Paula Piilonen - Mineralogist
Feb 7, 2020 20:54 · 166 words · 1 minute read
(rock music) - [Paula] When I was younger, when I was first collecting minerals, my interest was how different they were, the colors, the shapes, habits. Really, minerals are just nature’s art. (rock music) The most exciting part of my job has to be finding new mineral species. You get to describe it, you get to actually give it a name, and you actually get to bring it out into the world of science. (rock music) The study of geology is really far reaching. Everything from what I do looking at atoms in a mineral to understanding earthquakes and volcanoes.
00:30 - (rock music) Sometimes my job does feel like the movie Indiana Jones because being in the field in foreign countries and dealing with anything that comes up, it can be pretty wild. Personally, when I’m not working, I’m either doing Muay Thai, riding my motorcycle, or feeding my 15 deer. My name is Paula Piilonen. I’m a mineralogist in Gatineau, Quebec. (rock music) .