Oct 26, 2020 17:35 · 2185 words · 11 minute read
the holy spirit has a word for the church if you are not a christian i would advise you to take this video off because this is a very cutting word from the holy spirit regarding his church and it has to do with the prosperity gospel has to do with those who believe that if you’re not rich that’s that you’re not right with god and if you’re a christian that’s sincere in heart you will hear this word it’s gonna cut you because the word of god is a very sharp sword it’s gonna cut you but i’m speaking to the church right now by instruction of the holy spirit a very powerful word i received the revelation of the word of god the gift of wisdom of the spirit where i started to speak and this is what the holy spirit spoke there is a tug of war between you there is a tug of war there is a tug of war there is a tug of war jesus is tugging at your right arm and the devil satan is tugging at your left arm and the earth also the world out of the ground come nails which pierce right through your feet and the grip of jesus christ on your right hand is so strong it trespasses it makes a hole in your hand and so does the devils there is a tug of war and only those who give themselves up shall be saved there is a tug of war for some of some of you you’re being tugged at the hands for some of you you’re being tugged at the eyes if you can imagine this jesus christ is tugging your right eye the devil your left but you are stiff next says the lord you are uncircumcised of heart and i want you to know says the lord that why was my visage why was my face so barred why why was i so easily bled why because the word of god says for the law for he he must have suffered so much since the beginning of time but now at the end once for the world that’s in hebrews yes lord jesus christ his flesh his skin was so soft the softest and most beautiful skin ever known to man the softest and most beautiful skin ever known to man so so stricken of god yes sir he has suffered from the beginning in the foundation of the world so much how many times did jesus sacrifice himself being the law of god being transgressed over and over and over and the word of god comes to you those who refuse to prepare will be wanting in the end yes those who refuse to be tugged will die spiritually the second death for the word of god says he who saves his life shall lose it but he who loses his life for my sake shall find it luke chapter 14 verses 16 through 24 says this then said he unto him a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent his servant at separate time to say to them that were bitten come for all things are now ready and they all with one consent began to make excuse the first said unto him i have bought a piece of ground i must needs go and see it i pray thee have me excused woe to those who go to their own house and have left my house desolate says the lord you run to your old houses but you leave my house desolate you have despised me and another said i have bought five yoke of oxen and i go to prove that i pray that he have me excuse and another said i have married a wife and therefore i cannot come so that servant came and showed his lord these things then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and in in lanes of the city and bringing him to the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and the servant said lord has done as thou has commanded and there is there is there’s room still and the lord said unto this unto his servant quieted to the highways and hedges and compelled him to come in that my house may be filled there was a time where the glory of my majesty filled the temple and the priest could not minister because of it but the time is now where you shall enter into me and the spirit will give you room because the spirit will be in you hallelujah but there are those who resist the holy spirit and it is and it’s those who resist the tug of war and inclined towards satan and his tug of sin that shall save their lives shall save their arms their legs their eyes their ears but all their body shall be cast in hell the word of god also says in matthew chapter 5 verses 29 and 30 and if thy right eye offend thee cause you to fall pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell and if thy right hand cause you to fall cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell the tug of war is now it is for those it is now time for those people the christians the church to decide will you be tugged towards jesus christ are you willing to lose the hand are you willing to lose an eye are you willing to lose an ear are you willing to lose your arm are you willing to lose a foot are you willing to lose a whole leg the cost and payment of sin because the wages of sin is death are you willing says the lord to die the word of god says that you shall surely drink my cup james and john the sons of thunder ask jesus we want to sit at your right hand and jesus said are you worthy are you worthy can you drink the cup that my father has given me to drink lord says i have chosen you and not were not every word is for everyone i have chosen you says the lord and the cup that jesus christ drank you shall surely drink and note that this cup has a sword and you shall surely drink this cup for whoever drinks this cup in sin wrongfully drinks curse and damnation drink my blood eat my flesh know me whoever boasts about anything if you glory about anything glory that you know the lord yes what about lazarus what about lazarus what about him what about him the word of god says in luke chapter 16 verses 19 through 25 it was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table moreover the dogs came and licked his source and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham’s bosom and the written it says the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments and seeing abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and sent lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame but abraham said son remember that that thou in thy lifetime receive this thy good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented it is time for the lazaruses of this generation to come out and proclaim i am a christian i am a martyr i am a believer i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for many are ashamed and blessed is he who is not offended in me it is time says the lord for the lazaruses to stop complaining about your sufferings in this world and to look towards the things of the heavens look towards my name seek me stop complaining for you are lazarus and i have set you to be you cannot change that seek me though the hypocrites in the churches lick your sores you shall know that they are hypocrites and they do not love you for they give you a testament that has been completed that there is nothing you can do that could ever save you says the lord but the perfect sacrifice of jesus christ asking that you repented matthew 26 verses 52 52 says then said jesus unto him put up again my sword into his place for all that they that take the sword shall perish with the sword i am the sword says the lord all the nations of the earth shall drink my cup and they shall drink the sword that i shall send them but judgment starts first in the house of the lord and it is only those who are willing to die to sin be one with me be one one heart one mind one accord one soul those who are willing to drink my cup will take part of my glory because who are those who take part of my feast in my wedding the maimed the hulk the blind those who cannot hear not hear not not death to the things of god but death death to sin to not hear the voice of satan it is only those who are willing to die who will live there’s a tug of war and satan is pulling your left arm or maybe he’s pulling your right eye or your right ear he’s tugging at you but so is jesus christ and it depends on who you lean to you see because because jesus is under a different priesthood he can break the law because he is the law he was being tough cannot move but not only is his will in you to move towards christ but he is the one who does the faithful work if you are willing to be tugged by jesus christ you might lose an eye you might lose an arm you might lose an ear but have it known that your reward is great in heaven and those things that you have lost in this world will be regenerated in the world to come this world is of loss to me this world does not matter to me i care not about the things of this world i don’t care about this world because it’s going to burn and as the saying says some may want to watch the world burn well guess what if you don’t want to watch the world burn then you don’t want jesus christ to come because in his coming the world shall burn in all those who work iniquity because they shall be reproved i do not condemn you but in whom you trust you shall be condemned prosperity preachers there is hope for you to repent and preach the gospel the true gospel unfeigned unchanged because there is hope for you turn from your deception false prophets and hypocrites for you shall be exposed if you do not humble yourself down like zedekiah the judgment was turned from zedekiah also Manasseh was a witch king did the works of iniquity but because he humbled himself greatly before god he turned to god and god saved him from his affliction man he shall be first the first shall be last and the last shall be first repent today and believe the gospel those who keep my sayings shall never die the father gave his spirit the spirit of the father to jesus jesus owned that spirit and caught it and did not deem it robbery to be equal with god and so that spirit became the spirit of christ and that spirit is now in those who believe in his name and profess him heed the word of god heed the warning and get ready to die to sin because if you can’t even die to sin yet can’t deny sin you can’t be perfect yet according to the love of god how will you ever deny how how will you ever die physically for one you have not seen who’s coming in the clouds of glory today is a day of salvation repent and believe the gospel .