Oct 25, 2020 19:30 ยท 2468 words ยท 12 minute read
hello hello darlings welcome normally to my channel angelic bears this week we have a full moon in the sign of taurus on October 31st on halloween day or the day of all the dead we will also have this duration that is given at 8 degrees of the sign of taurus the sun will also be passing the 8 degrees of the sign of scorpio and the moon will be joint in this position with uranus still retrograde in the sign of taurus at 8 degrees this action moon will also be accompanied by lilly that already entered the sign of taurus a few years ago a few days and the full moon will accompany the ruler of Taurus, let’s say the goddess Venus will also be entering the book between October 28 and 29 and she will leave Virgo entering Libra that governs the book and governs Taurus and will make a aspect of conjunction generating some discomfort since it is already a full moon is for something to end in this axis of our letter people of the sign of scorpio taurus leo and aquarius people with fixed signs will look like quite affected in the sense that something already definitely leaves our lives besides mercury is still squaring since libra continues retrograde and will continue retrograde until November 3 a few days after the full moon to jupiter saturn and pluto would be more with saturn and gross already And the decisions that we have to have made will be made precisely for this full moon, things get up as the level is, there are no decisions, it seems to me that they are more decisive than on other occasions in fact Venus is also in opposition almost almost starting from Chiron that continues retrograde in the sign of Aries and this perhaps many susceptibilities perhaps many vulnerabilities will be coming out towards the weekend please want to be as calm as they can meditate take care of yourselves a little because the energy will be super forceful a beautiful company from uranus we usually get a little cold in our feelings many times our needs We do not see them very clear and the moon in Taurus is a very sensory moon, it is a moon that feels everything at its best, feels the aromas, the sensation, the smell, the taste, here it will be quite strong this weekend I think that for everyone the signs in general, the recommendation would be to meditate, relax, be in nature if possible, if it is not a day with a lot of rain, because the sun is already passing through the sign of scorpio and the moon is there with grain because it can also be a rainy day one day cloudy where the recommendation would be to rest from the intensity of the mind to rest a little of our mental energy because surely we are going to be with many thoughts, many plans and projects that right now is the time to review to understand what we have about the table that serves us that does not serve us and that we have to leave behind I hope you liked this little interpretation I do it quickly and easily and now we go with the ascend entity in the signs of the entire zodiac are moon and ascendant and in which astrological house are you going to be falling this lunation a little kiss see you in the next in the next we continue with the sign of taurus my dear taurus you are a protagonist this week since we have the full moon in your sign and we are now going with the horoscope for sun moon and transcendent then as I have already told you in previous videos for a moment we do not look at the entire configuration of the chart we are only going to look at the ascendant the sign of taurus imagining that it is house 1 for what it is in your house 1 in your helium house in your house of the personal reaffirmation that this lunation is falling the sun would be passing through your house 7 so it is also good because good there you also go to see how evans how your relationships are working, both as a couple, as friends, as audience and clients and you have clients too and how you are feeling with this new energy remember that the moon is A joint with uranus and now not many times it tends to get us a little cold in your case I think it will also bring you a lot of genius, it will bring you wonderful ideas so take advantage of writing them to be attentive to what you do. Your intuition says your being if you meditate because it is wonderful because they can also give you messages through meditation well now we are going to see with the osho tarot what is the message that beautiful people of Taurus have for me let’s see remember to subscribe to the channel And give the notification bell so that all the videos that I am doing very well reach you, the first letter that comes out is the letter from the chile, I tell you, meditation is going to give you many answers, meditation is going to take you to another level and It is in the silence meditating and integrating your feminine part to your most intimate most hidden part where you will get many answers.We are going to see now with the little lump of ryder white what is the message they have for you This week and mine again we get the energy of happiness in the energy of going inward and suddenly being very careful with anger, with the attention that may be coming out because the limit is involved in this full moon and then it can be handling a lot of anger a lot of rebellion of things that we have wanted to reaffirm ourselves and that we have not been able to reaffirm ourselves then look at it is a week although for the military it is also a week to study to know what are your tools that you have and that you no longer have expired in your life in a week where very personal issues are going to come to light, probably issues related to your genealogical tree with your family mother father and children your closest bond will also be a week where papers have to be put in rule suddenly taxes suddenly pensions the money that you have to work with another or give to others is going to be a week where there are definitely changes and You have to be very aware of those contracts of that money that is owed can also be of mortgage loans with credits in general that you have requested in the past that it comes to you as a surprise so pay close attention to it even though mercury is retrograde well look Well, what you are signing what you are doing also tells us that perhaps it is a time to be a little more astute more astute going to some can be psychological therapy as well as talking with a friend and your situation the situation that you are getting into your head and that you need to find a new solution and you cannot find it if you look at it, you get many bigger orders, you get a lot of bigger orders, you get hungry, the emperor, the world and the moon, so it is a very powerful week for you because when so many major arcana come out and those cards become good, I promise you that the good bands are talking to us about what is going to be done this week is overwhelming The moon would also be telling us about things that are going to come to light but that we also have to shut up many little things, there are things that one cannot go back by telling good things that are going to be happening and that, unfortunately, the people around you He is not going to be happy for you therefore it is best to stay quiet quiet the moon the moon the world is giving us a very good omen is giving us a very good omen in the sense that it may be degrees, exams you wanted to pass and licenses that you wanted to obtain permits here I like because there is a travel movement there is a travel movement and there is an academic movement also because that candle for weights but there is also a movement there is a 180 degree change in your world at the moment so pay a lot Attention also to the people who will be reaching you who may be helping and accompanying you. We will see with these beautiful letters for people who are in relationships and for people who e are single, let’s see, the empress does not come out, major arcana will come out again for you 2 of swords and 4 of cups let’s see first for people who are married or in a relationship, look at you, the empress tells us about an attraction one is like the law of attraction you are not at a peak moment to attract things into your life but what happens we have to realize again what we have and what we need because sometimes we focus more on what we need and on a A relationship of a couple that is 22 from a sword from a2 would be telling us that we have to put the cards on the table to do as the inventory of what we do have and what we need but not focus on what we need focus on what we have built as a couple or what we want to build as a couple and how we can solve it because well, suddenly we need to communicate more, we need to play the game of seduction more, we need to activate sexual energy. iz invites us to activate the sexual energy more, although although she has a shield, the shield is down, the shield is down, she is in a position more to receive than to be seduced and to allow herself to be seduced then that does not mean that the couple’s relationship it needs a touch of madness or a touch of madness like the song of the cougar the 2 of swords would also be talking about reconnecting with the emotions we need to do as an energetic cleaning in the couple I would recommend cleaning both for married people and people who want to get married here, cleaning would be the right thing to do an energetic cleaning in your home and an energetic cleaning for the two of you between the two of you for people who are single because the four of glasses the four of glasses often means that what we they are giving it is not what we want we want much much more and for people who are single who want to go for everything and want to get that man perfect that stable man or woman also that person was in that person that is your whole world and suddenly it is your lonely moon then here what he tells us is to look again at what we already have and work from what we already have the other does not come to complement each other because we are already complete the other simply comes to accompany us on a path that we have decided to walk what we have decided to walk because moss is reincarnated in this life and we are having those experiences that you are having and that suddenly you say but they are very hard they are not very difficult I know they can be very difficult but you need to go through there you need to evolve the energy so that you can achieve what you want so much you want, especially in the part of couples in the health part I would tell you to be careful with your knees that have be careful with your bones pay attention if you are running suddenly and you can trip and hurt yourself in the part of work jobs money projects because it is a week where there are weapons to take here I would tell you that something very good is coming for you, you have to stay alert to the eyes wide awake and the part of the relationships for both the single and the married, clean up, take an energetic bath taking advantage of the full moon this one make a renovation not of the look because if they change the look it may be that they do not like it very much remember that there is also a position of Venus Chiron and they may suddenly feel ridiculed at some point I would tell them rather to make a transformation perhaps in your spaces in your house or in certain areas of your life the moment to make positive changes well now we will see with these cards so we use for taurus you can ask a question we will see is your question if it did not restore we will see what answers you the tarot of the angels and it says act like that comes out of that mist and act, start doing what you want to do, start doing what you want to do, act the world in which you dare In success it is one of those who dare and if failure comes that way, it is also part of success, well now we are going to look at what is the little message of the 1,200 letters, forgive me, we thank you, let’s see what little messages they have for you.
I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry many times you have to 16:31 - lower your head honor the past thank the past because it is thanks to that past that it has brought us to a present and if our present present we do not like we act so that the future is as splendid as possible Well teachers I hope you liked the message this week more than you liked that it has served you but if you liked it and it served you, I invite you to share it on your social networks to give me a like to comment and to subscribe and he leaves the bell and well we’ll see each other in future videos bye bye.