BioWeapon ALERT! The REALITY of Coronavirus MSM Wont Tell You About!!
Feb 5, 2020 20:58 · 1554 words · 8 minute read
OK, This is an attempt to try to distill this and get this information out here. This guy right here is Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the biological weapons Act and right here he gives a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus is an offensive biological warfare weapon. And that the World Health Organization knows about it. So I’m gonna play just some of this right here this this guy from geopolitics and Empire does a really good job with this interview but I want to play about a five minute clip here and then I want to play what Tom cotton says about this seemingly fabricated story from mainstream media that this whole thing started in a Wuhan seafood market and will try to connect the dots but check this out now let’s get to what’s been on the news recently. This coronavirus in Wuhan there. There have been some reports recently. There’s a really interesting website called a great game India that has been reporting on this and they’ve been talking about China which now let me just stop right there for a second.
01:59 - This is the website it’s called great game India and there’s two notable articles and I’ll leave the links in the description. US Senator Tom Cotton questions mainstream media’s narrative on coronavirus. I’m just gonna go ahead and play what he says right here real quick and then I’ll show you the next link they also claimed for almost two months until earlier this week that had originated in a seafood market in Wuhan that locals had contracted it fro animals and say bat soup or snake tartare. That is not the case. The Lancet published study last weekend demonstrating that of the original 40 cases 14 of them had no contact with the seafood market including patient zero as one epidemiologist said that virus went into the seafood market before it came out of the seafood market. We still don’t know where it originated it could have been another seafood market could have been a farm could have been a food processing company.
02:55 - I would note that China or that Wuhan also has China’s only biosafety level four left super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens to include yes coronavirus. Now that last part right there is very important this next link that I’m going to include in the description is this one from the same site coronavirus bio-weapon how China stole coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it. So let’s get back to this interview they say has been complying with biological weapons convention in recent years but then there are some people in the US and experts that have been saying that in reality China isn’t complying with the Weapons Convention and I think neither perhaps the US as well and you know I’m wondering if China is developing its own biosafety level 4 lab in in Wuhan and elsewhere as you know as a type of deterrence. It is it a type of a biological arms race that we have going on you told me in an email that you suspect China was developing the corona virus as a dual use a bio warfare weapons agent and also what do you make of reports that Chinese scientists have been stealing research and and viruses including the corona virus from a Canadian bio lab this past December and as well Chinese nationals have been charged with smuggling vials of biological research to China from the US with the aid of Charles Laver who was the chair of Harvard’s chemistry department and he will also happen to be in 2011 a strategic scientist at Wuhan University. So can you tell us what’s going on with this recent outbreak in Wuhan? Alright well that’s a lot of questions I guess we can take them one at a time but it if you just do a very simple google search on: “ does China have a bsl-4 laboratory ?” Wuhan comes up right away it’s at the top of the list that’s all in the moment this type of thing happened I began to to do that and so a bsl-4 is the most serious type and basically bsl-4 labs.
05:13 - We have many them here in the United States are used to develop offensive biological warfare weapons with DNA genetic engineering so it does seem to me that the Wuhan bsl-4 is the source of the coronavirus. Yes and my guess is that they were researching SARS and they weaponized it further by giving it gang of gain-of-function properties which means it could be more lethal and indeed the latest report now is it’s 15 percent fatality rate. Which is more than now that’s notable because the 15 percent mortality or fatality rate is not what mainstream media’s reporting by any stretch of the imagination. SARS at 83 percent infection rate so a typical gain-of-function it travels in the air so it could reach out maybe 6 feet or more from someone emitting a sneeze or a cough. Likewise this is a specially designated Wuhan research lab so the whe always eat on it and they knew full well what was going on there.
06:43 - Yes it’s also been reported to China I don’t doubt that how could the World Health Organization not know about this. Another question that I would ask is how deeply involved is Israel and Mossad in this because nobody’s talking about that. I’ve seen many scientists stole coronavirus materials from The Canadian lab at Winnipeg. Winnipeg is Canada’s foremost Centre for research developing testing biological warfare weapons it’s along the lines of Fort Detrick here in the United States of America and yeah I have three degrees from Harvard. Would not surprise me if something was being stolen out of Harvard to to turn over to China. Read out report.
07:36 - I don’t know what was in those vials one way or the other but the bottom line is I my opinion is and I drafted the US domestic implementing legislation for the biological weapons convention that was approved unanimously by both houses in the United States Congress signed into law by President or senior. That it appears the coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of that Wuhan bsl-4. I’m not saying it was done deliberately but there have been previous reports of problems with that lab and things leaking out of it and I’m afraid that is what we are dealing with today. Now I just want to note also right here you’re not hearing any of this on mainstream fake stream media and we all know the reason for that they’re in bed with the government. Of course now something I wanted to show you I’ve just updated this let me update this again live as of 8:30.
08:44 - I don’t know if that’s Central Standard Time if it is it’s about 45 47 minutes you have 48 minutes ago confirmed this is these are just numbers coming out of China which you absolutely cannot trust confirm twenty four thousand five hundred seventy nine deaths. f Four hundred ninety three recovered. 909 I don’t believe any of these numbers but even if it was 20 percent true. That’s that’s that’s a horrible ascension rate right there. I just wanted to give you the the meat of this where he’s talking about this being an offensive biological warfare weapon and I just want to ask you guys what you guys think about it and leave your comments.
09:25 - Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. There’s a lot of stuff going on. There’s a lot of misinformation. There’s a lot of deception happening and it’s coming out of the Liars from mainstream media. The Liars from our own government and the Communist Liars of China. So it’s hard to tell what’s really going on. We see all these videos coming out where there’s 8 10 12 people dying in a 5 minute period from people who claim to be going through a hospital in Wuhan China.
09:53 - If that’s the case there’s way more dead bodies than we can possibly imagine. Certainly more than are being reported by Chinese officials. I’ll leave the link to geopolitics and Empire so that you can watch the rest of this it’s a 38 minute interview and it looks pretty interesting although there is one question down here so dr. Boyle are you saying you would trust purbright vaccine. These are the people who have the patent on this virus knowing the association with the master eugenicist Bill Gates.
10:28 - Do you really know what’s in it? I would not trust any vaccine coming out of any of these people. Guys I mean if the virus doesn’t kill you starvation will. They get a lockdown on tens of millions of people in China right now and then if the starvation and the virus doesn’t kill you maybe the vaccine will. So who knows what’s going on here. Just keep your eyes open keep asking questions. Don’t believe everything and question everybody. I’ll see you guys in the next video. .