Using STOC (French Breeding Bird Survey) EBV workflow on Vigie-Chiro (Bats survey) example data

Apr 6, 2020 12:09 · 106 words · 1 minute read step green error thus see

Here I select 2 similar but different (in identification quality threshold) “raw abundance” data files so 2 parallel executions of the “CSI EBV workflow” will be scheduled We thus see here the 2 parallel executions of “CSI EBV workflow” Both workflows are scheduled on the cluster, and now we can monitor execution of each step Green: tool execution was ok, you can evaluate results Red: tool execution failed, have a look at the error info Here, the use of GAM algorithm give an error, probably due to a lack of data for some species But glmTMB algorithm is succesfull here to compute trends per year .