Oct 28, 2020 13:47 · 495 words · 3 minute read giving south korean president moon

I used to left when someone asked me Are you from Korea? North or South? Isn’t korea dangerous? Aren’t you afraid of North Korea? Kim Jong-Un? but now I don’t laugh anymore seriously I’m scared thinking North Korea might invade South Korea if things keep going like this The problem is not North Korea, but South Current South Korean government has been doing inexplainable things They are crazy about North Korea blindly going after korean reunification which is impossible unless Kim Jong-Un is dead and North Korean regime collapses or South Korea transforms into a community state like North I know we used to be one country and it’s necessary for us to work hard towards the reunification but not like this everyone in the world knows that Kim Jong-Un is a dictator he has no will of giving up his power obviously North Korea is not interested at all in reuniting with South Korea even a one-year-old baby would know that South Korea built a joint liaison office in North Korea in 2018 hoping that North and South could communicate more effectively and maintain a favorable relationship South Korea has been paying everything to build and manage the office but North Korea blew it up… four months ago 15 million dollars is gone no more communication and last month North Korea killed a South Korean official who was floating in the North Korean waters after having been on a patrol boat no one knows why the man was found there but instead of investigating it South Korean government reacted as if everything was alright just because Kim Jong-Un made an apology and even claimed that the guy was trying to defect to North Korea even though his family denied it But… who would prefer living in North Korea to living in the South? except Kim’s family no.. he even kills his family.. no one the dead man’s son even sent a letter to South Korean president Moon asking for investigation in depth but the president just responded he feels sorry and no further action has been made besides the president made a declaration of an end to the Korean War just a few days after North Korea had shot the South Korean End to the war? Seriously? things are going crazy here I have no idea what the South Korean government is expecting even if South Korea has higher economy capability North Korea has way stronger military and if North invades South we have no hope.. unless the U.S or other countries help us but since the president Moon declared an end to the war we have nothing to say if the U.

S withdraws its troops from South Korea 02:20 - North Korea is having trouble because its economy is getting worse that’s why it has been provoking us a lot recently I used to think that no more war would occur but now I’m not sure what could happen in the future.