Heds unboxing of Bayonetta figure by ACME Toys / YM Toys
Oct 25, 2020 17:36 · 832 words · 4 minute read
Greetings everyone! In this video we will take a good look at the hottest girl in video games! Sorry 2B - It’s not you. In fact it is a woman I have been in love with for a long time. And her name is - Bayonetta! If you are watching this video I am pretty sure you already know what we are dealing with. Bayonetta is the star of a video game of the same name. She is a witch and with her long legs she is damn sexy! I am no big video gamer.
00:37 - Normally I loose interest after a few weeks. But Bayonetta is a game I played to the end. I even saw the movie which was… not so good. But after all I am a very big fan and so from time to time I type »Bayonetta« into my favourite search engine. And one day much to my surprise this figure pops up. And I knew I had to get her! I had to wait a long time but now she is finally with me.
01:07 - And isn’t she amazing? The details! Just look at the chains! I can’t believe it! But there is one thing still missing. The glasses! It would not be Bayonetta without them. I think we found the answer to a very old question. Yes, it is true! Glasses are sexy! And don’t try to tell me otherwise. This woman is simply breathtaking. But her looks are not the only weapon. She comes with a nice set of guns. And as you might now she has a very unusual way to use them.
01:48 - I guess you all are waiting for me to tell you something about the figure. But I don’t know anything. I am not even sure who made it. There are many different labels on the box. Like TA Toys or Acme Toys. All brands I have never heard of before. When I bought this item on the internet i wasn’t even aware I will get a complete figure. I expected this to be a set of a dress and a head only and I prepared myself to build my own figure. Using a Phicen body or something like this.
02:23 - But much to my surprise I got a very big box. So it seems there is a bit of a mystery around this girl But that is not surprising. It is Bayonetta we are dealing with. And I am not complaining. This is one of the most amazing and most gorgeous figures I have ever seen. And if you are following my channel you know I have seen plenty. This is the one Bayonetta figure every fan would dream of. And whoever made it was very well aware of what he was doing. Since there is no label from SEGA or Platinum Games on the box we can be pretty sure this figure is not an official release. But how close is she to the original? Maybe it is a good idea to have a look at the official artbook. »The Eyes of Bayonetta« I have to tell you, this artbook is amazing and if you are interested in art like this try to find it. But don’t set your hope to high maybe it is not available anymore.
03:30 - But the book gives uns the answer we are looking for. The Bayonetta figure is looking as she should! Yes I know, her costume is basically her hair. But I guess you can’t do this with a figure. But the got all the other details right. This is an amazing figure - There is no doubt about it! As always I tried to show you the figure in the sunlight too. But that is getting a bit complicated around this time of the year. Anyway, I tried my best and she is looking good. And the is one more thing I should mention. As you can see the figure is able to stand on its own. For me that is very important. Ok folks, It is getting cold outside. Let’s go back in. Here we have Bayonetta with her little »sister« 2B. The 2B figure is indeed shorter. But that is no surprise. Since Bayonetta has the longest legs I have ever seen.
04:36 - And while 2B is more like a teenager Bayonetta is a full grown up woman. So both figures fit perfectly in size. I never expected myself to be collecting characters from video games. But here we are now. Those two girls I simply could not resist. And now it’s seems we reached the end of the video. I hope it is not too late to ask for a like and a subscribe. And feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments for the video. I really would like to know what you think about this Bayonetta figure. I will be back with a new video very soon. .