✅ How I Made $1000 in 5 Minutes Day Trading From My Bathtub
Nov 27, 2020 20:14 · 1501 words · 8 minute read
do you even want to be successful at day trading well if you do this is the only video you need to watch because i’m going to give you one strategy that’s gonna change your life you’re gonna buy that lambo and this strategy well it works with any strategy so how’s that now you’re gonna need a couple things and i’m gonna go through those things you’re gonna need one two three things to implement this strategy but like i said this strategy well it works with any strategy that you’re already using you see this strategy goes back many years many many people have used this strategy and it just plain works so you can fight it you can pretend like you don’t know about it but at the end of the day if you want to make money and when i say money i mean serious money well you better get on board because this is the only chance you have at success in this day trading game and i’m very upset and i’m very serious it’s the most serious i’ve ever been this isn’t fluff this is hard facts this is bringing it to you live this is hitting you where you need it so why don’t we dive in why don’t i show you how i applied this strategy to my old strategy that was part of another strategy that help me make 1 000 in the matter of a few minutes if you’re not interested and you’re not serious and you don’t want to see a strategy as part of another strategy with another strategy that made me a thousand dollars then click off this video right now because you don’t need to see it you don’t need to be around but if you’re serious and you want to buy that lambo you want to live in that mansion you want to drink whatever i’m drinking then follow me because we’re about to get started you see that don’t act like you don’t see it you’re going to need one of these this is a very rare ikea stool and if you don’t have one well you can’t implement this strategy so don’t give me any attitude you need to find one of these it’s rare it’s expensive it’s vintage but this is where the adventure starts all right on to step two i get it you don’t understand what this is for it’s a desk for the computer for the train station [Music] okay that’s perfect all right so why don’t we dive into these trades and uh i’ll explain the strategy so what i’m talking about is you got to get in that bathtub if you’re in the bathtub and you’re in that hot water and you’re relaxed and you’re calm and you’re you’re centered your trade strategy no matter what it is how can it not work out better than it already does so i get in the bathtub i day trade and i captured one on film where i made a thousand dollars oh one more thing i recommend having a little coffee on the edge of the tub just you know because it’s tasty okay so we’re in the tub that’s the strategy you got the little stool to prop the laptop on you’re looking good everything’s set you’re ready to trade the day opens up and you can see right here i’ve got a wild trade to show you i’m going to play that right now and i want you to take a gander all right so we’re in the bathtub we’re ready to go let’s buckle down here i’m going to play this trade i’m going to explain exactly what’s going on it’s a pretty short trade it’s a minute 50 seconds but you can see i’ve got a thousand share order out right here this is my bracket order if you don’t know about bracket orders i’ll put a card right here click that link that’ll take you to my video on how to place bracket orders and let’s walk you through it all right so you can see i’m about to get triggered in a short position and my goal on this trade was to take it below this low about five cents below 15-minute candle last 15-minute candle the pre-market and you can see right there i just got triggered in at the lows and now i’ve got a stop loss at 25 cents a take profit at 63 cents but what you’re gonna see in this trade is some pretty wild activity that doesn’t happen all the time and i’m gonna explain what’s going on as it plays out you can see my target’s coming into into range i’m up a couple hundred bucks just watching it trying to stay consistent not getting emotional i’ve got my plan but you’re going to see that as this trade gets to its target it’s going to touch that target and then freeze so i get a little emotional and i put out that order you can see i just clicked that just throughout a market order to flatten the position well for some reason td ameritrade is having delays and it doesn’t work so it’s past my target i can’t get out of the position so i try to cancel everything nothing’s canceling so i reach out to customer support i say hey i’m having troubles i can’t get out of my position what do i do and now you can see it finally closed that bracket order and i cancelled my sell order so now it’s a naked live trade which is not what i want to be in so i want to get in an order to flatten it and it’s wanting me to confirm everything it’s having a lot of issues you can see i’m up about a thousand dollars it still won’t close that’s a market order right there that’s attached to it and it won’t close so i don’t know what’s going on in this trade my target was and you can see right there it finally filled my target was to hit 630 dollars which is 63 cents instead it blew past it never filled it so i’m sitting in the bathtub very calm but trying to figure out what’s going on now i want to give you the resolution on this i reached out to td ameritrade after this trade happened and i said hey what would have happened if you know this would have been against me i would have been down and couldn’t get out and they informed me that they honor their bracket order so if you have a bracket order in the system and this goes back to the importance of the bracket order if you have it in the system td ameritrade will honor it so if you blows through your stop loss and it’s not when it’s a market stop you know it’s just not triggering and it keeps dropping keeps dropping if you reach out to them they’ll make it right they’ll actually wipe out the loss and allow you to just take the stop loss that you had entered in the system but if you don’t have a bracket order in the system they have no idea where you want it to exit so that’s why i preach the importance of the bracket work because it puts an official log in their system and lets them know where you intended to get out and you can prove it because the order is in the system time stamped if you say my intention was to get out ten dollars lower they can say well how can you prove that you know so it’s important to keep those bracket orders in the system this trade worked out for me really well because they just let it they just said it’s fine just leave it as it is so instead of making 630 dollars i end up making 1035 on a monday morning starting the morning out or the week out really nice having a little 4r winner because my 1r is 250 currently so this was a great trade it was all for the bathtub i appreciate you guys sticking with me through this video if you have any questions drop them below there’ll be more trades from the bathtub to come if you want more bathtub trades please you’ve got to get in that comment section let me know that you want more bath up trades if you like this video hit the like button and please if everyone can just share this video one time i think we can get some new viewers to come into the channel breathe a new life into the channel we need uh we need more participation so anyway hope that was well we’ll talk to you later see you next [Music] time [Music] you .