Oct 28, 2020 13:00 · 318 words · 2 minute read emotional ... need visit helped

Do you know the meaning? Can someone help someone that is Hungry This is during the fasting period This social experiment was gotten from The boss channel Let’s get into the video OMG this is emotional I can see a gun…Yea he is a police officer This is humanity Normally, people may not be in the right state of mind to help when they are hungry But these people did not care at all…They just helped them We need more of this I think I would do the same in that position Some people may be like, it’s not my business…I am not fasting I think they are workers and they took a break to break their fast I am wondering after they buy the food, how is he going to tell them it’s a prank Maybe they will tell them before they buy it. This guy at the back also wants to do something too Even if it is a social experiment, call them let us eat together.

07:12 - Something about Turkish people is that they don’t joke about food…If you visit your Turkish friend, get ready to eat. Even if you don’t want to eat, they will still insist you eat a bit I remember during the fasting period, they shared food for everybody… at different paces Even in our school…We told them we weren’t fasting and they still insisted I enjoyed that period This is a very big place They can’t even see the camera They pranked about 4 to 5 people in the same place Maybe they did it in different halls in the same building…Look at this table These are the people he pranked at first This is a mall This is one of the best social experiment I have ever seen Shoutout to “The Boss” That was a social experiment about sharing your food with a hungry person during fasting .