How to transfer Fur in Ornatrix plugin to a new object in Autodesk Maya? Part 1
Jan 23, 2021 09:16 · 1703 words · 8 minute read
Hello everyone! With you - Andrey Krivulya Charly.
00:07 - And this is the first series of videos on how to use my wool asset.
00:11 - Which can be bought on “CGTrader” and “Artstation”.
00:15 - In it, we’ll talk about how: Import your asset into the scene.
00:19 - Use the new tools in Ornatrix 3. Draw with wool.
00:26 - Transfer all modifiers to a new object. Well? Are you ready to absorb some interesting information? Then let’s go.
00:33 - Also, if you want to support this channel, then: Write a comment.
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00:41 - This is very important for its development.
00:43 - Buy any of the plugins - follow the links in the pinned comment.
00:47 - Also, buy any of my models from “CGTrader”, “Artstation” or buy any of the prints there.
00:54 - So. When you download the archive, you will have two folders.
00:58 - “Maya project” and “3ds Max project”. Let’s start with the “Maya Project”.
01:03 - We go into this folder and copy the path to it.
01:06 - Open up, Maya. Next, go to the “File” - “Set Project” menu.
01:10 - And we insert this path. Then open the scene from the project using “File” - “Open Scene”.
01:16 - As a result, you will have a scene with such wool.
01:19 - If you render, you will see the following result.
01:33 - I deliberately showed the time so that you can see how it works on my PC.
01:38 - Also, you can analyze this asset. That is - to see all the modifiers that I used.
01:43 - How many guides are there and so on. I think you understand this.
01:48 - Go ahead. The most interesting thing is, of course, to use this wool on your character.
01:55 - Or furniture, or for a completely different task.
01:58 - Is not it? And just - this is the first series about: How to use this preset on your model.
02:06 - So. First, we import into the scene the object - on which you want to use this wool.
02:11 - For this, I will show the example of such an orc.
02:16 - Standard “mesh” with wool - can be pulled back.
02:18 - Since then - we will delete it any way. But we don’t do it yet - because we will need all these modifiers.
02:24 - I must say right away that in this lesson - I show this version of Ornatrix.
02:28 - That is - I immediately recommend installing it or a new one =) Because, in this version - a lot of things have been improved, updated, and so on.
02:37 - With the release of “Ornatrix 3”, there are now two methods of wool transfer.
02:41 - The first is the old one used in Ornatrix 2.
02:44 - And that’s what I used to create this wool.
02:47 - This method uses guides. Creating them on the surface of the object - in the place where it is needed.
02:53 - And the transfer of all these modifiers to new guides.
02:56 - The second method is a completely new “workflow” that uses these two new tools.
03:01 - With which you can paint on the surface and again - then transfer all the modifiers to the result.
03:07 - Of course, I will show two options and first - the newest.
03:12 - Its advantage is that you do not need to paint a mask for hair growth and you immediately start creating wool.
03:18 - Then we’ll talk about the previous “workflow”.
03:20 - And the scene in “3ds Max”, which is also in the archive.
03:26 - So. Before we start transferring the fur to the “mesh”…
03:29 - Apply the “Freeze Transform” to it. “Reset Transform”.
03:33 - And delete all history. That is, we always perform all these operations before applying “Ornatrix”.
03:39 - Next - select this tool, with which you can draw wool on the object.
03:44 - As a result - immediately get the necessary modifiers for the start.
03:47 - But my personal advice is not to make the first layer very dense.
03:50 - And as if you are creating ordinary guides.
03:53 - Because then - it will simplify your life while adding dynamics.
03:57 - And it will be convenient to make edits. That is - if now you try to paint with those default settings - then you will have a very dense layer.
04:06 - And then - it will be uncomfortable to work with it.
04:09 - Therefore, first of all - change “Position” to “Center”.
04:13 - And with one click - stylus or mouse - we create the necessary guides.
04:17 - I prefer this manual method because then it is convenient to control everything.
05:00 - So, I think you can use symmetry here. Therefore, I will select this tool and delete some of the guides.
05:16 - Next, add it. Then on top - “SurfaceComb” to adjust the direction of the hairs.
05:22 - And using this tool - add guides. At the same time - do not forget to activate the “Mirror Axis” option along the X-axis.
05:47 - After that, assign one more “Edit Guides” and add several guides in the center.
06:08 - I think this will be enough. Next, do “Collapse All” to apply all the changes.
06:14 - Assign “Edit Guides” again. And we continue to work with this object.
06:25 - Before that - let’s save the guides for the first method.
06:28 - Select this object and go to the “Edit - Duplicate Special” menu.
06:33 - We make such settings and click on the button of the same name.
06:38 - Hide the original temporarily. And turn the duplicate into curves.
06:48 - That is - above “Edit Guides” you need to assign “Guides From Hair”.
06:51 - Then another “Edit Guides”. Remove “ChangeWidth”.
06:55 - And add the “CurvesFromStrands” modifier. Then - click on the “Separate Curves” button.
07:06 - Next, select the topmost modifier. And delete the history with the right mouse button.
07:12 - As a result, you will have a group of curves that you can place here using the middle mouse button.
07:17 - And hide with the “H” key. Delete the duplicate orc.
07:25 - Save the scene and continue working with the first object.
07:32 - So. We have an “Ornatrix” object. Optionally - you can add more guides wherever you want.
07:37 - I have already shown how to do this. But personally, I will stop there.
07:41 - And I’ll show you how to transfer all the settings to this object.
07:45 - So. What is the advantage of the new “workflow”? Look…
07:49 - When you’ve created the first layer - you can add a second one with the new “Edit Guides”.
07:54 - And then - control the density of the wool where you need it.
07:58 - So. After adding the second layer, we start drawing the wool.
08:04 - To do this, select the tool you are already familiar with and go to its settings, in the “Tool Settings” tab.
08:10 - The “Root Count” value is customizable. If only you feel comfortable working in “Viewport”.
08:18 - For example, if I enter the value = 200. The coat will be quite dense.
08:22 - But at the same time - I will not be comfortable working.
08:24 - Since “FPS” drops to 13. With a value of 50, I already have 20-40 FPS.
08:42 - But the wool is less dense. That is, you need to make more strokes to achieve the desired result.
08:47 - Which was when the value was 200. Now I have shown how the brush works without symmetry.
08:53 - But of course, you can turn it on. And also - I recommend immediately changing the “ChangeWidth” value.
08:58 - So that you can see all the gaps. You can enable symmetry in the “Mirroring” tab.
09:05 - Select the desired axis and start drawing. So, let’s say you drew such wool and what to do next? First, you can change the appearance of the wool and make it more pleasing to the eye.
09:27 - To do this, go to the topmost operator with the name of the object.
09:31 - And in the “Viewport Hair Display” tab, activate the option - “Camera Facing Normals”.
09:36 - Thus - all normals will be directed towards the camera and there will be no black spaces.
09:40 - These two options are GPU-powered. Secondly, we proceed to transfer all the settings of my preset to this object.
09:48 - So. To do this, you just need to select this hair in the “Outliner” and copy all the modifiers - after “HairFromGuides”.
10:03 - Then select the new “Ornatrix” object we created.
10:10 - After that, we delete “ChangeWidth”, since we don’t need it.
10:13 - Activate the second layer with “Edit Guides”.
10:15 - Press the right mouse button and select “Paste”.
10:18 - As a result, you will add all modifiers from the preset.
10:22 - The only thing worth considering. In the first clumping layer, change the “Guides” to “Random”.
10:27 - Since there are no guides in the new method.
10:29 - And as you remember, in creating wool - I used the old method.
10:33 - If everything is left as default, it fits the method used in “Ornatrix 2”.
10:38 - And this must be done before enabling the modifier, otherwise, you will have such an error.
10:43 - Since there are no guides anymore and “Ornatrix” it is not clear where to get them from.
10:47 - This leads to this crash. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately change this moment.
10:51 - Please remember this. That’s all I wanted to show in this series.
10:57 - Thank you for watching and wish you a good mood.
11:00 - To be continued. .