Basic Intro About Evernote

Oct 4, 2020 16:15 · 726 words · 4 minute read click sign automatically link pdf

Hello guys! In this video I want to share the basic use of Evernote. First we go to the official website of Evernote and then click on this button sign up for free and then we choose the free plan and then you can register your account by continuing with google or typing your email and password and then click continue after successfully create the free account back to the official website and then click on login, enter your email address that you registered before then enter your password then click sign in So it will link to this page and then this note is provided by the Evernote the content about this note is about the feature of the Evernote can do is it can make a to do list, add reminder create table, add attachment for example PDF, photo and video file, record audio and annotate image and PDF it can also save a webpage directly and then you can organize your note in notebook and more so let us start it first we go to the sidebar and then click notebook you can create a new notebook by click on new notebook and then giving a name “Demo” then click continue successfully create a notebook name “Demo” and then click on it you can add the new note on this notebook by click on this green button new note or you can click on this drop down and then you can add the template that you want. For example To Do, it will show the template of To Do you can modify this content or edit this content by typing on it Shopping List okay you can modify this content and then if you done this you can tick on this checkbox also you can set the reminder for this note by click on the icon at the bottom like a bell shape and then you can select the date and time for example I select on tomorrow 9 am and then beside that you can also add a tag for easily found this note for the future use for example I create a tag name by ‘buy milk’ and ‘buy’ and then you can go to the sidebar here and then click on Tag then you can click on buy or buy milk and then it will filter this note you can found easily in the future. Other than that, this note also can share with your friends by click on the top right button here share and then it will automatically generate a link for your share or you want to invite someone for enter the name or the email to your friends and then you can modify the permission that your friend can edit or can view only. Besides that, if you accidentally delete this note you can move to the sidebar here trash click on it and then you can restore this note by click on this 3 dot more action and then click on restore note, it will automatically restore this note to your notebook next I will demonstrate another feature of this Evernote have which is copy internally link.

So before demo this 05:05 - feature we go to the different notebook and then create a new note you can giving a title for this note. For example, shopping day and then choose the template that you want For example, I choose on category home and garden and then menu planing. So you can paste the link that you copy before it will automatically generate a link so if you click on this link it will automatically link to the note that you have done before click and then it will link to the note so this feature is easily to find the note for you and fast. Lastly if you want to view your note without opening laptop you can print out this note by go to the top right corner here and then click on more action and then select the print you can print this note for the hard copy and if you want to view this note on smartphone you can download the application from app store or google play store. This is because, Evernote have the synchronized feature you can view your note from the real time. That’s all thank you! .