Nov 2, 2020 20:00 · 1108 words · 6 minute read great day !) ... dude

Testing, testing… (Juniper: Yes) can you clap, like… clap What is this guy doing Is it okay? (Juniper: Yes) HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Today, Juni and I will visit smaller streamers We are gonna say hi and we’ll record their reactions I hope no-one dies D: Before we start… present yourself. Who are you, what do you do My name is Juniper, I’m Juniper. And I don’t speak spanish I didn’t know… Wait you SPEAK spanish [Ridiculously arguing about that] Not an even single spanish word. Not a even single word. I disagree with you [and arguing again] I don’t care. I don’t care about your opinion. What a good start… i’m leaving. Hello chat. My name is GuitarHeroStyles. I am Guitar. Juni and I had a good idea and we are gonna visit smaller GD streamers and we are gonna talk and surprise them And we are gonna do the same on Juni’s channel, with english streamers, and yeah, you guys can… eh… watch her and…

01:31 - I think Juniplushie was not there (Juniper: It’s me) Yes! I see you (Juniper: Yes!) Okay, once said… [translating to her now] I don’t speak spanish. You don’t speak spanish, ok, lets start… (Juniper: But I don’t speak spanish) [Choosing the streamer and joining] What do we say…? Hola buenas…? [Countdown] [Waiting for his reaction] WAIT WHAT He’s thinking… (Both laughing) (Juniper: Helloooo) And Juni… yes! What is this? No, this is not my internet… What are you doing here? (Juniper: We are… idk) What is happening here? Yeah, they are the real ones, they have the verified badge [Losing his mind] No no don’t leave!! (Juniper: Where is he going? What is happening on his screen?) What are they doing here…? Oh you guys watching streams… Ok, take care legend, take care. Saying the same thing but on spanish and ridiculously arguing again because we are dumb And spanish If you have anything to say to the world, what would it be? (We’ll be asking this to all streamers, including Juni’s) [Reading] That’s a super curious question, a super curious question from Guitar, sincerely If I have to tell you something Guitar, sincerely…

(TTS: Mom I am on TV) [laughs] 03:58 - DON’T INTERRUPT ME >:( If I have to say something I would say “Hello people from Guitar, welcome” I’ve been following u before 100K, and Juni before 200K sincerely and it’s an honor u guys are here… Very good. VERY GOOD. FANTASTIC. AMAZING claps I just can’t believe u guys are here and you both entertain me together and I’m so impressed… I think we are done… (Juniper: Have a great day!) [reading it] Thank you so much, Juniper, thanks, Guitar, see ya! [Getting prepared to join second stream] Oh Nightbot did not respond to you :( sad noises [streamer reacting] [Nightbot reading our messages] “Give him mod!” That’s super weird, i can’t believe it I swear to god, I have 180bpm, nah I think… Juniper: LIKE YOU!! :D Bots or… i don’t know Typing we are not but… WHAT? Aaagh I got scared my lamp just pooped itself [TTS saying O M G] Wait wait wait… Let’s do a thing (Guitar: Oh no… NO!!) [Spanish meme not working video frozen lol] He’s dead xD Oh I know this meme (Juniper: THERE’S A VIDEO FROM ME!!!) I love you both!! I don’t know what is happening here…

omg (Guitar: Let’s ask him the question) 06:13 - Can you… move your camera… please… I’m gonna move mine. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE??? [Typing the famous question again while the streamer is still asking why are we here and losing his mind] Idk what is happening to me, i’m more nervous that when I did my science exam [reading the question] I don’t know XD (Juniper: I agree) Guitar, seriously? I’ve been following you for six years already… I’ve been for six years, friend, why are you both here… God, not even when I presented my science exam… Man is this real or am I dreaming? (Guitar: YOU DID NOT REPLY MY QUESTION!!) [Typing: If I were recording, what would you like to say?] What would I like to say…? (Guitar: Go ahead say something) I don’t know friend… I love you all… Friend…

[TTS: HAPPY BDAY GUITAR :D] 07:22 - Idk friend, i love you all… Dude I just put a Guitar pic on my science class and they wanted me kicked, what else can I tell you xD [Typing: I’m glad to have you on my next video (Juniper: Pogchamp)] Friend, don’t play with me like that, If you are Guitar… (Both: IT’S TRUE!! It’s true) Juniper in fully happiness mode ever: AND I AM HERE TOO :) Guitar what are you doing… why do you play like this… with everybody… WHAT NOOOO IT’S FROZEN NOOOO [Typing that we are leaving] Is my camera broken? (Juniper: Camera still not working… OH) I don’t have the camera… I ended so bad :( thank you Guitar! (Guitar: No worries!) Keep it up, friend! Oh, this is a member! (Juniper: Yeah?) Oh yeah! We got this! (Juniper: Perfect!) [Both getting prepared to type something] Oh okay, keep going! WOW! OWOWOIOWLKJHLIUHHGKJHG Let’s go, friend! (Juniper: Fast GD fast GD) Starts dying inside WHAT…

WHAT?????? (For like 69 times) 08:56 - “Hello bald!” (To Juniper) She realizes it after 30 minutes EXCUSE ME?? I’M NOT BALD!! Now they are saying I’m bald!! (Guitar: Not me!) I KNOW Streaming setting up the heartrate monitor (Both: I can’t believe it!) Juniper… is SO bald (Guitar: HE SAID YOU ARE BALD!!) I don’t understand my life sometimes, okay? I’m nervous XD Hello I hate you (On a parallel universe: HELLOU) Let’s ask him the question… typing it reading it If I could… hey, good idea, but it will be… (Juniper: Should we wait?) CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS (Spanish meme, translated “The chamber of deputies) C Á M A R A - D E - D I P U T A D O S Losing it i dont understand anything help ok i stop XD Should I… play Athanatos? (Guitar:NONONO WE CAN FINISH THE VIDEO HERE) [Athanatos Flashbacks] [Reading our “leaving” messages] Thanks for coming! Thanks for coming here…

See ya! 11:17 - Thank u so much, seriously That was so good… It was so hard to make this video (Juniper: Me too!) Yeah It’s so hard because we don’t have streamers with camera… so it’s complicated… but it’s okay But it’s so good because when we find someone… it’s too good (Guitar: I dunno how to say goodbye…) What should we do…? thinking CRY (Guitar: cry?) .