MewGulf | Cảm Nhận Về Những Cảm Xúc Trong Tình Cảm Của MG Qua Những Sự Việc Gần Nhất
Nov 16, 2020 08:07 · 1299 words · 7 minute read
The fact that Mew brought back the bunny after nearly five months when the fans seemed to have forgotten that story still made my knees tremble. I cannot get out of it and keep thinking: why bring it back? Why now? And why have to hand each other? And… The only answer I got was the confusion of Pi Mew’s intricate brain. Let this story become a lesson to all of us about his profundity. Mew will never ignore any details, never at all. He’s just waiting for the right moment! “Timing” for very special reasons, because I’m feeling a very important sign here.
01:05 - You know, when Mew Gulf all said they couldn’t remember how events happened, moments from day one how they knew each other, there was something inside me that always urged that it was not true words. Maybe because they don’t want to share those moments with the outside world, including fans. Maybe because those moments contain a special meaning and they are not ready for everyone to touch their castle. This theory of mine has basically been determined over the last few months. It all involves Mew reiterating the important moments that happened in the fandom where no one is asking him to.
01:44 - Let’s review the following 3 stories! 1 / BooBii Fans even thought that MewGulf started using the title for them, but in fact the two made it up on their own. Can you imagine making up a whole story to conceal a nickname that no one would have doubted about in the first place? I really believe they didn’t want to share the truth about BooBii at that time. They want to keep it for themselves longer because this nickname is special to them. And then BAM! When most of us fans forgot about BooBii (which was busy high with tassel and kao right now) then Pi Mew decided to bring it back. “Decision” is the key keyword here. No one loves him revealing about BooBii. There was not even a reminder about it. He just slipped his tongue because he wanted to! Let us not rush to argue that, for Mew is the emerging golden boy in the slippery village who is competing with the former tongue-slipping king Gulf because the crew is entirely another story.
02:54 - And I know some of you will say because he was too tired after the showcase so he was confused, honestly I was happy for that reason back then. But as I saw this kind of action develop, it made me think that it was his own decision to reveal, not by accident. Let’s see the second story! 2 / Sun and sunflower The second story caused people to start rummaging through old tweets, videos, and comments that Mew called Gulf a calendula, as if this wasn’t a new topic for them at all. Again, no one asked Pi Mew to do it and bring the sun and sunflower emblems back. He “decided” to do it himself! He was even the one who said “to my Sunflower” and added the sun emoji to his profile.
03:47 - We would all be fine if he only gave one bouquet of flowers, but it was he himself that drew attention to the resemblance between Mew Gulf and the image of sun and sunflower, bringing us back to the past. by. 3 / Princess rabbit cotton Even 5 months have passed, no one remembers it anymore. No one would have thought that it was a gift Mew gave Gulf on graduation day. I’m pretty sure most of the fandom has forgotten all the vows. Everyone ignored it. Mew doesn’t have to give the bunny. When no one was looking forward to it… again MEW DECIDES TO MAKE IT BACK I am shivering.
04:55 - I can’t believe he’s going to do this again. Why is he bringing all the important moments in our famdom back now? Why now? First, let’s talk about why gave Gulf a teddy bunny on her graduation day? People say that finding the bunny princess is very difficult. Because of that, he couldn’t do it before. Sure, it might be difficult to figure out, but the problem was Mew wanted to find something hard to do and give it to Gulf. But why Gulf’s graduation? Mew can completely put Gulf on other events! The truth is that Gulf gave Mew the bunny prince to cheer on a solo event of his own, and frankly that’s all.
05:45 - It was an ordinary solo event that was not as important as Gulf’s graduation ceremony. But to be honest, I think if Mew wants, he can do it before. But he waited. Why does he have to wait? Because, again, this issue is not related to the fandom. If he gave it immediately, the value of the gift would be reduced to a fanservice, not for themselves anymore. Mew is not ready to let the world enter their own moments, and they are not ready to let the world know the meaning of the bunny pair.
06:40 - But when we wonder, why should we give them on a special occasion like graduation, if it’s not a fanservice, if it’s really for them as a couple, then it’s important to ask at Why reveal it? Could Mew personally present the princess rabbit to Gulf? Why give her the bunny princess at the graduation ceremony? After everyone has forgotten all about their existence and he doesn’t have to? Because that pair of fluffy rabbits means so much more to Mew Gulf than we might even realize. We can speculate all we want about why it is so important to them, but frankly it’s up to Mew Gulf. But I’m more interested in the reason at this point. Come on, let’s talk about meaningful events where Mew decided to repeat the special moments that happened in the fandom. BooBii’s revelation happened at MSS showcase, the sun and sunflower story took place at the Boyfriend press conference, and the cotton rabbit pair on Gulf’s graduation day.
08:28 - What are the common points between them? All of these are important solo events for the lives of the two. Why did Mew “decide” to bring back those couple moments, but also solo events? To put it bluntly, the attention of solo events should be their own personal matters, but what we associate with each of the major solo events are the sweet moments of the present and the past of couple. The problem is that when their second path began to split, Mew made a deliberate decision. First, he sent the Gulf a very clear and public message. He wanted to tell Gulf that he never forgets everything, every moment they share together will forever be ingrained in his heart.
10:14 - He’s doing it during solo events, because he said that even if they walk on two different paths, it doesn’t matter. Mew would always be by the side of Gulf. And most importantly, Mew is doing a computational purpose to the outside world, including the fandom. Yes, although the two are slowly becoming more private, this only makes the moments more proving. Little by little, he reveals the intricacies of their relationship - something they have never been willing to reveal before. But now, Mew is slowly revealing it step by step.
11:17 - The fact that he reiterated these stories himself when the fandom didn’t even ask about it is more proof than ever. Are they in the process of revealing the most important secret to all of us? Only time will tell… But I’m curious about the next things Mew will tell us. The thread above belongs to @sunshineemgstar .