Dec 20, 2020 19:36 · 5485 words · 26 minute read
♪ I’m kinda old. ♪ ♪ My life’s kinda boring. ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway. ♪ ♪ Hope you’re ready for it ♪ ♪ ‘Cause I’m vlogging till Christmas day. ♪ - Oh my God, please never let me do that again. Hello, welcome to Vlogmas day 9. I am just finishing up getting ready. This is day 10. This is definitely number 10. I can’t believe it, we leave two more after this. This is crazy, but I’m just getting ready right now, my mom is actually coming over. I’m not really getting ready. I’ve been like getting ready for five minutes.
00:30 - I just threw on a beanie, and did my like five minute makeup routine. But, I’m putting on my mascara and I thought I would show this. Like my kind of live reaction. This is called Cabaret Première by Vivienne Sabo. I got this on Amazon. I saw, I love this look for me. This is great. I look like a hipster boyfriend. I saw Joanna Spicer talk about this on her channel and she has the most incredible lashes ever, so like I don’t I fully don’t expect mine to look like that, but, I saw her talk about it and I was like, “Sure, I’ll try it.” So I picked it up, and we’re gonna test it out.
01:03 - That was really hard to do while talking I’m not gonna lie. Right, here’s what the one looks like. Apparently everyone’s been talking about it, like on Tik Tok, and it has like really, really amazing reviews on Amazon, so let’s see what she’s all about. I didn’t even wear eyeliner, cause I wanted to get like the full scope. So far it seems okay. Part of my problem when I put on mascara is literally not knowing when to stop. So, do I keep going? Yeah. So far that’s the difference. I have really blonde eyelashes and I actually don’t have like the most amazing eyelashes. I always envy people.
01:41 - I’M really just like loving this look by the way. I always envy people who have super long lashes. I’m like how? Lucky. I don’t really notice that much of a difference between this mascara and others, but I guess it’s pretty good. I mean, it’s the first use so. I’ve seen worse, that’s for sure. Alright. So here is the completed look. I mean it’s not bad. Sure, I’ll take it. All right, so, now, we must move downstairs. Let me know if you all are like this too.
02:07 - Whenever your mom comes over, do you clean your house? Like she doesn’t care. She knows that it’s not like the most clean thing in the entire world. But I feel like I just need to have it be clean, especially our floors. I could run the Roomba, but I wanna do like an actual vacuum, so I think I’m gonna do that. Hello, Ms. Thing. Hello, Ms. Lady. Are you having a good day? Yeah. We took a nice long W to her favorite P A R K this morning. She was very happy.
02:34 - That is one thing that like, honestly, you know, thinking about moving forward, like she can’t do that at all in the summer here in Arizona. It’s too hot to function outside, like it’s literally inhumane to take your dog for a walk in the summer. At least if it’s like past five in the morning. So I don’t know. It’s like something I think about ‘cause she just loves being outside so much. But she did have pretty bad skin allergies in California, so I don’t know. Things to think about for the future, okay. So I’m gonna get the vacuum out, I’m gonna wipe down the counters. Get it all Christmas up in here, and then my mom will be here. Alright, I’m going to actually temporarily not listen to Evermore, and do some Christmas music. Love it. (soft music) All right, we got holiday spruce lit.
03:44 - We are going to come over to the living room, right Ms. Lady? And we’re going to do balsam fir, of course, my favorite. Gotta keep up with my favorite time of day. My favorite tradition which is all the Christmas stuff at night. Twinkle lights, engage, battery powered Christmas tree you can turn on to, course Christmas tree, boom. Ready to go. We have it attached to this switch here which is pretty nice. We also have these twinkle lights, we’re gonna close the blinds. It’s gonna get dark soon. Can’t forget my personal favorite which is obviously our fireplace. This Netflix fireplace honestly has been like a go-to for us, literally, since as long as we’ve been together. We at baby. Alright, that’s sorted. Now I’m actually gonna do one of my least favorite job, which is do dog poop in the backyard.
04:33 - Gotta get it nice and clean, ‘cause my mom and Drew and I are gonna eat outside. Oh yeah. Haven’t even talked about that yet. Drew is actually let me pause this Christmas music. Drew is actually, I’m gonna put my shoes on while we talk. He is on his way to the vet, to go pick up Moo because Moo had surgery today. I’m actually gonna talk while I fold this blanket.
04:53 - It wasn’t a major surgery, but he did have to have a tooth pulled, because he’s an old man, and I guess he ended up breaking that tooth somehow. And now basically that tooth started to get kind of, yeah, it just wasn’t good. So they decided to just pull it as a precaution. He’s been there all day. Drew took him there at like 7:00 AM or something like that. I do not know, if you could tell, we’re going to ignore that I’m going to just drape this one. There you go, beautiful.
05:22 - Now we have a nice clean living room, holiday candles lit, fireplace going, Christmas music going, when I play it again. But anyways, he is on his way to go pick Moo back up. So hopefully he’s okay. I think he’ll be all right. He’s pretty brave. Pretty strong. I need to clean off this table here, ‘cause we’re going to be eating, just Windex. There we go. Get your nice and clean it gets very dusty out here. All right, nice and clean. Now I’m gonna do the dog poop, and then vacuum and we’re done. So my mom just got here. I didn’t have time to do the vacuuming.
05:54 - And she came while I was doing the dog poop and she made a pecan pie. She ate some of it, but we’re just she said to just show this part. So there is a pie she made, delicious. My mom came over, she brought some things. She brought some first of all, this box, this is what’s called The Talking Whiz-kid. I remember this. So specifically, this box is literally from the nineties.
06:15 - Unfortunately we don’t have the contents of what’s inside, but she brought a bunch of my ornaments from growing up. And then she also brought this little book that I guess I made in preschool. And it’s a book for all of the moms and all of the best meals, that the moms made. And here’s mine. It says, “Nachos. Take cheese Doritos and make nachos. Sometimes mommy runs out of Doritos and has to go to the store for more.” Gary Dayton. - And then you have– - What do you have to say for yourself? - Yum, I can make some– - I thought that those were not nachos. Just nachos Doritos. - They weren’t even nachos.
06:56 - - There’s another one? - Yeah, I think so. Oh, here’s one. - “Cooked burgers. Fry a burger on the stove and put some ketchup on it.” - That’s me. - That’s hysterical. Oh. - And then you– - Signed, me. Love that. - [Narrator] Three hours later. - Alright. It’s much later now, it’s actually like 7, 7.30, something like that. It was kind of chaotic. My mom literally just left. We’d started making dinner, just like talking, chatting, whatever. And then Moo came home and he was kinda messed up.
07:28 - He was running into walls and– - He pooped in his pants. - He definitely pooped himself in the kennel and it was really, really chaotic, and really disgusting I’ll spare you the details. But we had to give him a bath. Not my first priority to Vlog, but, he’s doing much better now, he’s waiting for more food. He has like, he’s missing a canine tooth now. So he has like a little bit of like a– His lip doesn’t really know what to do yet, which is really cute.
07:56 - Not exactly the festival evening I had planned, but that’s just very 2020. We got the little baby nice and bathed. He’s also giving himself an extra bath. We started the holiday last night, which if Purcell, hold on. Forgive my invisalign lists. But if you have not watched “The Holiday” it is the best Christmas movie ever. It’s one of the best, I mean “Love Actually” and ‘The Holiday” are my two favorites, but “The holiday” just gets me right in my feels. Also, I have never wanted to live somewhere more than I want to live in that cottage that Caitlin has in this movie. It’s so good.
08:36 - So we’re gonna finish that, get nice and cozy with this little boy. I’m not gonna disturb him. He finally has calmed down and stopped like running into walls and stuff. Poor thing. So we’ll see you tomorrow morning, goodnight. Were you waiting? Night-night. Good morning. It is now the next day. I am dressed finally, ready for the day. It’s about noon, whatever. Today is gonna be a bit of a plant care-like morning, I guess you could say, even though it’s like noon.
09:10 - I will say we have like been busy today. We got up, we watched the dog, we took her on like a really nice long walk, we got the mail, we vacuumed and cleaned the entire house, we’ve started our laundry, we’ve done dishes like there’s been, you know, it’s been a lot. I don’t feel the need to justify but, we’ve got a nice productive morning, but, we do have some plant things to do. So I thought like I do actually get like a decent amount of questions about what plants we have, how we care for them. It’s a very like trial and error process, I’m not gonna lie, but, it’s like we’re starting to get the hang of it.
09:44 - And Drew is, has a much better green thumb than I do. If you remember, like back in the day, I used to buy fake plants. Like I literally just used to buy fake ones, ‘cause I used to kill all my plants. But it’s like you have to start with easy ones, and then kind of graduate. Also, can you see the pink that’s over me right now? This freaking bush in our front yard. There’s this beautiful bougainvillea.
10:05 - Amazing, so anyway, we’re gonna take care of some of our plants. So, starting right here with this wall. I don’t know if any of you caught it in the last Vlog, but this propagation wall we actually ended up planting some of those propagation or those little propagated babies, because the roots were like literally a foot long. And I don’t think you’re supposed to leave them for that long. Although I don’t know. Let me know if you know differently, but we had an extra pot, so we repotted it which I will show you when we go upstairs. So now we have one, two, three, four, five different propagation bulbs that are empty, that we need to propagate new ones.
10:42 - And then also, maybe plant one that I have upstairs in my filming room that’s like been propagating for literally like a year. So hopefully it’ll take. And then we’re just going to water our other ones. So, we go in no particular order. Also, some people use apps to track their plant watering schedule and stuff. Some people say those are really helpful. I’ve heard of apps like Planta and a couple other ones. What? We’re not the app people. We’re not the app people apparently because it was just like, I don’t know, too many notifications.
11:12 - And it was like, sometimes you don’t water it exactly the way it tells you to, and then it just gets confusing and stuff. So anyways, - So you just take your little fingie, and stick it in the soil. - Look at Drew’s haircut by the way. I cut his hair this morning. - I did it myself. - No, I did it and it looks so nice. He’s also wearing my sweater that I thrifted, it’s fine. He steals all my clothes. It’s all good, we share. So we’ll start with, you said this one is dry. So this is our Yucca plant.
11:39 - This was actually given to us by our landlord when we moved in. She gave it to us and then we got this little pot to put it in. It’s usually in our room, but we were gonna try and maybe graduate it to see if she could live outside. I don’t really know. So we’ve kind of, yeah. - She was left outside. - When we first got it. It was outside for like a month. Yeah. - Yeah, so we’ll see. But for now, she’s inside. Sometimes we just literally like take a cup. We don’t have any fancy water or anything. We just take a cup and do that. - Redundancy.
12:14 - - Or in the bathtub which we do often as well. Yeah, we also have this one, which we got, we showed it in a recent plant haul when we went to the nursery that we always love going to in Phoenix. This is called a Pilea or a money plant, or I think it’s a Chinese money plant they call it. Plant tour. We also have this one. I think I’ve shown her before. Quite a bit. This is a Jade potho. No, I lied. A Hartley Philodendron. They’re similar but– - Phyllis. - Yes, Drew calls her Phyllis, because Philodendron. She has gotten so very long. We’ve had her for probably going on two years now, because we got her when we lived in our rat apartment, and she was like this short.
12:56 - And so in that time she has grown this much, and we’ve propagated her several times. Over here hanging in this window, we have what’s called a rat tail cactus. And we did get this ironically. Before we left Phoenix, we got that at our favorite plant nursery. Well, one of our favorite plant nurseries and we were like, “Oh, it’d be funny if we got a rat tail cactus.” ‘Cause we like live with rats, you know. So that’s kind of like a funny little thing.
13:21 - So we have that one, and that’s in the cactus family, so it doesn’t have to be watered as frequently. Also over here, we’ve got a little snake plant. I don’t remember when or where we got this. We have two of our newer additions which I showed in that plant haul as well. This is a Monstera, she’s beautiful. She’s grown so many new leaves. We do kind of want to find a little bit more of a sunny spot, because not a lot of the leaves like have split. Like there’s lots of new ones, but sometimes they only have like one, or they don’t have any. But I mean, come on. Like, she’s doing very, very well. And we have this one, which is called a rubber plant, I believe, - Yes, rubber fig gifts. - Rubber fig gifts, Drew calls rubbie figie. - Rubbie figie. - Over here we have a silver pothos which is our longest, like your girl is long.
14:07 - It’s basically going to get to the point where we’re gonna need to like start trailing it on the walls, which we will. But she is very dry right now. So she needs some water for sure. But we really need to put this in a bigger pot but we just don’t have one right now. So she’s doing all right. We have this one. I can’t remember what it’s called. We got this and it was so tiny that we actually had it in a coffee mug at first and it’s grown quite nicely and they grow really, really big. We have this little cactus, we have one little area that’s not doing so well but then this one is doing pretty well. This one just got watered as you can see this, we actually put new soil on it like, I don’t know, a few days ago. We have a new addition.
14:42 - This is a propagated little child of Phyllis whatever you want to call it, clipped some of those propagated them for a while and then planted them. And she’s doing very well so far. We felt like these shelves definitely needed some kind of like trailing situation. I’m still not in love with the way these look. And I’m still kind of mad that I bought them because they were so annoying to put in and they’re not completely anchored. So like everything on the bottom is anchored but on the top, it’s not.
15:11 - So I just try to keep everything up there like super light. Like this is like, essentially weightless, like this is essentially weightless, like it falls over all the time. So maybe after Christmas, we’ll figure all that out. But yeah, that’s what we have over there. I know I’ve shown our plants before in the past but I’m just showing you updates. So this is our birds of paradise tree. We got this, when we first moved to L.A.
15:31 - we got this at The Melrose Trading Post ‘cause they have plants for super cheap there. So it used to be over in that corner where our Christmas tree is but we just moved it here temporarily and it’s super cute. I kind of want to keep it there. We have this neon pothos which has actually started to drail recently. We had it for, I think around the same amount of time as all the other pothos, but she just like wouldn’t grow. I think that was sort of the area that we had her in but now she is like absolutely thriving, like so, so much growth.
16:00 - So, happy for her in this little corner here eventually it’ll probably like trickle down and that’ll be so cool. So Drew has been watering the ones that need water again. He said before, I don’t know if you’ve heard it but all we do is really just like stick our finger down in the soil. And if it’s dry, we water it and if not, we don’t. So, sometimes he will take plants like this and put them in a giant bowl of water and water them that way.
16:21 - Or he’ll just like put them under the sink or like in the bathtub, the shower or whatever. But this one, it is so freaking long that we have to like hang it outside like this and just let it drip because there’s nothing else we can do. But yeah, we were really need to get a bigger pot for that. So we’re going to propagate some of this one today for sure for those little bulbs. Also we have Ms. Braver out here. Hey yo, ma’am, hello? What are you doing? She’s like, I’m trying to relax and you’re in my face. In case you’ve never had a real plant.
16:51 - I’m sure a lot of you have a great green thumb but you basically just water your plant until it starts spitting out the bottom. Hopefully you have a well-drained pot. So like once it starts coming out of the bottom like that draining out of the bottom then you know, you’re good. Sometimes I hear people say like how much do you water a plant? Like, like how much actually, and if you don’t have a drained pot, then hopefully you have like some rocks at the bottom or something because your roots will rot and then your plant will die. - I mean, there are some plants that you’ve been telling that need water like that when you see the leaves curl, like they look like the roll tacos. So it needs water. Sometimes the leaves will very veiny, Succulents will look like they’re wrinkled, cactus will look like they are wrinkled and that’s an indication that they need to get water.
17:34 - - So for most of our plants typically it’s like once a week, for our cactii and things like that, we’ll show you upstairs. The app that I downloaded said to water them every 41 days, like they really don’t need a lot of water. And honestly like snake plants Plants that are extremely low maintenance like snake plants, pothos, cacti, things like that. You can like low key kind of forget about them and they’ll survive. Like they’re very resilient plants. Like your plants will tell you if something is going on.
18:06 - But then there are times where like plants will just die. I’ll show you in a second. We created a rehab center for our plants that are not doing very well. And we have lost two I am very sad to say. Two of them have passed away. We tried everything we could. And like, we’re not experts. We’re doing as much research as we can and stuff. And we were trying to change as much as we could, but It didn’t go well, I’ll just show you right now.
18:28 - So, because I am a crazy plant lady I quite literally bought this humidifier on Amazon for like I don’t remember how much it was, maybe like $40 or something. And we had a couple of plants that preferred like a more humid climate. So I bought that in hopes like would help for all these. I bought that in hopes that it would save them. So I put those plants, both of the plants that were kinda drying up in here for like two weeks and they both still died, it was so sad. Now we don’t really have much of a use for the humidifier. We’re probably just gonna put it in our room for like our plants that are in our room. But most of our plants are pretty dry climate friendly because we mostly have lived in dry climates. So, now I have a humidifier for if I ever needed, it’s dry as hell here. So I guess it’s not the worst thing. So here we have another one, again, same thing.
19:16 - He just like watered it until it dripped out of the bottom, hanging it to dry. You’re not supposed to put indoor plants outside for a super long time. But number one, it’s an extremely mild day. It’s probably 65 degrees. And also that’s not very sunny in our yard at this time of year, so it’s fine. We’ll only leave them out here for like 15, 20 minutes tops so that they don’t go into shock. All the Plants actually did go into shock when we moved from Phoenix to L.A., because we had to keep them in the car overnight before we left, long story. But most of them did go into shock, but actually all of them survived somehow, surprisingly. So we have, well, I would say most of them survived. Holy moly! - Wow! - Okay, so we’re up here in our room.
19:59 - This is our new little one that we’ve propagated. It’s actually two different kinds of pothos, it’s a golden and a marble pothos, I think. Little clippings from each one and hopefully I mean, they’re doing okay, yeah. - I mean, it’s been over - like a week - A week, we wouldn’t know if they. - Yeah, we have this little snow queen pothos. I don’t know if this is the right spot for her. ‘Cause it does get pretty sunny so we might have to like move her to a less intense place in the house. And then we have all of our cacti here, which I often move because I’m vlogging in the bathtub a lot. I don’t know if I showed this cactus before, but this little thing was doing so bad. And I had to actually cut a piece off because it was like falling and rotting and drooping, but it’s grown so many new little things and it’s doing amazing. So very proud of her, but yeah.
20:46 - She is plump, yes she was like shriveling at the base and stuff but she’s done really well. And then yet we have some succulents. This one we’ve had for ever, like I think over two years, maybe more, somehow. We’ve got some little guys and then this one is doing some weird things but you know what? We love her anyway. She is doing a lot better since we moved her over here to the sun. She’s not like reaching for it as much, but I mean it’s still kind of funky looking, but that’s okay.
21:13 - I kinda like it, it’s like an alien cactus. These two are MVPs. I think I’ve talked about them in Vlogs before, Marbie and Goldie, which is our marble pothos and our golden pothos. Those are our two children. We’ve had them forever. These two did almost die on us when we moved but yeah. Sometimes he just puts them in the shower like I said. I think when we moved back here to Phoenix this one lost like most of its variegation.
21:36 - - These were all like damaged leaves from. - Moving is really hard on plants. - And also plants will lose their leaves. So don’t freak out if you have some dead leaves in there. - Yeah. - It’s fine, they’re not dying. - I freak out. - It’s all okay. - She lost a lot of her variegation it used to be very, very, very gold, but it’s just it happens sometimes. Enjoy your shower, ladies. You don’t have to take your plants in the shower by the way. Yeah, sometimes it’s just easier. We also have these little ones that probably don’t need to be watered.
22:07 - ‘Cause especially that one I just watered it a few days ago but we have this one, I think it’s called an arrowhead plant I’m pretty sure. And this one I think is called a pony tail. Oh, white butterfly. Just kidding, he’s correcting me by singing. And then this is I think like a ponytail, succulent or something. - Ponytail paaaalllmmmm. - There we go. Sometimes we spray our plants as well, like mist them in between. It’s important if you have plants that have like really big leaves to keep those clean. The Monstera downstairs we do that with, the rubber ficus. Sometimes like the pothos and stuff don’t really need to be watered but they might need like a good mist. So we do that. So we literally just use like a spray bottle. I think it’s from the travel department at Target. Forgive the sound our washing machine.
22:48 - It is very, very loud but like literally just a clear ass spray bottle. Okay, so next step is propagating. I’ll have Drew do that because I’m not great at it. For those of you that don’t know what propagating is. You clip off pieces of a plant, you put them in water they grow new roots and then you’re able to plant them into new plants. So we took all of these empty hooks as well as that one and that one, and we combined them and planted them in new things.
23:12 - So that’s what we’re going to do today is clip new plants and put them back in the bulbs so that our collection is complete again. I’m also going to grab a pot that we have that unfortunately our friends, Sidney and Casey got us a plant when we moved to California, it was like a going away present. And the plants died, which is sad but we did keep the pot. So we’re gonna reuse the pot because like I said I have a little propagation upstairs that desperately needs to be planted. All right, ran upstairs to grab it. But I have this little one, which is from the silver pothos, I think I mentioned that.
23:46 - But this little thrifted cup with like the wicker handle in it, I think I got it at Savers, somewhere in Phoenix or something like that. And it was just so cute and I thought that this would be such a cute little propagation moment, but this thing is huge. So she definitely needs to be planted. So I do soils first, like a little bit of soil in there. - You put soil on the bottom, yeah. Not too much. - Moo thinks it’s. - Food. - Food bags, sorry, dude. You’re on a soft food diet. He’s doing much better, by the way. He has one less canine tooth and one less baby tooth. When they were pulling his canine tooth I guess another baby tooth fell out. Not a baby. Well, it’s not a baby tooth. - Small tooth, yeah. All right, well there we have it, onward. Step one for the propagation station. Okay, currently, that’s like a killer.
24:37 - You can do all different types of things Like, can use kitchen scissors, you can use. - I mean yeah, they have. - They have like plant sheers or whatever they’re called, but we just wash ours with hot water and soap. Some people recommend going to get on like a burner, but you really don’t want to get bacteria into the plant because it will, it can kill it. Make sure you got something clean. That’s step one. Basically what you’re gonna do is find a string of the plant where there’s a node. - Nodes are like little nipples. - Nodes are nipples. They’re like new little. - Like down here. - That’s where the roots grow out of. And so you have to cut it above the node. - People say like an inch or so, the nodes have to be in water if you’re doing water propagation, and that’s where the roots will start to trail.
25:24 - Yeah, you can propagate plants and things besides water but we just do water ‘cause it’s easier. You just cut above it, and then you put it in water. Here is what we’ve come up with. This one’s pretty big, but we’ll probably plant it sooner than later. We’re gonna have an actual like, like how many nodes are there, like how many like roots we can get, root systems. - That’s a lot. And we have these other ones. So we’re going to put them in the bulbs. Just really stick them in there ’ cause like he said, you have to make sure the nodes are covered, submerged in water. Look at her. You have it she’s full.
25:58 - (upbeat music) All right, that’s actually gonna do it for this Vlog today because there’s enough footage already and we’re trying to just relax and enjoy the rest of our day. So hopefully you enjoyed it. If you have any other plant related questions leave them in the comments, try to answer them the best I can or ask Drew. There’s only two Vlog misses after this left because I’m not doing every day. So, things are happening really quickly. But thank you so much for hanging out and being along with me on this Vlog this journey on my web for, here doing Vlog crazy, crazy. I love you all. And I will see you very soon. Bye. (piano music) .