paper towels okay okay little tidbit here for assembling this one uh we double stacked the hearts actually triple stack the hearts all the way around but these side hearts they need to be painted because we’re going to put a cute little double stack ribbon on there and so they need to be painted underneath so we didn’t we didn’t catch that at first so now you know and well and the other thing is the did you just do that is that why you’re like i’ll touch it up yeah and then in between these hearts there’s a little ribbon that runs through them and that you’ll be able to see in between the hearts so we hit that with some weight and i made it perfect a moment ago and then garrett comes along and says well just wait till it just wait till it dries let’s start gluing these down before that glue dries all right all right we’re gonna set this aside to dry it needs a couple of minutes we’ll give it some private time let us do its thing and we’ll be back we’ll be back project number two front porch welcome sign little front porch love it’s little and it says love yeah this is just your typical front porch leaner we get a lot of questions about or even at the farmer’s market we were getting some feedback i wish it was smaller and i kept thinking well your door is that big i’m gonna sit up next to your door but i get a lot of feedback around a smaller front porch sign so this one’s a lit it’s a little bit smaller it’s 48 inches so it’s like two foot smaller yeah yeah i mean if you were two foot shorter we’d notice it yeah anyway we’re using these cute little dog-eared fence pickets that you get from your home improvement store oh wait a minute yeah what are you doing gosh go step one we’re gonna gather all of our supplies and move the table back we’re using these dog-eared fence pickets from your local home improvement store that already come like the perfect size you don’t even have to cut them down or anything and then some quarter inch mdf so we’re going to make those letters pop again paint glue some nails a saw paint brushes sandpaper sandpaper yeah cause we’re gonna distress it a little bit oh yeah that’s right and i think that’s it that’s that’s it unless i forgot something step two we’re gonna make all of our cuts it’s really just like two cuts we need to cut the cross brace for our pickets i don’t know how long the crust brace needs to be though so we’re gonna measure it out oh i also don’t know how tall the letters are gonna be i don’t know where a tape measure is either because again we’re in the middle of a craft room makeover yeah he did just ask me where the tape measure was i was like so i found a ruler all right what do we get 11 and three quarters yeah ten and three quarters yeah ten and three quarters i mean really you’re just going to do all your measuring what is that a five foot left it’s a ruler rule is a ruler here you go i happen to have a pencil oh look at you you’re on it my little cup of things all right we’ll go ten and a quarter ten and three quarters oh ten and three quarters and i think we’re going to make all these cups with my pockets all right let me go get your glasses hello pocket saw it’s been a while safety first now you just need two one for the top one for the bottom step three we’re gonna glue it and pin it and put it in the oven for baby and me i guess we’re just gonna glue it and pin it with a one inch brad the nail not the guy and remember we have another video in case you don’t know you can do this without having to use a nail gun you can just use the original gorilla glue and clamp it and let it sit and dry we’ll put a video of where we did this method in another front porch sign but in the interest of time we’re going to go ahead and glue and nail ours so that we can keep this process moving along is there any specific distance from the top and the bottom no i’d say it’s probably good to go no i don’t think so what are the chances i nailed it to the table none you tricked me i didn’t think that yeah he did a pretty good job then the way he went up like that that was good step four back to painting i caught it again i’m just using the country chic paint again again because it’s one coat yes we’re gonna use this time i think i’m gonna switch it up uh the letters are gonna be white so instead of using the bright pop of red i’m going to use paint the town which is a little bit darker red the town already sounds romantic and i didn’t mention before probably should have at the beginning that these boards are pressure treated as well so they’re perfect boards to use for your front porch signs they can they can take the heat they can take it they can take the heat the rain the snow chalk paint isn’t that great in all that weather well we’ll give it a clear cuz yes but still i wouldn’t believe the finished design but they are they handle the fold and the yeah i don’t know moisture in there they got it covered quite about a tip tip all right now we’re just gonna do some dry brushing with the white so i’m just gonna i’m using this horse hair brush i don’t care if it’s all messed up the more messed up and crusty the better you don’t want it to be real flexible i’m just going to give a little dippity dab in that paint i’m going to tap it all tap it off make the brush all crusty and gross and messed up look at that see now i’m just gonna yeah yeah i think i want it mostly around the just the little spots on the edges maybe in between the cracks like it was once white yeah i gotcha i consider doing a white bottom base coat and then the red coat and then distress but that’s a lot of paint so we’re going to try it this way i’m still going to distress it a little bit save a little paint though so i’m coming in all right do it let’s see what you got let’s see what you got yeah that’s what i’m talking about right there that’s what i’m saying gets them stuck in the cracks yes yes very good that’s exactly what i wanted a little brush down here around the outside edges go around the outside all around the outside like we’ll go around the outside like two trailer park girls you guys always get his music references he’s always throwing something out there yeah looks good i might have to come back because i do want to distress it some might have to hit it again time he’s not sped up actually painting that fast that’s how she hates painting you get it over and down all right so i’m going to hit the edges with this 120 champion all right that’s good i think it’s good step five and now we’re gonna make some more cuts we’re gonna take the mdf over the glowforge and cut out our letters and our little heart but i don’t know what size to make them yet so we’re going to try to figure that out so this is a mere 48 inches and what do we want at the top and bottom oh wait okay so i’m thinking like three inches at the top three inches at the bottom all right so that’s 42 inches 42 so uh-huh well let’s move this down three inches there to there okay and then i want maybe what an inch and a half between each of the letters so that’s the three four and a half well that would be three spaces uh-huh so let’s see four and a half uh-huh all right so so that’s 38 37 and a half 37 and a half divided by four alexa what’s 37 and a half divided by four 37.

5 divided by four is 9. 375 that seemed a little big so we’ll go 9. 25 great nine and a quarter yeah nine and a quarter thanks alexa all right i’ll be right back step six oh no oh now we’re gonna paint the mdf no scary one huh yes i made two i made two one to throw in case i missed it ah look at that i see that now all right our letters are painted looking white just yeah and that’s what we said as we were painting them and finishing it up they’re just kind of plain white and we’ve distressed our board and i feel like these need to be distressed a little so what are we going to do what do we decide so we have some of this country chic antiquing wax all right i’m just going to use this little paper towel and i’m just going to hit the edges of it just nipping it just getting a little nip on the edge looks like it’s a little dirty a little man-handled it’s been around the block it knows a few things he’s got some street smarts all right what do you think looking better i love the love boat oh man do you remember i do yeah step seven we’re gonna glue our letters to the board and that’s really it right yeah all right i don’t have time to wait for this glue to dry so i’m just gonna hit it with a little a one-inch bread the nail not the guy i’m gonna try to put it in like incognito places or anything i was gonna say there is no incognito place a glued and nailed the bam good i love it it’s exactly what i wanted yes looks great all right what do you think about the reds i really like the bright red i like the dirty look of this one but the bright red seems to pop it’s an aged look not dirty this is aged love yeah so i really tried to showcase the two red paints here i think they’re both great it’s your personal preference uh devotion and paint the town paint the town yeah came to town yes i was like oh that’s so romantic paint the town i think devotion was a romantic one well yeah well hey there’s a devotion and painted town they both sound romantic those are weird all right well if you guys aren’t going to join us for the patron after show i guess we’ll see you next week because uh it’s about that time i gotta go get some pizza and i’ll see you next week where we’ll do it building and make it again i’m really gonna get some pizza it’s hawaiian pizza babe i don’t know if there’s anything left for you i’m sorry what they were sarah went to town on it and i have a feeling and belle had a slice in her hand i mean don’t rush now.