Community Sharing

Jan 4, 2020 23:17 · 13200 words · 62 minute read us share access little bit

Meighan Brodkey: How’s it going, Meighan Brodkey: How are you happy Saturday. Happy Saturday. Meighan Brodkey: And just putting a message on Twitter that we are getting started. So I’m going to go on mute. For a minute so you don’t have to hear my rapid fire. Meighan Brodkey: Welcome, Hannah. Meighan Brodkey: People just a few minutes. Meighan Brodkey: Going to get started. Meighan Brodkey: You guys aren’t immediate you’re welcome to unmute yourselves talk amongst yourselves. Do your thing standing if you’d like, as well. Up to you.

00:00 - Meighan Brodkey: We’ll get started about five after just so y’all know anybody wants to grab a water, some snacks, welcome. Meighan Brodkey: Alright, so welcome. Welcome everybody. And it’s about five after it’s time for us to get started. Meighan Brodkey: And thank you so much for coming by on a Saturday. Meighan Brodkey: Night my small group here and not too small, but not too big. So I think it’s pretty good. So that is for us to have some some good discussions and questions. That way we can jump into anything that you guys would like to dig a little bit deeper. Meighan Brodkey: I’m Megan Brodsky Meighan Brodkey: Little one that’ll be kind of leading the webinars that Meighan Brodkey: Practice manager for the architecture to see consulting. I’m also a Salesforce MTP Seattle women in tech user group leader. Meighan Brodkey: Community cloud specialist and in the ecosystem for 12 years now. I actually started as a customer success manager became a Salesforce admin tried my hand.

02:06 - Meighan Brodkey: At development, not my thing. So I did you respond what I thought was actually developer. It’s really an architect, so as long before we had the pyramid. Meighan Brodkey: And ended up going to the route of technical architect. Meighan Brodkey: Of over 400 trailhead badges and, you know, as I stated, we need cloud is my specialty. Meighan Brodkey: One of the reasons why I love community cloud so much is due to the fact that you can’t really have a community cloud implementation without another cloud. Meighan Brodkey: And so by doing community cloud implementations. I get to play with so many other clouds and get to have so much more of my projects that I really truly enjoy that plus community cloud lets you get to see so much more Meighan Brodkey: Of Salesforce and this totally different side of Salesforce, then you really hit a car when you’re working internally. Meighan Brodkey: And those of you that are working with community cloud right now whether you’ve been doing it for a while you’ve been seeing it for a while, or it’s something that you’re just going to your first go at you’ve probably noticed that it’s it’s different. Meighan Brodkey: Be it from, you know, the fact that you’re doing that outward view.

So you’ve got to make sure that you focus on your user experience lot more your UI, a lot more or as we’re focusing on today, but I can’t stop stop sharing. I mean, all the way down to those foundational items work differently. Meighan Brodkey: And I just find that a lot of fun. I get a real kick out of it. I think it’s good time. It’s something new to learn. It’s another way to think about things and I love learning Meighan Brodkey: I didn’t get to do something new and learn something new every day. I don’t think I would be in the ecosystem. So that’s one thing I love about Salesforce, is that I get to learn something new every single day and it’s definitely kept me going for. Meighan Brodkey: 12 years already. Meighan Brodkey: Sharing and communities. I’ve noticed.

More recently that as I start work on on more projects and people that you know are are getting more involved with communities communities get more complex and Salesforce adds to that more. Hi, welcome. Meighan Brodkey: That we just keep having more and more going on. And that idea of sharing just gets a little bit, you know, it’s a little weird for people if they haven’t seen it before. Meighan Brodkey: And so, jumping into that, you know, things that we’re going to talk about today are licensed types and how license type batters Meighan Brodkey: Thinks that you can do with a customer community license are different than the things that you can do with a customer community. Plus, or if our life. Meighan Brodkey: A small community plus and partner licenses have more superpowers is I like to call them, then a customer community license.

It’s definitely something you want to keep in mind all along. During your project and make sure to get clear from the very beginning. Meighan Brodkey: And a lot of times I hear that people have jumped in and started using thought about using sharing rules. Meighan Brodkey: Problem with sharing rules, Cheryl said limits and suddenly up your worldwide default going with internal versus external worldwide you fault, where some of the Meighan Brodkey: gotchas there working with your sharing sets account relationships and account relationship sharing, not to be confused with account contact relationships. Meighan Brodkey: Jumping into channel programs general program numbers and then just a little bit of the added sharing becomes with that functionality in itself is not sharing, but there are sharing that goes along with it.

06:07 - Meighan Brodkey: And then apex sharing, which is listed last because as we all know, we should always think declarative first and then go to come Meighan Brodkey: Then to jump straight in. The only thing that might have on the daring rules side, the fact that they are limited. Meighan Brodkey: And my jump in here. Great little story. One thing you’re going to notice that my slides is I am very big on doing a demo. So we’ll jump in and look at pretty much all of these one by one. Meighan Brodkey: And after I go through a few bullets few questions about that further what’s left of the slide I’ll jump in and show you the actual use case, how to configure it. I will go straight into Salesforce.

07:00 - Meighan Brodkey: The problem with slides is you actually don’t get to see how things go together. And I personally am a very big. I need to see it person. Meighan Brodkey: So I kind of just run my by my webinars, the same way. So, heads up to you. Meighan Brodkey: I was sharing girls. So I was working on communities in the beginning. And I’ve seen this come up a lot throughout Community questions. Meighan Brodkey: About using sharing rules. Meighan Brodkey: Sharing girls have a have a great place when you are working with internal users.

You can do owner, they sharing rules and can do criteria based sharing rules the province. You, you end up hitting that max out women. Meighan Brodkey: Of their of the 15th. And as you’re going through and you hit that you’ve got to think about the number of either users or accounts that you’re going to be setting up Meighan Brodkey: And you have, you know, a large number of Community years battles and communities. There’s even 100 500 community users. Meighan Brodkey: Or even think about that if you’re doing it based on accounts, you know, if you have 500 accounts or 100 accounts. How many people at each of those accounts are you going to make active Meighan Brodkey: Very easily, you’re going to end up hitting those limits for sharing rules and figuring out, you know, do I want to share with this person, they sell this field and Meighan Brodkey: That’s one of the things that you’re, you’re going to end up getting hit with a gotcha at and so Meighan Brodkey: Rather than going with the concept of sharing rules and using that type of criteria to share Salesforce has a number of other features available to you. So that’s where the fun comes in with the items such as sharing sets.

08:52 - Meighan Brodkey: So not too long ago, about a year ago Salesforce extended sharing sets to be available to a customer community plus and partner users previously they were only available for high volume users, which would be anyone with the old portal style licenses and then customer community licenses. Meighan Brodkey: That are available for all of the Community licenses, which is a huge, huge win for all of us. Meighan Brodkey: So what are sharing sets. Meighan Brodkey: Of any of you ever use a formula to say that uses the global variables like the current user, which is a field. Meighan Brodkey: So, Meighan Brodkey: If my user ID or my current email. Meighan Brodkey: matches a field on a record. Then I’m going to make a formula field. True. Meighan Brodkey: If so, that’s very similar to how sharing that work. Meighan Brodkey: What they do is they allow you to take a value off of a community user specifically using their contact ID on their user or their account ID on a user via the contact that account ID and it’s going to match that up with either the contact ID on a record or an account idea record. Meighan Brodkey: And if that value matches, then they’re able to see that record. Meighan Brodkey: And like I said, that can use be used by customer community is there’s a community plus and partner users.

10:40 - Meighan Brodkey: They are, they should be the first go to that you use when thinking about sharing Meighan Brodkey: Their most basic form of sharing that’s available. Meighan Brodkey: One of the downsides, though, is when you’re going through and you’re attracting you know we can’t do this yet. Enlightening But that sharing buttons. It’s available on records class. Meighan Brodkey: If you click that sharing buttons and see if I record shared you actually won’t see shares from a sharing set. So just an FYI to you, they won’t be visible, they’re Meighan Brodkey: Very extremely, extremely helpful. Meighan Brodkey: And they are also the way to share with customer community licenses customer community and not use the other types of sharing is available, so they can’t customer community cannot use apex sharing, they cannot use account relationships.

11:42 - Meighan Brodkey: They don’t use any of the other types of Community sharing is available customer community licenses can all of us share access. So something to think about. There’s about that you have to share, except for the sharing of your customer community less less Meighan Brodkey: Great example of how this is done. And I am going to actually jump over into my Salesforce org and I’ll and let me switch my screen. Share Meighan Brodkey: Can you see my sales for us. Gail Mac: Yep. Gail Mac: Perfect. Meighan Brodkey: Awesome. Thank you. Meighan Brodkey: Or that was all right. Meighan Brodkey: All right, so when you are in Salesforce and you jump over your lightning, you’ll want to go to your feature settings and then go into communities and this is found under your community settings.

12:47 - Meighan Brodkey: Few limitations as you’re sharing with your sharing sets. Meighan Brodkey: So once you’re in here will want to scroll down Meighan Brodkey: And again, this is under community settings. Meighan Brodkey: And you will notice that you can go in here and click on new Meighan Brodkey: The profiles that you have available, you can only put a profile into one sharing sets. So if you have used that profile already, you can’t use it again. Meighan Brodkey: The downside comes into play with a shame set. If you want to share an object in multiple ways.

So if I want to share a cap based on both the parent account field, plus the the partner account sales. You can’t do that. You have to pick one field to share them on. Meighan Brodkey: Which can be a bit frustrating. Some workarounds there are huge automation and to come up with some funkiness or to have multiple profiles and to see if, you know, can you split people up based on you know different profiles for those different levels of visibility. Meighan Brodkey: Keeping in mind. You know, when is visible out of the box. They get to see their own account all ready Meighan Brodkey: For example, but with expanding to other accounts or other objects, things start to get more complex and seeing as mentioned customer community. This is the way to share it takes some strategic planning to figure out what is the right way to go.

14:39 - Meighan Brodkey: But so set this up and call this our me Meighan Brodkey: A rabbit our Meighan Brodkey: Love and I had my last pass on there so I can see where things are right and I recommend creating a sharing set for each profile and naming it after that profile. Meighan Brodkey: If you have multiple profiles that the same sharing set rules. Okay. And, but then one thing to think about is, you know, on a profile level. What is it that is distinguishing these two different profiles is field level security is an object level security for public objects. Meighan Brodkey: You know, do you really need to have those separate profiles to to maintain if you’re sharing back or visibility to say why you have all the same objects and they’re Meighan Brodkey: Just something to think about.

15:40 - Meighan Brodkey: In this case, we are going to go forward with the VIP customer community plus user profile, because we can finally do those customer community plus profiles. Meighan Brodkey: And then we’re going to want to pick which objects we want to share Meighan Brodkey: So in this case, Meighan Brodkey: We want to go and we want to share our work orders. Meighan Brodkey: And we also want to share a Meighan Brodkey: This is a casa Meighan Brodkey: event object. Meighan Brodkey: So you’ll notice that the objects have populated down below. Meighan Brodkey: And the reasons why I picked multiple is sometimes in Salesforce when you move stuff over unless you go to configure it and hit Save it disappears. For the first one you did.

16:28 - Meighan Brodkey: You can continue to add all of your objects at once here before you have to go in and hit save, they’ll stay there. Meighan Brodkey: And then you’ll click setup. Next to that object. And this is where you’ll do that matches that I mentioned, and where it’s kind of like using those global variables like a formula field. Meighan Brodkey: So here you have your user Meighan Brodkey: And Meighan Brodkey: You’ll notice that you have this contact related account. Meighan Brodkey: That contact related account is actually for when you have account contact relationships enabled and so that would be Meighan Brodkey: The related accounts for whenever they are in account contact relationships for the contacts too many accounts enabled and that would be the the many accounts that they are visible to which is helpful.

17:26 - Meighan Brodkey: One of the other options available to you. For example, if you want to be sharing numerous accounts is to enable context, many accounts and instead of trying to go up a hierarchy, just to relate that contact to multiple accounts, the account. Meighan Brodkey: Account context multiple accounts functionality. Meighan Brodkey: You also have a contact field contact data account. Meighan Brodkey: Using the the account and they account dot parents, you’re going to want to think about using when you think about using the that account failed.

18:09 - Meighan Brodkey: Just consider whether or not that field is populated for your users all Community users, how the data account field populated. Meighan Brodkey: Very often safer say go with a contact or the contact that account. Meighan Brodkey: Few days to check, you can always run an export of your users to see whether or not your users have that data populated. Meighan Brodkey: In this case, Meighan Brodkey: We can go with our contact accounts. Meighan Brodkey: This is going to to share the information Meighan Brodkey: Based on the the user’s account.

So the everyone on the account is going to get that visibility, if we did this based on like contact, we’d be sharing it directly with the contact instead 19:01 - Meighan Brodkey: And then we’re going to look at the work order. This is where we match those two fields and it’s when these two ideas match that they get visibility. Meighan Brodkey: On. They’re also going to want to make sure you’re matching the same type of record, you don’t want to match a contact to an account or you’re not going to get the same values. So when the users contact account matches the the account listed on the work order. Meighan Brodkey: Then they can have read write access.

You can also live at it so that they can have read online. Meighan Brodkey: And in this case, we’re going to just hit Update. Meighan Brodkey: And then for the events okay setup. Meighan Brodkey: And we have again let’s do it on this one. Let’s just do the contact field. Meighan Brodkey: And this one is just based off the owner of that of that record. The reason why is because we don’t have any custom fields on that record that relate to a contact or an account. Meighan Brodkey: But owners have that account or that contact field that’s listed on the owner record. Meighan Brodkey: So in this case, they would already have this ability by being the owner themselves. So what we’d really want to do is share it out with their whole account. So rather than do the contacts switch it to contact out account and make it the owners accounts.

20:38 - Meighan Brodkey: One thing you don’t want to do is recreate sharing that already exists. Meighan Brodkey: If there’s already built in functionality to grant that visibility. There was no reason to to go and build that functionality again and do redundant visibility. Meighan Brodkey: Ownership already grantee visibility. This is going to extend that visibility to their account. Meighan Brodkey: And this will give read only access to everyone else and then get an update. Meighan Brodkey: One way to one of the reasons why you may want to extend it to the whole account for example is if you have multiple roles. You want to make sure every single person matter what role the owner is then gets this ability Meighan Brodkey: And then we’ll scroll down, you’ll notice that the setup is gone. And, you know, just have edit available there. Meighan Brodkey: You still have to hit save. Otherwise, those two lines are going to go away. Meighan Brodkey: And going through. That’s, that’s what it tastes, you have to create a shared set Meighan Brodkey: So I want to pause for a minute and have all of you have a little bit of time to ask me questions.

So anything that you guys have about sharing sets or anything that you have about the how to set that up that we just went through. Oh. Gail Mac: Well, I didn’t want to ask you a million about hi this is Gail Gail Mac: Context, you mentioned enabling context to multiple accounts. Gail Mac: Do that that’s that’s sitting outside of this Meighan Brodkey: So yeah, okay. Meighan Brodkey: So I I’m a big fan of contacts to multiple accounts and Meighan Brodkey: I know a number of companies have gone through with this somehow not and sometimes you have contacts that leave an account on and switch to another account. Meighan Brodkey: People are often, you know, what do I do with that contact.

How do I deal with them or when you have contacts, like in the case of, you know, 22:55 - Meighan Brodkey: The situation I had mentioned of I need visibility to this account this account and this account, rather than create you can’t create those multiple sharing sets. And that’s actually found underneath your sales that I believe it’s under account settings. Meighan Brodkey: And that’s right here contacts have multiple accounts. Meighan Brodkey: And Meighan Brodkey: You can just go in there and it’s just that little first check box to create that relationship. Gail Mac: Thank you. Meighan Brodkey: Yep, no problem. Meighan Brodkey: I find it helpful for getting that going. One thing to keep in mind is once you set that up.

23:44 - Meighan Brodkey: Using sharing sets as that relationship stays Meighan Brodkey: If you keep that relationship that visibility also say so. Meighan Brodkey: So although it is helpful for keeping visibility. If you keep those relationships beyond the amount of time that they should have that data visible. Meighan Brodkey: It can also be a gotcha. Meighan Brodkey: So it’s a it’s a win. And they and I got Jeff at the same time. Meighan Brodkey: And that actually brings us to the next item with him about when we go over the account relationship sharing and I’ll actually show you how that causes me to show you a demo with you account contract relationships, about how you can use that with parameters. Meighan Brodkey: And setting up dates and limits.

So to actually talk a bit about those unless anyone else has questions about sharing sets first 24:53 - Meighan Brodkey: All right, let’s switch back to the deck. Meighan Brodkey: Okay. Meighan Brodkey: So account relationship sharing what exactly is it Meighan Brodkey: Alright so what you’re able to do with account relationship sharing. There’s with customer community plus and with partner licenses you can grant access to records. Meighan Brodkey: And face. I had the relating them to each other and having a a specific field again be a user field contact field on account fields, similar to sharing sets, however, you’re able to put in criteria. Meighan Brodkey: So it’s like super stop sharing sets.

25:42 - Meighan Brodkey: So to speak, who can use them again, this is only customer community plus and partners. This is not available to standard customer community licenses. Meighan Brodkey: And then situation that when they apply will be when a sharing set doesn’t quite do it. You have the account or the contact or user record ID. Meighan Brodkey: Or look up, I should say listed on the record that you want to share, but you have additional parameters you want to share this record, however, only when this field has a certain value or only until 12 months after X date.

26:34 - Meighan Brodkey: Or only if this checkbox is checked. Meighan Brodkey: Way that they are used is going to be best step data that demo. Meighan Brodkey: There are a few more steps to this one. So I am going to switch back out over to Salesforce and we are going to have a zoom keeps happening every time we do that. Okay, we’re gonna have a fun time here. Meighan Brodkey: scrolling back up in lightning account relationship data sharing rules are fast here.

27:08 - Meighan Brodkey: And one thing to keep in mind is a classic they’re actually found under the Community set up under communities as a sub item. Meighan Brodkey: So, Meighan Brodkey: When we are within here. We want to go through and create that actual rule that we want to use for what I said. That’s our art situation. Meighan Brodkey: And so Meighan Brodkey: We’ll go over here and Meighan Brodkey: Cope with our building this community. Meighan Brodkey: One thing that’s really frustrating is the developer name is not auto populate the new account with the ship sharing girls in classic or in lightning. Just a heads up to you.

You’re gonna have to type it in twice and then 28:12 - Meighan Brodkey: So your relationship type. So will notice that there are a few different fields on here. Meighan Brodkey: And the type is your, what type of relationship they have between them. And this actually comes into play for a record that is can use when related the accounts to each other. Meighan Brodkey: So there is actually a an update to the page layout. We’re going to do next.

But you can have multiple account relationships between accounts accounts but this rule will only apply based on this specific type being selected. Meighan Brodkey: So for example on this one. Let’s just actually leave it a system integrator. Meighan Brodkey: Next, those levels again read only or rewrite nice and simple and leave this one is read only. Meighan Brodkey: Know a lot of times Unity’s probably end up doing read only for a large amount of your data. Meighan Brodkey: Next up is your object type. One thing I didn’t mention about sharing sets, but I’ll bring it up here about account relationships. Meighan Brodkey: Your, your objects to be in a sharing set or the account relationship type. They need to be set to private Meighan Brodkey: Otherwise, they’re just not going to show up. Meighan Brodkey: So in here, I’m going to type in leap. So that one is one of my private objects. And then these are the fields to match on Meighan Brodkey: We have the owner ID, like I said, you can have a user contact or an account ID within the account relationships. So on leads.

I have fields word an account ID owner ID and partner account ID. Meighan Brodkey: In this situation, and don’t want to share with our partner account ID. Meighan Brodkey: Yeah. Meighan Brodkey: We throw in here. This is where we’re actually able to add in that criteria and we can do that advanced formula. Meighan Brodkey: And so, in this situation, there’s really a formula. It’s the partners listed place we actually do whether or not it’s close. Let’s do it or not.

30:47 - Meighan Brodkey: The scrolling are converted, I should say heard N equals false Meighan Brodkey: Will notice that the scrolling, you can actually type this in these boxes to scroll. Okay. I tried to do. It’s been frustrating sometimes they’re Meighan Brodkey: Pushed for it, though, there’s an idea out there on the idea exchange, highly recommend that you vote for it. Meighan Brodkey: Sure to share that link up after the Meighan Brodkey: Webinar, but it’s just Meighan Brodkey: Wants to buy us situations and make things a little easier to you. Meighan Brodkey: So what this will do is now that we’ve created this rule. Meighan Brodkey: In fat up to share. It’s on the leads existing Meighan Brodkey: Wins whoever is a partner account ideas if their system integrator and converted equals false when they’re related to that record.

31:47 - Meighan Brodkey: So we’re going to hit Save. Meighan Brodkey: And then I’m actually going to jump over to the Account page layout here show you how that is that Meighan Brodkey: page layouts. Meighan Brodkey: Super fun Meighan Brodkey: As any of you use a cat relationship sharing before Meighan Brodkey: Okay. Meighan Brodkey: So you’ll notice right here. It’s where I have this account relationship from Meighan Brodkey: And I also have account relationship to Meighan Brodkey: Those, those two Related lists are used with the sharing the relationship shared girls.

32:49 - Meighan Brodkey: So, Meighan Brodkey: Don’t want to add those to the Account page layout to go along with how this is set up. Meighan Brodkey: And once those are done, you’re actually able to go through and within an account and you can Meighan Brodkey: I should go ahead and actually Meighan Brodkey: Show you how to set up one of the rules. One thing to keep in mind is your account has to be enabled and Meighan Brodkey: Actually will do that at the end when I have my last slide because I’ve got all like helps picked out there, but the accounts have to be the correct type of accounts. Meighan Brodkey: For example, you can’t be sharing. You just the you’re an odd enabled account. Otherwise, you end up getting errors when trying to set things up.

33:42 - Meighan Brodkey: So that is the actual setup part at the very end we jump into a community and show how this visibility actually works. So Meighan Brodkey: We’ll jump into that part at the end. I want to try to switch around my my demo every time I do that I confuse myself. Alright, so questions about account relationship sharing Meighan Brodkey: I know it’s not the air, the most fun one. Meighan Brodkey: Where or the smoothest was to to go through all the time, but it’s like I said, it’s like Meighan Brodkey: Sharing sets, but you have to relate the accounts to each other and then you have that extra step of being able to add parameters. Meighan Brodkey: Okay.

34:43 - Meighan Brodkey: Next up, Meighan Brodkey: Going to jump over into the channel programs in channel. Meighan Brodkey: So it’s how you about channel programs and channel members. Meighan Brodkey: So first off, what are they Meighan Brodkey: Are actually pretty cool their functionality that was a really released to help out with the Meighan Brodkey: Partner community licenses and they allow you to to work with your leads and to work with your marketing events and all that kind of thing. Meighan Brodkey: But what you’re allowed to do with them, you can actually create these different tiers, for example, way I like to the way that I’ve always I always describe them as, for example, you have a gold, silver, bronze. Meighan Brodkey: And with the gold, silver and bronze. Meighan Brodkey: Okay.

35:50 - Meighan Brodkey: With the gold, silver and bronze, you’re able to put members into each one of these sections and within that you then have these different groups and I’m like sharing sets. Unlike account relationships channeling programs work a lot more like groups. Meighan Brodkey: You’re then able to select them as who you share some some items with Meighan Brodkey: So let’s say I want to share these report folders people or this is who I Meighan Brodkey: Want to add when doing share. I gave Meighan Brodkey: You email templates or who I want to add to go Meighan Brodkey: And any any scenario where you have group show up is where you’re going to end up seeing channel members because what are your channel. Meighan Brodkey: Your channel network groups as well so Meighan Brodkey: It’s definitely a nice way to to work and they can work with Q’s, they work with list views.

37:04 - Meighan Brodkey: Need some with folders and anyway. And it’s just, it’s helpful. Meighan Brodkey: As well as where you’re just able to subdivide and slice your community members into different sections and yet another way Meighan Brodkey: Because groups are great, but you know what, if you, you want to maintain groups for the exact same thing that you’re doing all ready Meighan Brodkey: To jump in and get these are available for your partner licenses. Meighan Brodkey: And when do you use up Meighan Brodkey: Like I said cues. Let’s be sharing rules folders anywhere where you would use a group, how to set it up. Meighan Brodkey: So I switched my share Meighan Brodkey: And let’s Meighan Brodkey: Don’t hate me for this one I’m going to go over the classic Meighan Brodkey: That’s just Meighan Brodkey: I tell you, 12 years you get used to a specific layout for all your stuff.

38:13 - Meighan Brodkey: We show you where the channel members are so not within like a crazy lady searching Meighan Brodkey: November and plastic are located directly in your communities right here under channel programs. Meighan Brodkey: And so here you have your channel program program level channel. Meighan Brodkey: Here you can do customization instead of the side of it. You are also able to then once you customize for example your page layouts created all of your sharing, etc. Your configuration is actually done on the Salesforce side. Meighan Brodkey: So if we jump over Meighan Brodkey: Issue. Meighan Brodkey: I don’t have a couple of things installed. I promise you I’m Meighan Brodkey: All right, so here we have this beautiful, beautiful channel program that was created. Meighan Brodkey: And we can actually create another one channel plan, name this one is going to be a community or a webinar. Meighan Brodkey: And let’s try this again to our love partner of Ohana Meighan Brodkey: And our time period.

39:34 - Meighan Brodkey: Well, I can for 2008 Meighan Brodkey: In our planning status is now. Meighan Brodkey: Let’s just Lovely. Meighan Brodkey: Alright, so I’m not a data and I will look at the existing one. That is how would we create we would create that record. Meighan Brodkey: And then here is right. Meighan Brodkey: Let me switch my other org Meighan Brodkey: She’s right here in case this happens. Meighan Brodkey: You know you plan your dev or too much. Meighan Brodkey: Go to program levels. Meighan Brodkey: All right. Meighan Brodkey: Wait for this one slow Meighan Brodkey: So it’s pretty basic. You end up creating our channel program and you create your channel program level and then you can add members. Meighan Brodkey: To those levels. Meighan Brodkey: So let’s creating Salesforce records and filling out the required fields. Right. Meighan Brodkey: Channel program first. There we go. All right, here we go new. What’s this one as Meighan Brodkey: Tasks are sharing webinar to be consistent.

41:32 - Meighan Brodkey: And then we can put this into a category. Again, these checklists configurable it’s set up like anything else, and go with reseller Mark This is active and do Meighan Brodkey: The same Meighan Brodkey: And then you’ll notice below is where we have our levels and our members. Meighan Brodkey: Current level and I will do. Cool. Meighan Brodkey: In the rank is going to be number one. Meighan Brodkey: A follow that up with doing silver Meighan Brodkey: And I’m going to do bronze below.

42:21 - Meighan Brodkey: Lot of companies have their, their tiers is different and sometimes within their reseller program, they will have different tiers sometimes Meighan Brodkey: Within their, their channel programs as well don’t have multiple tiers and so they’ll end up having, you know, multiple levels within each one of their different types of partner programs. Meighan Brodkey: Your channel programs. Meighan Brodkey: Within their bill then have the different groups for their different levels of partners, use the terms of Meighan Brodkey: Gold, silver, bronze platinum often just you, the fact that that’s how Salesforce as their ranking of their partners, it’s a lot easier to think about when you think about how how it relates to us. Meighan Brodkey: And so when you think about the channel programs as well, you know, as a platinum partner good XYZ with Salesforce. There’s a gold partner, you get this, and it’s a silver partner you get that Meighan Brodkey: In all of those items include you know just are you get different items based on your ranking. And that’s exactly what you’re setting up your channel programs.

43:39 - Meighan Brodkey: From here, you’re able to add your different number. So for example, this one I am adding on my channel program community sharing Meighan Brodkey: What are there is a bronze level and you added by the account. So this is going to give visibility everyone in that account when you share with that group. So here, if I pick stereo hi account. Meighan Brodkey: Different try switched orgs um Meighan Brodkey: Let’s grab the community account hit Save. Now that’s on the partner account stoop, I think Bob the Builder is a partner account. Yeah.

44:24 - Meighan Brodkey: Again, have to be partner account and set them up in a channel program. Meighan Brodkey: Just like Salesforce partners are the ones that are at no gold, silver, etc versus see to their customers thing versus a good day going to call our customers different levels. Meighan Brodkey: You know, gold, silver, bronze and but there. That’s how other partners are going to be labeled Meighan Brodkey: And so you relate your partner accounts over and when we go over here to the bronze will notice that we see about the builder. Meighan Brodkey: And while I’m here, since this is but definitely other types of sharing Meighan Brodkey: And if I go to, for example, the Meighan Brodkey: Art archive folder. It’s a share.

45:21 - Meighan Brodkey: You will notice that I have channel programs and levels groups here. Meighan Brodkey: I can share down to the actual Meighan Brodkey: Level or I can share with the higher up. Meighan Brodkey: You know, just a straight up community sharing webinar as a whole. So do you want to share with the entire channel program or do you want to share it with just an individual level. Meighan Brodkey: You get multiple options there with the channel programs. And again, if they work like groups. They’re not sharing with an individual user. It’s not sharing records.

It’s more of the 46:05 - Meighan Brodkey: Shared list views and folders. You can see them in sharing rules, though, so definitely something to think about. If you want to share, you know, based on more Meighan Brodkey: Heavier lift of records. Meighan Brodkey: Rather than trying to share with every individual account if you wanted to create a set of sharing rules for your partners to share this is a nice way to go try to knock backs out Meighan Brodkey: All right, questions out channel programs and all the fun there. Meighan Brodkey: We go. Silence is golden again. Gail Mac: So, man. Meighan Brodkey: You know, Gail Mac: What is so this is this is really just for the like customer community rather than partner community. Correct.

46:59 - Meighan Brodkey: So this, this is our partner licenses all my Gail Mac: Are no licenses only okay Gail Mac: Okay, thanks. Yeah, yeah. Meighan Brodkey: No problem. Meighan Brodkey: Share button again. There we go. All right. Meighan Brodkey: Next up, we are getting into the crazy, crazy complex fun stuff of apex sharing Meighan Brodkey: All right. I want people to get scared. I’m not going to dive in and throw a bunch of code at all of you, but I do want to take a few minutes to talk about some of the nuances about when it comes to apex sharing Meighan Brodkey: Some things to think about for apex sharing are what are your specific requirements. Can you use any of the previously mentioned declarative requirements. Meighan Brodkey: So for example, if there is an account or contact or user listed on the record that you are sharing.

Try to try to go with a sharing set or the patent relationship. Meighan Brodkey: If you can make that object public definitely something to think about as well. Meighan Brodkey: In a limited visibility that way. Meighan Brodkey: Is there an option, you know, for, for you to look at flow as well for sharing. So one thing that I did on my project previously was where we had this was before they had sharing sets available for Leads, Leads and opportunities for sharing sets are really do.

48:50 - Meighan Brodkey: Even newer than the fact that customer community plus partners can he is up, but we had to share leads with a customer. Meighan Brodkey: Well, please weren’t in sharing sets. This was before I caught relationships. I knew this was only a year ago. We’re not talking like way back, and then finally year ago to tell you how much stuff is changing. Meighan Brodkey: And so spring. I’m sitting there and I was like, How am I going to share this. We have a partner field and we just need to create a share record you can actually use flow to create a shared Meighan Brodkey: on pretty much any object.

49:27 - Meighan Brodkey: And so based on that field being added. Meighan Brodkey: We need to to create a share. But one thing that I learned from from working with developers. Is that right, number of situations that are weird with sharing that you have to take into account. Meighan Brodkey: For example, you know, I am ownership change. The change the owner of a record your shares, get a race. If they are manual shares. So you definitely add on standard objects, your only option for your sharing type is going to be manual Meighan Brodkey: On your custom objects, you need to create an apex sharing reason of all your own. And that’s going to help you to keep some of those shares Meighan Brodkey: With your apex code. Meighan Brodkey: Project are working on right now some of ours, that’s actually going into production tomorrow. Meighan Brodkey: And we actually get to do Meighan Brodkey: A texture reasons on some of our custom objects, where we’re not using sharing sense Meighan Brodkey: Also about your, your master detail relationships.

50:44 - Meighan Brodkey: You’re if you’re trying to share your child, but it’s on the parent that has a relationship to the, the user via the account or the contact that’s exactly what she made Meighan Brodkey: Because of the fact that it’s the parents that controls the visibility on on last relationship. Meighan Brodkey: So we actually had the route of simplify. Couple of things that we thought were going to be code. They’re switching to sharing sets. It was a parent. We got to share Meighan Brodkey: And then so we have the ownership changes that will recalculate you’re sharing record updates on delete. Meighan Brodkey: Create so all those things need to be taken account into account for taken into account for in a flow and an apex.

So there’s a lot of stuff that you have to consider as well as the fact that, you know, sharing is a very complicated thing to test for us well. Meighan Brodkey: I know that the tasks class, but we have very extremely, extremely thorough, just to make sure that we’ve covered our basis, due to the fact that it’s, you know, going through multiple objects and this windy windy road to get to how a record is visible. Meighan Brodkey: And more complex that sharing that harder it is to test, which is the complex Greg that makes it so you have to go to apex, so it’s it’s a pain but apex should always be, you know, as we know, declarative before code. So thought of. LAUGH Meighan Brodkey: When to when to use apex sharing a picture and raisins apex shared reasons only apply on custom objects apex sharing applies to custom in standard Meighan Brodkey: And you would just use Manual For Your Sherry’s and standard objects. And like I said, you use them as a last resort or when you’re sharing too complicated for declarative options.

53:01 - Meighan Brodkey: And again, this is only available for customer community plus and partner licenses you cannot do a peck sharing for customer community licenses. Meighan Brodkey: And it’s a Meighan Brodkey: It’s also something you have to consider what are you trying to do with your profile. So as well. Meighan Brodkey: So I know that many of us have probably seen your the Salesforce pyramid for sharing. Meighan Brodkey: Let me see if I haven’t gotten that one. No, I had it. Meighan Brodkey: Nicely actually going to just drop this image and share knowledge slide really quick so that you guys can see it. Meighan Brodkey: There you go.

So who has seen this putting a picture and you’re sharing slide. Meighan Brodkey: When you are thinking about your sharing, you’ve gotta make sure to remember and I love the fact that this doesn’t have any of the Community stuff on there. Meighan Brodkey: This is just the internal pyramid. But no matter what type of sharing your dad being a sharing set an account relationship share Meighan Brodkey: And we’re going to use to go our apex sharing, none of those items, no matter what you grant access to and you’re sharing set on what you code for can grant access to something Meighan Brodkey: That is not listed on their profile. Meighan Brodkey: They need to have that foundational access before they can get access to it.

54:43 - Meighan Brodkey: So first and foremost, they need it on their profile or purpose that Meighan Brodkey: Nothing can override that once they get that access. Then we then that apex can grant them access but something to keep in mind as well. Meighan Brodkey: This is there a pyramid and then one thing I wanted to jobs here was out of decide between using them. Meighan Brodkey: Before I do that though, I want to jump over and show you Meighan Brodkey: Just where you’re going to find that apex sharing present and what that is going to look like for you when you get in there. So I just had to get a verification code and I will show that to you.

55:32 - Meighan Brodkey: I’ll switch Meighan Brodkey: On a pack sharing yet so far on their stuff. Awesome. Meighan Brodkey: I always get the quiet group you guys, come on. Meighan Brodkey: Your friends or your children. Meighan Brodkey: All right. Alright, so can you all see my screen. Gail Mac: Yep. Meighan Brodkey: Sweet. All right, so you will notice on here and Meighan Brodkey: Search, like how likely a field layout. When I seen it. Meighan Brodkey: Where there is a section called effects Sherry’s and it’s right there. Meighan Brodkey: Okay, perfect. Yeah.

So you’ll notice right here we have our apex sharing reasons. Meighan Brodkey: And what those apex sharing reasons to is they give this ability Meighan Brodkey: To you know what it is that we’re sharing and when we actually jump over to one of our records that is being shared. So for example, if I jumped down and I go into our inspections. Meighan Brodkey: I had mentioned before, with Sherry said you’re not going to see that when you click that share button on a record to see what was actually done. So one of the differences with a pass. If I jump in here and I click that button and I click sharing Meighan Brodkey: You will see here, this actually says owner share business account.

57:45 - Meighan Brodkey: On custom objects for you to decide what that share is or what the criteria is how you’re deciding to do this you get that flexibility. Meighan Brodkey: I have that apex sharing reason you’re able to use built in functionality help leverage some of the Meighan Brodkey: Some of the Meighan Brodkey: You’re able to leverage some of the built in functionality to help you. Meighan Brodkey: With some of those Meighan Brodkey: Those nuances that Salesforce has so that you can compensate for when updates happen on a record. So it’s not gonna wipe out all your shares so that you know when a record changes to ownership. Meighan Brodkey: That you know you’re not going to lose everything you’ve got to make sure that you’re going to leverage Salesforce and that all your code needs to be written properly as well.

58:40 - Meighan Brodkey: But that way you’re not going to lose those community shares, making sure you have a good developer with experience and sharing is also helpful. Meighan Brodkey: Just putting manual in here. Meighan Brodkey: Is going to be one of the ways that that you’re going to get a gotcha writing apex sharing on a standard object is a far have your lift and writing at for a custom object. Meighan Brodkey: So one thing to also keep in mind when doing your estimating because of the apex sharing reasons and just some of the nuances that happen with those standard objects. Meighan Brodkey: And then also just keep in mind limits.

59:30 - Meighan Brodkey: The number of records that you are creating for shares Meighan Brodkey: Should be something that you’re thinking about as well, or you’re sharing with every individual user Meighan Brodkey: Or do you want to share with a group Meighan Brodkey: Depending on the number if you’re using person accounts, you’re probably going to end up wanting to share with an individual user if you’re using business accounts and you have a large number of people that are involved. Meighan Brodkey: You’re probably going to want to end up sharing with a group of some sort, so that you don’t end up having a share record created for every single person on that account. Meighan Brodkey: Number of shares that you have an end up spending limits the number of Meighan Brodkey: Number of records that can be handled in a batch or it can be handled asynchronously both those have limits as well. So just things to consider. Also the removal of shares when you’re working with Apex Meighan Brodkey: You know, if we’re if you’re doing this based on, you know, a failed getting updated. You also have something for when that field gets removed or for when your parameters are no longer no longer apply.

00:53 - Meighan Brodkey: Something isn’t till 12 months after an end date, then you’ve got to make sure that you’ve got another script that’s going to go through and say within that 12 months and to remove those shares Meighan Brodkey: So all those different things. You’ve got to make sure to compensate for unlike with the account relationship, it would just auto stop because you have that formula there that knows Meighan Brodkey: Sharing sets know to just stop sharing when the field goes blind apex. You’ve got to make sure to code that all in and then right testing for all of it. So the more complex to have your the lift, but especially when it comes to sharing definitely something to think about. Meighan Brodkey: Specific questions about the Meighan Brodkey: The high, high, high level do we touch the apex odd.

01:52 - But Meighan Brodkey: I want to talk a little bit about licenses and what exactly is in isn’t available each license. Meighan Brodkey: So I mentioned very, very briefly. Meighan Brodkey: Just what you can do with each one of the Meighan Brodkey: Different types of sharing Meighan Brodkey: Sharing sensor for everybody channel programs are available partner. Meighan Brodkey: Relationships customer community, plus some partners and then you have your Meighan Brodkey: Apex which is customer community plus and partners as well. Meighan Brodkey: But there’s so much more these available to you within your licenses and things to think about when you’re working with Salesforce and Salesforce data also gotta think about few other things related to visibility.

03:00 - Meighan Brodkey: Is the ability to decide who should see users should users to be able to see each other in a community at all. And that can be controlled on a community by community basis, but I can be controlled overall Meighan Brodkey: So, Meighan Brodkey: Going to actually do the next little bit just hang out and Salesforce with you all share. And I’m going to jump back to the studio here with my fun stuff. Meighan Brodkey: Alright, so Meighan Brodkey: Another item to think about is setting up your roles. So there are two different way. I love this. I have like my hands up talking to y’all with my hand motions can’t see me, there’s two different ways that roles come into play with communities. Meighan Brodkey: One is how many roles.

You want to have, you’re gonna have one, two, or three 04:01 - Meighan Brodkey: If you have one. It’s called Meighan Brodkey: A user, you have to. It’s called the user and the manager user. And if you have three. It’s called things that I could have used or the manager user and the user Meighan Brodkey: You can change the name of the roles they just exist. Meighan Brodkey: But there is another role related item that is out there and affecting your sharing specifically if you are doing anything related to the role name or doing anything with role specifically on business accounts. So if you go into your sharing settings and underneath or or default Meighan Brodkey: You will notice that underneath here, down, down, down the bottom Meighan Brodkey: You have these little checkboxes.

05:00 - Meighan Brodkey: This one here that says, Use person role for first user in community account. You’ll notice. Mine is unchecked. Meighan Brodkey: What that does is on business accounts for the first person that is activated as a community user, they get a person account role, instead of their actual role related to their account. Meighan Brodkey: And it gets messy. It’s very messy sometimes Meighan Brodkey: When ends up happening is they inside a role that is tied to the owner of their house, rather than tied to their account itself. Meighan Brodkey: If you are doing anything that looks up that user’s role or the checks that user’s role for anything. Meighan Brodkey: Amen. So making their data a little messy. And if you are using that for for validation within sharing Meighan Brodkey: It’ll change their visibility.

06:06 - Meighan Brodkey: Immediately, and then again once they another user is created. So just something to think about. Meighan Brodkey: It can definitely wreak some havoc on your design. So something to consider. While you’re enjoying that built Meighan Brodkey: Also Meighan Brodkey: Items related to your guest user Meighan Brodkey: So a lot of times, people talk about their customer for unity plus licenses or customer community license our partner licenses, people often forget that there isn’t a tire other users that exists within their or at user is very difficult to get to Meighan Brodkey: The basis. And so if you actually jump into any one of your communities. Meighan Brodkey: And we’re gonna jump into one of my super fun communities right now.

07:07 - Meighan Brodkey: People wonder how I end up building up so many tabs throughout the day, it’s kind of my elder Meighan Brodkey: I’m sure you felt the community before you probably had to add at your guests profile and either to grant them access to functionality or remove access to functionality. Meighan Brodkey: And if you’re working with your first community. This is definitely the time to learn about where to find your guests information. Meighan Brodkey: So this is one of my my demo community. So I’d like to play with. And you’ll notice here on the sidebar under Settings. We have customer community profile. Meighan Brodkey: Salesforce allows you to have an authenticated community in any order. Meighan Brodkey: To authenticate indoors. You need an actual license for any art can have it authenticated community and that authenticated community needs a guest license, as do authenticated communities. Meighan Brodkey: Filters here that this user is actually site that are site guest user comma customer community every community gets their own guest user Meighan Brodkey: This profile. Meighan Brodkey: Actually controls everything that my guest user that’s to do and all the functionality that they have access to Meighan Brodkey: They have the ability to execute flows, they can what objects, they can see, etc. Meighan Brodkey: And what what they’re able to do here.

08:49 - Meighan Brodkey: Can be a very touchy situation. So you need to make sure that when you are planning, your community, your belt, not only are you making sure that you are Meighan Brodkey: Deciding which pages are properly covered as login. First is not authenticated, but that you’re also properly updating the guests profile. Meighan Brodkey: For that access in addition to the profile. Meighan Brodkey: Under community settings you can decide new functionality of new records created by guest users to the default owner Meighan Brodkey: Records. Good.

A actions, you’re not go through assign roles, for example. Meighan Brodkey: Leads cases. And so those will Meighan Brodkey: This will just stay with whoever created that. But now, in addition there is new functionality for all records and to be able to switch the owner to the community I owner Meighan Brodkey: And this is great. Meighan Brodkey: And I’m staying with yes or, you know, not getting reassigned to be very messy and problematic. So definitely something to consider. Starting off and playing with Meighan Brodkey: Recommend testing it out.

Just don’t have visibility into their records anyway. Meighan Brodkey: It’s one thing to guess. I mean, if you give them create and read five, but who should really be say those two should they be getting assigned to Meighan Brodkey: I definitely recommend checking this out and finding out what works for you and your situation. Meighan Brodkey: I know that for the actual implementations that I have done that since this came out, I haven’t checked the list box. Meighan Brodkey: In addition, you have the opportunity to use standard external profiles for self registration. Meighan Brodkey: I like to use custom profiles, rather than the standard profiles with self registration.

11:04 - Meighan Brodkey: And are also able to then jump in and decide, you know, now they can run flows, but which flow. Should I be able to run. What should they be able to do Meighan Brodkey: And then deciding within your actual community builder. Meighan Brodkey: On that page by page basis which pages should be public. It was share require login to keep that guest user from see items they shut it. So in addition to blocking them from objects you can block them from pages. Meighan Brodkey: So that gas, the user. Make sure you check with you know either internally. If you’re in house or if you’re a consultant a sure to check with the security team and I to find out what their requirements are so that you don’t end up over exposing data to the gas. Meighan Brodkey: Going back. Another item that often comes up is reports and how much data should be exposed customer community users cannot see reports you can give them all the checkboxes you want, they will not be able to see you. Meighan Brodkey: But your customer community plus and your partner, users can Meighan Brodkey: You also have the option to to give them the ability to export report data. Meighan Brodkey: You want to also consider Meighan Brodkey: Yeah, so you can give them the permission to run run reports here.

There’s also the ability to do that on the profile level. Meighan Brodkey: But they cannot edit reports enlightening. Even if you give them access to the Report Builder. They can change filters that you have already set up as the only way that they’re actually able to do full on report changing and build reports out as if you were to do something custom Meighan Brodkey: Or if you were to build a visual force. Meighan Brodkey: In tabs community. Meighan Brodkey: By its roadmap. I mean, eventually lightning communities will be able to do our lightning communities will be able to do a vegetable force communities can do Meighan Brodkey: It’s just a doing all of that it takes time to build everything to support that I know that Salesforce is working on getting us everything that we we keep asking for. So just something to think about.

13:32 - Meighan Brodkey: But customer community just cannot see those reports and just not an option. It’s also an advantage. So think of it that way. And when we are building communities. It was like switch over to my community building. Meighan Brodkey: On tapping Meighan Brodkey: If I were to put the standard reports navigation within this navigation bar. Put that standard report list page up here. Meighan Brodkey: A customer community license user would not be able to see that link within the navigation bar. Meighan Brodkey: Which means, you know, since we cannot have dynamic navigation based on an assignment for a user. And I actually find it a win so that I can put that out there without having to do, you know, some sort of custom component for navigation.

14:30 - Meighan Brodkey: Having developer time there. Meighan Brodkey: So something else to consider. Meighan Brodkey: Also champion and considering visibility to contacts for one’s own account. Meighan Brodkey: Should users be able to see content or contacts in general. Sorry, should contact they be able to see contacts that are not enabled as community users. Meighan Brodkey: This is again another new piece of functionality and when it comes to sharing a visibility. This was not there before the last release. Meighan Brodkey: We are now able to decide, can they always be contacts that are community users or should they see all contacts when dealing with a customer community can definitely see having this box. Meighan Brodkey: Unchecked if dealing with partner communities. I could definitely see having it checked because partners offers Monterey Jazz people may or may not be community members. Meighan Brodkey: All the patents and engineering separate sharing to the side which contacts those partners could see Meighan Brodkey: Something to consider.

15:48 - Meighan Brodkey: And then the last item, and I wanted to make sure to go over before I jump back to the deck. The lights two cases. Meighan Brodkey: You have the ability to reach out to Salesforce have that turned off case visibility and that the case standard case visibility that comes with communities. Meighan Brodkey: When you are working on your community, there are some basic out of the box. Meighan Brodkey: functionality that comes with your cases. Meighan Brodkey: For one, you know you are able to see cases, based on the fact that your contact is listed on there.

And in addition 16:34 - Meighan Brodkey: You know, you’re also able to edit those cases. Meighan Brodkey: If you’re a customer community plus user Meighan Brodkey: You can have this disabled. Meighan Brodkey: And you can also have a disabled, so that the people in the role hierarchy. Meighan Brodkey: Do not have access to with that case and then set it up so that it has to be granted based on a manual share or apex managed sharing Meighan Brodkey: So what you would end up having to do Meighan Brodkey: Is some orgs have this out of the box. Some of them do not. And this would be to go in and check to see if you have within Salesforce under the sharing settings.

17:23 - Meighan Brodkey: And do Meighan Brodkey: Do Meighan Brodkey: And again, if it’s lovely edit button on my dev org has 10 million objects for you guys so scroll through way down the bottom Meighan Brodkey: There’s this grant users access to related cases you may or may and I have that checkbox. I’ve come across a couple of orcs, which is don’t seem to have it. Meighan Brodkey: I’d say about 98% of them do, though, if you don’t just make a case. And then from there if you check it. You can see them. If you don’t check it. Then they wouldn’t be able to Meighan Brodkey: And and that was. Those are my main items that really stand out to me for for sharing settings and sharing functionality across licenses, again, that one specifically applies to your customer community plus licenses.

18:27 - Meighan Brodkey: Want to make sure that that one was was clear for the case share Meighan Brodkey: The other item I want to go over to before I do a dive into questions as making your decision about what type of sharing to you. Meighan Brodkey: So for me, and this is kind of my methodology that I use when I’m thinking about sharing. So first off, can I go public. Is this an object where I can control visibility merely based on permission sets or profiles. Meighan Brodkey: If so, Meighan Brodkey: Then, then just go public and and use our default and profiles and prompts that assignment. Meighan Brodkey: From there, if that’s not an option.

19:24 - Meighan Brodkey: I take a look at the Meighan Brodkey: Actual record itself and decide, Is there a look up on the record. Meighan Brodkey: And then, if so, is it a yes or no, based on that. Look up. Meighan Brodkey: If so, I want to use the sharing settings. Meighan Brodkey: And also, is the license customer community. If so, sharing set Meighan Brodkey: And then that would you prefer if they’re so look up on their to parameter supply, you know, is it a Leica was just the simple rule of, you know, he’s converted equals false or you know type equals Meighan Brodkey: type equals customer Meighan Brodkey: If, if that’s true. I’m gonna go account relationship.

20:23 - Meighan Brodkey: You’ll notice I already ditched all my customer community license users on the last question. So I already know that my my users have to have customer community plus her partner. Meighan Brodkey: Next step. Meighan Brodkey: I’m going to think about whether or not the sharing is complex. I have. So I’m going to go with a picture. Meighan Brodkey: If I was trying to share a folder. Meighan Brodkey: Or a Meighan Brodkey: Specific ports. Meighan Brodkey: If I’m trying to do.

20:59 - Meighan Brodkey: You know any of the items related to Meighan Brodkey: What I would use the channel programs for Meighan Brodkey: Here we can take a look at music channel programs. Take a look at using a public group. Meighan Brodkey: Maybe share with individual users if it needs to be on a one off basis and start looking at those options but again that’s more sharing non records. Meighan Brodkey: We’re looking at sharing specific records themselves, then we’re looking at the sherry sets the account relationships. Meighan Brodkey: As well as the Meighan Brodkey: Apex sharing Meighan Brodkey: One thing I don’t want you to forget about also the fact that you still have some of your built in functionality available to you. You still have case teams, you still have the partners. Related lists on on opportunities.

21:59 - Meighan Brodkey: You know you said you don’t have to lose that case teams come in extremely, extremely helpful. Meighan Brodkey: And it, making sure to use that using your contact roles on opportunities for partners. Meighan Brodkey: Whatever you make sure you’re leveraging what’s already there for you jump to custom Meighan Brodkey: And then they know you’ve gone through and I’ve actually done projects before where you know we have decided that it was just too complicated. Meighan Brodkey: To, to try to do things. Meighan Brodkey: You know with going out of the box and yeah by out of the box it declarative like and then Hindsight is 2020 where I look back and I go, Meighan Brodkey: You know, I learned so much from this project. And now, thinking back, we should have used the code to, you know, add members to a Casey or, you know, Meighan Brodkey: We should have.

And it will populate this field and then done a sharing set rather than going through and doing overlay calm like sex, you know, but then again thank you back, you know, customer community plus and partners only just got sharing sets. Meighan Brodkey: So populating fields only recently became available. Meighan Brodkey: And tastings. They’re one of those things that often get forgotten. Don’t forget about them. They can be your best friend. Meighan Brodkey: If they’re not being used right now. Should I try to bring them up, see if they’re an option. They have great functionality and great options. And I also help you with, you know, leveraging what is already there. So you don’t have to reinvent that wheel. Meighan Brodkey: Always try to see what you can do with what you have before you try to go and rebuild it again. Meighan Brodkey: We’re trying to redesign something that Salesforce built within one way and they’re already, you know, millions of people using it that way successfully for a reason. Meighan Brodkey: And it may not be the perfect use case for you and that’s fine, but at least shred to find out what is it about the out of the box that won’t work for them and find out if it’s, you know, something like terminology, or if it is more so just Meighan Brodkey: Or if it’s truly something that doesn’t work because sometimes you know you’ll end up finding out that maybe it’s just lack of knowledge or maybe it’s just the fact that they were Meighan Brodkey: Somebody was told declarative won’t work. So they think it won’t work. And so, learning about new options and being able to to combat what those questions are Meighan Brodkey: with useful information concepts, you know, helping you and helping everybody else involved as well. Nobody likes an overly complex one.

Everybody likes their day to go easier and not have to troubleshoot code. Meighan Brodkey: So the main items that I think about when I think about sharing Meighan Brodkey: Now have more time as much time as you all may have for questions. And so that brings up myself class live for questions either about sharing or about communities in general. Gail Mac: I have a question. Gail Mac: Um, can you tell your Gail Mac: The, the setup for communities that the options in Salesforce, you were looking at before. Meighan Brodkey: Which is Gail Mac: Just flip back over to Salesforce. Meighan Brodkey: Salesforce. Yes. Yes. Meighan Brodkey: Yes, your Salesforce.

26:00 - Slide Gail Mac: Um, yeah, we were there in the community. Gail Mac: Options. Gail Mac: So I was wondering about the hierarchy of Yes. Gail Mac: So if you set up sharing sets but then you’ve also click some of those options for Gail Mac: The roles. I guess it was Yeah. Gail Mac: Takes precedence. Okay, it looks like you could potentially have complex or screw it up. Yeah. Meighan Brodkey: So what if you were to do a sharing set and let’s say Meighan Brodkey: I am above you, in the hierarchy and there is a sharing set for your profile.

And so you get shared with but then I have above you, in the profile. So I get to see you, your stuff. Meighan Brodkey: Yeah, so they both go Meighan Brodkey: Hey, but with her play Gail Mac: Okay, so Gail Mac: If I allow community users to see contacts. Gail Mac: But then I have a private Gail Mac: I don’t know. I didn’t see look I’ll have to go through it here. Meighan Brodkey: Sir, yeah. So, so that that actually kind of goes back to, to the slide I let’s jump back to this one. So that goes back to this one, you only add to it to Salesforce visibility, you cannot take away Meighan Brodkey: As be at the as long as my profile has access to that object.

If you are below me in the hierarchy, I will see what you see 27:54 - Meighan Brodkey: And so it, it will only just increase my visibility to what you see, if I have above you have a hierarchy. Meighan Brodkey: If you have the sharing rule to see your records. I’m above you. I will also see that because I haven’t checked out my profile. However, if I have a different profile, then use it does not have that object. I will not see it. Meighan Brodkey: And so they work together rather than blocking Meighan Brodkey: Her for you to expand. Yeah. Gail Mac: Thank you. Yeah. Meighan Brodkey: Yeah, no problem.

28:30 - Meighan Brodkey: It ends up being a I think an advantage. So ways that I have used those together before is, for example, I had a project where I had a executives that needed to see more than the standard users. And this was, quote unquote, the executive role. Meighan Brodkey: There is the the user, the manager and the executive role the executive role needed see more than the regular users. We actually made a different profile for the executives to share based on a different field. Meighan Brodkey: That allowed us to assign them a different profile and give them a different sharing that they were able to see everything that people below them saw and then we were also able to expand their visibility with a different sharing set Meighan Brodkey: So it was it was a nice way to actually give that dual visibility for those two fields because we share with the account.

29:32 - Meighan Brodkey: So everybody got to see everything for both um Meighan Brodkey: Well, yeah, I’m kind of machine two projects together but yes on you’re able to. So if you actually have two different profiles. Meighan Brodkey: You could share with the full account or two different fields by selecting the user contact on the account and then picking those two different profiles to share. Yeah, two different fields and then just making sure. You’re on. You have proper assignment of your records for those fields. Gail Mac: Well, I thought you said it was, do you really want to have only one shirt set to one profile.

30:20 - Meighan Brodkey: So they had different sharing sets because they had different fields, they had to share off up for the same object. Meighan Brodkey: And different profiles. So what we did here. I’ll actually let me switch to Salesforce to kind of give you an example that will make ourselves. I said, I’m a visual person. Meighan Brodkey: So let’s do this on this one. Meighan Brodkey: So we had, for example on this one. Let’s just use the partner community is there and let’s do this one as partner.

30:50 - Meighan Brodkey: User share Meighan Brodkey: And let’s do this is not going to have like the same lookup field is my project, but let’s just in case, for example. Meighan Brodkey: And hopefully this has multiple lookup field. Meighan Brodkey: So let’s do user contact that account and then this lot of we shared based on the Meighan Brodkey: Let’s just say for this example. Meighan Brodkey: A the account field is listed on the the case gave them read only. So partner community user if their contact at account because the case account they get read all way. Meighan Brodkey: And then I’m gonna hit Save. Meighan Brodkey: And that’s one user and then created a second sharing set. Now let’s make this one for Meighan Brodkey: This custom customer or partner, blah, blah, blah. Meighan Brodkey: Partner community login user Meighan Brodkey: So let’s pretend this is for the executive, they also got visibility, the cases, they have a second profile. Meighan Brodkey: And then we did this one based on their contact that account. So again, this is going to share whole account.

This time we shared off of the parent account field. Meighan Brodkey: And we gave them read all like Meighan Brodkey: This way, we were able to share with the whole account. Meighan Brodkey: Both ways are both user or both types of users on the accounts types of data. Meighan Brodkey: Two different places and the hierarchy, we were able to bridge that gap. Get that visibility for that object for two different fields. Meighan Brodkey: But in two different places across the whole account. So two different users two different profiles on the same account can share records in two different ways. Meighan Brodkey: And I kind of bridge the gap that they had because they wanted to share data piece on multiple fields, but they only had customer community licenses. Meighan Brodkey: And so they had kind of back themselves into a corner, but this gave them that second level of sharing without having to upgrade their licenses. Meighan Brodkey: And because we picked the account instead of the contact.

It gave its ability to everybody, instead of just one person. Meighan Brodkey: There was, it was helpful and it ended up going over really well it expanded things not 100% because my god you know they had to be Meighan Brodkey: Your value had to match that field. And we had to have that that visibility and, you know, limited based record data, but it was far better than trying to go through and have everybody in one profile and Sam trying to figure out how to rearrange all of their data. Meighan Brodkey: He has to figure out the entire data migration project. Meighan Brodkey: Sharing so they have limits.

34:32 - Meighan Brodkey: But you can find creative ways to work with them. Meighan Brodkey: And then whatever you end up doing be for hierarchy is or for adding additional sharing from multiple users if you have different profiles and do a different sharing sets. Meighan Brodkey: If that if you open things up more, or if you know having that data across Meighan Brodkey: It’s never gonna block somebody you know is going to be only able to open sharing more you can never take visibility away. Gail Mac: Thanks very much. Meighan Brodkey: Yeah, no problem. Meighan Brodkey: Anything else Meighan Brodkey: Well, thank you all. I really appreciate you all being here. I think this was a fantastic time .