How to Learn Vocabulary on eJOY App

Nov 9, 2020 09:17 · 568 words · 3 minute read one meaning right new word

Welcome back to eJOY Instructions. In this video, we’re gonna talk about how eJOY helps you build up your vocabulary. We’d talk about the input or how to add new words to your wordbooks, and output or how to practice using those words to really own them. First, Input. When you watch a video on eJOY app, Tab on the new words or select a phrase to lookup or get translations. Then tab on Add button to add this word to your word book. If you want to save more than one meaning of a word, just swipe from right to left, and tab on Add for each meaning.

00:45 - If you want to add the word to a new word book, just tab the down arrow icon. Type the name of the new book. Hit Enter, and there you have it. When you play PRO games, such as word root, synonym, Pictoword, you can add new words at the ending screen of the game. These words would be added to your active word book. So make sure you get the correct word book as active before you play games. Or, you can move those added words to another word book later. Let’s imagine.

When you read a magazine, and you bump into a new word, 01:29 - you can add that to your book as well. Open eJOY App, tab word bank, open the word book you want to add to, tab on the plus button, choose add words. Type in the new word, choose the correct meaning and save. What if you already save tons of new words on eJOY Reader app and eJOY extension? That’s so easy, Open the Reader app, then press Sync. For extension, Open the dropdown menu from the extension bar, Choose game center and click Sync first. Then open App and press Sync on eJOY app. Now on to the Output side.

What can you do with eJOY app to practice 4 skills and memorize new words? 02:25 - When you save words to word books, your review list will show up on game center. Press play. You will be asked to review your word list with flash cards first. This will help you get an overview of the words you’re gonna practice. Some would be words you added months ago. Some game types you would play with are: Typing, Multiple choices, Listen and repeat, When you finish one session, you’ll see your words fluency increase. The increase depends on how well you perform. The faster, the more accurate, the better.

03:11 - Not just that, eJOY would base on this performance to calculate your next review. This is based on spaced repetition, the Leitner system, which generally means you will practice with items you haven’t learnerd more frequently than those you have memorized. And the time intervals between study sessions will increase as you perform better. And don’t forget to press Sync when you complete your daily review to make sure it’s updated to your laptop and other devices. Before we finish, a gentle notice. Only Daily challenge games from Game center will affect your word’s fluency.

04:00 - Games from Training, videos or word bank are for training purpose only, not impact word’s fluency Okay. That’s all for now. I hope you will enjoy discovering eJOY. Thanks for dropping by. I’ll see you in the next video. .