Tutorial Step by step processing of epoxy resin Grinding, polishing, shaping
May 24, 2020 09:00 · 2259 words · 11 minute read
Welcome to my channel As most of you know, there are works that I as a DIYer He’s doing in his workshop and these are works related to epoxy resins In today’s tutorial But I won’t show you how to mix resins will not be about the proportions This will be a tutorial on grinding and polishing epoxy resins The film will be divided in four steps I wrote everything down in my notes because there’s a lot of it so the film will be long There will be 4 stages Like I said, I have everything written down to keep the material in order What you see here are the materials needed to process so that I can perform the grinding and polishing process efficiently I used to show in a movie what to do with the resin if we’re gonna mess it up too much Here I have three cups and I pour resin into these glasses that I do not throw away I threw in some sticks here maybe one day I’ll make something out of it And here I made glitter ornaments and a resin with colors blue and red żywicę mam już wyciągniętą z kubka and on this resin I will show you how to process resin What do I make of it? I’ll make a ring resin with glitter I invite you to a movie Coffee in hand and have a nice time Cheers We start Topic one, roughing preforming If we work on our own forms and we don’t use finished silicone molds that are available in the store If you don’t want to be one of many then you make your own form For roughing and shaping you’ll need a few things that will allow the shape to be extracted you’ll need a multi grinder and larger machine and here I have a belt grinder on endless abrasive paper sandpaper gadget 40 it collects material very strongly and it’s not suitable for resin I have paper in the machine 100 will be ideal for working with resin There’s no point in working by hand you can, but it will take time I have 80 and 120 grade paper you can also use the paper on the block How do you make a block like this? There’s a movie on my channel, link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etAG7ec2xMs&t=2s. is perfect for grinding But it will take a long time so as not to waste any time I prefer the sander Work is fast and gives you more opportunities But if you don’t have a sander Paper can be used and can also be we start the practical part If we already have our form We mark the shape to make it easier to work The initial shape is made The next step is to draw the required shape more precisely I’m pre-sanded Now we make the shape of the ring I draw the shape of the ring Drill a hole This should be done first If we want to make the hole later this could be a problem with the mounting The material is fragile and we can damage it. So now I’m gonna drill a hole We can drill it with a screwdriver or a table-top drill But you have to fix it To securely fix it We can buy ourselves a little modeling vice And I have my ring fixed I’m starting to drill a hole As you could see, the drilling was successful It is important to remember this You can’t press too hard on the material If the drill has two cutting edges then the drill can get stuck in the material And then you can damage the material And all our work will be in the trash We grind the shape of the ring The edges should be ground and the rounding should be improved this edge is rounded It’s too far from the hole and I have to give it closer At this point the ring must be nicely rounded The first grinding step is complete We begin stage 2 Grinding and shaping It can be done manually or by machine If we have a machine But if we don’t have a machine It will take longer But you can We can use diamond files They’re working very well With epoxy resin I use them very often and I am satisfied Diamond files are not intended for resin but But compared to regular files these don’t clog up We can also use ordinary sandpaper Except that the sandpaper will not give a nice shape I’ll use it to work stand with Dremel And rollers With sandpaper The paper gradation is different I have gradations 40 and 80 and 120 With this And the grinding discs They also have different gradations They have an easy exchange system We can use rotary diamond files They have different shapes It should be visible in the camera Such files can be carved Now I’ll take care of my ring To make him look pretty I can’t show everything because the video would be very long The most important things in this film are shown We move on to stage two I’m sorry about the English language, but it’s all translated from the internet I’ve already completed the first stage Where I was giving a rough shape I also completed the second stage where I’ve already obtained the set shape and this will be the shape of a ring The most important thing to do remains because there is no effect I have to take care of these features Look how scratched it is The camera sharpened the image you see a lot of cracks and it’s dull there is no shine I have to remedy these defects and get a shine effect And for that I have to use such graceful shields 240 It will allow me to remove damage Then I’ll grind by hand and polishing I’m starting stage 3 Grinding Machining stage It’s over. by looking at the ring up close the surface now needs to be cleaned I’ll grind it by hand I don’t have any shields with a different gradation It would make it easier for me works which is why I need to focus on manual labor And here I will use the water papers It’s not an easy job because you have to repeat it many times You have to use a lot of sandpaper And what gradations will I use? We start with gradation paper And such gradations are enough to remove the damage Remember not to skip No gradation of paper because our work will not be impressive and if we skip one or two gradations it turns out that at a gradation of 1000,1500 the damage will not be completely removed and the work has to be done from scratch Water paper does not remove everything if we do not follow the rules When polishing, the damage will become very visible And it’s a pity our work to start over. Throw the paper in the water so it’s well-soaked.
18:46 - To work I showed grinding with 400-grade paper I won’t show the whole process sanding with abrasive papers because it will take a very long time and the video would take two hours I’ve made it harder for myself to grind at different angles so it will take even longer The next video scene will be after the paperwork is finished and we will start the next stage of work that is, shining and polishing But it looks nice in this form Despite the fact that there is a lot of work I have a lot of satisfaction I can do something like that and my daughter will be wearing it on her finger. it’ll be worse if your wife finds out, and she’ll want Okay, I’m gonna keep grinding Here, I’ve got this device. Which I got from a friend from another channel YT Thank you, Jack. This is a 3D print And the device itself is very useful And the project can be found on the Internet You can also buy such instruments in shops already ready-made It makes the work very easy I’ve already finished with the water papers And now it’s This page And this page and here They’re done correctly There was even a shine on this side, the edge is a little bit misgrounded This can be improved I came up with a devilish idea See what it looks like Upper part of the ring there are places that are not ground I skipped two gradations of papers I skipped the gradations 1000 and 1500 I didn’t do it on purpose. To show you you can spoil the decoration You can see how it’s not exactly polished you can see the scratches from previous grinding I’d have to do it from the beginning Stage 4 remains to be done Polishing I’ll leave those scratches To show that it’s not worth skipping another gradation of paper We move on to the next stage Polishing final We move on to the final stage And this is the polishing stage And here you can use Those dedicated Polishing disc These shields are just from Dremel Many other companies also produce them Wolfcraft also has such shields in its offer only in size xxl they have this with two polishing cubes Besides, we can use felt which is ideal for polishing there are still felts on the pins Use rather for shaped surfaces holes, cavities anyway, I have to improve the surface in this hole and enlarge the hole We can use professional polishing paste I’m not gonna advertise here what brands to use You can buy much cheaper pastes These are just syringe pastes but there are also pastes in cubesT This is the Wolfcraft shield set Designed for large drilling machines There’s felt and a polishing disc We have the max and micro versions the aforementioned polishing and shining cubes They also come with different gradations There is also a much cheaper alternative Polishing and regeneration paste for car headlights He’s very good at polishing resin And with this paste I will polish my ring You’ll have a chance to see for yourselves that she’s doing okay We’ll see how he can handle this ring Now, the ring is not shiny enough and is not perfect then you’ll see how it shines after this paste It is good to rub the paste into the disc so that when the machine is started it’s gonna get very dirty outside And a lot of cleaning is Compare how pretty it shines already.
29:31 - Now I’m gonna polish the top And in a moment the effect will be shown I mentioned that I skipped out on the top two gradations of paper to show you what a badly polished ring will look like Here Here it is skipped and here it is skipped that is, two gradations of sandpaper are omitted You’re also clear now why it doesn’t pay to skip No gradations This is obviously not the final product I have to make some adjustments I’ll show them at the end of the movie But the ring, if you only look at it with the naked eye you can’t see these flaws and only I see them I’ve done all the steps Sanding and everything else What remains is polishing, or rather shining And here’s the modification mentioned above I’ve enlarged the top of the ring I’ve enlarged these edges to make them more visible the previous edges were hardly visible I hope it looks better now. I ended up with a polishing paste and now we’re left with a shiny paste There are also various pastes They are professional and amateurish I’m gonna use a shiny paste Tempo paste which is used to shine the car paintwork but she’s also doing well with resins On my finger. then this ring is too small but it will be perfect for my daughter In the previous shot, you saw How he shines there are a few small features but these are so small scratches you can’t see with the naked eye We can see them by looking at the magnification The camera showed these scratches in a close-up macro I went through all four stages It seems to me that the material The one I showed you is really exhausting and it’s enough for that so that you can Start the adventure with epoxy resins yourself and with decorations There are many resins on the market As well as the things needed to help To start this fun I’m doing the form myself And there are also forms ready to buy Only by buying the finished form are you one of many who have it Well, in my opinion That’s all for today. Give a comment Did you like the tutorial and the decoration Would you like to see another tutorial On what topic And if the comments are repeated as in the previous tutorial I will also try to put inscriptions in English Just don’t Hey too much for that language. I’m supporting myself with a translator But I’ll try to translate So that you can understand him well I’m a dinosaur and in school I was only taught Russian I apologize to everyone and for the language mistakes Greetings to All OLO76 I’m going to go give my daughter that beautiful ring I’m just gonna take pictures Bye-bye .