SPIEGLEIN, SPIEGLEIN auf dem Gras - der RASENFREAK hat richtig Spaß!

Apr 8, 2020 10:00 · 1096 words · 6 minute read soil 12 metal plate see

Hello dear lawn freaks, welcome to a new video from Lawnfreak Andreas Krauss. I’m the Lawnfreak on YouTube and here you can find out everything about lawn and technology for lawn care. And today we are making a small technical video again. I’m going to build something, make something that I find totally cool, what you can buy for super expensive money on the Internet. Namely a measuring device for measuring the lawn cutting height. Well no…

I don’t build a new yardstick, I always measure the cutting height with the yardstick 00:36 - that’s not bad either. But there is something much cooler and I am building that today and you are there. Have fun with it. See you soon! What I have already bought, what we need first is a double-sided mirror. Yes, a double-sided mirror. You can get the double-sided mirror for cheap money from the glazier. Then I got a metal plate. Well, then we need a piece of wood. Good wood, wood that doesn’t warp, I took a nice piece of beech wood. That is all.

Then we need a little more color and we still need graph paper. I don’t have that yet, I have to search again. Is there still graph paper? There is another option, but we’ll get to that later. So let’s put it together. To do this, I first have to drill four holes in this metal plate. I have already pre-punched the holes here to countersink 4 such self- tapping wood screws. And with that we will screw the wood down afterwards. Then I already drew a 45 degree line here on the wood. I hope you see all this, here on the wood I drew a 45 degree line. And draw another vertical line, then we need a chop saw, to saw through the wood cleanly and then we’re almost done. Yes, let’s go! Okay, drill, gloves, goggles now it’s getting dangerous. Now the chips fly. Now, for once, I’m doing everything right. Scarce, but it still fits. That we can also pierce. Tighten.

02:40 - Drill Now it’s getting loud! Don’t forget ear protection. Now we take a countersink. That’s what it looks like. Cool, very good! So now we have drilled the board, now we have to saw the wood. Now it’s going to be a mess, I’ll do it outside. Not quite yet. Yes! Let’s see if we can really do it. I’m going to test the 45-degree cut first, because that too has to be exact. Nah, that was a little too much. So that’s not bad, so let’s do it. cool Yeah It was 1 mm further over, leave exactly 1mm, now it doesn’t matter to 1100 It doesn’t matter to a hundredth. That looks cool.

05:57 - So we have the panels here, the wood, metal, we have screws. Now we need the right bit. Yes this is good! That’s good, that’s good, that’s good! It is a prototype. It is a prototype. It fits better, I have to adjust the ratchet to four. Sand a little bit here. Colorless construction silicone. Now it’s freaks, this is it. Is good! I now put it in so that it dries faster in the warmth. So freaks, it goes on. I have already printed out a slide here. So far that’s done. Now stick it on, cut it out and stick it on there.

08:07 - So now I’ve already glazed the wood nicely. That looks good. Painted the wood a bit. Now I’ve decided to screw it the other way around, because I need some clearance. Now we cut the sticker clean here. Zack, the zero line is still gone. So now let’s see how we stick this on. Now it works! Ahh, not quite… Is good… Is that cool freaks! So now we screw it on, and then you will understand what I actually built here Then you will understand. My gadget, my gadget! Ohhh I’m going nuts! I’ve looked at it before. Great! Freaks that will be absolutely amazing. It will be absolutely amazing. It is sensational. Sensational Clean up a bit.

10:53 - Freaks it’s done! It is finished! And I don’t know if you see that now. Do you see that? Yes So freaks, it’s so blatant! It is so blatant. Look freaks, do you see that? Why doesn’t that come across so well here? The cutting altimeter looks much better in live. Yes freaks, this is a cutting height measuring device. Through this mirror and through the mirror-inverted writing, I can now press this device into the soil.

11:45 - And then I see, I look at the mirror from this side, and exactly target my lawn. And see every blade and the average cutting height. And we’re lying here now, that’s sensational, we’re lying here with a cutting height around 15 mm. That’s pretty short. Around 15 to 17 mm, of course this edge must also lie clean on the floor, and it shouldn’t… But that doesn’t change that much. Here is the scale, and it goes from 0 to 40 mm. And now I see exactly how high my cut is.

And if I turn that around, 12:50 - and now look at the mirror, basically look this way now at the mirror. Then I can scan all over the lawn, practically at ground level, I can scan across the whole lawn, over the whole lawn. And I see every blade, I see every blade that sticks out. And I see how even the lawnmower cut. And I have to say the Swardman cut, I mow it with the Swardman earlier, the Swardman cut is sensationally even. There are a few very few blades. You can see that fantastic here. You can see over the entire area, you can always see the individual blades sticking out. There are very few left. That is a mega part.

13:37 - Freaks, the big question is: Should I produce this for you in series? Tell me if you want something like that too. I think it’s super cool. Maybe I offer that in my shop, on my homepage. I do not know yet. It depends on your reaction. I am really excited. It works sensationally, and you’d see it live, you would totally freak out. Thank you for watching. That’s all for today. Your Lawnfreak bye hot He: What? She: People who have a lawn that is 40 high don’t need it. He: Why? Naturally! She: Well, look, you already have the ass card. .