World Is On Fire, What To Do When Oppression is on your Doorstep?

May 28, 2021 10:04 · 6089 words · 29 minute read

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Atiullah wa atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum. ” And alhamdulillah always a reminder for myself that entering into the last ten days of ‘Itqun Minan Naar (Freedom from Fire) inshaAllah in the next day or so opening that gate and that Allah (AJ) extinguish the fire of bad character that trying so persistently to enter into the hearts of people.

00:44 - And that Allah (AJ) clear away the fire of our grave and make it to be a space of paradise filled with immense lights and love and the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ that comes to fragrant the grave with those beatific lights inshaAllah.

01:05 - We talked a lot last night about the itikaf, the khalwah (seclusion) and its realities of going through the bad characteristics inshaAllah.

01:15 - Do we have any questions for tonight? As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah.

01:24 - What if we keep seeing spiders around us, is it also bad character manifesting? ‘What if we keep seeing spiders around us, is it also the bad character manifesting. ’ Yeah every, every creature has its reality and the spider has an importance in spirituality and in tariqah (spiritual path).

01:55 - That when Prophet ﷺ was going to now open the reality of his heart ﷺ, that was the opening of the hijrah (migration) in which Prophet ﷺ left Mecca to enter towards the reality of Madinatul Munawwara (luminous city of Prophet ﷺ) which is the city of light, and stopped with his beloved friend Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) into the cave.

02:25 - And the event of the cave and the reality of the cave was guarded by a spider web.

02:32 - Soon as they entered into the cave a spider came and drew a web on its entrance to guard the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ so that it would appear as if nobody’s been in this cave for a long time.

02:48 - And everything has an analogy for us from Divinely Presence that as we’re seeking to enter into the cave – into the reality of the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, many will think that they - ‘What’s the importance and what are these people talking about?’ And those whom Allah (AJ) guide that if not your relationship with Prophet ﷺ who are you expecting that’s going to come to your service? So, we gave example last night you go to the hospital, who’s coming? Are people really thinking Allah (AJ) will appear? Astaghfirullah (seek forgiveness from Allah (AJ).

03:31 - And Allah (AJ) Say, ‘Well didn’t I send you from Nabiyeen (Prophets), Siddiqeen (Truthful), Shuhadai (witnesses) wa Saliheen (righteous) and none of those you know and none of those you’re asking for help and you just want to deal only with the Creator of entire universes? You don’t have any humility within you to be humble about that?’ So, it means all of these realities that people are passing by and think - ‘I don’t need anybody but just Allah (AJ).

’ And Allah (AJ) Said, ‘You’re a creation that is in continuous need of companionship.

04:08 - And that “Wa kono ma’as sadiqeen” – keep the company of the sadiq and truthful.

04:14 - Companionship is our whole way of tariqah, that the tariqah is based on the companionship and the guidance and the talks and the teachings of realities.

04:27 - The spider represents a reality that for those whom Allah (AJ) open their heart to enter and to move towards the love of Divinely Presence and the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

04:39 - Then the Ankabut (The Spider) and then awliya (saints) come and inspire - ‘Oh Ankabut that’s interesting that it was important enough for Allah (AJ) to name an entire surah (chapter) – Ankabut. ’ So, if it was a creature that had no significance why is Allah (AJ) naming it? And that’s the 29th Surah, so later in your tariqah life you come that bi sirrat al lam jalala (the secret of Lam Alif) is the whole reality towards Divine Presence.

05:12 - So, the secret of the laam alif and its relationship is a key to the Divinely Presence.

05:20 - That’s why on the najm (star symbol) when we draw its ‘Allah’ and then ‘la’ on top.

05:28 - And no mind people come and say, ‘Oh why is the ‘Allah’ on the bottom and the ‘la’ on top. . ’ and trying to make their own understanding for it.

05:34 - Say – ‘No, because Allah (AJ) is teaching Prophet ﷺ that, ‘For dunya (material world) bring My Name ‘Allah. ’ So, the downward is dunya, so for dunya - ‘Bring My Name ‘Allah’ into this dunya that I am the Owner of this dunya and My Oneness is – ‘Allah. ’ Tell the mushrikeen that it’s not many – it’s not all these gods. ’ You watch these television shows and ancient alien and this gods, and gods and gods and gods… there’s but one God.

06:14 - Whatever anyone else thinks of these other ones they are jinn (unseen beings), those aliens are jinn, all the races of the Hindu culture were all jinn.

06:23 - That’s why they’re blue. You’re God is not blue.

06:27 - The blue are the jinn. So they worship the jinn, and Allah (AJ) Said in Qur’an: ‘How many of them you made them as your saviors and your lords,’ because they had supreme power.

06:40 - So, Allah (AJ) giving for Prophet ﷺ, ‘Bring My Name – Ismullah (Name of Allah (AJ) into dunya and teach them that I Am the King, I Am the Supreme, I Am the Creator and there’s not many, there’s one Allah (AJ). ’ But that doesn’t mean you reached the secret of the heavens, it merely meant you stopped in the ‘Many’ and you agreed to come to ‘One. ’ Now there are outward bud parast (idol worshipper) and there are inward bud parast.

07:13 - Outward bud parast is following actual statues.

07:21 - Inward bud parast are all the desires that are lord over mankind.

07:27 - So, the outward is completely lost. He found something ridiculous and he bows down to it and rubs it and thinks - it has something to help me.

07:38 - Neither it can help him nor harm him that which he created with his own hands, this outward bud parast that’s completely crazy.

07:47 - Inward bud parast, as soon as he takes a path in which to find himself and to find what is his lord – what is governing him, he finds all his bad character are his idols, right.

08:03 - You’re smoking and you can’t smoke, it’s an idol for you.

08:07 - Why you don’t break it? Break that idol.

08:11 - If they can’t - because its governing them and that’s what lordship establishes.

08:18 - We’re all asking for Allah (AJ) to Govern us, that Allah’s (AJ) Kingdom to Govern us, Allah’s (AJ) Laws to Govern us but Allah (AJ) Sent Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to teach that, ‘Know yourself. ’ Who knows himself, takes a way of his self recognition and self realization and look to himself with these teachers, he’ll find who’s his lord.

08:43 - He’ll find what are the attributes that governing him, what are all the vices that are governing him and her.

08:51 - Their anger governs 99 percent of all people.

08:54 - If anger is governing how you can be submitting to Allah (AJ)? It would be an imperfection in the submission because every time anger comes you’re giving more right to the anger than to Allah (AJ) and that’s why anger becomes kufr and disbelief.

09:11 - Because somebody can become angry and harm somebody and completely leave their faith as a result.

09:17 - So, it means the tariqah comes to show all of these realities, that you have to take a path, you have to destroy all of these internal idols and to destroy all the bad characteristics so that the real worshipness of Allah (AJ) can be established.

09:35 - So, it means then they came to the understanding of ‘Allah,’ this is just for your dunya.

09:42 - Once you’re truly accepting Allah (AJ) then you say, ‘I’m not going to do all these bad things,’ this is still had (limit) of dunya.

09:50 - And the shaykhs are working on you from Lawwama (Blaming Self) to Shawarma.

09:55 - From Ammara (Evil Self) Lawwam. . Shawarma and Lawwama because Shawarma you have to be cooked.

10:00 - They come in saying, ‘Oh shaykh I felt ecstatic and really loved tariqah at the beginning,’ because it was exciting for you they draw you in like a fish on a hook.

10:11 - But it loses its excitement sometime and it become more like you trying to escape the hook, ‘Rrrr’ [Fish trying to escape from hook sound effect] Like the fish who’s ‘Rrrr,’ “I’m not going” [says fish], ‘Rrrr. ’ Yeah that’s the Shawarma part because you’re reeling.

10:28 - [everyone laughs]. They’re reeling you in, reeling you in.

10:31 - Some of the funny and the exciting part has gone now it’s just a struggle.

10:37 - And that’s what’s important, that there is a struggle, you have to fight and you do your zikrs (Divine Remembrance), you do your practices and they are drawing in, drawing into that reality.

10:48 - When they are bringing the students into the reality they are now learning how to truly submit to Allah (AJ), because how are you going to find Allah (AJ) to submit to? So that means - practice with His servants.

11:02 - When the servants come and teach you that, ‘Allah doesn’t like that, don’t do that.

11:07 - Allah (AJ) want you to be disciplined, have discipline.

11:09 - Allah want you to sit here and do what we say you should do.

11:13 - Do these practices, do this service, be of service like this, do these awrads (daily practices),’ these are all disciplines.

11:20 - Nobody wants a discipline, they want to worship Allah (AJ) the way they want and be free, but that’s not taslim – that’s not submission and someone of freewill person is very difficult to taslim (submission) like a horse that never had a saddle on it.

11:37 - It just does what it wants, comes when it want, do what it wants, make its own rules.

11:43 - And then Allah (AJ) Describes that horse, He Says, ‘Have you seen someone who makes their own hawa (desire), their own desires their lord. ’ Whatever they desire - ‘That’s my lord.

11:54 - My desire. . my lord is desiring for me to do this and I do that, and do this and I do that. ’ So, this process of taslim is not easy.

12:04 - So, that’s why Allah (AJ) Gave these verses – “Atiullah” means ‘You always command is to obey Me. ’ “Wa atiur Rasul”– ‘And obey Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, and then ulul amr. ’ That’s why the ulul amr they have to give you - the Law of Allah (AJ) is Supreme, the hadith and the laws of Prophet ﷺ is second to Allah’s (AJ) Command and they are the one’s whom must be instigating those two laws.

12:35 - So, the ulul amr they come to bring you whatever Allah (AJ) Gave is halal - halal (permissible), haram - haram (forbidden).

12:43 - Whatever Prophet ﷺ came to clarify it, it must be incorporating that and the ulul amr basically are giving you from that reality.

12:53 - That’s why the ulul amr they can’t save you from Allah (AJ), they can’t say, ‘If Allah (AJ) going to Punish you, we’re going to help you,’ because then Allah (AJ) has verse on them too that, ‘Don’t take people who think that they can save you from Me, there will be nobody who can save you from My Rules. ’ So ulul amr they’re not here to change Allah’s (AJ) Rules, they’re here to teach you Allah (AJ). . what Allah (AJ) wants from you, what Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ wants from you.

13:19 - And they’re here to guide people. Clever ulul amr will teach you in a language that’s familiar to you and that’s why Prophet ﷺ taught: ‘Teach to people and talk to people according to their level, lower your wings to talk to them. ’ So, some people only want to talk in complicated Arabic terms, you sit with them because that’s their language and you have no idea what they’re talking about.

13:47 - They have an encyclopedia of Islamic terminology; how does that equate to my language.

13:53 - And that’s according to Arabs but that’s not what Prophet ﷺ describes.

13:57 - So he has ulul amr who speak in Bengali, they speak in Urdu, they speak in English.

14:05 - And they speak with that being their native tongue that they can convey in this language to that audience what is necessary to be understood.

14:16 - It’s not about making everybody Arab. So, the ulul amr are coming in all different shapes and sizes and flavors so that to reach to people so people feel familiarity with them.

14:32 - And that’s the hikmah and the wisdom and the love and the immense rahmah (mercy) of Allah (AJ).

14:37 - That they come in all of these different shapes and sizes and they speak the language that is accustomed to those people.

14:44 - And they say: ‘This is what Allah (AJ) want from us, nobody can escape it.

14:49 - This is what Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ wants from us, nobody can escape that.

14:54 - And this is what we’ve been told is the best way to implement that in this region considering the difficulties that we are in. ’ Prophet ﷺ described to his companions that, ‘In my time if you leave at least one-tenth of what I’m bringing you will go to jahannam (hellfire). ’ They couldn’t leave anything that Prophet ﷺ was bringing.

15:18 - ‘But a nation will come that if they follow one-tenth of what I brought they are ahlul paradise – they are the people of paradise. ’ So, when you see that tariqahs come with an ease, you know rukiya and ‘azimah (determination), they are been ordered by Prophet ﷺ: ‘Make it easy. ’ They’re already not following anything that Allah (AJ) taught them, that Allah (AJ) want from them.

15:45 - They’re not following anything of what Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ wanted for them, who do you think you are that they’re going to follow you? So, make it easy for people that they be attracted to the way that you’re teaching and that you’re going with a softness because at any time they just quickly go back and run to shaitan’s (satan) hands.

16:08 - So, with a hikmah (wisdom) they have to guide.

16:11 - With the knowledges that Allah (AJ) Give to them, they have to guide.

16:15 - So, that’s why tariqahs are completely misunderstood by imams (religious leaders) and different external ulama (scholars) who read books, memorize books and never been trained in anything.

16:28 - They don’t understand this understanding and they think it has to be according to the book - exactly like this, exactly like that.

16:36 - But what Allah (AJ) gave to their heart of an understanding and it is by that book but its understanding is coming in a flavour that is acceptable for the people and the audience that they reach to.

16:50 - So, we gave many examples you. . they insist on saying, ‘Salah (prayers), salah, salah, wudu (ablution), wudu, wudu,’ that doesn’t mean anything to an audience coming new, but you can reach that same audience just by saying ‘Energy. ’ ‘Do you want to take away bad energy?’ “Yeah. ” ‘Do you want to build good energy?’ “Yes. ” ‘Okay then that was wudu and this is salah.

17:14 - You have to take off bad energy by washing and then you go through the whole process of how energy is good and take away negative energy.

17:21 - And you want to build good energy then you have to sit and make tafakkur and contemplate and build your energy in certain movements that will release your energy – this is salah. ’ It’s the same but Allah (AJ) gave them a hikmah (wisdom), “Ilm e Laduni wa hikmati bis Saliheen” (Divinely Knowledge and Wisdom of the Righteous).

17:38 - That’s why they are two wings, Allah (AJ) give to these servants the wisdoms and as a result gave them hikmah on how to use so that’s why they fly because they have two wings and Allah (AJ) send them to do dawah (religious propagation).

17:56 - Not the angry person who doesn’t understand anything, get angry at everyone and just say, ‘You have to do it, that’s the way it is.

18:02 - Just you do it. ’ So, these are different purposes and different dawah.

18:07 - So, their purpose is then now teach you ‘Allah,’ take away all the bad character, take all the bad desires, bring the ‘Allah’ to be Supreme within the heart of their dunya reality.

18:20 - When Allah (AJ) is Sufficient with that then the turuqs (spiritual paths) come to bring them now into the heavenly reality, because Allah’s (AJ) Saying, ‘You’re not going to find Me there, you’re not going to find a place where Allah’s (AJ) sitting and saying, ‘Hi this is Allah (AJ) I’m going to take you now to meet Allah (AJ). ’ Allah (AJ) Say, ‘I’m not in heaven, I’m not on earth, I’m in the heart of My believer. ’ Means you’re going to enter into a Muhammadan light and in the center of that light is a Qalb (Heart).

18:52 - And Qalb has a different understanding what ‘Heart’ is.

18:56 - Because they don’t speak English, they say ‘Heart - Qalb. ’ So, when Allah (AJ) Says, ‘I’m in the Qalb of My believer,’ it’s not the Qalb that you think and I think.

19:07 - But it’s the reality of the qaf-laam-ba. So, the huroof (Arabic letters) will give the understanding of what Allah (AJ) meant by Qalb.

19:16 - That to reach to that reality that’s the secret of laam and alif.

19:21 - And that’s the secret of the zulfiqar (sword of Imam Ali (as) which is a laam and an alif and the zulfiqar was Prophet’s ﷺ reality.

19:29 - He gave the zulifiqar to Imam Ali (as) say, ‘You’ll be the gate and door to this reality because you have to teach them that don’t come with their heads into my reality. ’ So, he stand at the gate – Ulul Baab (Gatekeepers of the Reality) and that’s why the reference in Qur’an to ulul al baab – The Gatekeepers.

19:51 - The gatekeepers are a class of awliyaullah (saints) that been given zulfiqar and as a result of that zulfiqar they teach people with these knowledges of inside the city and how to lose your physical head to enter into that city.

20:11 - And that’s why then that ta’weez (prayer for protection), [referring to najm ta’weez].

20:17 - Somebody emailed that, ‘What does this ta’weez have to do with Naqshbandiya?’ Naqshbandiya has nothing to do with any ta’weez for your clarification.

20:24 - Naqshbandiya is a school of esoteric knowledges and realities.

20:29 - Ta’weez’s are realities from the heavens. There’s no Naqshbandi ta’weez.

20:35 - Each of the Naqshbandi shaykhs in the shajarah (spiritual lineage) have been given many ta’weez’s for the times and the events and things that are partaking and taking place on this earth.

20:46 - So, ta’weez is a separate issue, Naqshbandiya and its reality is a completely separate reality.

20:53 - Means they can be shaykhs that are not associated with any tariqah because these are from the Muhammadan kingdom, they don’t have to be in tariqah.

21:01 - Tariqah is a school in which to train to people to reach this reality, but there are 124,000 awliyaullah that are all in the government of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ from their Ghawth then to the imams and then the Qutubs (Cardinal Poles) around - the Akhyar, Awtad, Budal, Nujab, Nuqab, Awtad wal Akhyar, Malaika wa Jinn.

21:24 - This whole structure is a structure of the Muhammadan government and that’s not related to tariqah.

21:31 - They can be in tariqah and they can not be in tariqah.

21:35 - They can be a high ranking Muhammadan government and have nothing to do. . you don’t ever find them in a tariqah but they be ahle zikr (people of Divinely remembrance) and they maybe in the audience of a zikr.

21:45 - So, this is completely different realities.

21:48 - And Prophet ﷺ gives to them these ta’weez’s.

21:52 - These ta’weez meaning give them heavenly writings and inspirations that produce Divinely energies and Divinely realities.

22:02 - That phoenix is a representation of the reality of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) who is a descendant of Imam Ali (as) and has to do with the zulfiqar and the might and majesty that Allah (AJ) has dressed upon Imam Ali (as).

22:20 - If everyone else is a bird then the huma – the phoenix and the bird of salvation then has to do with the reality of Imam Ali (as).

22:34 - And that’s why its crown, it’s ‘Azimat (Might) is Allah (AJ), it’s face and its head is a Muhammadan guidance.

22:42 - These are why its Mahdiyun – the Muhammadan hadi (guide) means that is inheriting fully like a kamil (perfected) version of the Muhammadan guidance.

22:52 - And his wings means his support is ‘Ya Ali’ and the swords of Imam Ali (as) are like fire from jahannam against disbelievers.

22:59 - So, the reality of “Humaye rahmah” that’s why we sing it in these nasheeds (songs of praise) is ‘Ya Ali humaye rahmah. ’ That is the phoenix of Allah (AJ) sifat Ar-Rahmah because “…Harisun ‘alaykum bilmuminin hu wa raufun rahim” that his power and his might is not directed towards humanity; his power and might is to uplift humanity because Allah (AJ) love them, but he’s shadeedul quwa – is immense powers against shayateen and devils from Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Powers and ‘Azimat.

23:31 - So, for the days of difficulty that opening then alhamdulillah they said add that as a ta’weez and inshaAllah the barakah (blessing) of that… If it works for you alhamdulillah.

23:46 - If it doesn’t then alhamdulillah people are free to do whatever they like.

23:50 - But it has an immense importance. Somebody emailed and said, ‘Oh I want to know something about your name and I saw something and then at the end of that whole vision then I saw this huma, I saw the bird come and give its salutations. . ’ and he went on to describe some other things.

24:08 - So, it’s very real, it’s a matter of how much the student believes and imitates the way.

24:15 - So they imitate it and it has its reality for the shaykhs and the area that the shaykhs are representing inshaAllah.

24:23 - Long answer, alhamdulillah [shaykh laughs].

24:26 - As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah Asking for forgiveness and reading durood in this life does it take away the punishment that’s meant to be given for us in the grave? What can we do to overcome sinful acts? Simple acts? Question was reading durood (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), making salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) does that relieve the punishment of the grave and what can we do to relieve simple acts? Audience: Sinful acts Sinful acts is you… we’re making tawbah (repentance) all the time.

25:04 - All of the du’as (supplications) on the app [MuhammadanWay App], Tawbatan… we have in the Fajr awrad is the sultan (king) of istighfars (seeking forgiveness) - “Tawbatan ‘abdin zalimin” this one was described by Mawlana Shaykh (Q) as like the king of istighfars, it’s in the Fajr awrad.

25:24 - That Du’a al Mathur from Sultanul Awliya (King of saints) Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah Faiz ad Daghestani (Q), these are immense, immense du’as of forgiveness.

25:33 - So our life is about - we’re going to be sinning and we’re continuously going to be asking for forgiveness.

25:40 - ‘Your nation never stops sinning and I never stop Forgiving them,’ Allah (AJ) described to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ: ‘Your nation never gets tires of sinning and I never get Tired of Forgiving them,’ because of the love that Allah (AJ) has for Prophet ﷺ.

26:00 - So this is a matter of - this going to happen anyways, but what’s important on these days is to build that relationship and understanding.

26:10 - That this, this relationship with Prophet ﷺ is essential on our path.

26:18 - That in my time of difficulty my companionship that I have to be always in that understanding of making my salawats, asking for Prophet ﷺ to be present with me in every time of happiness and in difficulty.

26:35 - And the most difficult that humanity can even understand is the grave.

26:40 - So, then this is the time in which Allah (AJ) gave to awliyaullah - ‘Go for seclusion,’ but now for the nation they don’t have that understanding of seclusion so they all accept itikaf because Allah (AJ) put that, Prophet ﷺ put that there that at least these ten days when Allah’s (AJ) giving you all these rewards, then make an understanding at least try to observe a portion of the time, try to do some meditation and reflection.

27:10 - And if you’re being guided by the shaykhs then they’re saying also - focus on the fire and ‘Itqun Minan Naar – to be free from this fire Ya Rabbi by my presence with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and the presence of Prophet ﷺ with me.

27:23 - And make this loving relationship and salawats and asking him, asking Prophet ﷺ that, ‘Who will help me in my time of difficulty?’ When you’re meditating look at the sadness around the world, look at the suffering around the world.

27:38 - We used to say that in the teaching when you would watch the news and you would see them how they’re torturing Muslim is Burma.

27:46 - And then they were, Abu Ghraib they were tearing them up and holding them and torturing them.

27:51 - Why don’t you look at those pictures and say that’s you? Why you think you’re better than the people of Burma and what they did to them and how they’re doing to them? What they’re doing right now in China to people? That they came and they said, ‘Oh you’re Muslim and took them,’ and who knows what they’re doing to them.

28:07 - So, then when you meditate you look at those pictures and ask Prophet ﷺ, ‘If they come to do that to me, what am I going to do? How will I defend myself? How will I, how. . who will I call to? That please be with me in my time of need, put your love upon me, make me to feel my nearness to you,’ and then. . and cry out, cry out and asking Prophet ﷺ to ‘Please put your light upon me, put your support upon me.

28:35 - Sultanan Naseera (Victorious King) that Allah (AJ). . you are the sultan who has authority. ’ That grant me an authority, grant me a light, grant me a nearness to you before difficulty comes, before people are coming to harm myself and my family.

28:50 - Grant me your support, grant me your nearness.

28:52 - So, this is the time in which make the plea, not when you know they’re at your door.

28:58 - And that’s why don’t turn off the news and think, ‘Oh that’s far away. ’ It’s everywhere, everywhere is the oppression and difficulty and all sorts of badness and you know horrific characteristics.

29:11 - So, this is the time in which you ask Allah (AJ) that please, ‘In my. . my time of difficulty and I see all these difficulties, I’m asking to be close to Prophet ﷺ, asking that Prophet’s ﷺ najat (salvation) to be upon me, the nearness upon me and that your love be upon me. ’ We said many times you would see and look for the sandal and the holy foot of Prophet ﷺ.

29:33 - To see the sandal, a beautiful foot and that my head is on your foot that, ‘Please I won’t lift my head until I feel you’re happy and content with me and that your support is to be supporting me,’ inshaAllah.

29:46 - So, these are all an immense time to meditate and contemplate and to make that relationship and to leave heedlessness that, ‘Oh this. . this everything is great, everything is fantastic. ’ No, it’s not fantastic.

29:59 - Everything is in difficulty inshaAllah. As Salaamu Alaykum Sayyidi Walaykum As Salaam wa rehmatullah How can I guarantee that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will come to my grave if I am in difficulty.

30:10 - Oh, you just answered that] That, answered that one already.

30:17 - You can guarantee… ‘How do I guarantee that Prophet ﷺ will come to my grave in my time of difficulty,’ you can guarantee that yourself right now.

30:26 - Why do you have to wait for the time of grave that’s the thing.

30:29 - You know what you’re doing, you know how much you’re committed, you know what part of your life is focusing on this reality.

30:36 - If this is a part-time entertainment for you then I would imagine in your grave it will be a part time entertainment for them.

30:49 - Make sense? Yeah, you don’t take it, you think its kind of like funny, it’s okay occasionally.

30:55 - Then you go into the grave they’ll think, ‘Oh this that guy who thought it was just like a part-time thing.

31:01 - Let’s just wait, we’ll wait until we go there to see what’s going on’ [shaykh laughs].

31:06 - So, it’s a matter of - what you put into it is what you get out of it.

31:08 - That’s what we teach our children, then Allah (AJ) teaching us.

31:12 - You know you don’t put anything into it why are you expecting to get out of it.

31:16 - So, those whom they have sakinah (tranquility). . why is somebody would have sakinah and tranquility into their heart? They did everything they can and they are doing everyday everything they can.

31:27 - How can they do more? They don’t have more hands.

31:29 - There is some people that you wish you could multiply them because they’re doing so much and they can’t do more.

31:35 - That then Allah (AJ) has to give to them in their heart sakinah.

31:38 - That at night, ‘I did my best. ’ And when I know I’m not doing anything of what I could be doing then everyone has their own limit, everyone has what they understand of their inability.

31:50 - If Allah (AJ) gave a person. . and we have emails from people who are in physical handicaps.

31:55 - What can they do? Pray. Allah (AJ) doesn’t expect for them to get up and to do physical things, that’s okay.

32:03 - Allah (AJ) gave everyone a limitation, within that limitation what is it that you can do.

32:09 - because maybe with you whom they’re physically not well Allah (AJ) accepts your du’a, keep praying for them – ‘Ya Rabbi pray for my shaykhs, pray for their dawah, pray for these things. ’ Everybody can do something in which you feel, ‘I was content.

32:22 - I can’t move my legs but I can type. I’m going to start doing this, I’m going to do that. ’ There’s like a immense fire of dajjal (man of deceit) and this work is like you know throwing rain drops on it.

32:35 - It’s not going to extinguish it. We said many times you know when the ant saw the fire of Nimrod and the immensity of the fire that could be seen from you know hundreds of miles away.

32:46 - And an ant was taking a water, run, run, run he couldn’t even get too close to the fire ‘Ppph’ [Spit water sound effect], and spit on the fire, it evaporate before it hit that.

32:58 - And awliya who can. . who could talk to creatures, is the ant is coming back and say, ‘What are you doing? The water you’re throwing on that immense fire is not going to put the fire. ’ Say, ‘I wasn’t planning on putting the fire out but I wasn’t going to die saying that a Nabi of Allah (AJ) is being burned and I did nothing and stood by’ [said the Ant].

33:20 - Means this happening now, this world is on fire, how are you going to meet Allah (AJ) and say, ‘I did nothing with the fire that I saw coming. ’ So, our life was. . is about - do something.

33:30 - You even you think it’s not going to do anything, it’s not our business.

33:34 - But our business was to you know - die trying.

33:37 - That we’re out to put the dawah, out to spread the love, out to give people hope to the best of their ability to reach towards these realities, the rest is in Allah’s (AJ) Hand.

33:48 - But you can’t see that fire and just sit at home and do nothing.

33:51 - And then when it comes into your backyard, you’re oh… congratulations.

33:55 - So, this oppression and zulumat (oppression) and darkness is everywhere.

33:59 - I think the Nasqhbandiya shuyukh the immensity of the power that Allah (AJ) has given to them completely divulged and opened up the Wahhabi movement and Salafi movement and destroyed their movement and whatever they were planning to do on a nefarious hidden level.

34:17 - Mawlana Shaykh (Q) he completely obliterated and opened up that reality, where there’s not a place on earth that doesn’t know that name.

34:25 - But before nobody knew its name, it was like a hidden curse that nobody understood what that madhab (school of Islamic law) was.

34:34 - Naqshbandiya opened that up. There was no other shaykhs daring to talk about these things.

34:38 - And mawlid (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ) was something that nobody could do especially in America.

34:43 - 20 years ago, when we started, they were fighting to get a mawlid against the ISNA and ICNA conferences in America.

34:52 - Now mawlid is so present that the ones who don’t do mawlid are in trouble because say, ‘Why are not doing mawlid?’ These are Naqshbandiya awliya that went and put out their books, put out their knowledges and what Allah (AJ) gave of support, they changed the whole image of what’s a happening on this earth.

35:11 - So, what you think you could never do, it’s just enough for Allah (AJ) to see if people are committed and trying. .

35:17 - “Idha jaa a Nasrullahi wal Fath. ” When Allah (AJ) give His Support, His Happiness then miracles can occur.

35:25 - So alhamdulillah. Never give up hope and we try our best and keep keep pushing and keep pushing and think that how are we going to meet Allah (AJ) saying: ‘We saw all this ignorance and we did nothing with our life, with our money, with our family, with our resources we did nothing. ’ inshaAllah.

35:43 - Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen.

35:51 - Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. .