This Floating Shoe Display Made My Sneaker Collection Next Level! (Levitation Lifestyle)
Nov 6, 2020 18:00 · 1982 words · 10 minute read
so as you guys know i have been trying to build out my sneaker room and my office and i got two different levitating shoe displays here in the middle today i got a black version and a white version to match with each of the rooms so let’s see what these things look like let’s put them to the test and see if it’s actually worth the money welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already don’t forget to hit the subscribe button hit the bell notification for every time i upload a new video and don’t forget to hit that like button because that helps the algorithm oh so much and with all that being said let’s talk about these shoe displays i’m going to open one first go through the process of setting it up and then we’ll get the other one set up see if it actually works check out the lights do all the different things and see if it’s worth the cop so this box came inside of a shipping box but this is the packaging that actually comes with the display so let’s go ahead and slide the top off it’s a little stiff but it’s going to come off just give me a second all right there we go so now that we got the top off we got an initial layer of foam right here looks like we have the instructions for it we have a remote right here where you can change the colors as well that’s pretty dope there’s a small little black baggie right here with some metal balls i’m assuming these are for weights to weigh down the shoe to keep it properly weighted and everything so probably going to need those inside this white box what do we have this is the plug-in that goes to the wall and right here we have the actual magnet that goes inside of the shoe to connect to the levitator and last but not least we have the actual levitating machine right here so let me get the plastic off of it first see which side is right side up and then kind of go from there so by the looks of it this is the bottom of it because we have the power switch and the outlet in right here so let’s go ahead and get this thing plugged up and put it to action so we got it plugged in and one of the shoes that i’m going to be using today is a black and gold patent leather high top one right here as you guys know if you haven’t seen go ahead and check out the review if you don’t know much about this sneaker but this is actually a size 14 and as you can see it still fits in here which is still going to work so if you have a bigger foot like me you’re still going to be able to have your shoe levitating which is a dope feature because i know a lot of people with big feet always have a struggle when it comes to displaying their sneakers because it doesn’t fit or something like that so that’s why i wanted to make sure that we tried a size 14 in here just to make sure it works so the first thing i’m going to do is hit the power right here as you can see it’s lighting up so i’m going to check this remote out so you got a little plastic piece right here to take the battery out and get that working let’s see if it changes colors okay we got different colors right here different tones oh this is kind of dope there’s actually a lot of different options you got like five different color options per there’s like 15 different color options you got a flash with different colors you got a slow strobe a fade smooth oh yeah white this is fire yeah this is low-key dope this is way better than the other one that i have okay so next thing i’m going to do is stick the magnet facing upward inside the shoe right here and then we’re going to try to get this to float and see if it works all right so the shoe is floating and i can hear something but it’s not nothing too loud the other one that i have there’s like a fan and it blows really really loud on it that’s why i don’t really like that one that much this one’s actually way more quiet and i really appreciate that because if you got the shoe going in the background and it’s just like the whole time you know what i’m saying so i’m gonna turn it a little bit i think the fan might push it itself see how it goes we’re looking real good right now i’m liking this so we got this one set up and working really well i’m already loving it i love the fact that there’s so many more colors on this one as well the other one that i had is just like a white light and it just you can’t really do much but just have it looking like that you know what i’m saying this one you could like set different colors and different stuff like that so i’m excited to see what the black one looks like as well as you know both of my sneaker rooms one has a white tone to it another one has a black tone to it so i’m excited to get these set up in both of the rooms and see what they look like so i’m assuming it’s all the same stuff with this one pretty simple you got your manual you got your little bit of marbles right here you got your magnet got your outlet everything’s the same so just a different color this one i’m going to use the air jordan 5 on this one a little bit kind of a bulkier shoe in some parts of it but the high top one is a pretty bulky shoe too so i feel like they’re kind of the same but i think they definitely do have different weights to them so the fact that this doesn’t have a knob on it where you have to like adjust it to make it fit the right weight and all that extra stuff and you can literally just set it up there and go that’s clutch because the other one you got to like do all this extra work i don’t like that this is very simple easy to go just literally set up and run i like that upside down as you can see same concept with this one let me pull the little plastic piece out and uh we got different colors do all that stuff let the white get the flash yeah it looks like we’re good they’re like sunk are they sunk together that’s fire just hit the button and all goes the same that’s dope okay uh let’s get shoot let’s set this thing up so this one is the off i5 if you don’t know about these again check out the review probably have the link down below or a post for it up to your top or something like that but yeah i think this is a good display shoe as well let’s get this thing set up real quick we’re rolling see this is fire and the reason why i’m saying this is so dope because like i said before the other one i had to like adjust the knob and make sure it fit just perfectly and it took me like literally initially when i first did it it took me like five minutes just to get this to go and right here as you can see it took me like 30 seconds to do it so that alone with the headache and all the stuff that comes along with it very convenient i’m gonna hit the power on this real quick and see what happens so it just pulls it directly up okay so look if i just start it and then look i’m ready to go i’m ready to go you see what i’m saying look at that that’s clutch so let’s go ahead and check these things out in the room see what they look like and then i’ll give you guys my final verdict at the end but as of right now i’m digging these okay so we got it all set up right here and i am loving it this thing looks dope i love the way how it switches colors and it’s dope how i could just push the button and switch the color and now it just matches with my cases as well so if i wanted to switch this to red and then i wanted to switch my cases to red as you can see right here everything could be matching so i think that’s a dope little touch if i wanted to switch it to blue switch it to blue i think that new addition to the room is definitely going to upgrade it just a little bit more and i’m really liking it so here’s another look at the black one in my sneaker room right here i’m enjoying having this one in here because obviously we got the black tones in one color and the white tones and the other so this one matches really well to have the addition of color as well in the background is going to be a dope touch not exactly sure where the exact place for this will be but i do know it’s going up in here somewhere so overall at the end of the day i think this thing is a cop i’m excited to have both of these in both of my sneaker rooms if you guys want to get one as well make sure you got a discount code as well so make sure you use the discount code dna show and that will get you additional 30 off of your next purchase the link is down below in the description so go ahead and check them out and let me know what you think and don’t forget to tag me on instagram as well once you get yours in the mail i want to see what it looks like in your room too so that’s going to do it for this video i’m excited to see you guys in the next video we got a lot of cool stuff coming this week so i’m excited to show you guys and i’ll see you guys in the next one i’m out yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional one thousand to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace .