Dec 22, 2020 10:04 · 1536 words · 8 minute read
Matrix contains hundreds of messages on the basis of this movie and its sequels, its major metaphors are still not resolved, so far, much has been written and discussed about the matrix , you can reach many videos on the web. We can say that the shooting started and ideas that are far beyond history come across from time to time today . But instead of talking about them, there are some features about Matrix that are much different and unknown to many people , I will talk about these details to you in this video. Of course, if you still want a video from me that reveals the messages of this movie part by part, let me know by writing in your comments. Let’s get started, here are 30 interesting unknown facts about matrix. We are starting.
01:09 - September 3, 1999 Date of starting an action running on Turkey, which is science fiction movie The Matrix to be loved since that date, has managed to be watched a movie. Here are 30 interesting facts about the movie that is under the category of cult movies today . 1. The opening scene of the movie was shot for six months and the shooting took four days. 2. Legendary Hong Kong stunt coordinator Woo-Ping Yuen initially refused to work on the film. He thought that even when he edited the script the way he wanted, he would intimidate the Wachowskis by charging an exorbitant fee .
The Wachowskis did not give up and insisted, finally, Woo-Ping Yuen made an offer that all the fight 02:00 - scenes of the film would be under his control and that each actor would be trained for 4 months , the Wachowskis accepted Woo-Ping Yuen’s request. 3. Carrie-Anne Moss sprained her ankle while filming one of the scenes, but did not tell anyone until the shooting was over so that they would not repeat the same scene. 4. After the lobby clash within the movie, he returns to the camera and shows the outcome of the gunfight in the lobby. At that moment, a piece of one of the pillars falls to the ground. This was an unplanned incident that happened by chance during filming, but was not re-shot as the producers deemed it appropriate. 5.
02:46 - All the scenes in the Matrix have a green hue as if watching on a computer monitor , while the scenes in the real world are blue. Blue was used as a minimum in the Matrix scenes, as the directors thought blue was more of a real world color (although ironically blue is the least common color in nature) . The fight scene between Morpheus and Neo, which is neither in the real world nor in the Matrix, is yellow . 6. The studio insisted on a lot of descriptive dialogue, as they described the script as “no one understands”. 7. To prepare for the scene where Neo Keanu Reeves wakes up in a capsule Neo gave fifteen kilos and he shaved his entire body to give a weak outlook. 8.
According to 03:39 - costume designer Kym Barrett, Trinity’s costume was made with cheap PVC due to the tighter budget. Similarly, Neo’s coat was not actually a very expensive fabric. It was a wool blend that was purchased for just $ 3. 9. Laurence Fishburne said that after reading the script, he didn’t understand why other people found it confusing. However, he doubted whether the film would be shot because “he was very clever”… 10. Morpheus is the god of dreams in Greek mythology. Morpheus’ role in this movie is to awaken people from dream states to reality. The 11th Matrix movie was selected by the United States Library of Congress in 2012 for storage in the National Film Registry archives . 12. Will Smith was asked to play Neo, but turned down the offer to play the lead role in The Wild Wild West (1999). He later admitted that he was “not mature enough as an actor” at the time and if he was given the role he would “ruin everything”.
04:49 - He had no regrets, “Keanu was as smart as Neo.” Sandra Bullock was offered the role of Trinity, but turned down because Will Smith was in the movie . When he learned that he had turned down the role, he regretted his decision. Had he been on the cast, he would have been reunited with Keanu Reeves after Speed (1994) . 13. Carrie-Anne Moss herself made the footage and all the acrobatic moves involving Trinity at the beginning of the film. 14.
When 05:21 - Neo gets into the car with Trinity for the first time, Switch refers to it as the “copper roof”. While Coppertop explains how the human race has become a source of energy , the battery Morpheus showed to Neo is a slang for Duracell Battery. 15. Neo has eighty lines in the first forty-five minutes of the movie. Forty-four of these lines consist of questions, with just over half of his total dialogue , according to calculations, Neo asks a question every minute on average. 16. The date stamp on the phone monitoring program at the time of opening is written “2/19/98”.
06:00 - The date stamp in the phone tracking program in the closing sequence is “9/18/99”. This means that the events in the movie take place exactly nineteen months. 17.When The Matrix idea was under development in the early 1990s, Lana & Lilly Wachowski’s first choice for the role of Neo was Brandon Lee, but died tragically on the set of The Crow (1994) . 18. When Belinda McClory auditioned for the role of “Switch”, she was only playing half the role. The character was originally intended to be played by androgynous actors.
06:41 - In the real world, it will be played by a male actor and represented in the Matrix in the form of a female , hence the name “Switch”. Warner Brothers developed the idea and McClory got a single female role in both settings. 19. In the “ Woman in Red ” scene where Morpheus underwent Neo through a computer simulation of the Matrix , he put the same actor in numerous shots to create the illusion of a recurring program . Example: in the opening footage, a tall man with boat-haired and sunglasses is seen a few seconds later, with a police officer writing a parking ticket. The shooting of the 20th helicopter scene almost shut down the movie because they flew by helicopter from the prohibited Sydney airspace.
The laws in New South Wales, Australia, have been changed to allow filming to continue 07:35 - . 21. Keanu Reeves deliberately made his costumes ugly and unsuitable for his scenes that were in the matrix at the beginning of the movie to evoke feelings that Thomas Anderson didn’t quite fit the world. As of April 22 , 2016, a research team at DARPA was working on a project focused on Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT, abbreviated), which involved the use of electrodes placed at the base of the neck and the use of electrical impulses to influence a person’s neurotransmitters . The aim is to allow the Agents to learn languages and other complex subjects in a very short time. This is almost the same as Neo’s inclusion in his training program to learn complex skills faster, unless he’s medically invasive.
08:25 - Researchers admitted that they were impressed by this movie. 23. The Wachowskis prepared the script by working on fourteen drafts of the script for five and a half years . While most studio executives reading the script liked its ideas, they found it extremely difficult to imagine how it would show up on the screen. The Wachowskis then hired Steve Skroce and Geofrey Darrow , leading illustrators who created over 600 storyboards. It was reported that the executives were sold immediately after seeing the gritty script on display.
08:59 - The 24th film won all four of the categories it was nominated for at the Academy Awards held that year . 25. Before starting his furious attacks on Morpheus, Neo rubs his nose with his thumb and finger in his martial training program before attacking his opponents, similar to Bruce Lee’s demeanor . This Move was improvised by Reeves. 26. For Agent Smith’s voice, Hugo Weaving imitated the 1950s newsreader. Laurence Fishburne compared him to Walter Cronkite. 27. On the first day of shooting, Hugo Weaving was injured in his leg.
09:40 - It turned out to be a polyp that had to be removed surgically. For a while, there was a suggestion that the actor should not be recruited, but by changing the schedule so that all the stunt work happens at the end of shooting, Weaving managed to take on the role. 28. subway climatic fight between Neo and Agent Smith continued for ten days at the stage program. 28-031.jpg 29. According to Wachowskis, all animals in the Matrix universe are computer generated images. 30. Except for his last speech in the movie, Keanu Reeves never spoke more than five sentences in a row. Ben Volkan Çelik videos will continue. .