🛫How to travel for free and make money online

Nov 1, 2020 15:00 · 2526 words · 12 minute read travel blog show figure products

How to travel for free and make money online. Now I know you’ve seen it. You’ve seen these people who seem like they can just go anywhere they want and live any way they want. And yet they still got a steady stream of money coming in. And this video, if that interests you, whether it’s for a month or a week, or maybe forever, you should watch this video because I’m going to show you how you can travel for free and make money online, Hey, J.R. Fisher here. You know, I’ve got friends that actually never come home. They stay on the road.

00:34 - I’ve got one friend now that has just been in Thailand. He was in Vietnam. He’s now in Mexico. And he’s been doing this for over a year. And yet I’ve got other friends who’ve been doing this for years and years and years, and they stay on the road. And I think a lot of people wonder how the heck do they do that? Well, in this video, I want to show you all the steps that you can take to do that. And some of the ways you can make money so that you can do the same thing. Now, what I’d like to do is first off, explain something to you. You got to have some kind of skill.

01:07 - Now, some of you get worried and you go, well, gee, jr. I don’t have any skills. There’s no way I’m going to be able to pull this off. But here’s the truth. I want you to stop and think about this. Everything that you know now, at some point you didn’t know, so you can actually learn anything you want. Now, the first thing I’m going to tell you is that you want to make sure you’re traveling to places that have an internet connection. That’s the only caveat to this whole thing is if you don’t have a good internet connection, you can’t pull this off.

01:34 - But the good thing is most of the world now does have a great internet connection. And you can use this to your fantasy and make money online. It really doesn’t matter where you are when you make money online because people don’t really care. Now, the first thing I want to talk about is one of the things you can do to make money and that’s become a web developer. Everybody needs websites nowadays. And I know some of you out there are going to say, well, jr, everybody’s got a website now I’ve missed that curve. No you haven’t because here’s the truth.

02:03 - If you had a website 10 years ago, you need to redo it. You know, we’re revisiting that right now because a lot of our websites need a lot of changes and stuff done to them in a business owner that say running a restaurant or nail salon or a dentist or whatever, they just don’t have time to work on it. And that’s exactly where you come in. Now, if you don’t know how to develop websites, no problem. All you gotta do is Google it look on YouTube right now. There’s plenty of videos that show you how to build website.

02:34 - And this is an excellent way to make money. Your client doesn’t care if you’re in Vietnam, if you’re in Mexico, if you’re in Canada or USA or India, when you’re working on their websites. And I know personally, I hire people to work on our websites that are in other countries, and I really don’t care where they’re at now, while we’re thinking about it, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, hit that button down there and turn on all the bell notification so that I can let you know every time I do a new video. Now, the other thing I’m going to tell you that you can do is do travel websites. People love travel websites. Now, if you’re actually on the road and you’re traveling to some of these places, you can take actual videos and pictures, but if you’re not, it’s not a problem.

03:17 - All you have to do is go to something like video blocks, videoblocks.com. And they actually have videos on there that you can use from every single part of the world. And you can put those in your video and you overlay that with your talking about those particular different places and boom, you’ve got some travel videos. I see tons of channels doing this, where I know that people are not actually in that country or in that hotel or at that beach, but they’ve put some B roll footage in there and they just talk over it. And they’ve made tremendous money and built just huge audiences over travel blogs.

03:53 - And they may not even be traveling, but if you want to travel and enjoy it that way, you could certainly do that too. Now, one thing I want you to think about, if let’s say you’re a homeowner, you’ve got a home and you’re like, gee, if I’m paying for this home every month and I’m paying this mortgage on it and I don’t want to be paying the mortgage and not living in a house and traveling. So that prevents me from actually, you know, being able to travel. Ah, but that’s not the truth. The truth is that’s the thing that can help you travel because if you’ve got a home and you’re not living in it, all you got to do is list it on Airbnb. You can actually rent out that home. Now I recently rented a home in Florida and I’m not going to get into the fact that the house was dirty or any of that.

04:33 - But I’ll tell you this, that person was charging $150 a night for that home, which is a $4,500 a month income. Now I looked at that home. I looked at the cost of the home and mortgage and all that. And the mortgage on that house was about 1900 bucks. So not only was she renting out that home, but she was making money on the home. So you can actually travel on the road, rent out your home through Airbnb and actually make money. Now, the next thing you could do is become a graphic designer. Graphic design is really, really needed. It’s needed for websites it’s needed for sales pages, it’s needed for, you know, product labels, you name it. Graphic design is a great area where you can make some money. I know personally I’ve paid a lot of people over the years to do graphic design for me, uh, labels for my cans. We so canned meats. We do survival food. Um, and you know, they would do graphic design. You can find them on places like Upwork. You can find them on places like Fiverr.

05:31 - And I would recommend you go into those sites and listing yourself on there as a graphic designer. And you say, wait a second, jr. I don’t know anything about graphic design. Do you remember the beginning of the video? You can learn anything. You can go to YouTube and learn graphic design, but here’s the cool thing nowadays. Let’s say you’re doing logos for graphic design. There’s a lot of softwares that will actually develop that logo for you. So you don’t really have to have the skills of graphic design. There’s where you just, you have templates in there and you plug in the name of the company, the name of the product or whatever. And you can actually generate these logos for these companies, these designs for these companies. And you don’t even have to have any skill and you can charge for it.

06:10 - Now I touched upon this a little bit earlier, but the next thing you can do is run a travel blog. Now you can pick different niches. You could have a channel on YouTube and it could be a travel blog on Italy. It could be a travel blog on Europe. It could be a travel blog on the USA and you don’t have to just do one. So that’s the one thing I think some people get tripped up on and they go, well, you know, I, I did one on Germany and I just didn’t get that many viewers. We’ll do one on Mexico and do one on, you know, Paris, France, do one on whatever you want and figure out which one is getting the most traffic.

06:45 - Now I know some people run several travel blogs. Um, they also run it on a website and they can run ads on their website where their travel blog is, and also generate money from that. They may sell travel guides. They may sell courses on how to travel cheaply. There’s a whole lot of ancillary ways to make money and all along, you’re traveling the world. The next thing you can do is open an online store and people say, well, gee, if I have an online store, I’ve got to get products and I have to package them up and I’ve got to ship them out.

07:15 - So I’m going to have to stay in one location. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you open a Shopify store and you integrate it with Allie express, you can have the manufacturers, the distributors ship those products out to your customers, and you can be anywhere in the world. You want it doesn’t matter. The thing is you’re running it as a drop ship business. You can also do this with t-shirts. You can do it with hats, with mugs. There’s a lot of print on demand companies, and you can Google print on demand companies. You’ll find tons of them, print a file or Printful or whatever you want.

07:47 - And they will actually print up your t-shirts or hats, your mugs, all those things, and actually ship them out to the purchaser on your behalf. And you know, the purchaser doesn’t even know that it’s not getting shipped by you. It’s another way you could make money and still be anywhere in the world that you want. Now here’s something else I want you to think about travel photography and videography. If you are traveling, you can actually take pictures. You can take videos and you can sell them to the sites that actually sell them to other people. By uploading them there, you may get paid an individual commission, or you may get paid a percentage of what people buy. But if you’re taking these videos, anyhow, make sure you do it in high quality. And you can actually sell your videos and pictures on some of these stock photo and video sites. Now I would assume just because you’re listening to this video that you actually speak English.

08:39 - If you speak English, that’s the one language that is in the highest demand in the entire world right now. I know I’ve been to a lot of different foreign countries, even though it’s a foreign language. When I get there, almost always the signs there’s menus, everything’s in English. So everybody wants to learn English. Teaching English online is a great way for you to make money. If that is your primary language, even if it’s a secondary language and you’re good at it, teaching English is a very good way to make money online. Now I’ve covered a lot of different ways.

09:09 - You can make money online, but guess what? You may have a way of making money online and you don’t even realize it. And it may be more valuable than anything that I’ve told you. And that could be your own personal life skills. Maybe you’re good at yoga. Imagine you’re traveling the, the Swiss Alps and you’re doing yoga in the top of a mountain that would sell pretty well. Maybe you’re a great cook and you just want to teach people how to cook and you want to do cooking courses. Maybe you’re a great sales person. Maybe you’re a good copywriter.

09:39 - I don’t know, but maybe you’ve got some life skills that other people would be interested in. I have a friend who lives in England and he’s an actor and he wants to teach people how to get jobs in acting. So there’s a lot of different ways. You can make money online and still be able to travel. Don’t let the fact that you’re living in a home now and you don’t have an income. If you quit your jobs, stop you because you can start doing this. You can travel, you can make money on the road. Now, what I would suggest to you is before you go quit your job and move out of your apartment or house is do some of this first to get it established. Okay? Get your English courses established, get your yoga courses established, get your blog or your website development, you know, company established. And once you do that, you’re going to realize that you don’t have to be at home. I’ll tell you with my survival food company before COVID.

10:32 - I never went to the office and I didn’t work at home. I would go to a coffee shop somewhere and sit down at a Starbucks and work on my business. So that was something that I realized I could do anywhere in the world. And I ended up doing that. You know, I ended up doing a lot of traveling now, you know, we have pets, so I don’t want to be gone for years or anything like that, but it did enable me to take a lot of cool trips and see a lot of neat places. And my wife has an online business too, and she does the same thing. So it can be done. I’m telling you it can be done. Doesn’t matter how old or young you are. Um, you can do this. You can definitely do this. I hope you enjoyed this video.

11:06 - And if you did do me a favor, subscribe, hit that like button down there. And don’t forget to turn on the bell notifications. If you ring that bell and turn on all notifications, I can let you know every single time I do a new video. And I want to hear what you have worked on. Put in the comments below. Do you have some skills that you could actually sell and make money online? Have you done some traveling? Have you done some of this, or if you have questions at all about making money online, feel free to post those questions below.

11:34 - Thank you so much for listening to this video and I’ll see you in the next one. .