GRWM from start to finish! (vlogmas #5)

Dec 10, 2020 19:00 · 4108 words · 20 minute read foundation links put connect like

♪ I’m kinda old, true ♪ ♪ My life’s kind of boring, also true ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway ♪ ♪ No one asked for this ♪ ♪ Hope you’re ready for it cause I’m ♪ ♪ Vlogging til Christmas day! ♪ - Oh my God, please never let me do that again. If you want to see the cutest thing ever, I’ll show you. Are you sleeping? Oh good morning. We just took a nice afternoon nap. I obviously slept very well over there. Layla slept right here on the floor and Moo slept right next to me. He was pushed right against my leg and it was so wholesome. Go get him.

00:35 - She does this, she cries because she wants to go see Drew instead of just going in there. Why don’t you just go? Drew is in his office painting. Did you sleep on your leg? - Hey buddy. - Ooh. Why don’t you lay down? Okay, night, night. If y’all want a dose of realness. This is what I look like right now. Styling. No, it’s so dark. I don’t like this. Okay. I guess that’ll do anyways. Hi. Hello welcome tom Vlog mas day five, I think. It’s been a pretty busy day, with stuff going on around the house, just submitting branded content.

01:18 - And we had landscapers come in this morning and Moo had a doctor’s appointment and all that stuff. Doctor’s appointment that appointment, whatever. But I have been lounging in my pajamas. I’ve just been doing a bunch of editing and I decided to do it from bed today instead of going in a little office that I have. So yeah, that’s my day, but I’m just going to get ready right now. I’m actually filming a little bit of a Q and A festive thing. Also I did wash my hair one time since I dyed it. So it’s a couple of vlogs ago now and it definitely is more faded in person, but I actually kind of like it better. It’s almost the twinge of pink has gone and now it’s kind of more of a golden sort of copper ish color. So I’m kind of into it, but we’ll see how long it lasts. So far one wash we’re still doing pretty good.

02:05 - But my hair actually kind of rejects color pretty quickly. So we’ll see. Yeah. I thought I would do a get ready with me because I haven’t done one in a really long time. And I feel like I do little bits and bobs here and there. Oh my God. So it was so British of me. I don’t know if I love this angle. I think I need to move this, so much better. I don’t know what was up with the lighting earlier, but I feel like I’ve done little bits here and there, but I haven’t in a wild full-on rundown of all of the products I use in stock.

02:32 - So starting with deodorant, I use the Dove, advanced care. It’s the cucumber one. I don’t know what it is, but making my pit smell good. I have been trying for about four or five years to find a really good natural deodorant that I like if you can find any, let me know, because I guess I’m just thinking, I don’t know, but it’s hard for me to find one lugging in my straightener. So I’ll show you how I do my hair. I’m going to show you how I do everything. All the products that I use, I get a lot of questions.

03:02 - I feel now I can sort of refer people to one video and just be like, check the links. This is everything I used. I’m going to start with foundation. I typically use either the Maybelline Fit Me matte and pore less foundation. I have a bunch of different shades of this. This one is a little dark for me. So actually I might mix these two together. And then sometimes I use the Fenty Beauty pro filter foundation and get my hair out of my face, beautiful. I have combination skin.

03:30 - For those of you wondering my face does get pretty oily. And I do have pretty acne prone skin as well. And neither of these foundations have broken me out. So it’s nice and it’s definitely the pro filter one is much more of a long wearing foundation. And they’re both like, I would say the Maybelline ones, medium coverage and this one’s full coverage. The Fenty one, which is great by the way.

03:54 - I don’t know what color my body is right now because I haven’t been tanned in like, I don’t know, a little over a week. So just kind of rolling the dice here. What happened? Yeah what happened? Yeah he is in his room. Oh, but your sister’s blocking the door. Just can you tell her to move nicely? Okay. Good luck. You want us to go in with Drew, but I know he’s coming in here to tell me that Layla’s in the way. I get a lot of questions about Layla and Moo and how they interact and stuff.

04:29 - And sometimes people who haven’t watched my channels for a long time, don’t know, but Moo is Drew’s and Layla is mine. So I’ve actually had Layla this coming summer, it’ll be 10 years, which is crazy. So she’s been with me through all of my twenties and now going into my thirties, she’s just the best. And Drew got Moo when he was, he had to be like 18. That’s crazy. So now I’m doing concealer. I use the Tarte Shape-tape concealer. It’s pretty expensive. I mean, some of these products are pretty pricey, but there’s always like drugstore deals for them.

05:03 - So in my drawer right here, I do have the Maybelline instant age rewind. And that one’s still really good, but the dark one is good too. So it has this like massive. I’m sure you’ve seen it. Everyone on YouTube. I feel like that makes videos uses it. It’s do a few dots blended on in, but yeah, so we started, we became friends in 2009. For those of you wondering, Drew and I met at sort of job that we worked at together. We started as little envelope stuffers together and it was fun. He already had Moo when I met him.

05:34 - So like through being his friend and coming over, sometimes I had met Moo a few times and then I got Layla couple of years later, a few years later. And then when we started dating, actually this was before we started dating. I had to go out of town, super suddenly. It was sort of for a family emergency type of thing. And Drew ended up watching Layla. And this was again, when we were still friends. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about this before have I? Drew was like, I’ll watch Layla. Like whatever.

06:01 - He was a little nervous about Moo because Layla is literally a hundred pounds. And Moo was this tiny guy. So I ended up bringing her over to Drew’s house. She stayed with him for like, I don’t know, few days or something. And like, they didn’t like love each other that’s for sure. Or they still don’t love each other. They just kind of tolerate one another. But there are times where Moo like come up to Layla, like literally yesterday Drew had to go physically pick Moo up because he would not leave Layla alone.

06:28 - And he was sticking his face, inside of her ears and he was smelling them. And then he was apparently cats do that. When they’re like processing a smell or something smells good or it’s stinky or whatever. He kept doing that. Drew was like eeww. So he went to pick him up and then there are times where Layla is really all about Moo. She wants to sniff him all the time. And like, he beats her up. Like he’s like beat her on the head, on the nose. And then she like walks away all sad. But yeah, I get a lot of questions on whether or not they get along, they get along pretty well. They just sort of co-exist.

07:00 - They’re never going to be that cuddly duo, but they’ve lived with each other now for going on actually exactly three years. I think December 1st was Drew’s and my three-year anniversary of living together. We’ve been together almost four years. So it’s definitely something that they’re used to. Anyways, I’m using Bronzer now, this is the Fenty beauty, sun stalker instant warmth, bronzer in the color private island. This one’s really nice. I like it a lot. The thing I was going to say was when I got back from that trip, Drew and I were sort of in this weird, I think by this point, I definitely knew that I liked Drew.

07:38 - I knew that I had a thing for him, but because we had already been friends at that point for eight years or something like that, it was sort of this weird territory where it’s scary. You don’t want to mess up your friendship. You don’t want to put it all on the line and be like, hey, I like you. And them not like you back, or you don’t want to do a dating thing and then have it explode. And then it’s weird with your friends, you know? So anyway, I was pretty sure I liked him, but we were just kind of playing it cool. We were hanging out a little bit, but literally just as friends. And then when I got back from my trip, I’m sure I still have this photo. I got back from my trip. We got back to my place. Drew had dropped Layla off at my place and I walked in and I was all tired and whatever. And I walked into my bathroom and he had set up this cute little corner in my bathroom with flowers, chocolate, bubble bath, I forget what else. But it was like this cute little gift package with a note. And it was my nickname that he called me.

08:37 - And it was something, I think it said, you mean the world to me. And I was just like, Oh my God. And I didn’t know how to take it because I just thought I was going through a really hard time. When I went out of town, it was just the kind of traumatic time of my life. So I had to quickly go out of town. And so I just sort of thought he was being a really supportive friend. So I think I even texted him and I was like, oh my God, I love you. Thank you so much really cringe. I definitely tried to downplay it.

09:03 - Because I thought that he was just being a friend and then I would say probably a month or so later, like a month and a half later, he finally was yeah, that was me trying to tell you how I felt about you. And I was like oh, I mean, it all worked out. It’s fine, but oh, I just totally forgot to mention, I just used my blush. I’ve had this blush for a really long time. It’s probably expired. I’ve had it for like a couple of years. I don’t know. But it’s the Tarte Amazonian clay twelve-hour blush in the color AQI OT. I think it’s called. I’m going to do a little highlighter.

09:34 - I don’t always, but this is the Killawatt highlighter by Fenty beauty. Super cute afternoon snack and moe honey is the shade that I have. So I kind of just do both sides and just do a little bit of this. Nothing crazy. But yeah, that is the story of the very first time Drew tried to tell me he had feelings for me and I friend-zoned him. Let’s do brows. I’ve been kind of playing around with my brows lately. I’ve been really into this feathered look. So I’ve been using, where is it? I usually use the Anasazi, Beverly Hills brow definer pencil in the color toke. And I still use that a lot. I’ve also recently started using the powder, like the brow duo. I think it’s called yeah, the brow powder duo in the color toke. It has two different shades in it. So I use the lighter trade for the front of my brows and then the darker one for the back.

10:27 - So here, this is literally how I do my brows. Oh, I start off by spulling them. I kind of have been brushing them up a little bit lately. I need a mirror for this. I’m trying to show you the best I can, but I can’t make any promises. I just kind of do that, I don’t know. This brush is really nice because it’s super angled. So it kind of does all the work for you? I haven’t gotten my brows done. I’m literally not joking.

10:52 - I haven’t had anyone do anything to my brows at least 10 years. And that’s no exaggeration. I think I’ve gotten my brows waxed twice ever. I don’t really have brows. So it’s kind of a non-issue for me. For me, it’s like, I need to get more hair, not take hair away. Okay. Now I’m going to go into the lighter shade and just do the front a little bit. Just like flick it and do the same damn thing on the other side, how fun.

11:17 - If you hear a blow dryer in the background that is Drew. He has been doing some painting. Some of you actually have hit up his artsy shop and ordered some custom miniatures. He does custom orders, commission work and some of you have been ordering stuff. That’s so cool. I’ll link his shop down below. If you want to check it out. He is working super hard for the holidays, that’s that. And then I recently just got this Glossier boy brow, life changing.

11:43 - I’ve never used a brow gel before, and I always used to wonder why my brow hairs would end up like pointing down and stuff by the end of the day, this really helps with that. So I have the blonde shade and I also have the brown shade. Brown shade’s just slightly dark for me. So I’m going to go on the blonde. And basically I just brush them up. I start at the middle. I kind of go to the end. And then I do that. So it kind of gives you that feathered brow look, I think is what it’s called. I don’t know if you can see the difference between the two, but I like it. Yeah. Just do a little bit of this and kind of go out.

12:22 - And then when I get towards the front, I go up a little bit more. It’s just kind of more natural looking, I guess, there we have it and they stay in place, which is super nice. And then for eyes, I sort of switch, I use this, I think I showed this before, but this is the Morphe. What is this nine D painted desert palette. And it just has all these really pretty warm tones, which is what I use. I’m just a warm tone bitch.

12:47 - But I also recently picked up this Glossier guy wash. This is in the color Valley. It’s a matte eye shadow type of thing. But it sort of looks like a lip gloss. So basically you just paint it on your eyelid and then it dries matte. It’s kind of gorgeous. I’ve been trying that out and it’s just such a pretty color. I feel it’s really versatile too, because depending on what your skin tone looks like, I feel it can totally change what the outcome of the product is. But for me, it’s a little bit darker than my skin tone, but for someone with a darker skin tone than me, I think it would look really pretty too, as like a lighter color. Then sometimes I’ll do brow highlight. So I’ll use this lighter color. I mean any champagne colors, nice.

13:34 - So I just do that under the brow, down below lower lash line. Then I curl my lashes super easy by using this one from it doesn’t even have a brand on it. So it’s probably from Target. The eye-liner that I’ve been trying out lately is the Stila stay all day, waterproof liquid eyeliner. But this one has the micro tip. I’ve been trying. I’ve been wearing liquid eyeliner for about 12 or so years now literally. I’ve been trying to… Sometimes I don’t wear it at all, which is fine, but I’ve been trying to make my wing and my liner smaller if that makes sense.

14:11 - It’s not really working that well, but I’m trying my best. I always try to show this and then people are like, how the heck, you do it so fast. I don’t know, I’ve been doing it for 12 years, but here is my best attempt at showing you. I just go across my lid. I make a thin line and then I fill it in. It’s not always even. And then I just do the wings. So I start right here. And I connect it all done. I connect it right here. This is not my best work. And there you have it. I don’t know how else to say it, but that’s how I do it. It’s how I’ve always done it so, okay. Let’s try to match it to the other eye that is always anxiety. Okay, there we go.

15:00 - Then for mascara, I pretty much switch out mascara. Every time I use it, I just always love trying new things ans this one, I think I just got recommended it on Ulta. I was adding stuff to my bag, but this is the benefit. They’re real mascara. It’s fine. It works fine. It’s a nice mascara, but also there’s bomb Maybelline mascaras that I love. There’re several mascaras that I love. There’s L’Oreal mascara. So you definitely don’t need this. I probably wouldn’t repurchase it, but it’s fun while it lasts. Please let me know.

15:40 - If you also make the mascara face, the one where you’re like when you’re putting on mascara, because it’s so unattractive yet we all do it. And last but not least for lipstick, I get so many questions about this lipstick and it’s the best I had Alexa, text me screenshots of myself in videos. And it’s like what is this lipstick? You all ask a lot. And this is the Fenty beauty. What is this called? Stunna lip paint in the color unbutton. It’s so pretty. It’s like a brownish pinkish. It’s got a handsome orange in it too. I don’t know. I really like the applicator. It’s so, so nice. It goes on so smooth. And my lips are actually uneven. I’ve always had really uneven lips. This side is thinner than this side. It gives me a little bit of gliding, I guess, across my lips.

16:26 - And it just helps me fill in the areas that aren’t even. There we have it. Makeup is done. Okay. So now we’re onto my hair. I have a couple of different ways. I do my hair. Sometimes I curl it with a straightener. Sometimes I straighten it. Sometimes I use a beach waver tool, which is kind of a crimper. Sometimes I curl it with a curling iron, it totally depends. But today I’m just in the mood for some loose casual wave. So I’m going to use the straightener. This is the Conair Infinity Pro. It was 30 bucks from Target. I’ve never bought expensive straighteners.

16:59 - I used this on Alexa one time and then she started buying it and now she uses it. It’s kind of just the best for the cheapest price. So anyways, okay. This is what I do when I do my little curls. It’s literally so easy. Once you get the hang of it, it’s like muscle memory. So you take a piece, you flip it and then you just run the straightener down like that til the end. And like mess with it a little bit. But you just get this nice, loose little wave. And then you literally just work your way all the way down your head. Sometimes I actually quickly rub the straightener through my ends a little bit, just because I like it to be a little bit more I guess beachy or something like that. So I’ll kind of do that. Sometimes I’ll flatten out any bedhead pieces and fly aways. I feel like I flatten it out and then I spend a of time trying to get volumes so it’s kind of funny, but yeah. I’ll just do a little bit of that.

17:53 - I always get, oh God, just little crinkle in the back. So I do that, just kind of flatten it out there and I just take the next piece and literally work all the way down my hair. So I just twist it, glide it down, sort of stop towards the end. And there you have it. It’s that simple. Boom. One side done. I think that literally took, I started this clip three minutes ago, so probably two minutes. Now we’re going to move on to the other side and do the exact same thing. So I’ll show you one more time. Literally just take it.

18:39 - I flip it now on the side, but whatever dominant hand you have I do this, I turn it and then I just drag it. Boom. You can mess with it afterwards and kind of play around. I’ll probably straighten these out just a little bit. So they’re a little more loose. Sometimes I like having tighter curls because with my hair, if you curl it kind of tight, it’ll literally last for like, until I wash it. But sometimes I do like that. Like effortless bitchy moment just depends on my mood really. All right. And there we have it. That’s pretty much it. Then I just take a brush.

19:35 - I know that some hairstylists advise against this, but I actually like the way it looks brushed out. So I just do quick little brushings. It just makes it, I don’t know. It makes it look like a little more natural. Just like smooth. It kind of, I don’t know. It makes everything look better. I am going to, just super quickly there we go. Perfect. Just run the straightener over those two front pieces, the tendrils, if you will. Just kind of make everything, I don’t know, do a little touch ups here and there.

20:06 - I always make sure these front pieces are smooth because I just feel that looks the best. That makes all the difference for me when I do my hair anyways. It’s making sure these two little pieces or little sections are laying flat, but yeah, that’s pretty much it. I’m ready. I’m actually going to head downstairs. We’re going to make some dinner. I’m going to film a video. It’s going to be good fun. I can’t believe that I finished this before the sun went down. That’s pretty incredible. I think overall it’s probably been 20 minutes, 25 minutes since I started filming this video. So it’s super quick and easy. Hopefully you enjoyed it.

20:38 - If you like throwing in these little kind of random blog misses with the others. So let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below. The next one is going to fun. Because it’s going to be really festive. Drew and I are going to be building gingerbread houses and answering your questions. So anyways, love you all so much and we’ll see you next time. Bye (soft music) .