We Miss You! NHS Teacher Montage

Apr 3, 2020 18:52 · 971 words · 5 minute read god levi got bonjour "?

Hi everybody. Thought I’d sing a little melody. It’s Bo. ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ Hi Everybody. ♫ ♫ How are you doin? ♫ ♫ How are you doin? ♫ ♫ How are you doin today? ♫ Hi everybody. Hope everyone’s doing okay. Hope that on May the fourth, we will be with you. [Children] May the fourth be with you! Hey team! Hope you’re doing well. Missing you lots right now. Up in the great state of Washington. It’s a little cloudy outside. So we’ve just been kind of staying inside and getting our exercise by dancing it up at home. Woo! Hope you’re all staying healthy. Hope you’re all staying happy. Hi, Northampton High School. We miss you! Hey, everybody. This is Maddy. Maddy, say hi. Now you look anywhere near the screen? There we go. Good Cat. Hi, everybody! I really miss all of you.

I miss making art with you, 01:36 - and I hope that you’re all taking really good care of yourself, and finding a little bit of time to be creative during our time apart. Love you guys. [Child] Beautiful! Hi NHS. It’s me, Mr. Moylan and really really bored but finding some fun things to do to pass the time. Miss you guys. Hope to see you soon. Hi everyone. I miss you a lot. I’m trying to work outside on this beautiful day. I hope you’re getting outside into nature enough. I hope to see you before too long. Hi. This is Mrs. Brown, remote from my classroom, as you can see in the background.

02:14 - I just want to say hi to everybody and let you know I’m thinking about you all and missing you all and really hope that we can get back to where we were soon. Hello, hello! If you don’t know me my name is Ms. Viets. I’m missing going to school every day. I’m missing my students, my friends. School closing is really stressful. I need to take care of myself and practice what we call, “self care”. My favorite way to take care of myself is here with me. Two cats. Saskia. Felix. My other favorite is going outside. Every day I go outside to see the trees, hear the birds sing. It’s really nice.

03:26 - I hope that you’re ok, and I hope to see you soon! Hey everybody. I know that we’re all kind of pent up but I want to just say hi to everybody and in my backyard taking in the Sun and Always go Hamp. Woo! ♫ [Lick repeated on various instruments] ♫ Miss you all. Hi guys! How’s it going? Hope you’re doing well, getting caught up on exercise, eating well, and lots and lots of sleep. Um, I miss you all, and I have a question for you. Levi got me a new pair of glasses. He said they were, “trending” right now. I don’t know.

I’m hoping you can help me 04:11 - by telling me how they look. Are they ok? What do you think? I’m in quarantine, just like you. Oh, I have a puppy. Notice pencils in my hair. My god. I hope you’re happy and healthy. I’ll see you soon. I miss everyone. Oh! Bye! Hi everyone. It’s a beautiful Friday and I’m out here working in the garden with my dog Tallulah. C’mere, Tallulah! And my rabbit, Clover, and pretty sure that Tallulah wants to eat Clover, so I should probably go. Alright. Take good care of yourselves, and hopefully I’ll see you soon! Bye. Uh, hey everybody. Just wanted to say, “Hello”.

05:01 - Hope everybody’s staying safe and being well. I miss all you guys. And uh, hopefully see all you guys soon. Hi, Northampton High School! Hi everyone! We’re really missing you guys here in the halls. I hope everyone’s staying in and staying safe! Be well! See you soon! See you when we see ya! Hey! It;s your favorite person, Jason. Hi! Hi guys! Hi, guys! I miss you guys all so much! This is what I’m doing now. Walking with my girl. There she is! Say ,“Hi!” Say “Hi!” to everybody! Say “Hi, guys!” “Hi! My mommy misses you guys!” Bye! ♫ [Sweet Caroline] by Neil Diamond ♫ [Singing] Sweet quarantine! Heym NHS! Basa here! I might be retired, but I’m never far away! Remember what I used to tell you, This heart is big enough tot love the whole world! Sending my best wishes and love to all of you! And sorry, Ms..

Armstrong, but this is what’s trending 06:15 - en la casa Basa. Oh, yeah. Hey everybody, I miss you. I’m just hanging out with my two other physics students right here. Physics student number one, and physics student number two. Let’s just say there’s not very much motivation happening in this household. Miss you all! [Speaking French] It’s Sasha, and Charlie, and Madeline. We hope you’re doing all well staying healthy and safe. Charlie, can you say, “Bonjour”? [Charlie] Boots-sue. [Laughing] Hi there everybody. It’s Steven Elrich, theater teacher, here in my back yard, where I’m about to figure out how to make theatre in your own back yard. Stay tuned, keep well, and keep talking. Hey, everybody. It’s Mr. Gordon. I’m wearing my favorite soccer shirt. If you can read it, let me know. It’s hard being away from school. I miss you all, well most of you, and I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family. Doing some yard work. And, um, doing a lot of time on Desmos. Lost of Desmos. I hope everyone does well and is well. Um, Bye. ♫ [piano] ♫ .