Almost Calm Before The Storm: A Solo Wild Camp in the Wind & Rain
Nov 1, 2020 19:00 · 1004 words · 5 minute read
hi folks Robin here i’m just heading up hill here for a solo wild camp tonight first i just need to find a pitch and i think i’ve identified one round about here it’s a bit windy at the moment it’s to get one day or later but the ones to swing round to the southeast so i’m hoping to get a bit of shelter around about here later on it was really windy back up there so i’ve dropped down a little bit and uh just trying to find somewhere that’s a wee bit flat so i think this will do the winds are maybe 10-15 mil an hour just now so it’s nothing right i’ve got less than an hour well that’s twice it’s rained on there today and there’s no rain forecast until the morning so it looks like the forecast has got slightly wrong because tonight was going to be actually quite nice anyway the tent is up i’m inside i just need to get the sleeping mat and sleeping bag sorted and i can settle down capital view i’ve got Arthur’s Seat right ahead of me there so tonight i’ve got the the helm compact one so i bought some of these old delta pegs i’ve got one in each main guideline there and i’ve got the eastern nails and other points as well so hopefully she’s well anchored down for the night and we’re on the boil ya dancer tonight’s tea is some macaroni cheese could have been in the house with the missus watching a film on netflix but no let’s come out camp when it’s windy and rainy instead just literally waiting on my freeze dry meal to hydrate and i can have dinner it’s got about three four minutes to go so not too bad i’m actually really hungry now and then i don’t know what i’ll do for the rest of night watch coronation street probably all right folks just watched my coronation street i’m no kidding by the way that’s my it’s my vice me and the missus watch that usually anyway i’m back outside and uh i thought there was someone up Arthur’s Seat flashing the head torch over at me so there’s me flashing my head torch back across and then i realized it was a lighthouse never mind so there’s a tent hopefully you can see that i’ve ramped up the iso so the camera can pick up so if it’s a little bit grainy i do apologize that there is the moon (obvs) and just to the right of them in the camera’s never going to pick up but i reckon that’s mars it’s got a red tinge to it so it’s just before nine o’clock and that is my view not too shabby anyway i’m going to retire back to the tent as it’s getting cold i should have worn warmer trousers for this so i could stay longer all right that’s me back in the tent when i was outside there i was actually looking across the city and thinking there’s like half a million people out there going about their own business is there any crimes happening and then i saw a police car cutting about the streets but i let’s say it does get you thinking that right so i’m going to check the weather now and it is just past nine o’clock and it’s seen the wind gusts at about 18 drops to 13 and up to 15 and then into tomorrow 16 18 24 25 29 at four in the morning so it’s going to start touching 30 mil an hour at four in the morning now bear in mind this is just my office general forecast for fairmill head which is just below me in edinburgh so i’m sitting up at around 300 meters so it may be a little bit stronger it’s an east south easterly so it’s going to be coming from sort of behind there right that is 22 and i’ve just been woken up actually i was having a really good sleep until about 5-10 minutes ago good morning i’ve campers you just woke up again it’s 20 past five and yeah the weather is picking up a little bit i reckon the wind speeds about 20-25 might be overestimating that may seem worse than it is when you’re inside the tent but the little helm compact one is doing really well really chuffed with it is this an insight into winter 2021 just wind and rain with odd snow shower it’s just after six o’clock now there’s a little low and i don’t see the point in sitting out for two hours waiting on first light so i’m going to bail out just now yeah so i’m here that little red dot is just flashing away there you can see there’s a path just to the north remember it’s 70 meters descent i can just pick that up and follow that back to swanston and then my car is just in here alrighty folks that’s me ready to go leave no chase as always i know you’ll not be able to see but here’s my pack i need to figure out some better storage for the delta pegs and i probably only needed four of them last night for this particular tent and they make sure they don’t fall off on the way down well i definitely made the right decision to camp fuller down the speed of those clouds are moving i would have got battered filler up and even just dropping another five meters here and it’s so calm alrighty folks that’s me back in the car i’m going to wrap this video up so if you’ve enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up if you haven’t already hit the subscribe button and here’s some other films you might want to watch as well so thanks and i’ll catch you next one cheers .