Call Unto Me Jeremiah 33 l Says The Lord Jeremiah 33:3 Christian Sermons

Nov 24, 2020 10:55 · 1096 words · 6 minute read going enemy mistreated us loved

God bless you, you are welcome in Jesus name, I believe that the Lord is inviting us today into His word, regardless of what you are going through God is with you, the Father is with us and He is longing to help us, He is longing to walk with us to see us through, and so if you are going through some pain, if you are sick if you are in a situation where you don’t know, you are facing depression, you are sick you are worried, you are troubled, all these are part of circumstance of life but this evening the Father wants me to tell you something, in Jeremiah chapter 33 Jeremiah was a prophet who was sent by God to the people before they were taken to exile, He spoke to them to repent, to turn from their sins towards God they thought that he was kidding, they thought that he was just joking they didn’t believe that there was God, they didn’t believe that he was speaking from God they were just doing what they want, and so in Jeremiah while Jeremiah was confined in the prison, they put him in prison for speaking to them about repentance and believing in God while he was there, the word of the Lord came to him and the Lord began to tell him about the things that the Babylonians have done to the Israelites, how people were killed how their things were destroyed, their family was destroyed, their properties were destroyed and the Lord said to them: regardless of all these things that have happened to you He said: call on to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you don’t know in Jeremiah 33 verse 3 the Lord said to the people: regardless of what is happening regardless of the circumstance, regardless of your depression of your situation, of your hardship, of your sickness, of your diseases, of your problem call on to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know, there are great and mighty things that we don’t know it’s just like this corona virus situation if someone would tell you that in this 21st century that this will happen there will be worldwide lockdown, that people would be restricted from their freedom you would not believe it but these were things that were hidden from us, from humanity we didn’t have all the answers, we don’t know all the answers but even with that God is still inviting us now He said: call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you don’t know call unto God, regardless of what is happening in your life, come unto God, don’t be sad don’t give up, don’t get worried, I believe that many Jews gave up on God because their enemy prevailed against them, because their enemy won against them, because their enemy mistreated them. There was God but they were defeated, why because God allowed it so that He would teach them a lesson, so they can repent and turn to Him it is the same thing that is happening today, you will say as a christian why is this happening in my life? where is God? why is God not helping? hear ye the word of the Lord: call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know and in verse 6 ofJeremiah 33 the Lord says: I will bring you health and cure, I will reveal to you the abundance of peace and truth if you call upon Me, I will reveal to you the abundance of peace and truth the abundance of peace and prosperity that I will heal you, I will bring you health, says the Lord call on the Lord, what does it mean t o call on the Lord? it is to pray, it is to say: Heavenly Father, we are going through a difficult situation Heavenly Father, things are hard Heavenly Father, we need your help, we need your intervention we need your power, we need your solution all the scientists some do not believe in God, some say: there is no God, but if they will humble themselves and cry out to God, and the nations of the world if they will humble themselves and cry out to God, God will send solution, God will send an answer though they have discovered the vaccines, that they want to use for this epidemic yet not everyone will be able to have it because they are limited but when God is doing it everybody will benefit from it, regardless of who you are, God will let you benefit so let’s call on God today over the nations of the world call upon God over your life call upon God over your family, call upon God over your nations call upon God over the countries of the world that, oh, Lord, protect us, help us, forgive us our sins Lord, we repent from our sins, please help us God has the answer and He said: call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know, there are things we don’t know unless we call to God, then He will reveal them to us and as you take your time to pray, to seek the face of God and call upon Him God says: I will answer you He said that He will answer and He said: if you seek Me with your whole heart if you call upon Me with your whole heart, I will answer you you see, God looks at our humility and the condition of our hearts then He responds to us, when we are humble, not in pride, not in our own way of thinking but when we call upon Him with our whole heart, the Lord will answer us and as we call upon Him wherever you are, as you call upon the Lord, He will answer you He will speak to you, He will show you great and mighty things that the world doesn’t know and as we call upon Him with our whole heart may the peace of God rest upon us, God bless you for God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life you are watching GSM TV .