Try This Chicken Stir Fry Recipe at Home in under 20 Minutes Mango Infused Noodles

Nov 26, 2020 05:24 · 1728 words · 9 minute read packed look words tight cooking

I’m Silvestro, Known as The Weight Loss King and welcome to let’s call episode 11. so today yes you guessed it well it seems to be like this every single crocodile because I want to give you the best value when it comes to cook and click and like and subscribe if you’re really getting the enjoyment out of these videos and make sure you hit the notification bell so that way every time I do a video being cooking or workout or motivational talk you’ll be notified so please click and subscribe and what we normally do is when we start our let’s cook episode we always start on a fantastic sweet note, and that is if you have your white wine red wine rose water tea or coffee or whatever it are two items a frying pan which you can fire up right now and put some olive oil inside and we’re gonna have a nutribullet so our first recipe is a stir fry it’s a very summer dish that really works a palette and our second recipe which will be done at the end of the first recipe is my green glowing immunity booster smoothie fantastic um flavours, and it’s all green just like my little basil plant they’re grown in the background and let’s begin so in saying that fry pans on chicken we have onions we have capsicums we have mango we have snow peas we have chilli and you can also add ginger, or we add the meat we want to bring the flavours into the stir fry first so, first of all, we want to add some garlic let’s add the garlic it’s wonderful I don’t know how we can cook without garlic honestly especially with us how to do nice Italian dishes, so I have some nice the canyon dishes which I’m going to do shortly some pasta sauce some meatballs some pasta which is like the Italian Sicilian pasta dish in the oven that’s coming up so make sure you subscribe and make sure you have the build on as well so once the onions are in I mean the garlic sorry we’re gonna put in some red onions or otherwise known as that we have some red capsicums all for our American friend’s belle’s [ __ ] these bells look like a dog here it’s in a bell, no no it’s not ringing mine, oh a lime and I have some lemons and we’re also going to make a really nice sauce using some soy sauce some rice white vinegar and some honey as well so once that’s cooked, and we’re cooking there that’s coming along really nice as well you can see that teaspoon of flour and 500 grams of chicken breast fillet cut up okay so let’s go into the magic straw and let’s throw the chicken into the flour which is seasoned with salt and pepper, so I’m going to mix this then you think you know peas that’s one side some snow peas for that beautiful snow peas, and I’ll throw that into the frying pan and let’s add some more lemon the lime juicer is put all this flavour into a bowl until I go into a bowl into a dish I’m going to oil back into the frying pan like so okay so we’ve got this you can see how it looks to one side and then we’re going to add our chicken something different today but close it with some flour just to give that nice crunch to it as well okay now I’ve just put this to one side you can see how that looks what we need to actually make the actual sauce I’ve already added three tablespoons of water once you add the water we need to add three tablespoons of rice wine vinegar wow it smells good now I want to drink it though one two three. and then we need to add soy sauce okay three one two three water and honey and that is our sauce is done so let’s add capsicum smoothies onion garlic salt pepper this smells unbelievable one big mango so slice up let’s add the mango on top more noodles then we go hot water for approximately two minutes lighting cards gluten-free I’ll put a link in the description and just cover it with water pass on my experience that you don’t have to go on any crazy diets it’s all about losing weight for the very last time you don’t even have to fast everybody wants to fast now fast for 10 hours 12 hours 80 hours 90 hours food is emotional and food it will always be part of us, but it’s there when we happy will be sad it’s even there when it’s for free like all the upcoming Christmas parties, but, emotionally,l we’ve always had an attachment so let’s enjoy food let’s make some better choices because food is not the enemy and let’s try some new flavours okay so I’m I have turned off my fry pan, and you can see how the noodles cook okay okay so let’s push in the noodles gently making sure that you have all the water removed from that you see how it’s fluffy check it out uplift and drop okay let’s put that on top and let’s add in our sauce come when you add all the sauces add a little bit more soy sauce oh isn’t that cute whoops yes it is let’s add a little bit more soy sauce on top you can put five tablespoons so that’s five times one big bowl so I can show you how it looks okay mixture because the sauce is divine I wish you all here to give them nice clean with the edges. and voila there you go chicken mango stir-fry and she’ll also sell wow to all the dishes there can be washed as well whoops let’s have another drink to that I always help out in the kitchen all the time okay recipe number two green green green green just like the basil plant. well some lost yeah there you are oh I cannot wait to make the Italian meatballs next week stay tuned for the next cooking show we have got kiwi fruit more vitamin c and kiwi fruit than orange and strawberries we have some spinach we have some pineapple um sorry pineapple yes cucumber celery apple and honey and coconut water that’s our mixture sounds yummy right, so I made that stroke because it’s just pretty good as well so I’m using a neutral product beautiful it’s fantastic to news so let’s start to add our ingredients this is turned on nice and strong so the way you do this is that you can just mix as much as you want into the container it’s um four big handful of spinach one kiwi fruit quarter of a cucumber one salt celery 250 ml of you can use water you can use coconut water as well some pineapple rings and some honey so to do this correctly in the blender, first of all, I’m gonna, or I’m going to add some spinach first it’s great, so pineapple here’s my knife to one side let’s add some kiwi fruits it’s nice and soft, but I’ll still cut it in half and let’s put some celery it will crush it quite like the more that you chop it up, the better and plus it doesn’t really strain the motion as well some apples or green apples like so those are going to become nice, and neatly then you’ll be able to fit more in there and some cucumber which is basically in there and we need to add something and some coconut water so let’s add the coconut water because you need liquid in there that’s like 250 ml and then we want to add some honey-like so now you can see that we’ve got some extra space in there so let’s add some more apple I didn’t peel the apple by another way fruit and let’s add some more spinach how’s that everybody that’s packed look at that that is absolutely packed so we it would help if I put the right way.

14:22 - make sure it’s nice and tight one time it wasn’t tight and um yes stripped right that’s a fine excuse the noise I think that’s been done. okay so the glowing green and meaty booster smoothie that’s the necklace there’s a nice thing to it done in the king’s kitchen so let’s do two glasses, so it’s easier packed to help you ah look at that and look how much is left over so the taste test wow you know it’s not too sweet because when it’s sweet it’s quite sickening it’s quite nice in the palette nice that is wonderful that’s another smash hit with the green glowing booster immune smoothie anyhow I keep on changing the words in different orders that look marvellous let’s move the camera then so you can see all that and while I’ve got the camera moving so let’s dive in and show you the chicken mango stir-fry that has snow peas capsicum onion garlic spell Italians with a nice sauce made from red oh sorry wine vinegar soya sauce honey and water throughout there as well please subscribe to my channel if you like this video for all the wonderful smoothies and cooking recipes and movements and tell the world that the weight loss king he’s out there and he’s in people that losing weight for the very last time doesn’t mean that food is taken away from you therefore that I introduced more food more flavours so that way you can fall in love the lifestyle that you need to adapt to lose weight for the very last time once again Thank you for watching this video please click down and subscribe and make sure that you have a bell for notifications so whenever I do a new video, you’ll be the VIP member first that will get a notification to watch okay then thank you once again I’m Silvestro known as a weight loss king helping women lose weight for the very last time and we’ll see you soon thank memories .