Lets Talk Audience Retention on bW
Oct 29, 2020 14:32 · 518 words · 3 minute read
So what makes a YouTube video really good? Perhaps you think it’s the likes and the views, but not exactly! The most important part is really the audience retention variable, that shows how much of the video length people actually watched! One thing to remember before we start, is that the audience retention is always decreasing over time. That mostly happens because people rewatch the same video more than two times, but not as long as the first time. But also because the video is getting to recommended on people that they aren’t really interested to the topic. So they open the video, and they immediately closing it. On this video I will use as an example “You Call That An App” episode two, that was one of my most terrible uploads.
00:45 - A very slow video with awful audio quality too! Plus it was 9 minutes, and someone was curious about it anyway! Meanwhile I had an extended post on community, saying that after I was 3 months off, video views have fallen to less than half, and they only very slowly raising up! Now on Audience Retention, and on the first second we obviously start with 100%. As we progress over time this value goes down, and on the first minute is already dropped to 50%. If we keep scrolling on video time, we’ll see that on 7th minute the audience retention is on 40%. So basically inside the first minute it dropped 50 units, but on the next 6 minutes it only lost 10. And there is a very good explanation on that, that we can see on Audience tab.
01:35 - So, subscribed users on this video are responsible for the 70% of the views, and that’s far from normal! But YouTube doesn’t recommend videos with such titles, and that’s really my choice to keep a more “exclusive” community. Long story short, subscribers watch around 30-40% more time, and that’s kinda an estimation because subscribers also watch more than once the same video. On this video is 1.3 average views per viewer. Female audience is actually 3% if we click on “SEE MORE”, so that’s a bug on YouTube. And by the way the average is 4.4% the last 90 days, and always increasing. Age demographics are 85% under 34 years old, and the channel constantly increases younger ages! And believe me it’s hard, because Linux in general has very older people demographics, like 35 to 44 ages. On geographics Brazil comes first, which is related to the large subscribed viewers percentage on this video.
02:35 - But most strange is Greece being on 4th place, when on overall isn’t even on top ten! Which reminds me a story to tell! We currently maintain a 200km long distance relationship with my friend, so one time we were talking on the phone and I asked her if she watched a YouTube upload. So she said, “I prefer to give you 100 EUROS instead!!” And then I said. “Then you need to give me 100_000 for each upload I’ve made and you didn’t watch!” .