SNOW DATE in NYC❄️ jackievlogs

Dec 20, 2020 15:23 · 1064 words · 5 minute read going hear meatballs sizzling frequent

hey guys long time no vlog i have not posted on here in so long i always wanted to do a vlog channel but um since covid it’s just been a challenge i mean my boyfriend both work from home and the apartment is like makeshift offices it’s not a cute setup apartment at all so maybe vlogging will get me to actually like make it somewhat livable but anyways there was a major snowfall so i really wanted to go out and explore it in new york city let’s get started seriously need a hat i do really need to wash my hair but i have a video shoot that i’m doing for too faced tomorrow so i want my hair to be freshly clean and i guess it’s a hat day these are some of my favorite blushes i love charlotte tilbury blushes they look like a nipple and they just have the nicest kind of glowy finish so i’m adding that and then the lip gloss which lip gloss looks super dumb to wear under mask but i do this thing smile under my mask and my cheeks have enough like fat i guess that it makes it have some space so i’m just constantly smiling when i’m walking around but i love this one it feels so nice and smells amazing check out the snow we just got our starbucks this is a new mask feels like a muzzle and yeah we’re headed to the park gonna take a picture of this outfit we’re gonna have our starbucks keep going oh look at the kids sledding tyler’s very excited he has not really seen snow before oh wow c’est un idiot nature documentary here we see the squirrel climbing the tree is this you attempting yeah me doing my best thank you okay let’s go let’s go…where are we going? even this would be cool.. if we zoom in a little bit on it. it’s like two degrees i don’t think it’s that cold, i think it’s negative one hi hello hi! sees dog cup holder central park in the snow we’ve seen many snowmen ranging from this to this don’t do anything bad tyler!! i’m always worried he’s gonna like knock it over starting to snow i just want this dog to run a little bit but its not :( i’m back home i’m warming up and that was so cool i’ve never seen central park like that with all the kids playing and sledding the dogs were like running around it was so cute they had like balls all over them snowballs so this is what i like to do whenever i’m kind of like in a rut and i want to visually see my ideas so i always use this journal i’ve gone through a couple from this etsy store and i have it personalized and then i get paper from paper source and i just make a collage with pictures i print out so i’m gonna do that now and it’s nice to go through ideas think about it over time keep going back to the page sometimes i’ll cross it out but these are my ideas right now so my journal’s super messy i just cut out pictures i know i want to do a charlotte tilbury pillow talk look so i just planned what i’ll wear some other ideas in all the homes sometimes i’ll put what i’m currently watching so i’m obsessed with the crown right now my merch i finally started promoting that and you guys seem to like this sweater the most so i just write that down be something unreal baby i’m falling i have some light left so i’m gonna do a live stream because i haven’t done one in a while so if you’re not following me on instagram it’s just jackie wires and let’s go live do you miss toronto yeah i’m not going home for the holidays i was planning to going to but canada’s very strict lockdowns and stuff so it wasn’t a good idea for me to go haven’t seen my family in like over a year so it’s been a hard year for sure how are you by the way i’m pretty good yeah i’m a little sad that i’m not gonna see my well a lot sad i’m not gonna see my family this year um but making the most of it just trying to have a good holiday season what’s your favorite christmas movie i’m not really into christmas movies i sound like the grinch like i didn’t decorate i don’t have a christmas tree um i don’t really watch like the cheesy holiday movies i can’t really get into them but i love the grinch live-action grinch i’ll watch every year i just think it’s such a cute movie have you watched tiny pretty things on netflix yet yeah i started watching that um i read the book why are they so aggressive with like teenagers why are they all naked having sex all the time uh they’re supposed to be 16. i just think it’s weird like i always feel weird watching it why don’t they just make this like a college setting but even college kids are like young and what is my advice here i’m basically telling you not to care about school have time for like play and school finished up the live there was a lot of creepy men on there i don’t know why i don’t get a lot of dms that are creepy then when i do lives like i don’t know if they’re bots or what but yeah some creepy feet comments and i’m having a coffee this is my 60s style mug that i made and i made a whole vintage vibes collection if you guys want to shop it and now i’m just doing some work so i’m going over a brief um that too face sent me because as i said i’m going to be filming for them you might be able to hear meatballs sizzling and i think that’s it for this vlog so thanks for watching let me know what else you’d like to see vlog wise because i do want to keep these a bit more frequent and i will see in my next one .