Plant lover gifts 🎁🌱 Plant lover gift ideas !

Nov 12, 2020 14:45 · 2199 words · 11 minute read starting make great gifts succulent

Hi everybody, I hope that you are doing well. Today we are going to be talking about my favourite gifts for plant people this year. So this can be a gift for your friends or for yourself. OK, coming up. OK so, just so you know, all of the things that I will be including in this video will be down in the description below so you can easily find them. So let’s start with our first gift. And this one I really like because we can really get creative with it. This is a potting mix kit.

00:34 - So for your potting mix mixture you can include: Coconut coir. Right now I have this big block, but of course I would recommend that you use a smaller block. And I will put a link in the description below so you can find a smaller block than this one. You can also include some worm castings. This is great for our potting mix because it will provide the nutrition that our plant needs. I would also recommend that you add some perlite. So perlite actually makes our potting mix very fluffy. And it will add some drainage to our mix, which is great for our plants so we can prevent overwatering. If you prefer, instead of perlite, you can add pumice. And if your friend has lots of succulents, I would recommend that you add some sand. Now, you can persolize this gift even further by adding a personilized recipe for the potting mix. So for example, I made one myself here.

01:30 - So as you can see, it says “Jan’s Potting Mix Recipe”. So this would be a gift for Jan. And you can open it, and then you can put a recipe here. So for example, I have here 7 parts of Coconut coir, 2 parts of perlite, 2 parts of worm castings. And then for succulents, I also added a recipe, just in case they want to do a recipe for the succulents. And the great thing is that these ingredients can be used for succulent potting mix or for tropical plant potting mix, you just have a different ratio to them.

02:00 - So yeah, I’m actually going to put my recipe down below, just in case you want to use it for your friend. Gift number 2, and this is especially helpful for the winter months, is a humidifier. You know, as soon as we start heating up our homes, the air in our homes becomes really dry. So I found that this is really good for our plants. Especially if we have tropical plants such as the Calathea, the Strelitzia Nicolai, or even a Monstera.

02:27 - So this is the one that I have in my house, I really like it, so let me show you how it works. So here it shows you the level of humidity that we are at, so right now we are at 57%. I put it to be at 60%, so it is still working until it gets to 60%. Then over here you can control the mist, so it has three levels. You also have the sleep button here, which is really great because it actually turns off the light. So then you can have it like this, just in case you are sleeping or anything. Or you can also put a timer, so you can actually set it up by time. So you can put it for an hour, or whatever you would like. It’s a great humidifier. Staying on the topic of humidity, which is a very important topic, especially in the winter, This gift is very useful, this is a humidstat. And what is does is that it helps us measure the temperature and the humidity level.

03:19 - So if you are looking for something more affordable, but great for our plants and ourselves, this is a great gift. Talking about things that are very useful in the winter, you can also go for a grow light. So this one specifically I really like for various reasons. First, this one is an LED full spectrum grow light. So even though the light looks white, it actually provides the full spectrum, so red and blue, which are very important for our plants.

03:47 - On top of that, this is actually made out of ceramic, so it’s a very good quality grow light, this is actually the Sansi grow light, and I am going to be using it for my succulents. So yeah, this one I recommend. If your friend has for example a plant cabinet, or shelves like these ones right here, you can also go for small LED lights. We have some for our shelves here, and they are actually working really well for our plants. So that can be a little bit more of an affordable option, and it does provide some of the light that our plants need. Of course, if you know me, you know that I love books, and these can make great gifts for a plant lover, because they have so much information, especially if we are just beginning, But also for people who have been doing it for a long time.

04:32 - So let me show you some of the books that I’m loving this year. Number one, as you may know, is this one Root, Nurture, Grow. And I love this book because it’s a very good guide if we are actually starting with propagation with our plants. it actually has many types of propagation methods, which is importants because different plants respond better to some propagation methods than to others. On top of that, it includes a propagation table, which is really great because it actually shows you many plants and what propagation methods are best for them.

05:06 - So if you or your friend are starting to experiment with propagation, this book is really good. Another book that I’d strongly recommend, whether you are a plant beginner or you have some time with plants, is this one right here, this one it called Gardening under lights, and I’m actually reading it right now, and I really like it. This is because this is a very complete guide on grow lights. Not only it talks about how plants actually preceive light, which is very different to how we perceive it, but also how they use it, and what kind of lights we want to use for various plants, as well as how to use them and how long. So it’s a very complete guide and would strongly recommend it for any plant beginner, especially in winter.

05:52 - Number three is the first book that I ever got here in Berlin for my plant care, and this is How not to kill your houseplant. This is a very simple book but it’s very good for plant beginners. It’s really easy to use, it actually has more than 100 houseplants, and many tips for each plant, such as lighting, water, temperature, humidity. So it’s a very good general introduction to the houseplant life, with specific examples for each plant. So if you or your friend are starting with plants, this is a very good introduction.

06:25 - And last but not least, if you are looking for some inpiration on how to place your plants around your house, and really make it feel like a jungle, this book is for you. This is called Wild Interiors, and it’s actually by Hilton Carter, so you may know him from Instagram or YouTube. He is amazing with plants, and what I really like about this book is that he goes around the world with other plant lovers, to talk about their plants and how they distribute them in their house. Not only that, but how important they are to their life. So it’s a very inspiring book, so I would really recommend it.

07:01 - Now, if you are more into DIY, the next idea is going to be great for you. These are Root Chutes. I actually learned how to make these from the Root, Nurture, Grow book. So they are really great for propagations. So the way that we use these, is when we are propagating our plants in water. We don’t want the leaves of our plants to touch the water, because this can create fungi. So that’s when these come in. When we place our cutting in a jar, we put it through the holes on these ones. And they will protect the leaves from touching the water. I use this one for my string of pearls propagations, and this one for my pothos, or other plants like that one. They are really pretty and I think they are a great gift, because you put your heart into these. And every time your friend propagates their plants, they’ll think of you.

07:47 - Now, if your friend is into hydroponics, or leca in general, you can go for something like this. I was actually contacted by this company, it’s called Brockytony, and I love what they do. they sale leca in different sizes, but what stands out from them is that they actually colour the leca. And the cool thing about it is that they actually do it sustainably, and it will not harm our plants. Plus it’s going to look super pretty. So leca can be used at the bottom of our potting mix, to provide some drainage, it also helps with humidity levels in the potting mix, or you can put actually on top of your plants for decoration.

08:23 - and if you put on top of your plants, this can actually help you prevent fungus gnats. This is because this is not organic material, so they won’t like to put their eggs on top of these. They have many different colours, so for now, I have the purple one, the pink one, and the white one. They also have green, sand, red, yellow. So you can also get creative with this and make a set with different colours for your friend. If the person that you are giving your gift to is into post cards as well.

08:54 - You can give them this set of botanical post cards. Guys, I can tell you I’m loving this set because every time that I am writing a post card, or a card for a friend, I use one of these. I even used these to celebrate with you guys, when we got to 10K subscribers, remember? I sent 10 of these to 10 of you guys, and it was so nice to connect with you through post cards and botanical images. They are really beautiful and I think it can be a great gift for someone that is into plants. Now, if you like the idea of houseplant care and self care, you can also create a house plant cleaning kit.

09:31 - So if you know me, you know that cleaning my plants really helps me calm down, and really also take care of myself. Especially with a solution that I am using these days. So for your house plant cleaning set, you will need: a spray bottle or mister of course, and this is where we are going to put our solution. Dr Broner’s Castille soap, and I really like using the lavender one, because the aroma is really nice and calming, as well as it prevents pests. And you can either include a set of essential oils, so your friend can actually use it so different purposes.

10:04 - But make sure that it includes the peppermint essential oil. This is because a few drops of peppermint essential oil in our solution will help use prevent pests, and it will also add a very nice aroma combined to the lavender aroma. So you can either buy the set of essential oils, or get a small bottle of peppermint essential oil to add to the solution. And for the last touch, you can add a microfiber cloth, this is excellent to clean our plant leaves. And/or some bamboo Q-tips, just in case your friend has plants with smaller leaves.

10:41 - And of course, just to personalize it you can also add a note with the recipe for the solution. And don’T worry, I will add my own recipe down in the description below, so you can use it. And of course, you can never go wrong with a plant. Especially if this is a plant that comes from your collection. So for example, I have some babies here from my spider plant, and I’m going to propagate them. Then we can use these little plants to give as gifts. I think it is a very lovely gift because it comes from our heart. And our care stays with the plant. I hope that this video was useful, if you have any other ideas, please make sure to comment below, I’m sure that the community will appreciate it. And as always, I will see you in the next video. OK, ciaooo! .