«Answer It or Eat It» #3: Rainbow Six Lore Show
Dec 4, 2020 19:00 · 2090 words · 10 minute read
Hello, our dear viewers! We welcome you on our third episode of our show “Eat or die”. Am I right, guys? No, it’s actually “Answer it or eat it” Our cameraman doesn’t know a thing! Classic clown! Always, how do you feel to be here? Previously your place was occupied by JoyStiCK. Why do you think we’ve decided that you should take his place? JoyStiCK got tired of this and asked me to replace him. After the game vs BDS. Well, I think he has no clue about the game. All he knows is how to shoot walls with Maestro’s shotgun. Have fun with revolver. But he doesn’t know any real things. And Always is smart.
00:45 - — Danila won 2 games in our tournament already. — Easy peasy! And we thought that Always can show him the real competition. We’ll know this for sure today! — Not so many candies. — It’s fine. I want to get mint. Why is there only two black sweets? 2 black, 3 orange sweets. The key thing here are questions. Questions, huh? I hope there are some like “How many soft walls are on Coastline?” And then you just act like this. But I know the answer! We’ve counted them all. 31 soft walls on the first floor, 29 soft walls on the second. 60 in total. Good for you, we don’t have any of those today. Let’s decide who’ll be the one to answer first. In old-fashioned way. What’s the meaning of this? — It means you are the one to be first. — So, I have the advantage! Good. What are you talking about? You gonna have the most hardcore question possible! One question, right? I mean, I have only one question, I’ll answer it, I’m having the advantage and then it’s all over, the end.
01:51 - Am I right? And then it’s the next match. I won the whole thing. So cringey. First one for Always. On Portugese these operator’s name means skull. I know the answer! — Caveira. — Right. How did you know that? She’s from Brasil, she has skulls all over her uniform and even her face is a skull. I’m shocked! Danila, you have to eat the candy. Fine, just let me to find the one with mint flavour. It’s not mint, it’s pear. — It should be catfood. — Nope, it’s pear. — Did you pick the blue one? — Or maybe I feel catfood’s taste like pear? — No, you must’ve picked pear. Second question is for Dan Dontsov.
02:34 - Team Empire often uses Kali as prefered operator. Can you remember the name of Kali’s main weapon? Big Friggin Gun? No? It’s called… let me think. Here’s a little tip for you. This gun sounds just like the popular FPS, key competitor of R6. — What’s that game? — That game? Battle 3D, playabe on VK only. — It’s called Strike, right? — Try to remember more. — Counter-Strike! — Correct. And? So it’s called… BFG. Big Friggin Strike! The hell if I know.
It’s ShepparD who plays Kali and know her weaponry. I’ve never played it! — Always, do you know the correct answer? — Nope, I’ve played Kali but I can’t remember her rifle. Well then, you have to eat sweets both and share your feelings. — Why is that? — If no one has the correct answer both will have to eat these candies. Kali’s rifle is called CSRX-300. — Yeah, sounds just like Strike! — Well, it really sounds like CS. I ate red.
It’s a baby’s diapers aroma, huh? 03:54 - — Did you like it? — It’s a bit sweet, but I dunno. You can’t understand, right? — I think I’d just swallow it. — And I have a mix of pineapple and pear in my mouth. I’m feeling good! — Are you enjoying it? — It tastes like garlic. But I like garlic. You got lucky! Next question for Always. How did Finka get her facial scar? Who did she fight? — Who was her opponent? Who was it? — A little tip for you: it’s another operator. She was released alongside Lion and she’s Russian. And she heals. There’s Lion. And Doc. And Tachanka. And Glaz. Or even Kapkan. — Did she fought with operator? — She got her factial scar from the fight with another R6 soldier. Woman got punched? We’re totally against such cruelty! Unacceptable! — Hand-to-hand combat. He kicked her real hard. — Unacceptable! Kapkan. — Is that your last word? — Yeah. — And that’s how you get your second score! Danila, as for you, it’s time to take another candy. My mouth is full of them already! What do you have there? What’s the color? It’s red.
You know what it is? 05:06 - Let me divide pear and pineapple from this taste. Well, it’s watermelon! Yeah, fine. Next question is for Dan. It’s about Finka, again. Her father has worked with another R6 agent. She met him for the first time when she was a child. Met who, father? I have name and surname here. You have to answer with surname? It’s Vladimir Petrovich! You can call it… It’s another R6 operator. From the game. Let me repeat the question. Maybe I got it all wrong. Her father has worked with R6 agent.
She met him for the first time when she was just a child. Who is that agent? We need to name correctly the oldest one. — Maybe not the elderest, but one of the olds. — It may be Fuze. Kaid is the oldest operator. No? — But she’s like RUSSIA! — I think that’s a British agent. Who’s the teammate of Finka’s father? This character is available in the game as operator. Her father’s teammate. She has nanobots. This means she’s connected to electronic devices.
Or is it bullshit? 06:22 - — I think you are saying stupid things! — If you don’t know the answer, please give us any answer already. My answer is simple. It is not complicated at all. — It is very easy. If you know it. — Easiest question ever! When you know the answer. — It’s really simple. I’d say Fuze. — It’s not Fuze. Please eat the candy. Always, what’s your answer? Thatcher? Nope, it’s not him as well. Take the candy. No one gets any scores and the answer was Sam Fisher. Who do this guy thinks he is? Why is he always trying to be everywhere? He’s not even available in-game yet! And still he’s present in every episode of our show! It’s so shocking! I like that you both are fans of Sam Fisher, so let’s continue. The next question is about Zero. — Watermelon! — Watermelon? — Yeah. Finally. And what do I have here? — I can eat it for a long time. — For real? — Yeah, I’ll suck it.
07:18 - Attaboy! Alpha-male! Tasty! I can’t stand it. I’ll suck it dry. — Another one for Always. — This one’s gonna be easy. The only living relative of Sam “Zero” Fisher is his daughter. What’s her name? — What’s her name? — Bu! Tara-ta-ta-da-ra! — Daughter of Sam Fisher? — Yep, her surname is Fisher by the way. — And she’s not the R6 operator? Unlikely. So good. What’s her name. Have you played Splinter Cell? Yeah, finished it like 4 times. Won it 3 times. Improved up to 10 000 MMR.
07:57 - — Ranked was before? — Natasha! Nope, but you was close. Danila? How the hell do I know? We have too much questions regarding family theme. Family romance questions. What’s her name? If Natasha was a close call, I think it’s Natalia (the same name). — Close enough for you? — Her name is Sarah. It’s time for both of you to take your sweet pills. — Sarah Connor. — Sure, Sarah is close to Natasha. — That was a bait! — That was so close! — What do you have there? — Not feeling it yet. — Orange. — Apple. — You are so lucky. — Guess there are only bad ones left in the dish. It’s sad that no one gets the score but it’s time to proceed to the next question for Dan. Another question about Arabic word. It means “spider” when translated to Russian. What it has to do with R6 operators? — Jager! — What the hell are you talking about? Jager means “hunter”. — Twitch! It’s not the name of operator, I’d tell you. Jager has the spider’s net on his operator’s picture! — Kali has something resemblant of spider. Also Kaid.
— And Mozzie as well! — Right! The answer is Mozzie! 09:12 - Nope. You are rushing too hasty! Let me help you with answer. It is Kaid’s gadget. — Rtila? — Dan was the first one to answer, it means he gets his 1 point. — And Always will eat the candy. — With the help of Maxony. The god himself. God Max. Why had I listened to you? I wanted to say Kali or Kaid. — The correct answer was Rtila. — How to get that answer without tips? You had to name the device, not the operator? The question was — how is it connected with R6 operators and how in exact? — Did you say Kaid before Rtila? — Can’t remember. — He said Kaid, I said Rtila.
09:52 - I started to say Kali, can’t remember about saying Kaid. He interrupted me with Mozzie. — Always gets 0.5 points! — (Dan) And I’ll get 2 points! And 1 point for Dan. But if you’ll ask for 2, I won’t give you even 1 point! — Ok, fine, I’ll take 1 point. — So we don’t have to eat anything this time? I’ll save it for the next time. Always, this one for you. King is the only word that comes to your mind when you are looking on this epic operator.
10:20 - Tachanka! — Correct! — What kind of question was that? It’s way too easy! I’m feeling myself like JoyStiCK before! I’m enraged! Questions are randomed! We have easy and hard questions here. It depends on your luck. — I had a question about family relationships! — And I had: what is the name of Sam Fisher’s daughter? — Sarah Connor! — Candy, please. — I want this one. This one should be bad. Previously we had pear. And the dead worm. Oh, wait, rainworm. — Who said it should be bad? — You’ve taken the good one. There were only two blue sweets. The last one should be worm-flavoured. — Well, it’s still pear. — Are you sure? — Maybe you had rainworm before? — No way. You ate both blues. — Maybe it was worm on my first try. But it wasn’t. Dan, your time to shine. It’s the only operator that has 3 elite uniforms. — It’s Ash. Very easy question. — Right. Now you see that you have easy questions too? Always, take a candy, please. But I didn’t lose. You see, I… — You lost. You are the winner who lost. — It’s cola. — And it seems that Danila leads with 0.
5 points advantage! — I’m smashing you hard! 11:32 - — It can’t be! I’ve answered 3 questions, he got 0 correct answers. — You gave only 2.5 correct answers. I’ve answered 15 times correctly! Yeah, sure. But I think Max cheats with us and I’m in the lead. Right now Always have a chance to take the lead. Listen up. — The most famous Uzbec operator in Rainbow Six. — Easy as pie. — If you’ll remember the full name I’ll give you 1.5 points. — Fuze? Yeah! Do you remember his name? — Shuhrat. — And his surname? — No. But the name was correct. — That’s it. — I’ll give you the stunning score of 1.25 points. — But you’ve promised me 1.5 points! — That was for the full name! — Was it Shuhrat Kessikbaev? — Let me check my papers. Right! And Danila gets 0.25 points! — Who?! — Shuhrat Kessikbaev! — Who the hell do you know this? BECAUSE I AM SHUHRAT KESSIKBAEV, you dig?! — You are Buck! — I am Shuhrat Kessikbaev! Next one is for Danila. Who is the operator known as the leader of Nighthaven? It may be Kali or Wamai. .