CLICK PID Tutorial Videos Bonus 3B - C-more PID Templates
Jan 6, 2020 13:59 · 691 words · 4 minute read
In the previous video, we saw how easy it is to use the C-more HMI’s built-in PID objects. This video has absolutely nothing to do with PID. Instead, we’re just going to walk through how to set up the networking between a CLICK PLC and a C-more HMI for anyone that needs a refresher. We’ll also see how to export the Tag Name Database – or the “Nicknames” as the CLICK PLC calls it – so we can access the CLICK memory locations directly from the C-more HMI. This is the block diagram we had in that previous video.
00:33 - We need to set up the PC to be on our network, the C-more HMI to be on our network and the CLICK PLC to be on our network. Step 1: Set up the PC’s networking. I plugged one of these USB to Ethernet dongles into my PC, so I could set up a separate network from my existing company network. To set up that new network adapter we just click on Setting, Network and Internet, Ethernet, and Change adapter settings. Right click on the USB to Ethernet adapter and select Properties. Double Click on TCP/IPv4. Select this guy and type in the network address you want to use for your computer. Yours will probably be different. Great! Our PC’s networking is now set up.
01:18 - By the way, you can always check that by running the Windows Command Prompt app and typing ipconfig. This is my company network, and this is my new USB to Ethernet adapter. And I see that the IP Address got assigned correctly. Step 2: Set up the C-more networking IP Address. If you hold your finger in the upper left corner of the display for about 3 to 5 seconds you should see this message. Hit OK to stop the current app. Click on Setting, IP Address Setting. We want to use a dedicated IP Address and according to our block diagram this is the address and subnet we want to use for this demo. Again, your IP Address will probably be different. Click OK, Main Menu, Exit. Great! Our C-more panel is now on our network. I should point out that there are several ways to set up the C-more HMI networking, this is just the way I did it.
02:14 - Step 3: Set up the CLICK PLC Ethernet IP Address. I am currently connected to the CLICK PLC via this USB to Serial adapter. So, from the CLICK software I just go to Setup, Com Port Setup. We want to set up the ethernet port which is Com Port 1 so we click on this guy. I’ve already set this up, by clicking on this button and entering the IP Address and mask that we had on our block diagram. Hit OK a couple times to get out of here.
02:43 - This is important: that IP Address isn’t in the CLICK PLC until you transfer the project to the PLC. So, don’t forget that step. Which explains why we are using this USB to RS232 converter to get the IP Address set up. We can’t talk to the PLC over ethernet until it has a compatible address. We are done setting up out network. I like to go to the command prompt and ping all the addresses to see if things worked. Let’s ping the CLICK PLC … yep 32 bytes were successfully transferred, and it took less than 1 millisecond to do it.
03:18 - I’ll ping the C-more HMI IP address – yep – he’s working too. Just for fun, I’ll ping some other random IP address that is not on our network. Give it a few seconds. Yep – no response. Well, Great! Our network is all set up and tested. To export the Nicknames from the CLICK PLC, simply go to File, Export, Nicknames. Done! Click here to learn more about the C-more HMI.
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