Create a VerusID on the Verus-Desktop wallet
May 17, 2020 13:38 · 828 words · 4 minute read
in this video I will explain what a VerusID is and then show a tutorial on how to create a VerusID. One of the most intimidating aspects of getting started on cryptocurrencies, is the way addresses are used. In most crypto currencies your only option is to use an address that looks something like this. These addresses look intimidating, they aren’t something you’re likely to remember or recognize and can be confusing. This creates a risk of sending your funds or tokens to the wrong place, especially if you’re working with multiple addresses.
The stress of triple 00:41 - checking addresses and still feeling their risks has been a major roadblock to cryptocurrency adoption. VerusID solves this problem. By registering a VerusID, you’re creating a name on the Verus network that is recognizable, memorable, intuitive and easy to use. If you know someone’s VerusID, you can send funds just like in a popular money sending app. For instance: if Alice has registered the VerusID “Alice Smith” and wants to receive Verus from Bob, all Bob needs is a VerusID “Alice Smith@”. Bob can send Verus to this ID, just like an address.
01:14 - a VerusID is registered on the Verus network using your wallet and paid for in Verus. There is no centralized service or authority, no gatekeeper and the fee to register an ID goes tdirectly to the miners and referrers. You can register as many IDs as you like and access them from the same wallet. Currently a VerusID cost 100 VerusCoin and with the referral that price drops down to 80 VerusCoin. VerusID these can even be transferred, such as when you want to move it to a new wallet or transfer ownership to someone else.
If you 01:44 - transfer an identity that has a balance of Verus, that balance transfers with the identity. Now a short tutorial on how to create a VerusID. Okay, we’re currently using the most current Verus-Desktop wallet, which is version 0.6.4-3 and that’s as current as May 16th, 2020. Now we have our “Wallet” tab, our “Verus Identities” tab and “Mining” tab. For this video we’re gonna be mainly focusing on the “Verus Identities” tab. As you can see here, I already have a hundred Verus on my transparent balance. So let’s get started with creating an ID… We’re gonna click on “Verus Identities”… We’re gonna click “commit name”… Now for this we’re gonna use a common name. It could be anything you want it to be. we’re gonna try to see if “Steve Smith” is available. Now it could be lower caps, however you put it here is the way it’s gonna show up as your ID.
Now a VerusID 02:50 - like I said, costs a 100 VerusCoin, but if you use a referral, that gets dropped down to 80 VerusCoin. For this referral, we’re going to use the Verus Foundation. I’m gonna click continue`… Name Steve Smith… Referral ID “Verus Coin Foundation@”… Status success, that means it’s available. We got the chain, we got the transaction ID. We got the control address, name again “Steve Smith”, referral ID “Verus Coin Foundation” address and the name address. click done…
03:25 - Now we have to wait for the blockchain to accept it. It’s currently pending… You can see “Steve Smith@” is ready, so we’re gonna create that ID. I’m gonna click here: create Verus ID… Now: if this your first ID you’re gonna enter “self” for the first two sections to yourself “Steve Smith@”, self, “Steve Smith@”. Now we’re gonna have to enter a private address so we’re gonna back out of here. I’m gonna X us out… Go to your “Wallet dashboard”… Go to your private address over here. you’re gonna copy a private address… X that out… Go back to “Verus identities” again… Create “Verus ID”… Again if this is your first ID you’re gonna hit self, self again and now you’re gonna paste your private ID here… Click continue…
Now again because 04:32 - we use the referral it’s gonna cost us 80 Verus. The referral ID… The name… The chain… The primary address… The revocation… The recovery and the private address in it, Click continue and they get them one more time you’re going to click done… And now it’s going to load. Okay, now as you can see here “SteveSmith@” is used… It is now down here in our IDs. “SteveSmith@” Click open and this is your SteveSmith private ID wallet your ID. ID info right here… the same thing we saw before X that out… And here’s your ID drop-down menu.
Right now we have one ID SteveSmith 05:24 - Go back to your wallet and now we have 20 Verus left over, because the Verus cost 80 Verus with the referral. Verus ID tab and your mining tab. That is how a VerusID is created! Now head over to Download the wallet and get started today! .