Nov 2, 2020 15:06 · 869 words · 5 minute read cut kg oil water need

It’s soup’s season! Today we’re going to cook a chickpeas soup with clams and shrimps. The ingredients are: chickpeas, clams, white shrimps, garlic. parsley, chilly pepper, winter tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil. Let’s start with chickpeas, these are from Sicily, I soaked them for 12 ours, then I cooked them in a pot with water and a garlic clove. Just add 4 fingers of water more of the chickpeas surface. Add salt just 10 minutes before they’re ready. They have a really thin skin you can’t feel it! Terravecchia produces legumes from many years they also prepare chickpeas flour! Let’s start with clams, we have to beat them, let’s see how: I gently throw them into a bowl in order to see if sand comes out, if I see sand or if there’s an open clam, we have to trash it. It could be a boring job but it’s necessary in order to avoid to eat sand. Let’s go on! Look at this one, it’s dead so we can’t use it! You can recognize a dead clam from the smell, they have a totally different smell These are small clams, they’re a little bit harder to eat but they have an amazing flavor. Let’s peel a garlic clove, cut it in a half and put it into a pot.

03:17 - Let’s add oil, this is a Sicilian oil! Now we have to set the fire on the maximum power, let the garlic brown and add also some parsley stalks. When you do this process always start from cold oil in order to extract all the flavor. I’m using a silicone ladle to avoid to ruin and to scratch the pot. Okay, garlic is browning so we can add the clams. Let’s cover it! Someone, at this point of the recipe adds some wine.

I don’t! 04:47 - That’s because I drink wine! This is the funny part of cooking! This is a new one, and even if it’s winter i freeze my glass! Good! Let’ check our clams, [singing] …he doesn’t like how I sing! We can turn off the fire, all the liquids are out. I didn’t add wine because I don’t want to change the flavor…you can do however you want! Look, they’re wet and tasty! You could bring them to the cinema, instead of pop corns. I divide the liquid so it will be easier to shell out the clams. I’m going to put liquid here and i clean the pot with a sheet of paper. Let’s turn on the fire and add some oil and garlic again. Meanwhile I shell out clams, this way! I’m shelling them out because they’ll be easier to be eaten and your guests will feel beloved by you! Garlic is browning so I’m going to add chickpeas, in order to flavor them. I add also some cooking water and I let them flavor with some chilly pepper, and I’ll go on with the clams! [explaining a dialectical expression] Okay, clams are ready, I left any shell to garnish. They don’t are many, but the important thing is the liquid because it will give all the flavor. I’m going to remove garlic from the pot.

09:38 - Chickpeas were already cooked so they’re here just to be flavored. Let’s prepare shrimps, these are white shrimps, they’re cheap and tasty! I shell them out! The price also depend on the zone that your buying from, here I paid these shrimps 20€/kg (23$/2,20 lbs). You won’t need a Kg of shrimps, maybe you’ll need 200 g for 4 people The blue part that you see here, are eggs but under the eggs there’s the intestine, you have to remove it but you can keep eggs, you can also use a toothpick. Shrimps are ready, I left 2 whole shrimps to garnish. Chickpeas are ready too, I’m going to blend them but I left some whole chickpea.

11:32 - I forgot some garlic! Now, let’s lower the fire and add clams’ liquid. Let’s add also some more water, this is the right consistence. Now it’s time to add tomatoes, this kind of tomatoes are amazing, you can use them whenever you want! These are the only tomatoes that you can cook during winter, because they’ve been picked in summer and then hanged to dry. I’m going to cut the skin down here and then I blanch them in order to remove the skin. When water is boiling, you can soak them then you bring them out.

13:08 - We need tomatoes in order to give color and sourness to the dish. Sourness helps to make people hungry. Chickpeas are ready, let’s turn off the fire and add shrimps in order to cook them indirectly. Let’s chop some parsley leaves ! Feel free do don’t add parsley if you don’t like it. Let’s plate, we need some chickpeas on the bottom. Let’s dice tomatoes and add them into the plate. Now we need clams, with and without the shell! Let’s add some oil and just a little bit of parsley…now we can taste it ! It’s amazing, I’m jumping of joy! Don’t forget to leave a comment and subscribe the channel! Cheers! .