SCP D-Classified | S1: Ep4 | Just A Shower
Nov 27, 2020 15:00 · 1055 words · 5 minute read
Omar: Obviously not the usual testing center. What gives? Intercom: Today you’ll be testing with an SCP object on loan from a distant Foundation site. Intercom: We use this facility for testing and storage of SCP objects and entities in our temporary custody. Omar: You mean like Iris? Intercom: Yes… sort of. Intercom: Though Iris wouldn’t exactly fit in the locker over there, now would she? Intercom: Please read the file placed in front of you regarding SCP-1602.
01:14 - Omar: SCP-1602 is a plastic shower curtain. As it only exhibits anomalous qualities when spread out, SCP-1602 must remain folded a minimum of five times when not undergoing testing. Omar: When spread and placed in a room with a single human subject, SCP-1602 will enter its active state, and an extradimensional space will be generated behind SCP-1602. Omar: This phenomenon still occurs even when SCP-1602 is placed against a wall or other solid object. Omar: Five to thirty minutes after activation, a faint light will appear behind SCP-1602, casting a silhouette of SCP-1602-A on the back of the curtain.
01:55 - Omar: SCP-1602-A, taking on a form that is representative of the subject’s psychological insecurity, will draw back SCP-1602, facing the subject. Omar: SCP-1602-A will remain stationary for a brief period of time. SCP-1602-A will then approach the subject, attempting to restrain them and forcibly pull them behind SCP-1602. Omar: Instances of SCP-1602-A have consistently proven capable of outrunning, overpowering, and subduing subjects through non-lethal means. Omar: Once a subject is pulled behind SCP-1602, SCP-1602 will return to its spread position and re-enter its dormant state.
02:37 - Omar: If intercepted by another individual entering the room instead, SCP-1602-A and any physical traces of its existence will instantly disappear, and SCP-1602 will reenter its dormant state. Omar: In roughly 10% of tests conducted with D-Class personnel, the captured subject reemerged from behind SCP-1602 unharmed and with no memory of their abduction. Omar: In the remaining tests, SCP-1602 spontaneously reactivated 10 to 60 minutes after the subject’s disappearance and an instance of SCP-1602-B was generated, Omar: identical to SCP-1602-A other than the fact that it persists even when contact is made with additional individuals. Omar: Excuse me… Omar: What in the actual hell is this?! Intercom: Your task today, D-9085, will be to interact with SCP-1602-A in whatever manifestation it chooses to present itself to you. Intercom: You will proceed to set up SCP-1602 hanging from the ceiling, and wait for an instance of SCP-1602-A to emerge.
03:45 - Intercom: You are to attempt to engage it in conversation using the provided questions in the files before you. Intercom: Should your questioning fail and it is able to intercept you, guards will rush the room, rendering SCP-1602-A unable to enforce any further harm. Understood? Omar: Yeah, I understand, I guess. Just make sure the guards are ready when this thing jumps me. Intercom: Of course. They’ll be ready. Now open the top drawer in the cabinet to your right and begin the test. Omar: And now we wait… Intercom: Kill the light.
This will help us better visualize SCP-1602-A when it appears. Omar: My psychological insecurity is some old man? Who the hell are you? Omar: Okay, Mr. Charismatic, let’s try a different question. Where do you come from? Omar: What do you want? SCP-1602-A: Let’s play, pal. Omar: Excuse me? SCP-1602-A: How about you loosen up a little and come here for a second, child? Omar: How about you answer one of my questions? SCP-1602-A: Don’t be so uptight. Let’s all just chill out for a second here. Omar: Just answer at least one question for me and then we can… play, or whatever.
06:33 - Omar: What are you, who are you taking the form of, and how do you do it? SCP-1602-A: Well that’s really three questions now, isn’t it? SCP-1602-A: Not fair… SCP-1602-A: Not fair… SCP-1602-A: Liar… SCP-1602-A: Liar! SCP-1602-A: You don’t seem so scared. Not much. SCP-1602-A: Too little. SCP-1602-A: Am I not what scares you? SCP-1602-A: No, that’s not it. SCP-1602-A: Have you… repressed it all? SCP-1602-A: Can’t… remember? SCP-1602-A: That’s no good. SCP-1602-A: Loosen up buddy. SCP-1602-A: Decompress. SCP-1602-A: Come a little closer. SCP-1602-A: Share my air. Omar: Alright, he’s obviously not answering any questions. Let’s shut this test down in here. Omar: Hello?! Omar: Please send in the guard! We’re done here! SCP-1602-A: Not done here. Not done. SCP-1602-A: We’ve just started. SCP-1602-A: Not even started really.
07:58 - SCP-1602-A: You still have to come! SCP-1602-A: Closer… SCP-1602-A: Here… SCP-1602-A: Now. SCP-1602-A: Let’s play. Omar: Please get me the hell out of here! SCP-1602-A: Call me Amos, sweet child. Let’s go for a ride. SCP-1602-A: Dark times… SCP-1602-A: Amos rhymes! SCP-1602-A: Have forgotten… but he never forgets! SCP-1602-A: The Foundation has hidden away all your regrets. SCP-1602-A: Nothing but nightmares here… SCP-1602-A: Nothing but nightmares there! SCP-1602-A: You’re a curious one.
09:11 - SCP-1602-A: And you hardly know what you will have done. SCP-1602-A: [laughing] Intercom: Identify yourself, immediately! What is your designated number! Omar: D-9085. Chill out, it’s me. Do I look like whatever that thing took the form of to you? Intercom: Describe what happened to you. Omar: Well, I got taken by that thing, thanks to you. Really appreciate the backup! Omar: Good thing I didn’t need it. I just took a run-of-the-mill shower. Nothing more, nothing less.
09:59 - Intercom: Just a shower? Omar: Just a shower. A rather pleasant one at that. Intercom: What happened to SCP-1602-A? Omar: How should I know? We didn’t shower together if that’s what you perverts are wondering. Intercom: Did it say anything to you behind the shower curtain? Omar: Not that I can recall. Like I said, I just took my shower in private. Intercom: Well, I suppose that wraps things up here. Please exit the testing chamber. Intercom: You will be escorted back to your cell now.
10:38 - Intercom: Do you think he recognized the form SCP-1602-A took? Intercom 2: It didn’t appear that he did. Unless he had some particularly deep shower thoughts, I doubt this interaction sparked anything. Intercom: I didn’t expect Amos to be his worst fear. Maybe we misunderstood the relationship? Intercom 2: Not at all. It makes sense when you think about it really. Intercom: If you say so. .