Dec 1, 2020 01:00 · 3609 words · 17 minute read
- Today on “USANA TALK.” Get to know the America’s and Europe’s number one top “USANA Community Builders.” Jared and Crystal Crebs. - Consistentcy is important, but sometimes you need bursts of activity. - And host David Mulhum, chief sales officer for USANA unwraps a product promotion package to give your holiday sales a boost. It’s the talk of USANA today on “USANA TALK.” - Hey everyone, and welcome to “USANA TALK”.
00:30 - A new live stream experience that we’re bringing to you from all over the world. And I’m sitting here in Sydney, Australia, and we’re gonna be beaming across to San Antonio in Texas pretty soon. And we’ve got folks in Salt Lake City who are joining us. And the idea is that we got to get to the pointy end of the business, really be able to talk at what are the things that people are doing really the best of the best. What are they doing to move the business needle in such a positive and dynamic way that really creates a sustained growth and opportunity for development of the business into the future.
01:11 - And so it’s a really great time for us to be together. And as I said, we’ve got some wonderful guests with us today. Emerald directors, Jared and Crystal Crebs are gonna be joining us in just a minute. They’ve had a phenomenal year, even though it’s been a really tough year, as we all know, but this year they were recognized at the Americas in Europe. Virtual convention as the number one associate in rollers, they were in the top group of PC acquirers.
01:40 - They’re having incredible customer based business and really doing some wonderful things to grow and develop. And so let’s get into it right away. And it’s my pleasure to welcome them to our little show here today, Jared and Crystal, how are you doing? - Doing awesome, thank you. - How you doing Dave?. - Hello, how are you? - Yeah, it’s great to see you look wonderful. You’re in San Antonio and Texas a beautiful part of the world. - Yes we are, we are enjoying it. We are working hard here doing lots of Zooms and Webcams and all types of things here with our ring lights and we just love it.
02:15 - (David laughs) - Well, welcome to our very first USANA TALK episode. It’s great to have you with us interested to know how you started your journey in USANA and what started your journey together. But I think it may have started separately, yeah? - It did, I started five years before Crystal and 15 years total. So I’ve been with USANA for 15 years. And prior to that, I was a guitar teacher and I was struggling financially. I had just graduated college. I was teaching guitar lessons for a living and I was barely making it paycheck to paycheck.
02:50 - I had a little car with no air conditioning and 200,000 miles on it. It was a 1992 grandam with a big dent in the front of it. And I just knew that I needed to have something else going. And I was looking for an online business and USANA was just an answer to prayer and I’ve really just followed the system ever since, and really been able to make a big contribution. Not only make an income for me and Crystal, but make a big contribution to society. It’s really been a great experience. - Good on you mate.
03:19 - And so where did you two meet? Where did you guys first meet each other? - I was going through a dancing with the star phase. And so I was an apprentice at a dance studio and the dance director happened to be a USANA associate. And he introduced me to the amazing community here in San Antonio. And that’s where I got to meet Jared. He said five years after he started. So I’ve been in for about 10 years. - So Crystal was kind of a bonus in your business. That was a really bad pun, sorry. That’s not, and I better make an ad. It’s a disclaimer as well. So the results are not typical, but it’s wonderful. Tell us about that. Tell us about that journey.
03:57 - - Yes, results not typical, but I will say that meeting Crystal has definitely been one of the best parts of being in USANA for me. And I originally enrolled as a salsa dance instructor and I was helping him launch his business and he was already building for probably a couple months. And then he met Crystal because he interviewed Crystal for that position at the dance studio. And after that, he prospected Crystal and brought Crystal into USANA. And I’m so glad that he did because when we met, I mean, it was, I don’t wanna say love at first sight, but we liked each other.
04:33 - It took a little time though, for us to date. And, but yeah, that’s definitely one of the best parts of starting my business. - Definitely. - And married for how long? - Celebrating six years and a couple of weeks, yeah. So we’re really excited about that. - And you’re celebrating another very important anniversary in your life together. - Oh yes, not only six years being married, but six years cancer-free so it is, five-year Mark is like officially cancer-free and I just keep going and I’m super happy to be here.
05:09 - I’m super grateful that I had this whole USANA community supporting me through everything. And when we got married, it was just a huge celebration of my life. And we were really happy about that. - Wonderful, yeah yeah. You’re very passionate about music because we share that love of music, Jared, and I can’t dance like you guys can, but it seems like you approach everything with great passion and you talk about consistency. - Well, I tell associates across the board that you’ve always got to stay in phase one. Which is always inviting new people to take a look at USANA.
05:47 - And that’s even at the level that we’re at today, we still do phase one every day. We’re always inviting new people. That’s how we were the top associate enrollers in North America this last year. And so you really have to treat you USANA. Like it’s a job. You have to be your calendar is your boss. So look at your calendar and if you have appointments, then you are a great boss. And if you’re not, then you have to learn how to get that muscle. And I will also say that consistency is important, but sometimes you need bursts of activity that shoot your business up. So you can’t just be totally doing a little. You have to have some times where you do a lot. Some maybe a month where you have a blitz and you do triple or quadruple the activity so that you get that momentum and then you can stay consistent.
06:34 - And then you do another burst maybe halfway throughout the year, and then you stay consistent. So that’s also a big part of it. Not just a little at a time. You gotta have some times where you have a burst and that’s something we also teach. - But how do you create that consistent mindset? How do you, I mean, it’s one thing to talk about it and I know we talk about, you got to treat it like a job, but you have those set hours that you work in a job and you have certain things of expectations. Whereas now you’re a CEO of your own business. And so how do you create that correct mindset that helps you through day-to-day? - Well, I will say that first of all, it is a process.
07:13 - When somebody’s first starting, when I first started, I didn’t know how to run my own business. I just quite frankly started to model the mentors that I had and thank goodness that USANA has such great people, such great successful mentors. It all, basically in all the countries that you can follow and that I think modeling the people who’ve been successful before me, it was probably the main thing. Also attending events. Nothing can impact mindset like events. And even now in today’s virtual world, going to the online events and the online convention that USANA had just a couple of months ago was huge for our business. And we had the most attendance that we’ve ever had because people didn’t have to buy a plane ticket.
08:00 - And so, yeah, I think events and modeling the mentors is probably the main way to get it going. - You talked about community and you have a big USANA community and balancing that between those that are associates in the team, obviously preferred customers, customers are in many ways a group of consumers, right? People wanting to consume different parts of what you have to offer. So how do you integrate that into all of those different groups into your community and how do you support them separately? I’ve seen some of the great events that you do online. I think there was one Zoom that I came into and there was all of these faces spread across a multiple of screens where everyone’s scrubbing. Do you wanna just talk about some of that? That’s kind of cool.
08:50 - I think the way that you’ve embraced the environment that you work in is a really important part of your success. - We lucked out this year (laughs) but everything being virtual, you have the ability to reach a whole new demographic because everybody can be tuning in from wherever they are in the world. And our sip & scrubs have really taken off this year, basically it’s our skincare, our Celavive skincare event where we have everybody do our new charcoal scrub that just came out earlier this year. And so they’re wearing their scrub for a little while. There’s four of us that kind of go through and host the event walking everybody through the different steps of this Celavive regiment.
09:31 - And everybody’s having a glass of wine or whatever they feel like drinking that night. So it’s a little R&R for themselves at home relaxing and having fun with us. We have a really good time and people have really embraced it when we first started. I mean, it was, we had like 50 people on the first one and it grew and grew. At one point there was one that had about 200 people on it. And then we’ve all started to- - 200 people who are scrubbing. 200 people who are scrubbing at the same time. I love that. - Everybody’s scrubbing, yes. - It’s one thing to connect with customers or preferred customers or consumers and I think there’s no question that this medium where people don’t feel like they have to get dressed up, get in the car, go to an event to find out about a scrub, right? You can do it in the comfort of your own home, but definitely as a person leading and developing others in their own entrepreneurial business, one of the important parts has always been to be able to do that one-on-one or in small groups. How have you overcome those restrictions and then what are those people doing then to take that to the next level as well? ‘Cause you can’t be at everything, can you? - Absolutely not. And what we’ve done is quite frankly, through the sip and scrub events.
10:46 - Helping our team members go through a process of okay, once the event’s over, you need to call your prospect and walk them through a couple of closing questions. Ask them how the products felt on their face, which products would they like to maybe get next and then take them through a step by step process. Like when they become a client, we say, write them a thank you card, first thing. Schedule a phone call when their products arrive in the mail and do a call where you go through their stuff the day it arrives. And after that call, talk to them again in a week and show them their online account.
11:19 - So we have step-by-step things that we tell our teams to really focus on. And so they’re able to multiply that, and duplicate that with all their clients. And then when somebody comes on board, the same thing. They just invite to the sip and scrub event, or they invite to the work from home event, whatever it may be. And it’s always about a phone call leading to the next exposure.
11:42 - And so we get everybody to do the same thing, very simple steps, and everybody’s clear on what they need to do. And quite frankly, that’s how it’s grown. We’ve had eight people or eight trips earned in our team this year from the elevate. So we’re very excited. - And that’s one of the great things and I wish we had more time to talk through so many aspects of that. But the outcome of the work that you do with your team is that you get to take people with you on these kinds of events, which is so much fun. I got like 30 seconds to just ask you this really quick last question.
12:15 - And ‘cause we’ve emerged into a really strong virtual component, the biggest difference, I’m interested in what the biggest difference for you is. I mean, you’ve had so much growth. Has this been the trigger for you? And is it something that you’re adopting and really emerging into 2021 and beyond? - Absolutely, the online space is where it’s at. Where it’s gonna be, where it’s going. And yes, we still do high touch as well though. When I say that we still would do direct phone calls, direct one-on-one Zoom meetings, and yes, have parties still with our team and wear masks and be safe and only do it when it follows the guidelines. But our prospecting activities are all online.
13:00 - So mostly just the parties would be in person with the team building. - And of course technology is changing rapidly, and so it’s going to be an opportunity for us to really take advantage of that. We’re gonna see lots of new technology and I’m sure you’re looking forward to that. - Absolutely. - Yes. - Hey, sorry. But I hear the sound of the bell, which means that we have a little announcement to make. Seems we’ve only been speaking for a few minutes and there’s so much that you’ve shared with us.
13:28 - The bells of course, ought to bring a clue that the holidays are quickly approaching. So have you guys, you know a major list and checked it twice? - Oh, we’re working on it. It can get a little tricky to find the perfect thing for all of our loved ones. But it’s really awesome to have USANA ‘cause there’s a little something for everybody. - Yeah, and the gift guide is phenomenal. I actually went in as a surprise shopper and went on to one of the hot pages, joined as a PC, and it was just a really easy process.
13:57 - And it’s a really cool way for us to wrap up this show by just going to the gift guide. Let’s have a look. - [Announcer] Gifts, sprinkle us with cheer, and ‘tis the season to make more holiday magic appear. All of your favorites in one incredible collection. So you can create the ultimate USANA connection. It’s easy with USANA’s holiday gift guide, take a look inside. 26 full color pages of holiday joy. So many choices for both girl and boy.
14:29 - Seasonal savings for everyone on your list and USANA exclusives no one can resist. With just a click, buying products is really quick. They go right into your USANA shopping cart, sharing the gift of health, that’s never been so smart. Limited time offers and all kinds of stocking stuffers. Gifts for men of course, there’s no doubt, and treats for all those little helpers that maintain your energy day in and day out. It’s not all products, they’re so much more. Open to find bright ideas and tips galore. Learn how to be eco-friendly where nothing goes to waste. Or try a new recipe flavor to your taste. With USANA there’s so much more to share. You can give the gift of health to anyone anywhere. - I was just watching you guys smiling away. I think you’ve…
15:25 - I know you’re happy, right? But what I… And so I look at something like that and I just think about how far we’ve come. I mean, not just as an industry and as a company, I mean the ability for us to create something like the holiday gift guide, exclusive it’s limited time offers. We have it in varying countries. And I know it finishes December 4th. All of the details are on the hub for those of you just looking in for the first time. But the ability to have something that can really help grow your preferred customers and your businesses, help you elevate yourself towards the incentives like you’ve mentioned the trip to Disney world in Orlando next year that people are working towards.
16:12 - As we wrap up, how do you utilize product promotions? And I guess maybe the burst that you talked about, that’s the opportunity as you make a final push towards a promotion or a particular opportunity or incentive. - So you wanna hear what we’re gonna do for the holiday season? - Yep. - Okay. So we’re gonna talk to, we’re gonna have a campaign with our team members and we’re gonna create some type of message that basically reaches out to the spouses of our friends. So maybe on Facebook, you have a friend and then you go to the spouse and you send the spouse a message, “Hey, this Christmas season, I’m helping spouses buy the right thing, the right products for their loved one. Would you like some more information?” - Yeah, send it to me. I need all the help I can get.
17:00 - (both laughs) - That’s exactly right, right? ‘Cause most spouses are thinking, what do I get my wife or my husband? And then when they say yes, then we’ll send them a link to the gift guide and get them information on the different specials that are going on. But then the whole thing is to have a challenge that’s built just for our private team. So maybe saying, “Hey everybody, everybody who does a hundred messages this week and shows us the list of a hundred messages, we’re gonna put them into a drawing for a free Celavive regimen or something to where it’s like team specific, right? So as a leader of a team, you have to always be doing little challenges and campaigns and get people involved. That is the job of the leader. - I love it. And the fact that the challenge is not who’s number one, it’s, who’s achieving doing the work, because not everyone gets the same results, but the way to get the great results is to do the work consistently, love the way that you’re positioning it in that way. - Hey, thanks so much for being with us today. We really appreciate it. We’ve got 10 seconds for you.
18:04 - I think what’s the number one takeaway or the number one thing that you wanna people to take away today. You got 10 seconds. - My thing is USANA is consistency. USANA has always been there for us 15 years going strong. We’ve always been able to really just live life and love it to its fullest because USANA has been there for us. They’ve always come through. So just the consistency of USANA. - Thank you so much and congratulations on your success and the success of the future. And thanks for all that you do for all of the people in your team.
18:35 - And beyond that really appreciate you taking the time with us today. - Thank you, David. - Thanks David. - Hey, on the next “USANA TALK” there’s going to be another person that is really driving business in the most incredible way. My understanding is that they’ve gone from the base associate level to diamond in about 11 months. Jericho Orlina is going to be with us next week. I’ve found out today that I’m not going to be hosting that. I’ve been canned already.
19:04 - Jeannie price is going to be, she’s a lot smarter than I am. And I know will deliver an outstanding interview for you. I’m just disappointed, I won’t be with you. But that’s all right. I’ll be going through the gift guide, making selections for all of my friends. Anyway, see you back here next week. We’ve got a lot of great things to go through with you and look forward to seeing you again on “USANA TALK.” .