Custom Husky Camera Harness!
Sep 17, 2020 12:54 · 323 words · 2 minute read
Hey everyone! This is just a very quick video because some of you noticed I had trouble with Momo’s camera harness in my last video with her. So what I’ve done is put together something better. I have this laser-cut acrylic plate on top and sewn a pocket for this small half kilogram weight on the bottom to act as ballast so the camera mast stays upright. A big issue with camera harnesses on dogs is people try to stabilize them by overtightening them don’t do that, just balance them better. Don’t worry, she does not even notice this little weight.
00:50 - I used a larger water bottle to test and she just lay down. Momo is too smart and too lazy to carry something she does not want to. Let me strap it on her, and go see how it works. Momo Good girl. Good, good, good. Momo, yes, good girl. Good girl. Let’s go! This video is made possible by the generous support of JLCPCB, China’s largest PCB manufacturer. With JLC, you can have your PCB manufactured in under 24 hours all while you track the process in real-time.
01:43 - Prototype boards start at just 2 dollars in any colors. Check the description box for more info. One of the best ways to support me is to support the companies that fund this channel. One thing to note about this video is I’ve taken the usual 360 views and cropped it into two 1080p video channels. One channel shows Momo’s view. The other channel is set to auto-track me using computer vision. I’m switching back and forth between those two tracks in post- production.
02:14 - Unfortunately, the camera is in a sealed action case to protect it from Momo, and that means no audio since I also forgot to wear a microphone. If you like how this came out- I’ll be sure to wear one next time. .