What is Destiny & Day of Promises

Mar 31, 2021 04:00 · 4432 words · 21 minute read

“Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum. ” Ana abdukal ‘ajeez, dayeefu, miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the Grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence, alhamdulillah.

00:29 - InshaAllah Haji Shahid we have the Fajr awrad (daily practices) at the beginning, “Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat” and then we give the pillars of faith and the testimony, the pillars of Islam and the testimonies of faith.

00:52 - Can you recite those shaykh? From “Iqamatus Salat” all the way down to “Arsalahullahu ta’ala rahmatan lil ‘alamin. ” InshaAllah Shaykh A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem “Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat, wa sawmu Ramadan, wa Hajjul bayti, Haq.

01:39 - Amantu billahi wa malayikatihi, wa kutubihi, wa rusulihi, wal yawmil ahkire, wa bil qadiri, khayrihi wa sharrihi minAllahi ta’ala.

02:08 - Aw da’na hataynil kalimataynish shahadatayne, ‘indaka ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulullah, wa hiya lana wadi’atun yawmal qiyamati, ya man arsalahullahu ta’ala rahmatan lil ‘alamin. ” SadaqAllahul Aliyyul Azeem SadaqAllahul Azeem barakah Rasulul kareem (The Most Generous Prophet) MashaAllah, MashaAllah.

03:07 - A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

03:19 - That for our Fajr, every Fajr the awrad (daily practices) of the Fajr we recite the pillars of Islam and testify to the principles of faith.

03:49 - And this is what brings us towards Maqamul Ihsan (Station of Moral Excellence) and the maqam (station) of perfection.

03:55 - That we… testimony of faith and we bare witness and that we perform the prayers – our salah (prayers), we give our zakah (charity), and that we accept to fast the Ramadan and to make the pilgrimage to the house of Allah (AJ) and then in our faith and the levels of faith is that we declare my belief in Allah (AJ), belief in His angels.

04:23 - This is where the ocean of Iman and faith and malakut (heavenly realm) and the world of light people are not reaching, so we testify to it but how many people are actually believing in the angels, believing in all the holy books, believing in His messengers, on the day of judgement and then the most important of this talk tonight - is in destiny.

04:49 - Both its good and its bad, everything been written by Allah (AJ) and ‘May the truth of what I say be accepted…’ We’re repeating all the time to Allah (AJ).

05:02 - This principles of faith and destiny in its good and bad, whatever has been written for us has an immense importance that, “Alastu biRabbikum qalo bala. ” Then we would turn to Surat al-A’raf - 7, 7th Surah verse 172.

05:31 - So, this is about the testimony of faith in Surat al… 7, 172 inshaAllah.

05:45 - A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

05:59 - “Wa idh akhadha rabbuka min banee adama min Zhuhorihim dhurriyyatahum wa ashhadahum ‘ala anfusihim alastu biRabbikum qalo bala shahidna an taqolo yawmal qiyamati inna kunna ‘an hadha ghafileen. ” SadaqAllahul Aliyyul Azeem! SadaqAllahul Azeem wa barakah Rasulul kareem, Ya Habibul ‘Azim (Beloved of the Magnificent).

07:15 - Qalb e-Saleem Ya Rabbil Izzati wal Azamati wa jabaroot wa ta quwwati wa malakut.

07:20 - InshaAllah that Allah (AJ) inspire within our hearts a deeper understanding in this world of light “Alastu biRabbikum qalo bala” that in the world of lights when Allah (AJ) created the souls and began to destine and write their destiny.

07:44 - And the immensity wasn’t just we said, ‘Yes, I will accept Islam. ’ The immensity of what was written that, “You would go to earth,” we said, ‘Bala. ’ “You would be created in such and such form,” we said, ‘Bala’.

08:01 - “You would be sick,” we said, ‘Yes. ’ “You would be deformed,” you said, ‘Yes. ’ “You would have money,” you said, ‘Yes’.

08:08 - “You would have no money,” ‘yes’. “You would be orphaned,” ‘Yes’.

08:11 - “You would be crippled as a child,” ‘yes’. Whatever Allah (AJ) had asked of the servants that this will be your destiny and we said, ‘Bala. ’ The immensity of that and the reality that inshaAllah try to bring out tonight its understanding was not just a simple one question Allah (AJ) asked and we said yes and that sounds very easy.

08:43 - But this is for all the people who ask themselves, ‘Well if there is a God why are so much difficulty been written for people? Why are children suffering? Why is this person ill? Why is that one been harmed?’ What are all these things in Allah’s (AJ) infinite oceans of Rahmah and Mercy.

09:01 - The extent of what Allah (AJ) was going to write and the extent in which we were so eager to please Allah (AJ) and our affirmation of saying: yes, and as soon as we said yes, witnessed by the angels and witnessed by the souls that are familiar with each other.

09:22 - And Allah (AJ) clarifies in Surat al-A’raf, ‘We told you everything that we were going to write for you.

09:30 - We asked you from your destiny these are the things that would happen to you, everything, everything. ’ Don’t think anything in this life of ours is random, “Why is this happening to me? Why is this? Why is this?” Allah (AJ) said, ‘You signed and you said yes to it. ’ And Allah (AJ) said, ‘Why I made you to testify in the world of malakut and in the world of souls and why is there witnesses to the fact that you did testify? So that on the day of promises and the day of resurrection you don’t come lying to Allah (AJ).

’ That you don’t come saying, “I didn’t know, I didn’t know I was supposed to give that, I was supposed to do that.

10:21 - I was supposed to follow them. I was supposed to believe in this.

10:24 - I was supposed to do this, I was supposed to do that. ” Says ignorance in dunya (material world), ignorance is not an excuse from the law.

10:34 - Say, “I went 120 miles an hour I didn’t know it was 75 here. ” You can’t claim ignorance in any part of any law on this earth, say, “I didn’t know, by means of that I just went and did it. ” Allah (AJ) is then clarifying for His heavens, ‘You’re not going to be able come up here and claim ignorance. ’ You can’t come up and tell Allah’s (AJ) Presence and say, “I didn’t know. ” Because then the affect of that is that dunya made you to be heedless that you’re now in and under a different difficulty by Allah (AJ) because you’re admitting now that you came to dunya, you became heedless in dunya, you forgot what you had promised to Allah (AJ) and that’s why then the turuqs (spiritual paths) come to bring the reality of this perfection.

11:19 - The tafsir (interpretation) of this understanding of ayatul kareem (the generous verse of Holy Qur’an) and our testimony of faith and the understanding of our testimonies and principles of iman (faith).

11:29 - That “Ya Rabbi whatever you asked of me I said yes. ” And that’s why Prophet ﷺ said that, ‘You can do many sins. . ’ and then he listed, ‘You can do this and ask for forgiveness, you can do this and ask for forgiveness but you cannot lie.

11:44 - A Muslim and mu’min (believer) does not lie. ’ But people are lying everyday so it wasn’t meant that you can’t lie to dunya because dunya people lying everyday but the haqqaiq (realities) and the reality of what Prophet ﷺ is that ‘You cannot lie to Allah (AJ). ’ That a Muslim and a mu’min will not be able to be raised in the Divinely Presence and lie and say that, “I did not know, I did not know Ya Rabbi that you wanted all these things. ” Ignorance of the fact what you promised is no excuse and will not take you out of the difficulty of what was promised.

12:23 - So, means now we brought in even the hadith of Prophet ﷺ describing about you cannot lie because we know many mu’min that lying all the time.

12:32 - But this not the lie that is of a concern, you make your tawbah (repentance) and istighfar (seek forgiveness), but you cannot lie that you did not promise Allah (AJ) what you promised.

12:44 - So, how to reach your ahad, we call in Surat al-Tawba your ‘Ahad. ’ And how they reach their ahad and how they completed their covenant with Allah (AJ) means their bayah (allegiance) became real Allah (AJ) accepted their bayah.

13:01 - That they took the hand and they completed their covenant.

13:05 - And Allah (AJ) bought from them their dunya and gave to them akhirah (hereafter) in exchange.

13:12 - That’s then the reality of the tariqah, is coming to teach that what was my promise to Allah (AJ).

13:19 - And as the shaykh’s duty to take the servant towards the reality of their promise then we begin to understand why the manners.

13:30 - When people are texting, emailing, not texting, emailing, “I have this problem, this problem, this problem, this problem. ” This talk tonight is to remember whatever problem is coming you accepted it.

13:46 - You told Allah (AJ), “Yes. ” If you are sick, you said “Yes. ” If you are short on something, you said “Yes. ” If a difficulty’s happening in your life, you said “Yes. ” Everything was written whether its good or its bad, it’s been written.

14:06 - So, then the ocean of taslim and the ocean of submission, the oceans of good characteristic that Ya Rabbi whatever You have written for me, You have written, have mercy upon my soul and forgive me Ya Rabbi.

14:21 - Give me good character to traverse every type of testing.

14:25 - Give me strength to endure what has been written for me.

14:29 - What I’m not able to carry, what I’m not understanding on how to carry Ya Rabbi grant me faith, grant me himmah.

14:37 - grant me a zeal, grant me your energies. Instead of fighting our faith and fighting our destiny, ‘Whatever your fate is,’ Imam Ali (as) described, ‘Walk into it. ’ Means we accept whatever Allah (AJ) has written.

14:53 - We’re trying our best to fulfill what Allah (AJ) has asked for us on the day of promises.

14:59 - And whatever we promised must have been heavy.

15:03 - No promise is a small promise in Allah’s (AJ) Presence.

15:07 - Means that’s why the heavens and earth looked to it and said, ‘We would never carry that responsibility. ’ But insan (mankind) said, ‘I’ll do it. ’ And the extent of it, the weight of it is something that can’t be imagined and Allah’s (AJ) immense Mercy are the turuqs, the turuq because how anyone’s going to fulfill the Will of Allah (AJ), because they’re heedless.

15:37 - So, then you can see the immensity of the Mercy of Allah (AJ) is that, ‘You’re heedless, he’s not.

15:43 - Go follow him, go follow them. The turuqs their hearts are open. ’ We need someone with an understanding greater than ours, a connection stronger than ours, an understanding that their heart is open, the coordinates are open and they begin to give their isharat (signs) and their guidance through their whole chain of madad (support) that coming to them and all the shaykhs that are supporting them all the way to the great Sahabi (Holy Companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), Khulafa ur-Rashideen al-Mahdiyeen wa ibadahum wuzara e-Kamileen and then the perfected wazirs, all connected to the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

16:27 - Immense chain that coming from the heart of Prophet ﷺ.

16:31 - Hold tight when Allah (AJ), ‘Hold tight to that chain. ’ If you ever find that chain from amongst these shaykhs coming down to you hold tight to it and don’t separate from it.

16:43 - Because as soon as you hold tight to that, that is the guidance that coming now, coming down and telling you, ‘No you promised Allah (AJ), keep good patience. ’ Why to be angered by Allah (AJ)? “I don’t know why He’s writing this for me, I’m angry.

16:57 - I go drink and I leave the path. ” Oh, that going to make it immensely worse, immensely worse that this promise that we made to Allah (AJ) we have to fulfill the promise.

17:10 - There’s no running from the promise and then what was the ayatul kareem? It wasn’t in the awrad.

17:22 - Which Surah we’re looking at? That was for “Istiqam fit tariqat” (firmness on your path).

17:36 - The immensity of committing and understanding our lives so that every difficulty has an understanding for us.

17:45 - To pray for patience, for understanding and for strength that Allah (AJ) give us a strength in which to approach this destiny of what we promised to Allah (AJ).

17:55 - Then as we follow their advice on good character and patience, do our salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), do all the zikrs (Divine remembrance), attend the majlis (associations) of zikrs, do all the fard (obligatory) no doubt that the fard all have to be done.

18:08 - We don’t have to repeat that that’s a given that you have to do what’s mandatory from Islam.

18:13 - But to attend the zikr, it’s not obligatory but this is a sign of someone who loves.

18:19 - They listen to the zikr; they attend the zikr, they want to be from the people of tafakkur (contemplation) so they make zikr often.

18:27 - They make zikr standing, sitting, lying in all states of their being they’re in continuous remembrance of Allah (AJ).

18:34 - And that’s to reach towards these realities.

18:37 - The tariqahs, is bringing us towards our ahad and our covenant with Allah (AJ).

18:44 - That every time something happens and I’m getting upset they tell you, ‘Be patient, do your meditation,’ why? Because they want you to understand that you ask, you accepted what this was going to be.

18:56 - You accepted a difficulty in life so why are you complaining about it.

19:01 - Complaining won’t change it but to accept it and understand that “Ya Rabbi grant me a support whatever heaviness I accepted out of my whatever reason I did and I asked for that Ya Rabbi grant me a strength to endure it, grant me an ability to pass it. ” It’s much better than trying to be rebellious and to run from that reality.

19:24 - So, means the immensity of the destiny and how to reach to our destiny, how to be patient with what’s been written upon us and then we don’t need you know hundreds of email to come in, ‘Is this my destiny, is this my destiny, is this my…’ Just think to yourself could anything come to you that was not your destiny? If anyone can email me that that, “Yes” then you’re going to get a golden prize.

19:52 - That’s when Shaykh Abdul Qadir (Q) told his students, ‘Go and slaughter this and slaughter it somewhere where Allah’s (AJ) not seeing you. ’ So, any student that thinks that something can come to them without Allah (AJ) knowing then that’s very incorrect.

20:10 - So everything in our life and every incident and every spark and every character, everything that ignites us, every single action was written.

20:22 - When Allah (AJ) said, ‘I’m going to write for this and you’re going to not get angry,’ and we said, “Yes. ” And the difficulty came and we got angry and you lost, you failed it.

20:36 - That you’re going to write when these shaykhs come, you’re going to follow the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

20:43 - Do you think that this was our cleverness, we all decided one day that we’re going to grow beards and we’re going to do this? Or Allah (AJ) had written this destiny for us.

20:55 - And that Allah’s (AJ) Rahmah and Mercy presented a door and Allah’s (AJ) isharat and push into the heart is ‘Go through it. ’ And as a means of that reality that was written we went and stepped through that reality to be dressed by its reality.

21:11 - So, it means then this path that we’re moving on the 70, on the 8th month times 9 which is the reality of 72.

21:19 - So, everything is a mirror, so all our holy days are 27.

21:24 - Thabi wal ‘ishrin – by the secret of the 2 and the 7.

21:30 - It’s in Grand Shaykh Shaykh Abdullah Faiz ad Daghestani’s (Q) du’a – Du’a e-Mathur: Ya Rabbi by the reality of the 2 and the 7, by the reality of this 27 that reflects the heavenly gates of 72 and is the holy month of Sha’ban.

21:48 - And the 72 and the 72nd Surah is Surat al-Jinn stressing now the importance of the malakut – the unseen, the reality of the lights and energies and powers that are not understood by the physicality.

22:06 - They are not understood by the brain although the alien TV everything is about their brain trying to understand it.

22:14 - This is the reality of the heart and reality of the heavens.

22:18 - Now, this is the… a loaded night of Surahs inshaAllah.

22:28 - Surat al-Jinn, let’s do 16 and 17 Haji Shahid.

22:42 - So, Surat al-Jinn now and the “Istiqamu fi tariqat” that in this month of 72, and in the month of ascending into the heart, into the realities of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

22:59 - So, Rajab was the Divinely heart that we’re being dressed by the realities of Allah’s (AJ) ancient Heart and that ancient Heart opens the reality of the Prophetic heart and this is the realities and the dresses of the malakut and the lights and the world of lights.

23:18 - Allah (AJ) then enjoins onto us from Surat al-Jinn verse 16 and 17 inshaAllah.

23:45 - A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

24:17 - SadaqAllahul Aliyyul Azeem! SadaqAllahul Azeem wa barakah Rasulul kareem.

24:52 - “Istiqamu fi tariqat,” this Surah changes it.

25:06 - So, mean the immensity of the path and then Allah (AJ) give a guidance in Surat al-Jinn that ‘Hold firm to your path’ and their tafsirs (interpretations) are very interesting that they want to hide the word ‘Tariqah. ’ When they say: tariqah’s not in Qur’an, we described last year: no, tariqah is in Qur’an and it’s right at the place in which Allah (AJ) is giving a warning, ‘WaAllahi, if they keep their path – if they keep their tariqah, keep their way to the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ certainly Allah (AJ) would have bestowed upon them rain in abundance.

’ Remember from “Ma in munhamirin. ” Because this the same journey is going into that reality that Allah (AJ) for us rain is the, is the fountain of life.

26:14 - Water – mai, Allah (AJ) Said, ‘My throne is upon the water. ’ Any reference to water Allah (AJ) is giving to us, ‘I will illuminate your heart, rejuvenate your heart.

26:27 - My throne is upon this reality of mai (water) and I’m going to wash you and cleanse you and bless you from all of that. ’ “Istiqamu fi tariqat” that keep firm onto your tariq (path), keep firm onto your tariq later on you can read what type of crazy tafsirs they give because they don’t want this word of ‘Tariq’ and they want to make it as if it’s a reference to something else.

26:52 - No, each ayatul Qur’an e-kareem has immense oceans of reality just that ayah (verse).

26:59 - It’s not in reference to any other ayah, it doesn’t have to follow a sequence of ayahs.

27:04 - It’s not in reference to anyone other than what Allah (AJ) used of words.

27:09 - The rest are people’s tafsirs, people make a translation and then they write the translation that ‘This is in reference to… no.

27:18 - “Istiqamu fi tariqat” – keep firm on your tariqah and that Allah (AJ) will open the fountains of abundance.

27:29 - The next verse and that ‘We’re going to try you and test you by means of it.

27:35 - Don’t turn away from the remembrance of Allah (AJ). ’ So, only the tariqah people would understand, don’t turn away from zikrullah (remembrance of Allah).

27:45 - It’s not. . this is not meaning salah. This not meaning zakah but Allah (AJ) is giving a warning ‘Stand firm on your tariqah’ because it’s not something that you enjoin, accept, you reach towards realities and then you walk away from the reality because Allah (AJ) say once you start to walk away from that reality, He’s giving a warning that you’re go to then what? Walk away from the remembrance of Allah (AJ), shaitan (satan) will cause this person to undergo severe penalty.

28:19 - So, means then the immensity of what Allah (AJ) has given to us and how that relates to everything.

28:30 - That, that we’re trying to reach our ahad and our covenant.

28:36 - Allah (AJ) gives a mercy and a rahmah to us that follow these turuqs they are the guides of Allah (AJ), the guides of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

28:47 - They guide you to your ahad and your covenant with Allah (AJ).

28:51 - Then Allah (AJ) on the 72nd Surah – the power of the 8th month, the month of Sha’ban Allah (AJ) and then hones in on the 16th Surah to say, ‘Istiqamu fi tariqat. ’ That they move you, knock you left, they knock you right your feet go right back onto the tariqah.

29:13 - Why? Because the destiny is going to be good or bad and many difficulties come into your life.

29:24 - Many will be knocked off their path because of the difficulties.

29:28 - Many will be increasing in faith because of them.

29:33 - Those whom held tight with the rope, those whom made their tafakkur that their connection wasn’t a flower on a rock.

29:42 - You know some people come, ‘Oh I love, love, love you guys. . ’ and in two minutes you know the bag of rice is two dollars more, ‘Oh my God I hate you people,’ gone.

29:53 - Or you didn’t reply in time, it can be whatever reason, it can be ‘You didn’t start the zikr on time.

30:00 - I’m very upset I was hungry. ’ Their love it goes to hate in a second like a ‘Wimpf’ [shaykh makes fast sound effect] it’s gone.

30:09 - And Allah (AJ) is warning not with these people that if you’re trying to reach your destiny of Allah (AJ) that’s why the tariqah is not related to, ‘Oh I have to follow Naqshbandi. ’ No, no you’re fulfilling your covenant and your ahad with Allah (AJ).

30:28 - Naqshbandiya is a means in which to take you to your covenant, so for you to walk away from tariqah Allah (AJ) is then warning that if you do that most likely shaitan is playing with you and you will have walked away from zikrullah, from everything that was bringing beatific lights and beatific realities and beautifying the heart.

30:52 - So, means the tariq was just a means to take you to your covenant with Allah (AJ), it’s not the end.

31:00 - The tariqah is not the destiny. People want to make a confusion for people, no tariqah is just a means.

31:07 - It’s like a supersonic shuttle taking you to your destiny for Allah (AJ).

31:12 - And Allah (AJ) then warns in this Surah, ‘You can’t walk away from this because it’s taking you towards Me and your destiny of what you promised Me, so that I don’t raise you on the day of judgement and that you want to lie to Me and say I didn’t know. ’ No, they were guiding you to know, how you can say I didn’t know? They were teaching you how to know, they were teaching you to be patient with all your testing, they were teaching you not to yell, not to scream, not to open your mouth.

31:42 - People now even they’re… if they don’t use their bad mouth, they’re using bad fingers.

31:47 - Even that they tell you, ‘Don’t, you got nothing good to say don’t say it at all and push yourself to say good things and to promote and comment on good things,’ all of that was to reach the ahad of Allah (AJ).

32:01 - Naqshbandiya is just a mean, Naqshbandiya is not the end, Naqshbandiya is not the goal.

32:10 - Naqshbandiya, Shadiliya, Rifaiyya, all the different tariqas, Muhammadiya, all of them are to reach Allah’s (AJ) Ahad and covenant of what we promised on the day of promises.

32:21 - And that Allah (AJ) say, ‘If you stand firm, I’m going to shower you with this water.

32:25 - I’m going to shower you with this blessing. ’ We pray that Allah (AJ) give us more and more strength, more and more understanding from the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, from the heart of Sayyidina Mahdi (as).

32:38 - All of these realities and these dresses to hold firm to our tariqah and the tariqah is a way of love and muhabbat of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

32:55 - And that Allah (AJ) keep us, our families, our children, our community all immensely washed in zikrullah and the majlis of Sali’alan Nabi ﷺ all the way to the day of… day of promises.

33:08 - And Allah (AJ) allows us to die in our path.

33:15 - Ya Rabbi you brought us into this world take us out with zikrullah, not to leave the way of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Alhamdulillah.

33:27 - Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi Siri Surat al-Fatiha. .