are we staying in this house? (vlogmas #6)

Dec 12, 2020 19:00 · 4458 words · 21 minute read incredible line move nothing

♪ I’m kinda old ♪ ♪ True ♪ ♪ My life’s kinda boring ♪ ♪ Also true ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway ♪ ♪ No one asked for this ♪ ♪ Hope you’re ready for it ♪ ♪ ‘Cause I’m vlogging till Christmas day ♪ ♪ Oh my God, please never let me do that again ♪ (Christmas music playing) - Good evening, everybody. Welcome to vlogmas day six. I am in my best mom attire. I just have leggings on, nothing fancy. We actually just finished eating dinner outside on our patio. I’m filming a video for my main channel where we do a backyard makeover and… (floor screeching) (laughs) Drew is not farting. He was pulling out a chair, FYI. Do you remember doing that in school and people were like, then do it again. - [Drew] Do it again. - (laughs) Try to do it again. I swear.

00:53 - We’re not Rudy Giuliani over here (laughs). - They didn’t bother to interview a single witness (farts). - We’re doing a backyard makeover. So I don’t really wanna show too much yet ‘cause I wanna save it for that video. But we set up outside on our patio, we got the lights on. It’s beautiful out there. It literally just went dark. But tonight is the night we are going to do our mini gingerbread houses. We bought these back, I would say early November. It’s just these cute little mini versions. They’re super, super, duper, tiny. So we’re going to build some of these and answer some of your questions. I did a Q and A. I did like a questions I’ve avoided answering. I think we haven’t done something together in a while since our truth or drink video, which was, I don’t know, back in September, or October, or something like that. So let’s freakin’ do it.

01:38 - Also for tonight’s beverachino of choice, we have… - [Drew] Did someone say beverachino? - We still haven’t seen “Gavin and Stacey”, which apparently is where that’s from, but we’ve seen the TikTok. Anyways, Chateau Ste. Michelle, the Sauvignon Blanc. Pretty good. Actually, Drew hates white wine and he just drank it and he was like, it’s not that bad. So I’m having it in my cute little vintage thrifted artsy glass. And Drew, what are you having? - Hands off my hiny. - And your Tina butts glass. - Oh, yeah, my Tina butts.

02:10 - I think you can see it better if it’s filled. - Yeah, Drew is a big Bob Spurs fan. All right, you ready for this? - Yeah. (Drew and Carrie cheering) - Hello. - Hello. - Welcome to our kitchen island. We were playing truth or dare outside (laughs) like a very small version of it. And he dared me to drink the rest of my wine in one go, but I had a sip left. And then I dared you to drink the rest of your beer when you had like half. - Half of my beer. (laughs) Do you feel like we drink way more for vlogmas than any other time? - MM-hmm. - I don’t know why I always feel like I need to explain that we don’t really drink that much, but I don’t really need to explain that, do I? - We’re adults. - So you set it up, let it dry for 15 minutes, and then you decorate it. Oh, we have to need… - For two minutes. - For two minutes. Oh, all we get is this? - Yeah. - That’s okay. On the fancy ones you get peppermints and…

03:05 - - We don’t have anything that we can build with. - We’ll get to the questions in a minute, but this is the important matter. - This is so tiny. - That is so tiny. That’s gonna be where it cuts off. - It doesn’t smell so good though. - Can we eat ‘em afterwards? Yeah. - Can you? - Of course. - Is it good though? - I don’t know if I would say good. Okay, so going to Instagrams, we are going to answer some of the questions.

03:32 - Eileen Kathleen said, “What is the best holiday candy?” I love her account by the way, I’ll link her down below. What is the best holiday candy? The Reese’s… - I feel like the Reese’s treats are a really good one. Layla’s drinking water extremely loud, sorry about that. I would say I really love the flavored candy canes, the sweet tarts flavor, and “Star Wars” flavored candy canes. - Peppermint is much healthy. - Peppermint’s good when you’re in the mood for it. But as a former horse girl, we used to give our horses peppermints. And I used to just eat them all the time. So they don’t really feel like Christmas to me (laughs). Beth or Bethany Francesca on Instagram. She’s one of my friends as well. I think it puts your friends at the top, but I’m down for it. She said, “When are you gonna come visit me?” She lives in Northern England. So as soon as possible. - Once COVID’s over… - That’s our..

- For sure we’re making a trip 04:24 - to the UK. - Absolutely. Also followed by a question by Becca, my friend from Scotland. And she said… - Oh, yeah. I miss Scotland so bad. - Yeah, she said, “Where would you like to travel when Ms. Rona fucks off?” Literally, Scotland. If you will have us, please. I just remembered that I got her packaging. I’ll open it in the next vlog. She has an incredible line of merch. I’ll open it in the next vlog ‘cause I just got the package today.

04:46 - It’s literally right over there on the table. Literally, all I want in life is to go to the UK. And I think that both of us… - You just done made a mistake. - I got distracted. It’s fine, we’ll make it work. What villagers are on your island in “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” island tour? I actually got a couple of requests to do an updated island tour. So I think we might have to do that. - Well, we’ll do it once Christmas… - Yeah, once the snow begins. What are your current islanders? - So we just have them split. So Carrie has, well, we have one that we need to get rid of, but…

05:16 - - We have a neutral one because we hate him. It’s Leopold. We’ve talked about it many times before that we hate him. - So I have in order of how much I like them, Static is my number one, Hornsby, Kyle, and Molly, and Marina are mine. - And I currently have Fauna, Moraine, Skye who just came back, which I’m very excited about. She left and then came back again. We have a lot of normal neighbors, but they’re honestly our favorites now. So we can’t get rid of them.

05:46 - Fauna, Moraine, Skye, and I have Hazel currently. We ran out of tickets when we were searching for a new neighbor. And after we had Apple, but she left, we were looking for a new neighbor. We ran out of tickets. We tried to get the person in our campsite to move in, she said, “No”, a bunch of times. - The green one? - No, that was the one before that. Then we did a random one and we got Hazel. So that’s who we have… - Who left from our friend Hannah’s Island. - Yeah, Hazel came from our friend Hannah’s Island ‘cause Hannah had been to our island to visit. Are scorpions a thing you need to deal with in your house since moving to Arizona? - No. - Not in this house, but it’s a common thing that people deal with. Yes, definitely. - Yes, scorpions are a thing for sure. - Yeah, like your mom… - My mom’s been stung twice, three times.

06:34 - - Laying in her bed, right? - Yeah. - I remember, I think it was Hannah’s mom… - Yeah, she sat on one. - She just sat on the couch and there was one and it stung her. It’s pretty common here. I’ve heard people say it’s like pretty gnarly. Your leg goes numb or wherever it stings you it goes numb. - My mom sometimes still has the sensation, almost like a phantom pain type of thing. - Seriously? - Yeah, she says even when it’s raining outside… - It’s like she got shot. I’m going to work slower because… - You’re eating it. - No, because I fucked up. How does Drew’s colorblindness affect his day-to-day life? Would he get special glasses? He doesn’t really want those glasses. I think people ask that quite a bit. They’re like, how does Drew paint with his color… And it’s just like, he don’t really mind. He just does this thing. - It helps some of the brands… - You do ask me when you’re painting. - I do. - Probably four times a day. - I do.

07:29 - But there are certain brands of paint they’ll have names. This is a flat red. This is brown. This is blue green. I know. I don’t know them, but I assume what they look like. Like the color wheel, I know stuff based on that. But when… - Also to be clear, you can see color, just not like everyone else. - Red greens. But when it comes to certain brands are like. Perhaps she wants pink or something, or rhinox highlight. I don’t know what that color is. I don’t know what that means. Just depends. I ask Carrie a lot. - Yeah, I help him out. I’m like, Oh, these are good colors. And I’m like, it’s a gray purple. - I asked you today. - Usually most days when you’re painting you ask me something about it. Do you budget? No, I need to be better about that. If you are my financial advisor watching this you will agree.

08:21 - Favorite alcoholic drink? Love you both. Mine is freakin’ wine, baby. - Beer, Stale’s my favorite beer. But I like different brands. Like a mixed drink, I like Dark and Stormys - He loves a Dark and Stormy. Which if you aren’t familiar, a Dark and Stormy is just a Moscow mule, but with dark rum instead of vodka. This is very messy, like you’re the surprise not me. I’m eating so much of this. Do you wish you moved back to Arizona faster? Well, no.

08:52 - Do I wish we could have moved out of our other place? Sure, it sucked. It was so miserable living in that place. Just with obnoxious music every day. Partying every weekend. Yeah, we’re old, whatever. I don’t regret, I don’t wish that I moved back here sooner. I would say probably the most common question is like this one says, how long do you think you’ll stay in your rental? Things seem to be going great. What’s your plan for the future? Do you plan on staying in Arizona? Another one is, do you plan on buying a house anytime soon, et cetera, et cetera. So okay. To roll all those questions into one, which is basically what is the status of our future? ♪ We have no fuckin’ idea. ♪ - We don’t really know. We’re taking it day by day. - We’re just trying to figure it out.

09:39 - Some days, sure in the winter time, living in Phoenix is beautiful. It’s literally perfect weather. It’s incredible. If you’re watching me assemble this and just realizing how chaotic I am versus watching him be perfect, this describes our relationship to a T. But anyway, we have no clue because it’s just so uncertain at the moment. Everything is so up in the air with 2020, especially. There are days where we really like to be really real and truthful. Not regret moving back here.

10:15 - - Do you want this? No? - No. (Drew laughing) I won’t say regret moving back here, but just definitely wish we still lived in LA. We miss LA a lot. Or just Southern California in general, we really, really miss. So there are times where we’ve talked about moving back to California. And then there are times where we’ve talked about staying here, buying a house.

10:40 - But also, honestly, my ultimate dream if money weren’t an option, I would have a place here and in LA. Or in California. Wish me luck on that. But that’s, I’m talking, that’s my ultimate dream. And as far as this house goes, should we open that can of worms? This house is great. It’s literally beautiful. - We’re definitely not staying here. - No, we probably won’t stay in this house after our lease is up. Again, it’s beautiful freakin’ house and it’s got everything we could ever possibly need.

11:08 - It’s got more space than we could ever possibly need. First of all, considering owning a house, is something that we talk about just as a smart investment. But then also having a two story house in Phoenix specifically with utilities, especially electricity is astronomically expensive. It is so outrageously expensive. And if I’m being perfectly honest, I’m laying it all out on the line here, I get really hot. And we both like to keep a pretty cold house.

11:40 - Most people in Phoenix keep their thermostat around 78 to 80 degrees in the summer. Whereas when I lived in Tennessee, I’m pretty sure my dad kept it at 70. - In California, we keep it at 63. - Yeah, in LA we had the window or the wall units and it was on 60 degrees. So we keep the house around 73 here. And with this two story house, the electric bill at its highest point this summer was almost $500. Which if you add $500 onto the rent, in addition to things that we have to pay for now living in a house, a higher water bill, a gas bill, which we didn’t have before, landscaping.

12:25 - There are things that we have to pay for that were included in our rent when we lived in LA. When I added up all of the utilities in this house, plus the rent, it was actually just as much. Pretty much as when we lived in LA. So it’s just like, well, you don’t really wanna be paying LA prices and live in a small town outside of Phoenix. So that part is lame. I just totally forgot we’ve had alcohol this whole time. We really love this house. The neighborhood’s super quiet. The neighbors are great. Everyone’s super nice that we’ve met so far.

13:00 - There were some, remember the Trump lady? She left a note on the mailbox that was like, Democrats are evil or something. That was weird. But (chuckles) other than that, it’s been chilled. So I don’t know. We constantly go back and forth about it, but we’re pretty certain we’re not gonna stay in this house. - No, for sure. - If we could build a house on this lot and have it not be this house, but have our own house. In between the neighbors that we have, fantastic. In this neighborhood, fantastic. But that’s just not possible.

13:31 - I feel like I definitely missed something, but that’s just the overall vibe. It’s like, we don’t know if we’re gonna stay in Arizona. We don’t know if we’re gonna go back to California. We don’t know if we’re gonna buy a house. We don’t know if we’re gonna rent forever. There’s just a lot of things that we don’t know. - We don’t know. - Are things really that much cheaper in Arizona than California? Have been pondering to move. Yes, yeah. Overall, sure. - Depends on where you’re looking. - Yeah, property is definitely cheaper for sure. You can find a really nice house, like a nice house for $3,000 or less. - Even renting you can find really nice places. But for more fine tuning, you would get more for your money here.

14:08 - But if you went to LA, compared to LA and Phoenix, Phoenix you would get probably a two bedrooms, two baths apartment for $3,000. But living in LA you’re gonna get a one bedroom, one bath, or… - Yeah, and it totally depends on the area you’re looking in and stuff. But sure, you might be saving money on rent or your mortgage, but you also might be paying a lot more in utilities. Electricity is so expensive here. And I think that Phoenix or just Arizona in general, knows that they can try… It’s literally criminal to me. - There’re two companies. Either APS or SRP. - Or SRP. It is so expensive to have power here.

14:48 - And whereas most places it’s like, you can just keep your AC cranking. But in LA our power bill, we only got billed every other month. And it was about 100 bucks, every other month. So it’s like, sure, you’re paying more in rent, but you’re paying less for other things. But then we also have to pay for things like parking passes and… - Just parking in general. - Yeah, when you park one of those things, the meter, things like that. I don’t know. There’s pros and cons to each place for sure. What album are you currently obsessed with? We love “Folklore”. - “Folklore”. - We’re still on “Folklore”. And now with “The Long Pond Sessions”, we’re both really into it. Last night, a couple nights ago, I was like, Oh, I really wanna watch “The Long Pond Sessions” again. And you were like, let’s do it.

15:30 - And you were like down - Yeah, I’d watch it again. - What are your Trader Joe’s must have items? Strawberry Mochi, cookie butter, Crunchy, vegetable fried rice. - We try to concentrate on. We used to, those black bean and cheese.. - (gasps) Taquitos. - Taquitos. - The chicken tacos. - Chicken tacos. The beef ones are good too. - The black bean taquitos. If they brought those back.(moans) Nicknames for each other. We don’t really have nicknames. - We used to say babe. - Babe, love. You used to call me Goomba. You used to call a lot of people Goomba, but then you started calling me, specifically. - You were the Goomba. - I was the Goomba. Do you still have Goomba in your phone? - No. - I was the photo in his phone for years, I was the Goomba.

16:15 - You went through a phase where you called me bean jam or bean baby. (Drew laughing) Because we saw, at the Asian market, we saw these things that were filled with bean jam. - I was like, why? - And you called me bean jam. - Bean jam. - Yeah. Does Drew like you being a public figure? And does he actually like being on camera? He low-key loves it, the camera part. I’m not a public figure, but… - Yeah, there’s never been a time when I’m like (moans). - I always ask… - There’s nothing really to it.

16:42 - It’s never been like, if I were to say I don’t wanna be in a vlog today if Carrie was vlogging… - You never have. But there have been times where I’m like, do you want to film ta, da, da, and you’re like, maybe tomorrow. And I’m like, okay, but it’s never… - No, I’ve never had an issue with it. - You’re very supportive. Tips with living with your SO. Do you ever get super sick of each other/ have to escape(laughs)? No, but I do feel like we have our alone time which is healthy. - I’ve painted four hours today, so we’ve been apart for four hours. So… - There’s just time to miss each other. You came in you were like, how was your nap? I was like, great.

17:15 - How was your painting? You were like, great. - I was jealous ‘cause you were be able to nap. - Yeah, but we do like, when we go our separate ways in the morning, we’ll do our morning routine like walk the dog, have coffee together, play “Animal Crossing”, whatever. And then we’ll go our separate ways. And then we’ll come downstairs and eat lunch together. - Yeah, Lunch is our meeting point. - Yeah. What is your favorite concert you have ever been to? Wow.

17:36 - I’ve been to the 1989 and Reputation tours and those were both incredible. But also I really loved seeing the 1975 with you. And all the times we’ve seen Bleachers, which is three times, I think. - I would say my favorite concert with you was for sure the first time we saw Bleachers. So it was just like, it was spontaneous. It wasn’t planned. You won the tickets. You called me at work. And that was great. I would say outside of things concert with you would probably be, I saw Foster the People with Hannah. - And you saw Star Parker with Hannah. - Oh, Star Parker was a good one too. But Foster the People was really cool.

18:14 - It was at Dodge Theater, So it was a really big production. - That’s so cool. - It was really fun. - How do you feel about influencers breaking COVID-19 rules/collabing/ not social distancing? I think it’s pathetic. I’ve actually unfollowed quite a few people who just literally think that… Oh, if you hear stuff in the background, that’s our log going on our fireplace. - There’s a fireplace on our TV. - Which is our TV. But I’ve unfollowed people because I think it’s so irresponsible.

18:39 - And it’s like, they are people that I genuinely have loved watching and I just watch them go to parties, hang out with numerous friends. And they’re just like, everyone’s getting tested. And I’m like, first of all, no, they’re not. And second of all, I literally just can’t believe it. I just can’t believe if you have a platform and you know people are watching you that you’re just so flippant. And my first thought always goes to healthcare workers, people on the front lines who are literally risking their lives every day. It just has to feel like such a slap in the face to go to work everyday, risk your life, and then just see people be like, I’m out at the bars. (sighs) Ridiculous. If you each had to choose one place to live would it be Hawaii, LA, London or Japan? - I would move to Japan. - I would have said Hawaii before, and we had actually talked about Hawaii. But we’ve both recently done quite a bit of research and just learning about the colonization of Hawaii, specifically by white people.

19:40 - Who moved to Hawaii buy property, by businesses or whatever, and have forced native Hawaiians out of their homes, out of their neighborhoods, out of their place of work, businesses that they’ve had in their families for generations, because they wanna put in like a trendy taco spot, or whatever. So Hawaii is out of the question. We will continue to visit Hawaii and support locals and support by being tourists, but would never purchase property there and contribute to the colonization. But yeah, I just don’t think there’s a way to do that that we’d feel comfortable with. London sounds pretty great. I’m not gonna lie. I still have fantasies about moving to the English countryside once a week. But also Japan would be a really cool too.

20:24 - Someone said, “Do you fart in front of each other?” (Carrie and Drew laughing) - All the time. - Like… - That’s how you know… - Multiple times. - That’s how you know it’s the serious relationship. - Yeah, and our response every single time is usually, what do we say? - That was Layla. - No, I usually go, I heard that. (Drew laughing) And then you go, that was Layla. Or you’ll be like, move. That’s rude. How have you coped living in the US this year? Love from Australia. - Wish sometimes we don’t live here. - I’m so jealous.

20:57 - Can you imagine living in a country like Australia or New Zealand where you have leadership that handles this pandemic well? - Any country outside of the United states. - I know, my God. We’re staying home, that’s how we’re coping really. - And keeping busy. (Carrie laughing) One of the last question I’ll ask is someone said, “Does Drew have a brother?” With the eyeballs emoji (laughing). Yes, he does have her brother actually. And I think he’s single. - He’s into witches, are you a witch? - If any of you are witches, he’s into you for sure. - I’m not lying. I’m not… - I know, like seriously. He is into witches. I love his little brother. He’s like a little brother to me. I view him as a little brother and make fun of him as the little brother.

21:41 - - You guys I look close to Malone, my brother is closer to Malone. - Truly. All right, I’ve given up. I’m just gonna go for it. Time-lapse, ready, go. (Christmas music playing) Ready? Here’s the final review. Here we have it, folks. (laughs) Not my best work, I’m not gonna lie. - That’s just your frosting. I think my frosting was thicker than yours. - You’re very sweet. It was fun. Should we eat it? - No. Can we eat yours? - Okay. I had fun with this, I wanna put it up. - Yeah, you should. Cute. - Christmas (humming). - Ouch, my tooth. (teeth chewing) Says, not edible. - Does not say that. All right. Well, our vlog is finished. So that’s our cue. We’ve literally been filming for an hour. No, it’s not good. Happy holidays to you and yours.

22:47 - We’re gonna finish drinking and probably eat more of these even though it tastes like garbage. And we’ll see you very soon. Good night. - Bye. - Now, I gotta go (moans). (soft music playing) .