America Is In Trouble Overseas w/ Trump as President
Oct 27, 2020 18:14 · 312 words · 2 minute read
My name is Ron McFarland and I am what you call an overseas American. I’m originally from California, but I’ve been living out of the United States now for 44 years. But being an American, I’m always representing the American people because I’m in the international community. And, when Donald Trump came on the scenes and started talking about America First, I knew that I was in trouble. Simply because when you’re in the international arena, you want to bring foreign parties together to achieve things together, which satisfies the needs of both parties and all parties. And that’s the arena that I’ve worked in.
00:40 - I work mainly in working with Japan, China, Vietnam, the United States and Europe, and over the years, that is what I’ve always tried to do. And as soon as I heard that Donald Trump was a businessman, but he’s never sat on a board. He’s never had to be right responsible to people. He could just do things by himself. So coming from a family owned business, I knew that he could not, not only represent the United States in the global community, but he can’t even represent and support the American people themselves. So I knew that I was in trouble in this area.
01:23 - And therefore I not only did not vote for Donald Trump. I didn’t, I will not vote for him this time. And unfortunately, because of all the enablers and all the people there supporting him, within not only the Republican party, but within the United States in general it is really embarrassing for me and embarrassing for people to even bring up the issue in an international environment. So therefore, I unfortunately had to leave the party and hopefully when we get back to normalcy here in 2020, 21, we can start building our reputation again. .