고양이4마리 VS 까마귀

Oct 25, 2020 04:40 · 379 words · 2 minute read run crow fighting black came

My cats gathered by the window The bird is crying outside. Bird sound Bird sound BLACK is not interested in Bird sound. Bird sound Birds crying out loud chattering Weak chattering of a cat from the street chattering Little cute cats Meanwhile, AEDONG… I am not scared at all. Legs that stiffened while trying to pass Bystander 1 Bystander 2 PEPPER and ANGPANG ANGPANG seems a little nervous In the meantime, he smells Peper’s ass. It doesn’t smell good. He has nothing to do and wanders around. Peper is fighting the birds alone.

01:42 - Bird cries Bird cries Bird cries Bird cries Faralala This time the crow came. Crow sound you. Peper like a baby lion But where is ANGPANG? LOL Crows looking down on the roof Only PEPPER is fighting hard. You, I can win! Intrepid cat Immediately alert Peper’s eyes are like transparent beads. ANGPANG watched from a distance He came up because the surroundings became a little quieter. Did the crow go? Looks like the crow is gone.

03:11 - Where were you! Licking His Ass Our cats lick their ass when they want to expel other cats. Let’s wash our faces together. what? Absurd ANGPANG’s pride hurt. Am I a weak cat? go away Okay I want to be alone I stepped back and stepped on AEDONG’s leg like that ANGPANG was looking out the window shabbyly. Right then BLACK plays with ANGPANG. AEDONG is also with him. Ha ha ha Now stop pretending to be lonely and come down I’m pooping Our peaceful home again today BLACK~, why are you sleeping with this out? Are you drugging your mother? I’m telling you to put in a scratcher. Why are you sleeping without it.

04:49 - Hey BLACK~ BLACK~ BLACK had no answer until the end. EUD’S CAT TYCOON Run, run, let’s run hard. Let’s eat a delicious crunchy snack Even if I don’t have one eye, I have a warm stomach (ANGPANG) I can be a smart scientist even if I am short (PEPPER) I can’t jump high but I’ll go high (AEDONG) A righteous thief will come to you tonight (BLACK) one! two! Three! four! No one can stop us Because we are the strongest cats EUD’S CAT TYCOON Please subscribe. .