Michael Degen, Partner Business Consultant AEC Autodesk "BIM liegt uns am Herzen"

Jan 16, 2020 13:24 · 385 words · 2 minute read customers data acquisition project 15

Our topic here at this fair and also for the whole event is BIM - Building Information Modeling. This topic is very important to us at Autodesk. We have been investing in this segment for more than 15 years and are very happy to be able to work with our customers here on a different level of cooperation and work in general in the planning sector. BIM is a process that describes all phases; from planning in detail, to design, to execution, to operation for the facility manager at the end of the project, when the building starts to live, this process covers wonderfully. We are currently in the process of breaking down silos even more.

00:48 - For this purpose we have created the term Connected BIM. We are talking about the added value that is created. On the one hand, our customers have to get their projects finished. Every planner contributes something to the project and breaks occur time and again. We can still see this today, when information is passed from company A to company B or from one department to another, then there are sometimes still places where data, which has been laboriously created with a lot of brain power, commitment and up-to-date data, is sometimes lost again or has to be maintained manually. That is one topic.

01:18 - We are currently working on a platform that is available to everyone at any time throughout the project cycle. It can be imagined like a big bucket where everyone can reach in and put something in or take something out that they need at the time they are in the process. At our stand, which you can see here, you can see five monitors in the background, which we have sorted thematically for the different areas. Scan to BIM, there’s the whole area of reality capture, drones, data acquisition, how do we depict this in the model. We have the example of bridge and road here at the stand and we do this with sales partners. We work together with sales partners.

01:58 - These specialists are on site, they go the last mile to the customer, look after the customer, listen to the needs and show their solutions, which they offer further developed on the basis of our technology. .