Who will lose the US Election (TRUMP vs BIDEN how LOSERS REACT)

Nov 5, 2020 18:40 · 1903 words · 9 minute read landslide 100 money fascinated watching

who will lose the US election and how will the loser react well at the time of making this video trump and biden polls are just too close to call and it’s anybody’s game but as much as i am interested in watching the results i am far more fascinated watching the behaviors and emotions of both candidates because i’m intrigued to see how they will each react when they either win or lose whether it’s a person a team or a country the truth is that whatever the race there can only ever be one winner and for every winner no matter how close behind the opponent is there has to be a loser so today i want to look at what is going to happen when the final results are out and either trump or biden have to accept that they have lost in the 2020 US presidential election if you are new to my channel i’m sue blackhurst and i’m in the world of social psychology into everyday language so don’t forget to hit the subscribe button now if you’re fascinated by watching people and understanding human behavior but if your life isn’t going quite a plan and you feel like you are losing control and the world is against you then do take a look at my 20-day overcoming obstacles and build mental strength training program it’s in the link in the description box below because the tools in this program are going to really help you to focus on where you are now and show you how to get where you want to be you’ll also have the opportunity to download the introvert survival guide something that i don’t quite think that trump needs or will be interested in but that will lead you to my video on understanding and managing stress which maybe he could use right now the first book is free and the program costs less than a pizza night in now if you’ve ever lost in a competition with tournament that maybe you’ve worked for years for prepared and trained hard to get to then you will know that the emotions of losing can have a huge impact on the body which are almost impossible to hide your pride has been hit so hard that the mind begins working overtime to find ways to justify this loss and prove your worth as the ego wants to regain your self-image but there’s no shame in coming second place when you’re running a marathon or in a world cup but when there are only two competitors in the race the effects are going to be significantly magnified so when watching any competition when the winner is announced the loser is going to feel like they’ve just stepped in the boxing ring with i don’t know tyson or joshua as the very real and measurable physiological and psychological effects begin to kick in now besides that first blow to the ego losing really does actually hurt but not in a metaphorical way in a very real physical manner because it makes your stomach churn it changes the blood pressure as the heart begins to race it constricts the muscles in the body making you tense up ready to flee or fight it impairs decision-making increases stress reduces testosterone causing a dopamine deprival and leaves us with a very bitter taste in the mouth losing quite literally makes you feel sick and the physiological effects of losing aren’t enough to deal with there are some studies that suggest that the pain of losing is psychologically twice as powerful and harder to deal with than the joy of winning when the losing side has been absolutely hammered it’s tough but it is so much easier to accept because the mind accepts that the gap was just so great and as they say the best man won so what’s particularly interesting with this selection for me is the margin as when there is such a fine line between winning and losing it has an interesting and very different effect on how we feel and deal with coming at second place there’s a classic study out there that looked at athletes in the olympics where they observed the reactions of contestants as they were awarded first second and third place your gold silver and bronze a series of photographs were taken showing face expressions of each of the winners and these photographs were then shown to a series of non-biased subjects who had to rank them in order of their win and the findings were really quite interesting because you would see the gold medal winners they could hide their joy and their overwhelming excitement so they had these huge genuine smiles and their facial expressions were genuinely the easiest to rank as first place from their photographs but the second and third places were placed in the opposite orders from these images the bronze medal winners were also elated as they were more than often delighted to be placed as a split second or a minor fault could have taken them off the podium altogether and coming in third meant that they didn’t have a false belief that they were ever going to win as there was always somebody else just in front of them but the interesting facial expressions was that of the person who came second as the silver medal winners face didn’t show the elation of being second it consistently showed disappointment and this research concluded that coming second gave the contestant a feeling of oh i was so close and if only i’d done this or that or the other i could have been first and what this means is that the closer we are to winning the worse we feel with the 2020 US election it has never been so close so as we watch either trump or biden take office whoever loses is going to have to deal with their physiological and psychological reactions far greater than if it was a landslide there are five stages to loss there’s denial and isolation anger bargaining depression and finally acceptance but the timeline for each of them to set in depends upon the individual’s coping methods and the significance of the loss as the margin here is so close looking at our you know understanding of human behavior whoever loses this election will initially rationalize his loss with a series of excuses focused on blaming the system the process the timing and a whole host of other reasons that were totally out of their control or responsibility it could be the angle of the camera code restrictions or even the weather all these could easily be dragged into the pot as contributing factors that would have altered the results it’s a bit like it should have been me if only so it’s in this denial state that the individual struggles to comprehend and accept that the results could be true so by blaming all these external factors the losing party are simply deferring accountability in order to cushion the blow to their own egos this behavior makes them believe that not only did they do their best but they are the rightful winner and were let down by other factors alongside denial comes isolation and when fused with anger it leads to outburst accusations from the system being rigged to them being set up and even they can then throw in elements of conspiracy against the winning individual this anger can be so displaced that they feel the need to fight back in attempt to prove that they should have won the title or they may throw in the towel completely almost in a childish way like saying it’s just not fair i’m not playing so whoever loses the election we may see a campaign to take legal action and sue every possible contributor or we may see resignation and acquitting altogether the key part of accepting being placed anywhere other than first is having a clear understanding of expectations because meeting an expectation won’t necessarily have a huge impact it’s what you expected so why would you feel anything different but unfulfilled expectations have a definite correlation to unhappiness and depression trump and biden both have the expectation to be the president of the united states both candidates will have planned that on celebration parties and victory speeches or conversations will be when i am president and when i’m in office and when we have one so having these internal visions and plans taken away is bound to take a huge amount of time to come to terms with and then accept winning is probably the single most important thing in any competition as winning means hierarchy and being at the top is all that counts so whilst one is dealing with the rejection and all these losing emotions the other who is being crowned winner will more than likely show a completely different set of winning behaviors the effect in the body of winning can in part be associated with physiology and a chemical reaction because research has shown that winning increases testosterone which in turn increases the chemical messenger dopamine dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure and leads to increased energy and improved ability to focus and when that dopamine hits the brain’s reward network it sends this sort of a huge surge in creating that feel-good feeling dopamine makes you feel elated and on top of the world and that’s a bit of a fun fact it’s the same hormone that’s released when you eat something you know your favorite food and during sex anyway depending upon how this feel good emotion is interpreted by the winner and combined with their increased level of testosterone the winner effect leads to a sense of increased self-worth and an increased sense of ability it’s like saying i can do anything and i can take on the world and i am invincible but what’s interesting here is how that win is interpreted by others because some will see the winner as a hero and feel that they are justified in their increased sense of self-worth and they will look up with us in awe and adulation whilst others who maybe didn’t support the winner’s methods see nothing more than what we’d called arrogance and in turn want to see nothing more than their downfall who will win well at the time of making this video it’s way too close to call but like many others i’ll be tuned in but i’ll be watching their reactions no matter what mask we wear and what brave face we put on feeling like we are constantly competing against the world and losing is tough take a look at the tools and the techniques in my 20-day overcome obstacles and finding mental strength programme it’s in the link in the description box below it costs less than a family life at cinema and there’s a 100 money-back guarantee so let’s say unlike trump and biden you have nothing to lose if you found this interesting don’t forget to give me a big like and do let me have your comments on how you think trump and biden will react thanks so much again for watching do take care and i will see you next time .