Affordable Air Jordan 1 Under $250 For Your Sneaker Collection
Nov 30, 2020 18:00 · 2121 words · 10 minute read
air jordan ones are starting to get very very expensive and a lot of them are just becoming out of people’s reach and i understand that today i’m gonna be going over five actually seven different air jordan ones that i think are very affordable in under 250 bucks that are worth having in your sneaker collection come on let’s get it welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button don’t forget to hit that bell notification for every time i upload a new video and make sure you hit that like button because that helps the algorithm owe so much so like i was talking about at the beginning of the video air jordan ones have become very very expensive and really unobtainable for a lot of people and i completely understand me i’m a heavy sneaker head been in a game for many of years know a lot of people have a lot of connections and that’s why i’m able to get very rare and exclusive sneakers for a really good price but sometimes me personally i still don’t even want to pay a thousand two thousand three thousand eight hundred whatever it may be simply for one pair of shoes so obviously we know we have a bunch of hyped air jordan ones especially when it comes to collaborations like the travis scott or the off-white and those are two sneakers right there alone that obviously everybody has brought a lot of hype around causing them to want other air jordan ones and have them in their collection now i can make another video about why air jordan ones are so valuable as a whole but today’s video is simply going to be about five different shoes that i think you should purchase or i would at least consider purchasing if i was looking for a budget of underneath 250 dollars for my sneaker collection to pick up a pair of air jordan ones or maybe multiple pairs of air jordan ones some people are willing to spend maybe five or six hundred bucks on a single pair of air jordan ones and maybe other people want to allocate that money to spending five or six hundred bucks or maybe two or three different pairs of air jordan ones multiple different colors and be able to rock different things not just have the same exact pair of shoes and those would be the only ones in their rotation so i can definitely understand both dynamics in both perspectives or there is also people on the other hand that literally are just like you know what all i have is 250 to spin or 200 bucks to spin i want to get a solid pair of errors running ones i want to be able to rock them for a while and these are basically the shoes that i think are great for these options starting with sneaker number one and that is the air jordan one hyper royal now this sneaker right here was even cheaper back in the day and it’s slowly starting to creep up and i think honestly over time it could potentially even be a 275 a 300 sneaker maybe even higher than that over the time you know maybe another year or two years down the line as people realize like hey the quality of the shoe actually isn’t that bad the leather is pretty nice i think it may be unique to certain buyers simply because of the colorway it’s very vibrant it’s a lot of blue some people may not like a lot of blue and me personally i went to a high school that had these same school colors so it fits in and meshed well with my lifestyle and something that would be perfect for my sneaker collection but that’s again something up to you to decide now looking at the prices right here as you can see retail was a hundred and sixty dollars and then as you’ve seen over time they started to creep up so say for example you purchased this sneaker you know a couple years ago and now it’s rising in value and you see like hey i maybe have made a 60 or 70 bucks in profit from you know reselling this sneaker or whatever it may be sometimes when you get an air jordan one that’s not as valuable to other people there is still room for you to make a couple bucks or even wear the sneaker and then yours down the line sell it and then be able to get your money back that you originally spent on it for buying it at retail and i think being able to spend 200 bucks on a sneaker like this if you wear it over time and sell it a couple years from now i think there’s going to be a high percent chance that you’ll still be able to sell it for the same price that you bought it for next up is a personal favorite of mine and that is the code japan air jordan 1 neutral gray this is an anniversary edition sneaker that they had made in the past and now i decided to come out again in 2020 and i think it is a perfect time to strike because i definitely feel that this sneaker will rise in value over time and honestly for 220 bucks for a neutral colorway like this and you can wear with basically any outfit i think this is a great buy retail on these was a hundred and seventy dollars and when they first came out they were going for like 300 350 and a lot of people were going crazy and then the price started to slowly go down and it’s still going down right now i think maybe there’s a smaller you know just a small small window where you can potentially get it for even cheaper but i think it is a good time to purchase these sometime soon i think there’s a lot of hype with a lot of shoes coming out right now so that’s what’s causing the price to fall right now in this moment but when you look a year or two years out from now these are definitely gonna be worth easily over three hundred dollars and i can guarantee that okay well i can’t guarantee it but i have a strong feeling and to go side by side with that one you have the navy colorway as well these are a little bit higher right now because they recently released but i do think they will drop in price just a tad bit and you’ll be able to get them for around that 250 bucks 240 bucks somewhere around there and then over time they’re gonna rise again you know 300 350 bucks year two years three years from now so those two options right there alone with the first gray colorway and then now the japan code navy colorway and when you guys get that shoe in hand trust me when i tell you the materials on both of these sneakers are a1 they did a great job and i think the navy one especially is very slipped on the leather on those is nice now if you’re looking for something under 200 bucks around 170 bucks basically around the retail price of the sneaker this black satin gym red air jordan 1 just might be the perfect sneaker for you and i think personally yes it’s not a flashy sneaker yes it’s not the best out there if you think about satin ones a laylee may bread satin royal set and stuff like that yes they were way more limited and all those other factors but those were nice shoes and i think this falls in the category as a nice shoe as well just not a lot of hype behind it mass-produced so it caused the price to be a little bit lower but if this was like a rare sneaker i guarantee you this would be a high-valued sneaker and this is something right here that is a very neutral sneaker pretty much all black with a little bit hit of red which means you can wear it with damn near anything and it’s only 170 bucks right now i think that’s a great buy and honestly a great rotation sneaker for your collection now this one may be just a little overpriced in my opinion but i think you probably could find it for around 200 bucks and you know as you see right here 250 bucks for a size 13. i think the sports illustrated air jordan 1 is maybe something a little bit cooler a little bit different a little bit of pizzazz in your collection with the nike swoosh i have seen people deconstruct the nike swoosh and take that stitching off and make it more of a black and white air jordan one that’s something you could potentially do too but i think for 200 bucks to have a solid air jordan one with nice quality materials and to be able to rock this in your rotation might be a little bit harder for a rotation sneaker simply because of the swoosh but if you can pull it off i definitely think it might be a bang for your buck saying that you’re only able to spend 200 or 250 bucks on an air jordan one i think it’s a pretty solid cop so those were five different air jordan ones that i went over for you guys right there let me know which one was your favorite of those five and i have two more for you guys because i think personally these might i don’t know they i can’t say they rank higher than the five that i just showed you but i do think these are definitely worth the cop simply because of comfort these shoes right here bruh they get the job done you have the bread and the royal air jordan one flyknit now some people may hate on it and some people actually love the flyknit air jordan one me personally i love it if you want an everyday rotation rocker sneaker like that for 220 bucks or even the royal for like 170 180 bucks that’s a great deal and i’m telling you right now they’re gonna last for a long time they’re gonna look really good they’re gonna go with a lot of outfits and they’re gonna be extremely comfortable so buy what you like i think these are some very good options here seven different sneakers that you guys could consider checking out let me know what you guys think down below in the comment section if you have any other recommendations for air jordan 1 colorways under around 250 bucks you know somewhere below that drop a comment down below and let me know i would love to make more videos and help you guys find sneakers that you guys would love to get in your collection that are a little bit more affordable so that way you don’t have to worry about spending eight hundred a thousand two thousand fifteen hundred dollars on a pair of shoes every single week i mean at the end of the day there’s a lot of shoes coming out and that’s a lot of money that you have to spend so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope this was helpful i’ll see you guys in another one i’m out yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional one thousand to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace .