KETO Fried Chicken Noodle Soup ft Sandeeecheeks | Keto Mukbang
Nov 15, 2020 00:33 · 2582 words · 13 minute read
hello my chou chou family i’m your fun-loving epic vlogger tom chou chou you should do that too yeah of course i did test the mic i invited my sister back sandy cheeks to eat with me of this keto mukbang this is shirataki noodle is that why are you asking me do you make it i don’t know what it’s called eat hold on i need to find it i need to find out where are you going where are you going so much later that they all never got tired of waiting okay let’s do it again the whole thing yep hello my chou chou family i’m your fun living epic vlogger tom chou chou next time you’re going to do it with me and today we’re eating chicken noodle soup the noodle is yam noodle so it’s keto friendly i don’t know what the carb count but go to the supermarket and find out yourself okay do you want to say something i don’t i want to eat let’s eat i starved myself all day for this same here you know i actually because i’m doing intermittent fasting uh i didn’t eat since 6 p.m yesterday on purpose yeah so i almost fast forward what 24 hours now you’re insane oh it’s like jelly yes it’s yam noodle i’m out my cat decides to jump on what am i eating oh by the way i can’t even get up march line merch line matching today my sister has a merch right now so i’m going to link down in the comment section no description section so you can remember this it’s okay my cat did ruin the flow of this oh you have just a signature teeth so this one’s just a signature one and i have the cheeky fam in the back how am i gonna show the back oh god am i in it no am i in it yes a cheeky fan yes so if you guys are interested want to be part of the family make sure you do a mukbang one of what that’s in the future when i get enough subscribers yes i will do one what am i eating chicken noodle no this is like jelly jelly is it the same is it carbs no the carb count is really low it’s very chewy huh wait i’ve never had fried chicken in a noodle soup dish really doesn’t it make it soggy it is but it’s really good it creates a different really good it creates a different flavor um in taiwan we used to dip a pork chop after you fry it you put it in the soup so soggy pork chop it was really good yep good job chicken noodle soup it’s getting colder now too i know that’s why i thought it would be perfect to just have a nice noodle soup so i didn’t get to update last week because i was so busy with the elections now that it’s over because i just i got so anxious i don’t know why like because all these things happened wait i heard that there’s confirmed election fraud is that true i don’t know so is your anxiety still there because i guess it’s not finalized yet right it’s not finalized yet correct my anxiety has gone down a little bit do you actually have anxiety yeah remember one time i blacked out text you and oh my god because you’re just stupid girls on facebook scaring people but almost like an anxiety panic attack um i was like why are you being a troll right now oops but now everything’s over i’m happy to say i’m enjoying this lunch slash dinner items tastes healthy even though it’s fried chicken because i didn’t put any msg by the way so there’s zero amount of sodium or just no i put salt yeah this is very high up in my shoulder yes kind of i know i’m so tired this is how it looks like did you just say you’re cramping yeah struggle is real because after all i am using my left hand too oh yeah you’re crazy by the end of the computer mukbangs i will master my left hand eating skill i think you already have yeah so we are just kind of randomly talk today because i don’t really have anything in mind but and honestly we just wanted to eat yeah and i miss you all so i decided to update what have you been up to then what’s your update um i have been not doing anything much i have thinking about like creating a character and play games and then to just go on twitch you should live stream this guy used to play so much video games or computer games that’s why i’m thinking back when we used to live together at home the only time he came out of his room was to eat and that was it and then every other time you’re just gaming i’m gonna do it that sounds like fun yeah but i also like mukbang so i don’t know why can’t he do both because live stream takes a very long long time like when you game you have to game about like three to four hours in order to act like that’s difficult for you it’s much difficult than doing mukbang okay once we’re eating once we’re done we’re gone and i will go into edit but imagine you have four hours of footage and try to upload a video it’s live though yeah but a lot of people do like they upload their best moments i have no idea how twitch right twitch works i have no idea we’ll live stream on here one day on twitch of us eating no youtube oh live stream on youtube yeah i’m down and then let us know what you guys like us to eat so we can do like barbecue hot potato yeah we did that once with noodles with like different ramen packs and the spicy noodle challenge and it was really fun yeah with cheese yes see i can’t i i think i was gonna go for cheese noodle but i don’t think this kind of noodle would be going well with cheese i mean we did that with the seaweed noodles so anything’s possible yeah if you have not checked out that one go ahead i’ll link up or below so what is your update for the upcoming holidays well thanksgiving is coming up your birthday’s next week yeah you just noticed what are you gonna do nothing well i’m gonna go to hawaii on your birthday you know what last this year when it was my birthday i was like oh what are you gonna do he was like i’m going to hawaii on your birthday you’re going hawaii no i’m not but i want to oh i’m getting the apple watch se on my birthday that’s a good thing an apple watch any version oh so it’s a big deal for you yeah so that’s okay when apple watches how come i don’t know what’s the point i have a phone um i thought it’s cool oh my god okay what else is happening it’s your birthday and then it’s thanksgiving and we’re doing family thanksgiving dinner oh my god christmas is here the music will be here soon too or is it already here it is here if you tune in on 103.5 in the radio christmas music is blasting then don’t listen to that radio i won’t we don’t really have any tradition when when it comes to christmas yeah and thanksgiving really just happens so we’re really asian yeah and like any holiday hot pot birthday it’s hot pot it’s like skipping or christmas actually no thanksgiving we do turkey but christmas hot pot we don’t do turkey anymore i mean we just do chicken excuse me we used to they at the turkey last year you ungrateful oh yeah you did yeah i did i know i felt like a long time ago okay i feel like it hasn’t been that long since the countdown of new year’s and in like a month and a half we’re already counting down again don’t you think that’s crazy don’t you feel like the whole year was just wasted and nothing really happened you’re telling me i’m 25. you’re already 35 so you already lived out your your 20s i wasted my 25th year to make you feel better last year i thought i was turning 36 but i was actually turning 35. what is wrong with you so i just i thought yeah once you get to 30 you don’t understand what i’m saying okay god i don’t want to i thought at party the hardest when i was 31 oh really my idea was if 30s is the new 20s then i’m gonna party my 31 like 21.
and how did that go it was fun i went to vegas 10:31 - and we got so drunk that my friend ended up getting a pierce his ear your person i would never get a piercing on tattoo what i’m intoxicated yeah this is ginger it was just for the flavor but you can taste it right what’s like the one food item you hate you just don’t seem like a picky eater to me no i’m not like i hate pickles and ginger so what do you mind apple huh apple and cucumbers that’s [ __ ] i’ve seen you eat apples a lot willingly no i did not our mom believed that one apple a day it’s good for your health that is not how the saying goes i know but i forgot of the same one apple a day keeps the doctor away oh you’re so oh and i was so fat that she wanted me to eat apple to lose weight so you ate apples willingly on your own when you did like a diet plan thing like years back yeah but how why did i go on the diet wait you hate apples yeah like you hate like you can’t even like no you ate so many like willingly all the time it wasn’t willingly i was forced to lose weight during that time by our mother yeah why would you force you to lose weight because i was too fat oh like unhealthy yeah oh and until this day if someone eat apple in front of me the biting sound give me like apples me you’re goosebumps i love the crunch sound mommy used to eat like cucumbers and i’ll just put my ear next to her and i would just hurt you i can’t i hate that sound i love them i hate apple are you going black friday shopping actually oh yeah black friday um i don’t know i think everyone is going online shopping maybe yeah on black friday instead of cyber monday so this is like online for both yeah that’s safe so i went to the mall recently on a very dead weekday there’s like lines outside stores like six feet apart and they label it on the floor for you to stand six feet apart and then they only let a certain number of people in at a time but i don’t think they can do it on black friday because that’s insane i personally don’t think they’re gonna open i don’t think they should leave comment down below if you know if it’s open or not it really depends on the county i think because we’re in the purple zone so how’s the purple zone so california has its own rules that if the covet contracted rate is much higher then they have to close down again so last week there’s a like a huge spike doing because of the halloween of people getting contracted or viruses i think we’re closing down again one starting this week or next week but talk about black friday yes i have something in mind that i really want to buy it’s nintendo switch oh don’t call me i don’t care about that it’s a nintendo switch i really like to get it because i haven’t gotten it i’ve been wanting to get it if they came out and you never why because uh switch compared to like playstation and xbox uh switch really good at you can carry around to play oh yeah it’s super convenient because it’s portable but why do you want it all of a sudden and uh because for black friday deals they have mario kart as the bundle so when you like one before why do you want it now it’s so like i know they’re coming out a new upgrade of the console no i want to get the old one because there there is a game that i really want to play that was one i was young what’s it called it’s called legend of mana oh god and uh i think you weren’t even born at that time oh god so it was a very nice fun game that they remake it into 3d so i’m like i’m looking forward to it and also zelda and also i like the mario series so he should stream tell him to stream you’re gonna play so many games you better do something with it but you know the problem with streaming is that i have mac and uh people say to stream on mac it’s really hard can you stream playing the switch yes you can switch yeah that’s what i was looking into because i was like well since i’m getting a switch might as well start looking into twitch yeah um they they say they have a lot of capture cards uh mac is really hard to use when it comes to streaming how do you like this noodle so far i think i killed it that was good the meat was really good why would you fry something and then put it in soup but that was actually kind of good i am so smart what are you gonna do for black friday sleep yeah it’s right after thanksgiving we’re gonna have food and then food cold mom yep i used to work on black friday when i worked at hollister oh my god you used to work at abercrombie yep do you still those days are gone no why because i got my merch line okay well on that no yes they come with white and gray these are really soft i’m not just saying that yeah it’s really comfortable oh my god yeah they’re actually really super comfy anyway that’s it for today please subscribe and hit that notification bell and go ahead and like and comment down below that you actually watch till this do it yes just for me okay and i’ll see you next time bye i can eat pear but not apple i mean pear pear i can eat pear pears pears why is that an s why is it an s because you don’t say i can eat apple i can eat apples i can eat an apple i can eat a pear we’ll talk about this later okay english grammar it’s so hard.