Dutch Sheets: God’s Words Accomplish Their Assignments (Jeremiah 1:12)

Dec 1, 2020 12:30 · 1597 words · 8 minute read good picked means perform 04

  • And let’s thank God for Dutch Sheets, who’s called to bring this nation into revival and awakening. (applause and cheers) - Thank you, you can be seated, thanks. We’re gonna tag team, and I’ll tell you why. No break (laughter). If you absolutely have to run to the restroom, do it quickly, but the best part of my message is the first five minutes. (laughter) I’m just saying. (laughter) - Great last night, awesome! - Thank you, thank you.

00:50 - I am, we have to leave and we must be on the road by 11:15 to the airport. So that’s why we’re doing it this way. The origin, Chuck has to get back for services, and the original plan for me was to try to get home in time to take my wife to dinner this evening. It’s her birthday. (audience exclaiming) And, tell her happy birth, okay, I’ll tell her Happy Birthday from California, how’s that? (audience exclaiming) But when we moved from Colorado to South Carolina, even though I’m still rushing out on the flight to Dallas, I will not get home in time to do that. I will get home at midnight, and she’s celebrating with our daughters and family, and yeah, so I’m not trying to tell you how wonderful I am to be here on her birthday. I’m trying to tell you why we’re rushing out of here. ‘Cause the plan was to try to get home.

01:56 - ‘Cause I just, you know, when I lived in Colorado, I was gonna be able to get home in time to do it. So that’s (clears throat) not gonna happen. Now I may need this stool, because I have two pinched nerves in my lower back. And I had some breakthrough for a season, and then when we moved, I picked up too many boxes. And I guess the progress I had made was interrupted. And the more I sit and travel, the worse it gets. So it’s flared up right now. The pain goes down my sciatic nerve. And if you’ve never experienced that, there’s really no way to describe it. It feels like, for me, someone has a dagger in my gluteus maximus. (laughter) So I may sit on this stool a little bit today while I teach you, or lean on the podium here to keep from tensing up that muscle that grabs it. And what a great place to be to get healed, Amen? I’m trusting the Lord for a complete healing, (audience exclaims and applauds) a recreation of my discs.

03:08 - And sometimes I limp through the airports, and yesterday I had to get a wheelchair to get me from the gate, it was hurting so badly. But I’m saying all that just to say to you, I’m here. (audience exclaiming and applauding) And he ain’t gonna stop me. (audience exclaiming) Nor is my back, that I’ve abused, but I’m gonna get healed anyway. (audience exclaiming) All right, what a great word. And, you know, he usually doesn’t do all this personal stuff and prophesying to people and churches. Chuck usually stays really focused on the whole region and the nation. Obviously he’s doing that here because God is doing something here that is for more than this place. (audience exclaims) It is for this region and nation. And so the words are powerful and very significant.

04:19 - There are, there’s a passage that, there’s a word in Hebrew that the Lord has emphasized for me. And it’s a word used in three familiar verses, having to do with decrees. He said in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man that He should lie, “nor the Son of Man that He should repent.” “Has He said it, and will He not do it, “has He spoken it, will He not make it good?” When he said, “Has He said it, and will He not do it,” the word ‘do’ is asah, A-S-A-H. It’s a strong word in Hebrew that means to perform, do, accomplish. But it also means to create. His words create.

05:03 - When He speaks, power is released to bring forth something, sometimes out of nothing. To shift, well you bind and loose as you say it. You don’t bind, that’s the way we bind and loose. That’s the way we forbid and allow. He tells us what He wants here and through prophetic inspiration, and we say what He says. The New Testament word for confession is homolagia, lagos, words, and then you say them. And then the word literally means say the same thing. When you are, you don’t, the error that came in confession was believing that we, whatever we, we could say anything we wanted, God had to do it. Or God would back it up. But that’s not Biblical confession. Biblical confession is to say what He says. That’s what the word means, say the same thing. So when you say what He says, then power is released from you.

05:57 - And God says I’ll create you with those words. When you sing and you begin to sing prophetically over the region, God says, I’ll create with those words. Because you’ll decree a thing and it’s established. Now but, but, but then you begin to say to me, these passages, which I wanna keep reading. He says, has He said it? Will He not asah with it? Has He spoken it? Will He not make it good? And then the prophet goes on to say, “I have received a command to bless.

” 06:25 - And we don’t, I don’t know how we’ve missed this so long. God said I’m gonna do this, and my words are gonna do this, this, this, this. And then He said, and now, I’m gonna do this through the words of my prophet. (audience exclaiming) They weren’t just words coming out of the heavens. The prophet said I’ve given a command, I’ve been given a command to bless. And when I bless with my mouth, God says I create with that. Jeremiah 1:12. Jeremiah’s being called to his prophetic ministry. God says to him, chapter one, “I’ve touched your mouth, and I put my words in your mouth.” I have put my words in your mouth. I have put my words that create and perform and accomplish things, I have put my words in your mouth. Let me give you another verse in the New Testament.

07:42 - Luke, Chapter One, Verse 37, when the angel came to Mary, and said you’re gonna have a child. And she said how can this be? I’m a virgin. Said the Holy Spirit’s gonna overshadow you and put the seed of God inside of you. And then he says, “For God, nothing shall be impossible.” That’s not the best translation of that verse. The literal translation of that verse is ‘for no word spoken by God is without power’. (audience exclaiming) You cannot get more literal in a translation than that. No word spoken by God is without power. Whether, whether He says it through an angel, whether He says it through a prophet, whether He says it with, through you, no word spoken by God is without power. So He says to Jeremiah, He touches his mouth, He says, “I’m gonna talk through you.” “I’m gonna say things to the nation through you, Jeremiah.

” 08:35 - And then in verse 12, He says, “I am watching.” “You’ve seen well, Jeremiah, because I am watching over “my word to asah with it.” I’m gonna put my words in your mouth, Jeremiah. And I’m watching over those words to create asah. Did you know that’s what Jesus said on the cross, when He said, “It’s finished”? He may have been speaking Hebrew, ‘asah’, He may have been speaking Greek, ‘tetelestai’. Tetelstai means finished. It means accomplished.

09:06 - It means bring something to the intended goal. It’s only one word, which, whether He said Hebrew or Greek, Jesus did not bow His head like you’ve seen in the movies, and go, “It is finished.” He cried with a loud voice. (audience exclaiming) And he said either “Asah!” He cried with a loud voice and the earth quaked when He said it. Or He said “Tetelestai!” And the word tetelestai not only means perform, accomplish, it’s what they stamped on the invoices in the marketplace of the day, meaning “paid in full”. (audience exclaiming and applauding) He was saying, “The debt is paid in full!” But He may have been speaking Hebrew, because He was quoting from Psalm 22:31, the last word of that Psalm, which is all about His sufferings on the cross, the last word is asah. I have accomplished it.

09:58 - Or He may have been saying, “New creation, come forth!” Because asah means to create. And Jeremiah, Jeremiah’s told I’m gonna watch over my words that I give to you. You’re gonna speak my words, and I’m gonna perform or accomplish with them, that’s how I’m gonna tear down, that’s how I’m gonna pluck up, that’s how I’m gonna overthrow. You’re gonna speak for me into the atmosphere of the nation, and it’s gonna do something! It’s gonna do more than make you feel good in a room full of people when you sing it! It’s gonna go out through the atmosphere into the nation and cause something to topple and fall, and something else to rise up! (audience exclaiming and applauding) That’s a good word! (audience exclaiming) .