Cocoa reads Boxes Guide and then she installs GNOME OS!! (GNOME 3.36)
Mar 9, 2020 01:59 · 173 words · 1 minute read
WOW! Welcome to Boxes! That seems interesting, lets read! Boxes makes it easy to install and run virtual machines! You can also use it to remotely access other computers, using SPICE, VNC, RDP, or secure shell connections. Woah?? A fluffy bear!! It is so cute I want to take it home with me! Is it Jakub the master of fluffy bears? So, with express installation Boxes will set the install options for a new virtual machine. Just start the installation and everything will be taken care of for you! And we have easy downloads too! With Boxes, you don’t need to download an operating system to create a virtual machine. Instead, just pick the operating system you want to setup, and Boxes will automatically download it for you! #OMG! Drag and Drop! Sharing files is as simple as dropping them onto your virtual machine. They will appear in your Downloads folder! iou! State of the art virtualization! How humble! Hmm? Just hit the “+” button to create your first box? And Boom! .