GOTTA CATCH EM ALL | New Pokémon Snap # 3

Jun 16, 2021 01:55 · 3139 words · 15 minute read

let’s see what happens now it’s slightly orange oh oh is that dead or buck why is it gray all right i says i’m glad you’re both fully vaccinated oops i didn’t want to throw an apple but um i get my second dose on monday evening so that would be cool to finally be vaccinated this is in kate’s she works in a school so she’s been vaccinated for feels like two months now whose footprints are there supposed to be that arya dose does not have giant footprints like that i’ve already forgotten i’m supposed to be using this thing even though i being orange does not seem like a change to me oh really nice wake up any other pokemon down just the ruins uh magikarp evolve with these last one didn’t quite work no idea what he’s doing there something just sounded like it got dumped uh just for safety what’s left there’s these little guys here yeah wait till we get past them this way we can get all of them from the front all right i should probably grab another ah always goes away too fast all right 29 footers only nine pokemon are photographed jeez all right so we either got that one i guess the artwork from the front is better than the only aria there’s where you can see anything ah these are all pretty similar this one’s almost exactly the same as my last one i guess we’ll try well i think it’s a little more zoomed out it might be just enough to get that last star i like that one i only took one of him apparently two cannon i think that’s a good one of them flying in that’s a nice big one nothing for y’all mega yeah all right let’s see what we’ve got here all right lightbird it’s better posed better placement yeah diamond yep take that new one all right new picture of our buck nothing to compete against so it’s right on oreodos looks like it’s fast asleep yeah 3700 that’s pretty good it’s bigger better direction better place more yes diamonds i hope diamond’s the top ranking if there’s platinum or pearls or something that would rank higher that’d be annoying for this yes silver to diamonds yeah a little better squeezed out of gold this one should be a lot better extra 600 points there oh it’s smaller still okay a few more points brings up the gold all right oh i apparently i clicked through all them an extra thousand points that’s fantastic especially considering it’s facing the wrong way and it’s curled up doing something weird um they’re not worth any points but i think i like the undisturbed one a little better all right oh only 10 000.

09:17 - anything happen in camp you want to give me points for to progress yeah uh nope all right i guess i’m gonna have to do maybe some of these i don’t even know where to begin on these catch a big what a big pokemon because there is a very big pokemon i can catch but i don’t know if that ruins a surprise for when you go to play change oh i can change i haven’t played this yet but i haven’t ready are you starting to play like right now this second come back come on do it again i mean that’s a pretty big one supposed to get him doing that jump but whoops i feel like it speeds up and slows down sometimes that’s bacon all right bye pincer uh come on fly away dodrio is he gonna fly oh i got a picture of him jumping that’s kind of like flying what am i missing behind me oh this fish building is damn magikarp you should not be up there well okay put yourself back in the water there you go i need a picture of your secret foot tooth there that last one got it oh hi are you my friend hi friend okay bye friend supposed to do something with these movies but i don’t remember what come on hit that all right no idea if that was doing anything but well i think i befriended that pidgeot i definitely got hoot hoot’s secret foot um yeah they’re both one star score bunny doing his fire kick pichu tang roof i feel like this one is too close but it’s really funny to me all right marco pincer doji all right someone there’s a jumping flying one all right sauna magic magikarp i don’t know if it’s better if it’s like dying or if it’s has the sudden will to live hoots and your extra leg i took more than two pictures of you guys and that’s not gonna do anything so let’s go overall yep worse score bunny it’s the only three star one i have so three silver stars all right sleep there’s no way that this one’s gonna beat sleeping pichu yeah no way yeah keep that tangroov nice work it’s obviously about the same but a different pose marco all right it’s the only two star picture all right all right the only three star pins sir three star pins picture easy 3700 there i might be able to get a full paint i want to get a full page for someone oh size i guess it’s kind of zoomed out not really does this count for making him my friend it got me a four-star picture yeah request completed i doubt this one’s gonna yeah it’s barely anything nice work a little better oh yeah that’s right that’s another request completed yeah them combis are hard they’re little and they all seem to be facing the wrong direction all right how many points 27 000.

19:50 - it’s a good chunk but you just every route that leads over meduse damn oh you received the research title damn completed all right i unlock a new area yet because it’s either that or i keep replaying places all right let’s see whoa look at that beaming face i guess you’ve got yourself a new feathered friend that’s right new design for pictures there’s that elusive foot now that’s something you don’t see every day well done all right there’s one big pokemon i know of you think including tangroof in it evie evie are you a genius friend don’t even hit you with some apples tv all right let’s go guys i don’t know what this glowing does gonna make this flower super tasty for you meganium come on evie eevee’s happy little chippers in the background there’s that one all right now’s my chance all right oh that’s about the same as the last picture i had all right so is there anyone else here what am i oh yeah giant meganium hit it with apples what’s over here huh i hope i hope that leads somewhere new some game looks like we’re about time to leave if we ever make it these last couple inches there all right 14 and we got two pokemon sounds about right now which i don’t know which is better i’m gonna get one of these one star ones just because i haven’t gotten a one star picture of them yet this one’s got the size position and direction are terrible and there’s a picture of some ancient ruins that’s a lot for that pose i think diamond all right i was not expecting that for eevee man both shots taken at the very beginning oh but this one’s not as good this one’s terrible are all these ancient ruins gonna come in and play a part i don’t know how i didn’t see this last time yeah only like 7 6 900 points that’s not enough hey wait i should have got the meganium’s friend mediums pal i wonder if i have to use apples to get that um eevee to keep following that’s not a very good friend try it during the day so i think i’ve only i don’t know i think i’ve done daytime twice now at this spot hmm gotta get my traditional shot of these three sitting all close together that is the front of them correct it’s the back of them no wonder my pictures have been terrible when i take them dumb slacking whooper new route what’s in here i think those were just more of this leon’s in the back of the head oh and if only these branches weren’t in the way oh wow toucan looks pissed have some apples buddy all right i’m in a pod quite sorry i think i need you jumping in so please do ah you look so happy there we go take up the full screen and stop my vehicle see if i can get an another good shot of these lipos no it doesn’t look like yeah that’s the best i’m gonna do how was it all right 12 pokemon all right good night i think this one a palm wow only the one shot on sweet we finally realized this is the face slacking only the one i like the closeness of this i need him jumping in water above all else that’s bigger i don’t know why that is three stars if this is enough points to progress same pose it’s smaller but overall it’s a little better all right we’ll take that new one nice work okay better pose smaller better a lot better direction oh yeah he’s smaller nice work all right it’s funny how much better pictures from their fronts all right slacking two star nothing to compete against but 2700 all right going for a swim uh yeah that’s about the same nice work four stars here all right and that’s a request completed all right i’m not sure about these smaller yeah it’s all around worse yeah this one’s oh it’s a beat of diamond yeah it’s just not there yeah i don’t know what makes this a four star oh because it’s carrying food all right two cannons nice new three star a new discovery let’s get me a lot of points for a metapod yeah 2800’s not bad considering the distance and that was the first time i’ve seen him all right come on give me a good bit 24 good what do you got for me after the swamp discovered a route that leads to the swamp receive the research oh a new profile icon and a new quest from phil yeah all right making a splash all right so what do you got to say i’m so happy yes that’s perfect your photo really showcases the action of the moment that’s what i intended use their metabolic literacy and notice that they use their thread to lower themselves the a palm just sliced right through the grass should have been a little quicker oh i see they’re carrying fruit to camp’s mess oh a hat thanks for finding out for me i don’t think i did the park during the day on level two yet so that might might see new pokemon there which would i should have looked at the top corner to see what requests they had can i look uh nope hey you too dang it all right so we just got hey youtube all right we got dodrio over here tango hiding out up there you’re gonna fly off missed his mouth it’s easy oh that would have been the greatest shot oh man i’m not sure what happened to that warm ball i hit maybe it died i don’t know seems like something that could happen if you throw an apple at or up a doof i should not have thrown the apple there what does that mean all right tangriff i’m gonna look away now oh that didn’t look like a hoot where i was sitting i forget i know i have to do something with um something with the um all these guys here oh that portal seems so inconsistent as to when it spawns welcome back all right first 11 pokemon that’s a good help all right only one of them makes that easy the one with flowers uh this one because it has other pokemon in it that’s not a good one but i guess him getting fruit is pretty cool that was nice and close that one’s a little closer it’s about all i can measure are they close and are they are they close and are they in the middle let’s do this nice work same pose but it’s definitely bigger all right an extra 300 points good it’s a big i think i’m progressively getting better from one bronze two silver three gold i just gotta get four diamonds and we’re good cool yeah i didn’t have much for that one two stars good deal all right better pose bigger the worst placement and direction nice work okay 34.

89 it’s hoping for a gold but it’s a high silver it’s having a nice meal now come on that’s a yeah diamonds feeding on some sap okay yeah i knew that when i took that picture oh direction all right decollete oh that’s my only one star picture of ducklit okay nice work this is what the requests wanted that’s not what the request was asking yeah this one’s going to be much worse yeah about half okay twenty thousand it’s a solid step up but one of these points i’m gonna run out of it’s gonna be hard to get any more points out of them all right so when you have multiple pokemon info make it balance oh yeah this one’s not quite level two i guess i guess that’s what i’m missing all right i gotta i gotta get another 5000 points or whatever it was a palm you’re coming up here right what are you doing all right there’s arya dose that never seemed to all right now let’s try going this way because we haven’t gone this way at night before so really impressive that way all right this is somewhere below me i think is a metapod i wonder if it’s this tree here but maybe it’s only during the day wait what is that oh i think i hit arbuck again and pissed it off as soon as he got his picture taken he’s like i’m done here it’s just huh i wonder what’s behind the waterfall what are you hearing no idea but there’s anything repeatedly pegging them but can’t hurt all right nine pokemon with 29 pictures all right that one just because it’s looking at all right me need a good one stop i love that this is a picture of arya dose that one seems like a good one our book falling out of tree entry out of trees all right that’s one oh so there must be a yawn mega way back there that is very disappointing i was hoping it was something a big cool secret all right nice work hey a little more points i’ll take any little bit i can get nice work oh that’s a good size yeah 4 300.

all right i can just get a little more out of one of these oh that’s actually more points nice work hmm placement’s off i don’t know how it looks like it’s in the middle of me but nice work but it’s bigger yeah that should be enough to unlock level two of this jumping in the water yeah it must have been two stars nice work nice work two points less it is a very similar picture um yeah there’s no way that one’s gonna be better yeah fifteen thousand level by the way thanks to the progress you made got something to report okay cool yeah so all i really had to do was level up here i love that there’s a free snap option in case you didn’t get a picture quite right all right on to the next site why do we keep just going to different islands i feel like you could explore one island fully we’ve got new islands to explore now the point two locate points we can use where one on this long narrow island and another offshore in the middle of the water captain vince never got to that spot off sure did he it’s gonna be amazing i’ll let you decide which order you want to visit them in keep up the good work all right so we have the one that looks like some kind of volcanoe i didn’t finish complete it just did i nope all right yes we have this top oh let’s go and enjoy your research listen i got to tell you something it’s a feature i originally forgot to suggest to the professor but i got him to add it to your research camera what kind of feature it’s a melody player let your camera play a little tune a little music can prompt pokemon to show you a whole new sides of them as well sounds awesome rita could you fill in the details oh my god sure thing you press r a melody will play while it’s playing you can press again to make it stop little music could wake up sleeping or make some pokemon get up and dance i haven’t had a chance to try it though so next let’s give it a whirl all right so that’s an option we can go back to places and play some music yeah so next time we can either head up to the sweltering sands fast desert pokemon gather a small oasis or the blushing beach pristine sands and pastel tunes make for a serene short line that picture looks a lot like from the original pokemon snap in the first beach level but thank you guys so much for watching and staying with the stream for yeah we’re probably gonna hit three hours by the time i finish talking um next when i switch screens there’ll be links why not links just the usernames if you interested in following me on you know here’s twitch obviously but youtube instagram twitter and if you want to play with me i think i have my xbox and playstation code on there switch one i think you’d have to go to instagram and find my picture or message or comment on something might be the easiest way but thank you guys all so much for watching as always i’ll see you in the next stream bye you.