[EN][내귀에 키친:Whisper the Recipe] 에이스(A.C.E) Ep. 1-2 요식업 가문의 자존심을 건 대결 (비장)

Dec 3, 2020 11:00 · 2059 words · 10 minute read add *** storm might get

You might get food poisoning so… I hope this is not our last show (Don’t worry, judges!) (That will do) (What is this crap?) (The biggest crisis in the kitchen history) (Keep calm and take a bite) ASMR Cooking Quiz Show Whisper the Recipe I guess it’s time for a mid-evaluation - Let’s go - Oh man, I’m nervous First, let’s see Junchan Kitchen I mean the smell… is fantastic - Let’s see - It looks like a proper food [Seok-cheon] The dish looks… (Chef Hong’s first slurp) G-NI, that’s yours (And no words uttered) (Forget he ate something) (Actions speak louder than words) [Il-joong] I see curry powder as well as bacon… It even has carrots, so it’s a winning combo - Um… - How’s the taste? (Someone take her chopsticks away) I saw you shudder after tasting (As tiny as it can be) Look at that petty bite Hey, get yourself a real bite! It’s called tasting for a reason (Okay, he takes a bite) (Chewing and thinking) Just say it’s fabulous I can taste ingredients on my tongue but together it’s tasteless (Tasteless) You big meanie It’s like having udon noodles with curry powder on it Anyway, we now know they are making curry udon Look at Chan…

I wonder what he’s doing 01:19 - [G-NI and Seok-cheon] Oh, it’s the piping bag What’s in the piping bag? It’s mashed potato It explains all the potato peeling (Chan peeled potatoes the whole time) Chan, when do you stop peeling? You’ll see why I keep peeling potatoes Now you know why I did it I’m excited to see their end result Did you put salt and pepper? Yes, of course You’re hinting at the blandness, aren’t you? (Season your food and I’m yours) Get the hint It’s the struggling Wabyeongdong Even with the two yeses I see they opened instant noodles Their dish looks similar to the other one But the color is more appetizing - Yes, it is - That’s right Didn’t you put heaps of milk? (Bravely taking the first bite) G-Ni, go ahead [Everyone] ♪ Maria, Maria ♪ [Everyone] ♪ This is for you ♪ Don’t be fooled, this is a mating dance It was just a mating dance Milk in curry is unusual - but they go well together - Was it just milk? We also added fresh cream But something is putting me off I mean would you look at that? - What is that? - Oh, this is… a drowning victim we resuced I’ll have a bite when the dish is finished I’m certainly enjoying the sight, though By the way, this team is also making curry udon One thing different is this - It’s an ongoing process - So not finished yet Is that egg? Mashed with potato? Do you want to try? I don’t have to try it to know it’s good It could be bland It is We haven’t seasoned it Okay, let me try (teeny, tiny bit) I like less seasoned food (She likes it) You do? But this is like water Well, I like this flavor Girl, give me a break please You’re just a proud A.C.E fan girl The potato tastes darn raw! Come on now ASMR Cooking Quiz Show Whisper the Recipe All you have is only 10 minutes Remember we judge on similarity, flavor, and aesthetics The flavor-wise, the mid-evaluation weren’t so… favorable for both teams But I’m surprised with one thing They only relyed on listening to find ingredients, although we gave them a few hints I’m extremely impressed with what they produced - I agree - Time after time [Chan] We’re also impressed by ourselves These idols have quick-wits, intuition, and of course, horrific cooking skills Time after time, they impress me I never knew udon noodles can be that soft It’s not easy and I don’t know what I did It seems like it’s Byeongkwan’s first time using the piping bag It’s ruined It’s about to pop What in the world is that? Is it clogged? - Yes - Darn It’s probably the raw potato in the goop The piping bag is abandoned, hence, the spoon It’s one scoop at a time The other team’s piping bag plan also fell through, did it? Is it working? Oh, it’s coming out 1 minute to go, guys Is he tying something? What’s that thing he’s tying? Let’s countdown and you’ve got 10, 9 8 7 6 5 - 4 - Just 10 more seconds 3 2 1 Times up! (Junchan’s Merry-go-curry udon) (Wabyeongdong’s curry udon meal) Can you describe your dish? The name of our dish is… It’s Snowing Time in Curry Town On top of the curry udon is mashed potato You mean this white stuff on top? It’s Snowing Time…

05:04 - [Jun and Chan] in Curry Town Okay, Wabyeongdong It’s Wabyeongdong curry meal Their dish is full of surprises We have dessert We even have a drink for thirsty judges Look, Wow You sworn to perfect the plating Then, tell us exactly what you did here (Oh, the scrutiny) Now, please take a look at the yogurt There was no string to tie it - I see - Okay Hey, it’s shoe string! I gladly took it out from my shoe Oh, s**** (A s*** storm that is the shoe string) It’s a dish with a side of smelly foot Is it clean? Sorry, we’ll get it off Now, since the dishes are completed, let’s start tasting the food (Junchan’s It’s Snowing Time in Curry Town) The mashed potato on top looks creamy [Chan] I tried my best - I mashed with my soul - So creamy [Il-Joong] It’s so silky Gosh, I’m happy I did my part (Judges are trying the curry udon) (Have they nailed the seasoning?) [Chan] Seok-cheon, say something Compared to before, it’s seasoned so much better Did you add more sugar? We did what we can Compared to before… It’s actually so much better So how bad was it before? It tasted like Shrek’s swap (Wabyeongdong’s curry meal) Let’s get these out of our sights This can go What’s wrong with that? That drink came straight from a bottle Consider it a part of plating please [Il-joong] During the mid-evaluation… - Is this also mashed potato? - Yes Everything seems blended well, but I just spotted… gigantic lumps (Oopsie) It’s lumpy mash It’s for texture But compared to before, at least the potato is cooked I taste something spicy, do you? Yes, I also taste it It’s instant noodles powder The soup powder? Seriously? Yes (He pulled out a secret weapon) (While the judges are not looking,) (the ultimate condiment goes in) Did you put it in? The soup powder? (Knods) That’s why the flavor is on point (What a turn of an event) I knew I know this flavor It’s full of umami flavor There’s a party in my mouth (How can this be) Vow down to the power of MSG We knew we had to pull out the big gun I’m stuck at this point [Seok-cheon] It’s not easy today Jun, my baby, do you have any last moves? Okay, here’s a serenade of love (Seok-cheon’s only one listening) A serenade, here we go ♪ But you are so beautiful ♪ (Cringing) ♪ But you are so beautiful ♪ (Jun is at his wits end) Please no cutesy, baby stuff Meanwhile, we got our scores down While we add them up, today’s ASMR cooking will be revealed The ASMR cooking you heard and the dish that was cooked will be revealed now! (Here’s the ASMR recipe) The ingredients are boiled potato, carrot, onion, paprika, fresh cream, milk, udon noodles, bacon… Both teams got most ingredients Is it creamy curry udon? Here’s the sound and matching video Darn, we missed paprika - It’s true - You missed paprika So it’s carrot and onion [Jun] I didn’t even imagine paprika So the sound was from that But this and slicing of an onion sound very similar And the carrot is sliced before being cut It’s true (No drooling) (Stop drooling) Those are G-NI’s hands, correct? (It’s her cooking) Yes - Are you the one cooking? - Yes They look like hands of a chef [Seok-cheon] See what I’m trying now I closed my eyes to just listen but it’s tough [G-NI] It’s true I could tell the sound was from bacon How did you know it was bacon? [Byeongkwan] Because…

09:19 - it was just slicing sound I heard We got it up to this point So the bacon is stir-fried first Meat should always be fried first You can tell it’s from stir-frying I guess it’s to fry veges in bacon oil Except paprika, you basically got everything What’s the next step? It’s water We put milk instead of water That’s why… I thought that was from milk It reminded of stir-frying veges and pouring milk to make pasta (Put curry powder, stir well and simmer) The curry powder goes in [Il-joong] Milk is not even in yet - So that’s it - In the curry… I didn’t even put milk in the curry But both teams put milk in the curry Even fresh cream [Il-joong] That’s what judges wanted A typical curry could have cut it I should try making this at home I’m so bummed We obviously had no idea (Cook udon noodles in a separate pot) Still, both teams nailed this sound I was shocked that they could think that way They said it’s not instant noodles We were certain We have instant noodles all the time Wow, it looks yummy I can’t believe how easy it is [G-NI] I mean, it’s curry Why were we so lost? I got lost from this point I thought that was the end of the cooking But there’s the topping (Mash the boiled potatoes) It’s the potatoes This is when… the milk and cream go in It’s basically typical curry with potato mash We ended up putting milk in curry I never knew mash has milk and cream in it It’s like whipped cream That’s how you make creamy potato It’s the right consistency for piping bag You can’t have lumps He means ours, huh? (Put creamy potato in the piping bag) The mash on its own would be good, too Then, I said jam-packed earlier in this part Still, ours look similar [Judges] Yes, it looked similar I thought the similarity was on point It looks amazing I’m craving it Our dish is a joke It’s like the cheese topping on tteokbokki - Oh, the parsley - Yes, the parsley - It’s a shame I didn’t put it - That’s the aesthetics (Today’s dish is creamy curry udon) [Il-joong] That was it, guys Creamy curry udon was today’s dish Now, we’re ready for the final scores Junchan Kitchen’s score is… 810 points It’s 810 points - Really? - It a high score And it’s the other team, Wabyeongdong Wabyeongdong’s score is…

12:26 - 790 points! Junchan Kitchen is today’s winner! (Yeay) 20 points were for the serenade With a 20-point difference (Was it the serenade that helped them win?) You know what The overall look of the dish is extremely similar to the original one That’s why I gave them a higher score They won a very high score in similarity Now, let’s hear it from the winners Today, we tried to create a dish so foreign to us, so we were nervous and we didn’t do very well, but I’d like to thank judges for the generous score Next time, I’d like to make a proper dish I hope I get a chance Again, congratulations We also saw a great passion from you We made a tastier dish, so there is no regret and we had so much fun If I have a chance, I’ll try cooking this at home If you can’t get the flavor right, just use the soup powder again That was the big twist of the day Your dish was very delicious ASMR Cooking Quiz Show Whisper the Recipe (A cutting board for the winning team) Give it up for our winners, Jun and Chan (The 3rd winner of the show, A.C.E Junchan Kitchen) (Studio sponsored by SINATURE) (Production sponsored by Ministry of Science and ICT) .